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<br /> � r�eailt�o�d impe+ov�emeat. If the Liocnar� in its�o1a dixxetion.de�erminea�th�t�ny p�t or
<br /> �ll of tbe impotierne�t mwR be remav�ed or 1s darna�od by the L�ioa�or�it�empbyea,�mu,
<br /> or indepa�dent oontncton workIny for the Liansor during the awne Qf their employma�t or
<br /> dutie� with the Lioen�or. the Lioanee �roes to aswma and p4y ali ootts t+el�tin� �o the
<br /> _ � - -- --- r�►Lcement ur repair of the improvema�t.
<br /> 4. BFPF.tC1'iVB DATB. This lkenx s�reema�t siyll Woe effxt a� tl�e dat�e it is
<br /> execu�od by the M�yor of the City of Giand Isluid as dated below. It ahwU continue fac �u
<br /> indetaile tiam until wch tima� it is ter,minated as provided haha�tta.
<br /> � ;`�' S. TERI►�TATION. This lioa�se s�c+eema�t sh�ll termirwta upoa one a ma�a of
<br /> — +1LD`L
<br /> , ..:,�� th�follownr�occurra,oa�:
<br /> - ��"� �. The savix of sut,�r days wriuen notke of inoartion ro be�miaa�e by my
<br /> ;, � puty upon the other p�rty. � . •
<br /> <:.�.;. b. The Y.icensee's appiicaaon�far a pex�nit w altex said improve�ma�t or sny
<br />.�.�� ,�4� ,.;;:, part th�,n+of, unlesa said permlt 4s for wnrk due w �o axun+ence as dexribed in . . .
<br /> � �, ,t� Pua�rapd 3�bovc sirrtd�stid wark fws the p�Ior yvsitta�approval of the Lioauw�r, . .
<br /> ° c. 7'he Lic.ensaa's conswctian or installatlo»of�ny struc.tu�e or impravrana�t
<br /> -:,:.:;;
<br /> _:ti:f. , ; of any natun upon the real estate owrkd by tha Liansor eaxpt that de.9cx�bed in
<br /> '' ����� Pxc�igcaph 1 at�ove. .
<br /> �:}, �
<br /> ����
<br /> �;,.,- ,,";�h :. Upon the termination of this License Agreema�t, tha Licensee st�all 'be required. and
<br />- +/%',�[i:.i v �'1�...
<br /> ��,....�;., ��.�. henby agrees� w remove sa�d improvement fmm the Licensor's rral estate a►t ita own eacpenae
<br />= " ��"'`•.�"'y:�� � ond without cost to the Licensor. 5aid removal to occur no later than sixty days aft�r rooeipt
<br /> � ��""�' . � , of the not�oe of intent�on to terminate or any of the other occurrencrs set forth in Para�ra� S
<br />-: ,, abova. Should the Licensa fail to do so, the L.Zcensor may remove or awse the rcmoval of s�id
<br /> _: . improvement from the Licensor's real estate and the Licensa agrees to reimburse the I.iocnwz
<br /> � . . . for a11 its c�osts.
<br /> �;,:; ,�. . . .;..
<br /> ,�w. �...y•. r .
<br /> � 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreement shaU be binding upon tite parties
<br /> hereto, their sucxessor and assigns.
<br /> 7. P.NTIRE AGREEMENT. This license agreement constitutes the enrire agroernent
<br /> between the parties notwithstanding any other oral or written agreements to the cont:ary. This -
<br /> � � license agreement shall be amended only in writing executed by all parties hereto.
<br /> ! i '
<br /> � �
<br /> ` . 8. CHOICE OF LAWS. This license agreement shall be conswed in accordance
<br /> '� � � with the laws of the State of Nebraska and the City of Grand Isla�d, Nebraska. �
<br /> .
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