<br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION 99 111017
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Two ( 2 ) , Ross Acres Subdivi-
<br /> sion, and a part of the Southeast Quarter (SEa ) of Section Eleven ( 11 ) ,
<br /> Township Eleven ( 11 ) North, Range Ten ( 10) West of the 6th P.M. , in the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br /> follows :
<br /> Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot Twenty Four ( 24 ) , Grand West
<br /> Subdivision, said point being on the south line of said Lot Two ( 2 ) , Ross
<br /> Acres - Subdivision ; thence running northerly on an Assumed Bearing of
<br /> N 00° O1 ' 04" E along the east line of Lot Twenty Four ( 24) , Grand
<br /> West Subdivision and its extension, a distance of One Hundred Ninety
<br /> ( 190.0) feet, �o a point on the northerly right of way line of Craig Avenue ;
<br /> thence running N 89° 58 ' 56" W along the northerly right of way line of
<br /> Craig Avenue a distance of Thirty Six and Thirty Four Hundredths ( 36 . 34 )
<br /> feet , to a point of curvature ; thence running southwesterly along the arc
<br /> of a curve to the left whose radius is Two Hundred ( 200.0) feet, the long
<br /> chord of which bears S 89° 18 ' 06" W, a long chord distance of Five ( 5 .0)
<br /> feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Twenty Five ( 25 ) , Grand West Subdivi-
<br /> sionj thence running N O1° 25 ' 04" W along the easterly line of Got Twenty
<br /> Five ( 25 ) , Grand West Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Fifty Two and
<br />- Six Hundredths ( 152 .06 ) feet , to the northeast corner of Lot Twenty Five
<br /> ( 25 ) , Grand West Subdivision ; thence running N 89° 58 ' 56" W along the
<br /> northerly line of Lot Twenty Five ( 25 ) , Grand West Subdivision, a distance
<br /> of Forty Eight and Thirty One Hundredths ( 48 . 31 ) feet, to the nor�heast
<br /> corner of Lot Twenty Six ( 26 ) , Grand West Subdivision ; thence running N 45°
<br /> 03 ' 26" W along the northeasterly line of Lots Twenty Six ( 26 ) thru Thirty
<br /> Five ( 35 ) inclusively, Grand West Subdivision, a distance of Eight Hundred
<br /> Twenty Five (825 .0) feet , to the northeast corner of Lot Thirty Five ( 35 ) ,
<br /> Grand West Subdivision ; thence running S 88° 56 ' 13" W along the north line
<br /> of Lot Thirty Five ( 35 ) , Grand West Subdivision and its extension, a dist-
<br /> ance of Ninety Six and Ninety Eour Hundredths ( 96 . 94 ) feet ; to a point on
<br /> the westerly right of way line �f Mansfield Road ; thence running N O1° 03 '
<br /> 47" 6d a distance of Four Hundred Ninety-two and Seventy-six Hundredths
<br /> (492 . 76) feet, to the southwest corner of the westerly right of way line of
<br /> Mansfield Road as platted on R & B Second Subdivision ; thence running S 89°
<br /> 52 ' 03" E, a distance of Two Huridred Si;cty and Six Hundredths ( 260.06 )
<br /> feet, to the northwest corner of Lot Twenty Nine ( 29 ) , R & B Second Sub-
<br /> division; thence running S O1° 16 ' 51 " E along the westerly line of R & B
<br /> Second Subdivision, a distance of One Hundred Sixty Nine and Thirty Five
<br /> Hundredths ( 169. 35 ) feet ; thence running S 45° 03 ' 26" E along the south-
<br /> westerly line of R & B Second Subdivision, a distance of Seven Hundred
<br /> Fifty Three and Twelve Hundredths ( 753 . 12 ) feet ; thence running S 89° 54 '
<br /> 58" E along the southerly line of R & B Second Subdivision, a distance of
<br /> Two Hundred Ninety Eight and One Tenth ( 298 . 10) feet , to the southeast
<br /> corner of Lot Twenty One ( 21 ) , R & B Second Subdivision, said point also
<br /> being on the west line of R & B Subdivision ; thence running S Ol° 25 ' 04" E
<br /> along the west line of R & B Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred
<br /> Eighty Three and Sixty Eight Hundredths ( 383 . 68 ) feet to the southwest
<br /> corner of Lot Twenty Two ( 22 ) , R & B Subdivision, said point also being on
<br /> the north line of said Lot Two ( 2 ) , Ross Acres Subdivision ; thence running
<br /> N 89° 59 ' 44" E along the north line of said Lot Two ( 2 ) , Ross Acres Sub-
<br /> division, a distance of Six Hundred Twenty and Five Tenths ( 620. 50 ) feet to
<br /> the northwest corner of Lot One ( 1 ) , Ross Acres Subdivision ; thence runniny
<br /> _ ;
<br />.
<br />