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<br /> t7.Trander ot t1�e 1h�operty a'�Beneflcul Iatetwt ia 1lorrower.lf all a any pqK uf the Pr�peny or any intercst ln it
<br /> i��old or tniuterred(or ff�boneficid intereat ln Barcowe�i��►ald or tnnaferrai uxf&�rruwer i�not�rwtunl ponian)witlwut
<br /> L,ender•� prior w�itten oanseiu. Lcnder may, �t it� nptiun. uirc immeditte pwyment in full of dl eumx �ecurod by thEa
<br /> C�r.�d�y tn.ir�ment. 11aWever, �his ogtiiw��twlt�wt!�e ePicanciW�I�nder i!exerci�o 1�prqhlbited by fodetd law n ot Ihe dMs ,
<br /> of thir Sect►rity Itutru�rxnt.
<br /> If l.eoder exenei�thi�c�tian, Lender rtt�ll give Bortnwer ncKice�f aeceler�tion. TI�notice s1ud1 pruvide a peNad of twt
<br /> leu thm 3Q day�from the date tha nnNcx i� dotiveroci ar mailed wlthin which 1lc�rtawer muat pry�II wmw�avrod by thi�
<br /> Sccurlty Instrument. !f Bcxcuwer fwilr w pQy thek sums prior tn the cxpiratiun of thi�pedod,LetKler nwy involce rrsy rcmedier
<br /> permitted by thi�Socurity Inrtrument withcwi Porther natia ar dernwixl on Bonuwer.
<br /> !8. �►rrower'� Right to Rdtutate. If Borrower moets ceruin conditi�ns, Bomower �11 huve the N�ht to h�ve
<br /> — �' enfarcement of this Security Instrumnnl Ji�uniinurJ wt w�y tin�e priur tu tlx;�;+u�licr uf: (a}S days(or such ather perdod �s
<br /> - applicAble Irw mry �pecify for rcinstatemcnq beforc aala of tbe Propccty pur.�wu�t to Kny pc�wer of r,��e contylnod in thik
<br /> - Saudty lnsttument; or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing thix Sncurity Inetrument.Thase crnditions Krc ttwt Barrowor:(+e)poyi
<br /> -- l.ender atl aums which then wcwld be due under this Socurity Inµrunxnt und the Nae us iP r���ccclerytian h�!urcurred;(b)
<br /> cures any default of�ny other rnvenants ar agroements; (r)payr aU expenBea incurrcd ln enfordng thi�Socurity Inrtrumcnt.
<br /> including, but cwt lirnitai to, reasonabl�attarne�s' fxs;Ynd(d)txkts auch action ar�Lendcr may rcu�c�nably roqulre to ussure
<br /> thet thc lien of thia Security Inxtrument, Leruier s rights in the Pmperty nnd Horrowcr's abligation tc�puy thC sums securod by
<br /> �� -- this Securiry Inurument chall ��ntinua u��clwnged. Upon rein.rtatement by 8orrcwer, thix Secu�iry Imtrument and the
<br />_ obligation�socu�hereby ahall remain fuUy eifcctivc�s if no acccleration hud dcr.urrai. However. this riQht to�eMst�te ciwil
<br /> nat apply in tha cuse of acceleration under pa�agraph 17.
<br /> 19. 5�1e ot Nate; Clu►n�e af Lown Servicer. The Nate or u }xirtia{ intarcst in the Notc(togethcr with this Socurity
<br /> __ Instcument)muy be sold one or morc times withiwt priar nciticc to BoRawor.A wle mny rc�ult in A chw►gc in the entity(known
<br /> _ _ _ _ as the"Lcwn Servioer')tbat collectx monthly payments due under the Note and thix 5acurity Instrument. There also nuy be one
<br /> - or mare changes of ttic L.o�n Servicer unrelatod to a salc of tho Notc.If there iti a chunge of thc Loan Scrvicer. Barrower will be
<br /> _`' given wrltten nc�tice af!he change ln eccardance with paragraph l4 ubove and applicable taw.The notice wlll state the name and
<br /> -�,,1 eddmss of the aew Loan Scrvicer and the addrcrs to which payment�shcwid be m�de. The notice wiU �iw c�ntain rny wher
<br /> �--Y• inforniation r�uirod by applicuble law.
<br /> -- 20. HrzareMu_g Subrtnnce�. Botmwcr st�ll not cause or permit thc prescnce, use, disposal, storage. ar rele:�se of any
<br /> Hozardcws Substunccs on or in the Property. &�rrower shall not do. �wr ullaw unyane elsc to do, anything uffecting the
<br /> '�:�,� P►nperty that is in violation of any Enviranmental Law. The preceding two scntrnces ahull not apply to the presence,usc, ar
<br /> storage on the Property of smatl quantities of Ha�ardous Substances thAt Are generully recogni•�ed a�6e appropriute to nornial
<br /> residentiul uses and to muintenance of thc Property.
<br /> , Borrower shall prompdy give I.endcr wrinen natice of any investigation,cloim, demund, luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> . govemmental ar regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> _ �f which Borrower has acmal knowledgo.If Bonower Icarns, or is nutified by any govcmmcntal or regulutary authority,that
<br /> -- �;��� any removal ar other remediation of any Hazardous Substnnce affecting the Propeny is necess�ry,Borrower shall prom�xly tuke
<br /> ���;� ,'a� all necessary rcmodial Actions in accardance with Environmentul Law.
<br /> ,
<br /> k�,�t , As used in thts pa[agraph 20, "Hezardous Substunces"are those substances detined a.ti toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> '•�+'���;f`r���`}�w�" ' Environmental Iaw and the fallnwing substanceti: gasot�nc, kerosene, other tlammabie or toxic petroieum products. cox�c
<br /> ' �:•,: .:,,,�.•. � .�
<br /> . ', „ pesticides and hcrbicides, volutilc solvents,matcriuls contnining asbestos or fonnuldchyde,and radioACtive matcriuls. As usecl in
<br />' ! �'�^. �_'`" . • M
<br /> � , ..�.•..,,,;�.�,l�.r,,.. •; this parngraph 20, "Envi�onmental Lnw means federal laws und luws of the jurisdiction where the Property is locAted thut
<br /> � ' '` • .;;:ti,?.:.:t; ;°''`. relate to hcalth,safcty or en�ironmentul protection.
<br /> ' •-•��;�:,:, �•• . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrnwcr and L.cnder further cuvenunt and u�ree us follnws:
<br /> �' �'�<�`i'•• � ° 21.Acceleration;Remeclirs,l.ender shall give noeice to Borrower prior to acccleratbn tollowinR Borroaer's breach
<br /> f"^��".��a•, '.` . ai any covenAnt or Agreement in this S�wurity lnstrument (but not prior to pcceleration under pAragrnph 17 udess
<br />- :� :�. applicAble IRw pmvides otherwise).The notice s�h�ll specify: (�)the default;(b)the aetion requtred to cure the default;
<br />-- . (c) a date,not Icss than 30 days from tNe dah�the notice is�iven to Borrnwer. by which the default must be cured;and
<br />=,�4,. ,,,K,;,;�,,,; , .,,,,,,�. . (d) that fallure tn cure the defuult on or Ixfi�re the d�te sp�ritled in the notice may resutt in acceleration of tlie sums _
<br /> fnr . secured by thts Security Instrument and sule uf the Property. The noticc shall fuMhcr intorm Borrower of the tight to
<br /> �;:" • relnstate atter acceteratian and the riRht to br[ng a court action to a�.sert the non-existence of A defAUit or nny other
<br /> '• '•• � defense of Borrower to acceleratian and u�le. If the default is not cured on or bePore the dute spectfied in the notice, _
<br /> ' I.ender, s�t its option,muy require immedietc pAymcnt in full of s�ll sumti sccured by this Securtty Iastrument withouR -
<br /> • _ .. _ -,,_;.: further demand and mAy invoke the powcr af sttic and any othcr remedi�w permtited by applir.�blc law. Ixnder shall tx
<br /> ' . entitled to collect all expen.ties incurred in pursuin�;thc remedi�.�c pruvided fn this parngraph 21. including.but not limited
<br /> , L • to. rcasanablc attorneys'tec.s und casts of titic cvldcnce.
<br /> 1P the power o[sule is invoked. Trustee shall rE�cord a n��tice of defuult in cs►ch count3• in which any purt of the
<br /> Prnperty is locatecl and shall mail copi�w of such n��tice in the manner prc�xriF►E�d by applicabie law to Bnrrawer s�nd to
<br /> - the other person.s prescribed by applicuble luw.After the timc rcyu[red M�applicable law.Teatitee shnll�ive public notice
<br /> �t; of wle to the person�and in the munner pr�wcribed by upplicaMc laK•.7'rust�ti.without demand on Borrower.shall scll
<br /> ., , •• the Property at public uucUon to thc hiuhest bidder ut the timc vnd place und under the term.v de�i�nAted In the notice of
<br /> ' ' snle in ane or mare parcels and in uny order Trust��e determincw.Trust�ti muy� p�ntpune.r•Ale c►t'all nr un�• purcel of the
<br /> • .n
<br /> k__� ,',,r ;;�;•r' Property by public announcement at the tlme and plu¢e nf�m� previousl� scheduled sale. I.ender or its desi�nee may
<br /> ° , ;;.` , purchase the Property s�t any sale.
<br /> _ t � -
<br /> s'.: ' � .
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