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<br /> 'f00BfHBR wrl'N�Il tbo impetrve�nq�t�,�aw a hen�Mr«roMd on t�a propeety.�rd�'J�.y��rtw�df��od
<br /> (ixpu� aow ot beterAer � pd1 ut q1A�P�Y• All repl�o�mw �pd �ddltbro �lidi da be oownd by d� ,Sea�rity
<br /> _. ....._.�p�nrot.All qf tlM ta+�afa�1�e�l�AA�{P,in thi�9ea+rky lswua�ent n tbe"Pr�opaty.' ___. _. --- .
<br /> �ORRO'MRR ODVBNANT�t?�R;pcl�►qwer i�I�flelly ri�ed ot the aMMe hetrbX oouveyed�dd bn tue ri�t�to p�[�iiq--. _
<br /> ao�wy d�e Property�nd tht d�e Pro}liqty�is unenoumb��+ed.exoept for� of reoord. Borrower w�rt�w �ed wW
<br /> a.M�,a Rener.tiy rne�uo co�be�ropsan��ln���c�aims�nd ae�n.nd�,.ub�ea w.ny encumbr.noes ot,�ecora.
<br /> -- THts se+CURrrv ttvs�txuM�l�t'i'�oarttbtne�wdtwm«,vaunts ror e.cfaW wo�na mn-uaitorm oov�oo�ots w;th Watted
<br /> v�ri�tioro by juri�dictta►to oon�plta�Pnitt�nn�aa,dty ia�tnumnt coverinR reel property.
<br /> —: UMi'�ORM COVEI3AKTS.Bnx�t�►v�a wwl Ler�r wve+wn�wxi�ree�ur fulbwi: �
<br /> t. P�ya�t at NiMtap�l+�nd�:i4tl�i �WY�qat �1 i.Ne Ch�ry�. Borrower�hall P�P�Y MY Wl�► due the
<br /> princlpNl of ud intereM at tha debt avid�ed by the Nota u�d�nY P�Ymeat ud late clurYea due unda the Note.
<br /> 2.I+�da tor Tsxa aqd Inq�tp�q�1�,Subject to applipible law or W e wriva�waiver by Lender. Borrower al�all p�y W
<br /> Lender on the d�y monthlY pqyrnNpt�p�+p due und�r the N�te.until the Note is paid in tull,a sum("Ftindt")for.(s)yoarly ta�ea
<br /> and a�asmaUa which m�y attai�•p�atityi;over this Securlty Inurur�xnc u a lien oa the Pro�x.cty:(b)Yeuly leasehold p�ya�eats.
<br /> or�ra�nd centx on the Propgrty,if�;dn)yearly hazard or propeny insurance premiums;(d)Yearly t�ood incurance premlutnc.
<br /> !f�ny:(e)Yearly mortgagt inturanqe P�miums, jf�ny: an�l (�enY �MYable by Borrower to Lender.in acco�d�tt�t with
<br /> the provi�ionc of parngraph s,in�lie�A1.tho peyment of moKgage lnsunu�prcmiums.These items are callad"E.wcrow Items."
<br /> Lendac muy, at�ny time, ca11a,K uK1,lw1d Funds in�n amount noe to exoeed the maxlmum amcwnt a leader for� fodu�lly
<br /> reluaf mort�age lown mRy coqqjry�far,,�orrower's eacrow acoount under the feder�l Real�state Settlement P�nceduies Act of
<br /> 1974 as�menciad from timp,to,titpp,,t2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA").unless u�othar law that applies w ihe Fund�
<br /> �etr a letse�arr�ount. If�o,.l.�sndpt.mhy, at any time. collxt and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser anaunt.
<br /> �� L.ender muy estimate tho amqunt,nf„fUnds due on the basia of cumnt data snd re�corwbk estimsua of expendiwm of futuro
<br /> Facrow Itema or otherwis4 in,AC�c►rd�t�ae with Appliwble l�tw.
<br /> �i' The Funds shall bc� he�W+in,�n.institution whose deposits are insurod by a federat agency, instcumentAlity, or entity
<br /> �`'� (including Lender,if Landu is saph�in5titutlon}or in any Foderal Horr�Loan Bank. I.endar shall apply tho Funds to pay thG
<br /> ,,,
<br /> - E�crow Item.s. Lendu may nc�t ahut�t�borrowec for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escmw�ccount,or
<br /> •�`.� verifying the Escrow Items,unla3a I.undar pays Boaower interest on the Funcis and applicable law pemiits Lender co malce wch
<br /> 's_� a chargc. Hawcver,Lende�r�ny��,cec�nire Borrawer to pay a one-time chugc for an indepencient real estate tax reporting servia
<br /> = usod by Lender in connectian�wf.Ui this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agceement is mide or
<br /> �`"' appllcable law requires intans�t co,t�pAid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnl�gs an the Funds.
<br /> Borrower w�d Lendcr mqy•ogroe in.writing, however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall gtve to Borrower.
<br /> �y?�,.: without charge. an annua! accciunting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> : - uebic to thc Funda was msido: 3t�runds are pledgai as aciditionai sa:urity for all sums secured by this�ecuriry toscnunent.
<br /> `� ��' If thc Funds held by l.crndGr�:xceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall accoant to Borrower
<br />� :�-.a t". ; for thc excess Funds in nccnrdn�ncR with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at un
<br /> '•I• Y
<br /> time is not gufficlent to pay tha��krow[tems when due, Lender may so notify Botrower In writing.and,in such case Rocrower
<br />__ 1�' :;•��-:.�.:I%+.;���f.'
<br />__ �, li�•fv:�;-,.»,�: . shall pay to[.ender the amount nccessary to make up the deficiency. f3nnnwer shall make up the defici@ncy in no maro thw�
<br /> .IY:7�•�,;,. ..:�_..�;' twelvc rtwnthl a tnents.at T..urnfer's solc discretion.
<br /> : ,�.��;3auru, s,a.. Y p Y
<br /> • •,�;.,�,�_�,,�.;t:. _ Upon payment in tull of y31 sums sccured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrawer any
<br /> ��� :�:���•.���--=1.•• Funds hcld by I.endcr. if, undet;uirasraph 21.I.cnder shall acquire nr sell the Property. Lcnder, prior to tt►e xquisition or sale
<br /> ��,�.,..-, • of the Propeny,shaQ upp{y an)i,Cunds held by l.ender at the time of ucquisitian ar sale as a credit against tha sums secured by
<br /> �; '4"'"°" .` � f�'"'" this Securiry instrument.
<br /> �"' 3.A katlon of Puymootn.Unles�a I c.�ble law rovides otherwise,all a ments received b I.ender under
<br />,�i �.. � PP� PP� ' P P Y Y paragrnphs
<br /> . *;•• �: • ' 1 wid 2 shuli be appli�.�d: Eint, tn any prepayment rhurges due under the Note; second, w amounts payable under para�ruph 2;
<br />. . ,,,,... third,to intercst due;finirth, tu principal due:and last,to any late churgcs due under the Nate.
<br /> � •. `� 4.CtwrRa�;; GienP. ��rron�lr shall p�y all t�xes, u�ses.rments, churges, fines:�nd impc�sitions attribuU►ble to the Property
<br /> which nwy att:�in priurit;v uver this Securiry instrumcnt, and Icasehold paymentr or sround rents, if uny. Borrower shull pay
<br /> � these obligutions in the munr�r yrovided in puraFraph 2,or iC not puid in that manner,�trower shall pay them on time din:ctly
<br /> ° ' ,, to thc per.u�n owe.!paymr.nt. &�rrowcr shull prompdy Curnish tci Lendcr all noticcs uf umount�G�be paid under this parugruph.
<br /> _ " If Borriiwer makcs thc�c payrnr,ntti JirecNy,Burruwcr�hail pramptly Cumish to I.ender receipts evidencing the puyment�.
<br /> "''i�`�' Borrower xhall�>n�mptl.r dixhurgc uny lien which hu+priority uver thi�Serurity Intitcument unles�Bonower: (•r)ugrees in
<br /> ' ' ` writing to the payment��f tliu ublibution.ccurcd My thr licn in a manncr acceptahle to Lerxicr:(bl c�ntesh in g�wd fuith the lien
<br /> 1�':,,� by, or detcixis uguinrt enfurcement uf thc licn in. Ir�al prixccdings which in the Lender'� opinion operate to prevent the
<br />� � '. �•' enforcemem of thc licn;u��r1 Mcure.frrnn thc holdcr c�f thc lien un agrcement tiati.factory to I.rnder sutx�rciinating the lien to
<br />' �: . thir Security [n.rtrumcnt. if�.�tnder dctcrmincs(hat any part of the Praperty i�subjrrt ta a licn�ti�hich may uttuin priority over
<br /> � r <' this Sccurity lnstrumcnt. L.ciKlcr muy givc E3orrowrr a nuticr iJrntil'ying thr licn. Borruwrr ,ha11 satisfy the lien nr take one oc
<br /> j;• � " more af thc actions se.t farth ubovc within !0 duy.uf thc Li��in�ut'n��ticc.
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