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<br /> appiicable law mry tpeclfy fa roin�taneM) befae�a{e of Nie PropenY P�nwnt a anY Powat of ale conuined in tbL
<br /> - Secur3ty In�tnrnent:ac lb)enaY��J�i�aniac�in�tiiis aa:wity iu�ww�w��w 'IiK,:�w:�ii«,����.�i�3:a:�'o��: t=1
<br /> paYs L,q�der�11 sunw vrhlch then would be due unda this Sectuity lnatninxnt �ad the Note as if no �cek�tlon had
<br /> occunod;(ts)cures�ny def�uit of�ny ott�a covawitt er a�eemenu:(c}p�ys ail expa�se�lncurtsd In enfacinr thie Security
<br /> Inannner�t. includln�.but not limited to.reuon�ble attorneys'fas; ud (d)t�kes euch �ct�on u l.tnder miy rouawbly
<br /> roquirc w�uute thu the Ikn of thjs Socurity Inauument.i,endetti d�ht�in the Property�nd�3ott+ower�obli�ation to p�y the
<br /> _ — wms secuoed by dii� Security Inctiument slWl contlnue unchanged. Upon reinuuement by Bamwer. this Securiry
<br /> --- Insuumeat and tht obiigetions�ecured hereby shell remsin fully effective u if no acceleration had acutrod. HoW��a•this
<br /> tijt►t to ninet�te sh�!!nd apply in the case of rcceluatia►wKkt par+�niph !7.
<br /> 1!. Swle ot Note;Citaa�e ot Lo�a Savka: The Note a�panial interest in the Note(together with thit Secudty
<br /> Instnunent)may be wld one a nwoe times wlthout prior ratice co Bocrower. A stle m�y result in a ch�nge in the entiry
<br /> (known�a the"Lo�n Servlcer")thAt collects monthlY P�Y�nts due wxfer the Note and th�a Secudty Incwment. 'Itiere dso
<br /> may be one or ma+e changes of the I.o�n Servicer unrelated to a sale of thc Note. If there is �chuige of the Lorn Servlcer.
<br /> Borrowu will be�iven writun notice of the change In accordance with par�graph 14 above and applicable law. 'llie naicn
<br /> wiU stau the n�me u►d addr�ss of the new Loan Servicer and the ncWrcss to which paymenta should be made. '11ie notjce will
<br /> alw cont�in�ny other infosmation requirrd by applic�ble law.
<br /> 20. Hasardow 5ubRtAnces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the prcsence,usc,dlsposal,storage.or release of u►y
<br /> Ha�rdous Subctar�ces on or in the Property. Bamwer shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> Pmpetty tlut ic in violatlon of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall na apply to the prcsence,use,or
<br /> storage on the Properiy of small quxntides of Hszardous Substances tlwt are generilly recogniud to be appropriate W normal
<br /> raidentl�l uses�nd to maintanance of the Property.
<br /> - Bocrowu stwll promptly give L.ender written notice of any invest�gation,claim,demand.lAwsuit or ott�cr action by any
<br /> - govemmental or regulatory agency or private pany invoiving the Propc:rty e��d a►y Hazardous Substance or Frvironmenta!
<br /> - Law of which Bortowu has actual knowledge. Yf Borruwer leams, or is notified by Any govemmental or ngulatory
<br /> --- authority,that any removal cx other nemediation of any Hazardous Substance affxdng the Property is necess�ry.Bomower
<br /> `� ehaU prwnptiy take ail necessary remedtal actions in accordance with Environmental I.aw.
<br />'�;V�. ,�t�, As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Subswnces"are those substances defined ns toaic or hazerdous substances by
<br />= , �nviranmental Law and the fallowing substa�ces: gasaline,kerosene,other flammaWe or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> -- pesdcides and herbicides, voiatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radiouctive matedals. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"�nv'uonmental Law"mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Propercy is loc�ted
<br /> � — that telate to health,safery or environmental protation.
<br /> "''�'� N�N-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Accekration;Remedies. Lender slwll give uatice to Bot��ower prlor to acaleratlon folbwing Borrower's
<br /> 5r;�� breach at any coven�tnt or agreement in this Security In.ctr�ment tbut not prlor to Accekration under�wragrAph 17
<br /> �s�� ____ unkss Applicable law provWes otherw[se). The notice shall speciPy: (�+)the default;(b)the Action required to cure th�
<br /> - � .,,�, �i defaulh.(c)A dAte,aot less than 30 days from the dAte the notice Is given to tiorrower, by which ti�e defauit musf be °
<br /> cf�red;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date speci�ied(n the notk�may result in accelerAtion of
<br /> .�-r�.�� the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument Aud sale oP the Property. The notice shall fuMher inform B�rrower ot
<br /> t` '��' �'�, the ri�ht to reinstate xRer s�cceleration and the right to bring x court uction to assert the non�existence ot A detAUlt or
<br /> - �s.� ,:::,
<br /> � ,• � any other detense ot Borrower to s►cceleration nnd sale. It the default is not cured o�or bePore the date specified in
<br /> .�;�,�;;;: , .
<br /> . �,��• •:;y;;�,..�;1,�� the Notice,I.ender�t its option may requtre immediate payment in full oP all sums secured by this Security Instrvment
<br /> - ' ,."5'�:•':"�': without further demand and muy invoke the power of sak and any other remedies permitted by applicAbfe faw
<br /> • .,,,�%.�!ti"0"�d;� : Lender stuill t►e� entitied to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thi� para�rAph 21.
<br /> �*x���••�•� ��.�� includin but not 8mited to,reasonable attorne s'fees and costs of Htie evidence.
<br /> ,,,,�.,..•..•. ,-�.ti, �� Y
<br /> •:�c �:: • Ii the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notke of defautt in eacY county in whkh any part of the
<br />_� ._s�.�--• °�.:-:..�;
<br /> _,; Properly is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable I�w to Borrower and to
<br /> ._ _�,�.,�;�,K_ .. .. . the other persons prescribed by applicAble law. Af�er the time�equired by�pplira6le law.7lrustee shall give pubik
<br /> notice of sale to the persons And in the manner prescribed by applicAbte law. 7lrustee,without demund on Borrower,
<br /> � • ' ' ' � shAll sell the Property at public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the time and piwce And under the hrms designAted in
<br /> the notke of sale in one or more parccis and in ony order 7lrustee determines. Trustee may postpone snle of s►II or any
<br /> � parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time And place of Any previously scheduled sale. Lr.nder or its
<br /> . r�,;::�'•�:: •• designee may purchose the Property at Any ss►le. �
<br /> . � Upon receipt of pAyment of the prfce bid.'Il�ustee�hall deliver to the purchaser 71�ustee s deed conveying the
<br /> , ' Property. The recitals in the'Il�ustee's de�d+hall be prima tacie evide�ce of the truth of Ihe statements made therein.
<br /> 1lrustee sh�fl apply the proceeds of the wle in the followin�order: Ia)to ail custs and expenses oPexercising the power
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