_ .��,�� j ..U.. ". .,;:�':
<br /> _ ._ .�
<br /> 93-1o9s��
<br /> conckmnuion or other ukin�of iuty put of the F'ropecty,or for conveyu�cc in lieu of candemnatia�,ue ha�eby usi�nod�nd
<br /> .i►all!�e oaW to Lender.
<br /> — - In the cvent of a total t+�kin� of the Property. the proceeds s1ui1 de appiied �o cix sums aecurni�y thts 3xusft; -
<br /> In�ttument,whetlxr or not theo due,wlth xny cxcese paid to Bortower. In thc event oP a p�rdal nk►n�of the Praperty in
<br /> which the fdr m�rket value of the Properly immediwtely boforo the taking ix equ�l ta ar�c�ea�er th�n the omount of the aums
<br /> seruned by thfs Sccudty Instrument immediately beforc tbe taking,unies.Bnrrower and Lender otherwl�e agnx in writing,
<br /> the eums securcd by this Socurlry Instrument shail be rcduced by thc amcwnt of the praceeds multiplied by the fullowin�
<br /> fractiun: (a)the tatal�mount of the:ums sxurcd imme�liately beforr+e the tnlcing,divfd�d by(b)thc fair m�rket value of the
<br /> �_-` -'- - � Pcopecty ima�liately befcxe the teking. Any balwu:c shall be paid to Borrower. 1n the event of u partiul taking of the -
<br /> P�upe�ty in which the f�ir market value of the Propeny immediately before the tuking is Itss than the umount of the sums
<br /> securcd immedi4uly bef�re the tAlcing, uniess Bcxrower and Lender otherwlse �grcc in writing or unksa �pplicwble law
<br /> othenvise provides,the procxdr shall be applied to the sums secuced by this Security Inst�ument whether or not the cums aro
<br /> then due.
<br /> if the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after nfltice by L.ender to Borrower that the condtmnor offers ta make
<br /> an award or settk a claim for damages,Borrower fails to nspond to Lender within 30 days aftec the d�te�he notice is given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect und apply the proc:eedx,at iGti option, either to restoration or nepair of the Property or to the
<br /> �ums secured by this Security Inctrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and BoROwer otherwise agree in writing,:u�y upplication of proceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> postponc thc due date of the monthly payments refcrred to in paragraphs l und 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> Il. Borrower Not Rekrsed; Forbearance By Lendcr Not A Waiver. Extension of the time for payment ar
<br /> modification of umortizntion of the sums secured by this Security Insuument granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower sh�ll na operato to release the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Borrowerh succeasors in interest.i.ender
<br /> _ ______ _ _ _ _� chall not be requircd to commence pmceedings ugainst anv successor in interest or mfuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> otherwise modify amortiu►tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original -
<br /> Bortower ar Borrower!s successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any r�ght or remedy shall nat be a
<br /> _ —�-'� waiver of az preclude the excrcisc of any right ar remedy.
<br /> _--.--°�---- ___ 1Z. Successurs and Assi�ns Bound;Joint and Several Liabiiity;Co-signers. The covenants und agreements of this
<br /> Secutity InsUument shall bind and benefit the successon und assigns of L.ender und Borrower,subject to the pravisions of
<br /> -_ � paragraph 17. Borrowerl covenants and agreements shall be joint and severul. Any Borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> � Insuument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secu�ity Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> Bocrower's interest in the Property under the terms of thiti Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obli�ated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrcey that Lender and any other Borrower may agrte to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> or make any accanmadations with reFsud to the terms of this Secunty Instrumcnt or the Note without that Borrowerk
<br /> _� consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. IC the lonn secured by this Security In.trumcnt is subject t� u law which �cts maximum loan
<br /> chatges,arsd that le�v'ss linal�y intet�+r?tP��that the interest or exher loan charges colfected or to be collected in connation
<br /> ' ° wtth the loan exceed the pecm�tted limits,then: (A)uny such loan charge shali be reduced by the umount necesxary to reduce
<br /> . •r�. �'. ..�
<br /> , mi�.�?, the charge to the permitted limir nnd(b)any sums alrcady cn�lected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wlll be
<br /> �..�'i:�u;..;.�{c'.L.:,`: refunded to Bomower. Lender may chcxise to muke this refund by reducing the principal owed underthe Note or by making a
<br /> •�^�"t� �`'�'`�'`''•� direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principnl,the n:duction wiU be treated�s a punial prepayment without any
<br /> 7s T�"� .., ,���^'.
<br /> F,�y M„•. �:.. prepayment chargc undcr the Note.
<br /> �'}r: y°'Y:;.' 14. Notices. Any naice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> `•►��J;'�"•: . •` mailing it by�rst class mail unless applicable law mquirc,u.e of another method.The notice tihall be directed to the Property
<br /> �f�'��"•"'.` "�' �"�� • Addrcss or any aher addrcs, Borrawer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Leudec shall be given by fi�t class
<br /> '�°.�:r."��`=�'' mail to Lender's address stated herein or:u�y other udd�esx Lender designateti by noticc to Bocro�•cr. Any notice provided for _
<br /> in this Security Inctcument shall be deemed to hav� tx�en givrn m Borrower ix Lender when given ax provided in this
<br /> � paragraph.
<br /> ;�;,•,>.,, ;, 15. GovernlnR l.�w;Severabillty. This Secu�ity In�trument ,hat� br govcrncd by fedcral law and the law of the
<br /> , . . .
<br /> ��•'°�•�.�>� • jurisdiction in wiiich the Property is located. In the event that any provision or d�utie uf thiti Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> '�`�'`'��'` •�,. conflict�with applicable laa•,rueh conflict shall not affect other provisians of thi.Serurity lnstrument orthe Note whieh ean
<br /> tsun•r�rrw r. ,���i�,',>
<br /> ,�«,,�. .,, , , be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provi+innti of thi,Securiry lnst►ument and the Note are
<br /> 't�����.;,��i.,;�� � declued ro be xvcruble.
<br /> ' • 16. Borrower's Copy. Born�wer�hall b�:given one confornud capy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,,.�.�;,;.. . -
<br /> :���1�j:y 1; 17. 1hmsFer ot the Property or a Beneflcial I�terest in Borruwer. If all or•rny part of thc Propeny o�any interest in
<br /> _��R�;�� ,. it is sold or tr:msferrcd(or if a heneficial intrre,t in Borrower i..old ur tran.tcrrcJ and Borcowcr is not a naturul personl
<br /> �°` - without Lenders prior writtcn consent.Lender may,at it.uption,rcyuirr immrdiutr payment in full of all sums�ecurcd by
<br /> �-._.,=.,; : � this Security Instrurnent. However.Ihis optiun.haU not tk exerci+ed by Lender if exerciu is prohibited by feder.�l luw as of
<br /> _ � •�r��� the date of this Securiry instrument.
<br /> �a=��;i��.�'
<br /> lf Lenderexercises this option,Lender�hall givr Borrower nntice uf ucrelrr.ition. The natice shall provide a period of
<br /> �A�'�' � not less than 30 days fmm the date the notice is dcli�•crcd ur muilyd within which Borrowrr mutit pay ull sum.+ecured by this
<br /> :s`:".ti:.�'
<br /> Security Instrument. If 13orrower fails to pay thexr sumti prior to thr rxpiration of thi.p�:riod,l.ender may invoke any
<br /> ��,y�.• '�� � �
<br /> t,_.�. ���• � rcmedies petmiUCd by this Security Instrumcnt without funhrr notice or dcmand un Bom.w•er_
<br /> �•�til'��'=_� ' 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Borrowcr meets rcrtuin rc�nJitions. Borrower�hall havc the right to have
<br /> ����'.fi,:
<br /> �r,�� enforcemant of this Security lnstrument Ji.continued at any timc pric�r to thr carlirr of: (ul 5 day.(or+uch other period a,
<br /> �,"'"�'�`� Smgk Funily--r�nnk Mae/F1+nW{e Nac UNIFUR\I ItitiTRU�fF.tiT•-Unifmn Covenonts 9llY Iyogel njn�xeXesl
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