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<br /> ' peri�,a.th+u t.ender roy�trcs. rne wuru�e curier oro�►icl�nt nie�awtance.tu,�bo�tw�by Homvwer wbje«w l,ead�►ti
<br /> -- � �p�owti wnicn�i►aii na uo wuaa.w�s'viy wiau►v�� ��+�+�iiiN��+fwL i�,nwiruain coven�e siercdi��i�ove.�er nyy.�t
<br /> . Ladert option,oMain cove►qe w protcct I.enderk right�,�n�ihe�Ry in�cco�dance with pYra�raph 7.
<br /> All inauruke poticles and raiewals�11 l�e Rb1A�M� and�tull include�sw�dud mott�aLe clawe. Lender
<br /> shall have the ri�hc W hold the pvlicle�and ranaw��1,.Gndp�txquire�,Borrower ehall pro:nptlY�ive to Lender�il roceipta
<br /> I of p�id pnemiwns and anewd ncxicec. In tha�vant pf l�o�.�.p4ttqYrer shall�iva prompt notke to the inwrance c�rrbr aad
<br /> La�der. Lender may m�ke proof of las if nat m11dG prnmp{ly�bN Aa�rower.
<br /> --= Unle:s l..endcr and Barrower otherwIse a�ncc in wridp�,in�,�tn�nce Jm�ceed+Rhell be �lied w rostorntion or n�ir of
<br /> • the Pnopeny dunaged. if the ra.tor�tiuu ur cep�iu' is r,�c�yc��tj�lly fearible and Lrnder's xcurity ts not lesaened. If the
<br /> ' re�toratlon or rop�Ir is not oconamically feASibla or[and��'�securlry would be leuened.the insurance procoe�k atwll be
<br /> apptied to tho sums secuned by thie Sociuity Inswmutc,,wh�her or na then due,with any excess pKid to Borrower. lf
<br /> Bormwer abandoos the Propeety,or doet nM ancwot witqip;�0 daya a notice fram I.ender thet the insurance c�rrier has
<br /> offercd to settk a cleim,then Lender mxy callcet tho inwu+lt�c�proceeds. Lender may use the procads to npair or�estorc
<br /> tho Property or to pay sunu sxund by this SoCUrity Inctalm�t,�whether or not then due.The 30�day period will be�in whe�
<br /> the noticeis given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bo�rower otherwia agrce in writ��q,+u�y xpplication of procads to pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refeRed to.in,ppragcnphs 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> undar paragr�ph 21 the Property ls acquired by I.�:ndet.Bomqfrw�s right to any insur�nce poGcies and proceeds rcsulting
<br /> from dunage to the Aroperty prior to tha xquicidon shWl paA,s m.t,.ender to the extent of the sumc sacurcd by this Security
<br /> Inatnunent inunedIately prior to the acquisitlan.
<br /> - 6. Occupaucy, Preaervatlon, MalnttA�1�.� and..P�'af�,'tion ot the Property; Borrower'a Lo�n Applkation;
<br /> ms�; I,taselwlda. Borrawer shall occupy,establish,and uae ths Prv�xtty as Bortowerk principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> ��'^�f_�_��_��� the executlon of this Securiry lnstniment anQ a4all condnu�m u�cupy the Propeny as Eorrower�s principal residence for at
<br /> ---- -( least ane yenr after the date of occupancy, unlsss Lend� otherwise agrces in wriring, which consent shall not be
<br /> — unreasonably withheld,or unleas extenuating oiicum�nFes�xist whict�are beyond Borrowrr's contml. Botrower shall not
<br /> -- `""'"`�= destray,datnaga or impair the Property.ullow the t'roperty to deteriorate,or commit wsste on the Prope�ty. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or pracoedin�, whether clvil or cdminnl,is begun that in Lender�s good faith judgment
<br /> -= could result in forfeiture of the Property or othe��se materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or
<br /> = Lu�derk security interest. Barrower muy cura such a dofault.w�d reinstate,as provided in pangraph 18,by cuusing the action
<br /> -- -- or proceeding to be dismissed with a niling thwt,in I.endar ic goo,9 f�ith determination,piecludes forfeiture of the Boerower's
<br /> --- intercst in the Proporty or other material impairtnent af thcti lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender�securiry
<br /> - tntcrest Borrowcr shall also be in default if.Borrower. �i'uring the loan application process, gave materially false or
<br /> - inaccunte informadon or statements to Lender(or�ailad ta pa�vide I.ender with any material lnformation)in connection with
<br /> —' thc lonn evidenced by the Note, jncluding, iwt �at fimitttd to, representations conceming Barower's cecupancy of the
<br /> -�� Pronerty ac a principel residence. If this Securitv Insm�ment is on a leasehold,Botrower shall comply with all the provlsions
<br /> c � .__ ,,
<br /> F�t��, of thc lensc. If Barrawer acquires fee title to tha Proporty,thn leasehold and the fec title shall not merge unless L.ender agrecs
<br /> ' to the merger in writing.
<br />` 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Rights in the Prapa�t�. If Borrower fails to per�orm the covenants and agreements
<br />-. �, contained in this Security Inytrument, or there is a lega! prc�ceeding that may significAntly affect l.ender's rights ln ihe
<br /> , � Property(such us u proceeding in bankruptcy,probuta,for�onAcmnation or fo�'eiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whutcver Is ncce�sary to nrate.ct thu value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> Lender's Actions may include paying any sums aecured by e liem which has priority over thix Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> in court,paying renxoru�ble attorneys'fees and enturing on tha Property to make repairs. Although Lender may wke action
<br /> , , ,,;'vr�A� , undor thiz parrgraph 7,Lendcr docs not have to do so,
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this paragrc�nh 7 shall become additionul debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> e� ` • Security Instrumcnt. Unless Bonower anci l.snder ngree to other terms of payment,thesc amounts shall bear intercst from the
<br /> �P ;�,,'!''! ' d:�te of disiwrsement at the Notc rute and shall be pnyubla,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting
<br /> Y,..�r
<br /> .•�,.�.hk�.�;��;�� payment.
<br />- Y�a.y� �f:,����,`�• i 8. Mortgage Insurunce. If Lender rec�uin:d m�riQt�ge insurance as a condition af mAking the loan secuned by this
<br /> •:l1': nv!'.� Vrtx�. �
<br />_ ""� Sccurity Instrument.Borrower xhatl puy the premiums m��uircd to muintain the mongage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> `; ;.�Mfi�. ' . ��"' rcason, the morigage insurance coverage rec�uirr:d by Lunder Inp.ses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the
<br /> «'• '•?�"•'"�` ' �"� . premiums rcquired to obtuin covernge substantinlly e��uiutdent to the mongage insurance previously in effect, at u cost
<br /> �� ' •�'�W '• � substuntiaU e uivulent to the cost to Borrower of th�man u e insurance reviousl in effect,from an altemate mort a e
<br /> - .�s,�;,....,.:�• -- :. y 4 13 S P Y � 8 8
<br /> �*,�"; • insurer approved by Lendec. If substantiully eyuivulent mnrti3age insurance coverage is not availuble,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> � , Lendcr each month a sum eyual ta anc-twelflh�f thc yearly mortgagc insurancc premium bcing paid by Sorcowcr whcn the
<br /> ;�•A �f'�. . insurance coverage lap.�ed or ceased to he in eff�:ct. Lendct will accept.u�:and retain these payment�as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> � ' "����r�� of mongage insurance. Lass reserve payment�may no IonIIer be required,at the option of Lcnder,if mortgage insurancc
<br /> =''��•� --v�.�•. � . ..
<br />;' covcruge(in the umount and for the period thnt Lendet rcquires)provided by un insurcr approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> ' _- _ '�,`�.;'4�'• uvuilablc und is obtuined.Bortowrr shall puy thc pr�miumF ar:quired to muintuin mortguge in�urance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> °-' �`�`'� �` v� loss rrservr,until the re uircment far mort o e insurnnce e�xis in nccordance with an writren u rcement betwern Borrower
<br /> ���.,;.,;:,.:''•..� 9 R 8 Y R
<br /> �' _• �,;, �.,.,. .;�:z.;!.�=: ;utd Lcndcr or applicablr law.
<br /> i , .,'.1ti';;?;,; 9. lnspection. Lcndcr or its agent may ma3:c rei+sonublc cntrics upon and inspec�ions of thc Propeny. Lendzr shall
<br /> � -'' � � �'i�,:�••, give Borrower notice:tt the timc of or priur to an in��ection�pecifying rcasonable cause for the�inspecticx�.
<br /> = ���a�.�.4�::;'',;�;�+, 10. Condemnation. The paxeed�of nny awa�d nr claim for damagrs,direct or con.eyuential,in connection with an}�
<br /> ,�.
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