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<br /> � •�ir Y�MM�?YMt 4�y 1�'rMM�wYw1r��.t d�IMw MyM�M ts Ib MNriM wM1�ew��U 1M�t M�f�lwit ir�� ,
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<br /> �MM�OIMV.�TMf .W110A�IM/114 Mb��M h
<br /> � Q�aha. Nebrasics 681Q2. ' N�(h i�$�!.
<br /> �OItIIOWER.in oon�idK�Nan af tM M�dMMdn�f�eMn nait�A�nd eM tn�t Main onM�d.kr�wo�MY or�Md anwl►�to Tn�.M d+�t.
<br /> WRN TNi rOMlEII OF iAl.E,th�MlnrNl���N pyMp IMMN in 1M Cwnty of �,+ .�t�M N N��:
<br /> - Lot Ttiw,(2). in.Elock On� Hundred and Forty-��v�n (147)� in lJnion P+�cific
<br /> __ - Railway Coapany•� S�cond Addition eo Ch� City of Grand I�land. Rall Couaty�
<br /> N�braska.
<br /> -��
<br /> �' :y
<br /> ' ' ' . }I ' .i:,
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<br />. . - :-�°!��✓-K�."f....ry'� .
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<br /> �. e'�h• ' .
<br /> l''
<br /> r.'� .. . . . .. .
<br /> ;,:�;.
<br />:�t�" TOGETHER w�th W buNdfnp�,fixtun�Md improv�m�nts now o►hen�R��uwt�d tMr�on and all rlpht�•of•w�y,�M�nt�,nnt�.Nw��,proflt�.
<br /> inoomr,ten�menm,h�reditament�,privil�p��,ppurt�nww��,roy�lt(n.�nd min�al,oil.On�nd w�t�r dpht�th�rwnto b�lonpinp,w�d a�oy�d
<br /> �'' with s�d l�nd or�ny put Uw,.uof, �nd tM hom�st��d or m�rit�l int�r��t�,if�ny, wMoh int�nst�n�hersby nl�M�d�nd walwd,Md dl ot wNoh,
<br /> ' `, inaNidinp repiro�mentt and�dditlotr th�nto shNl b�d�wn�d to b�and amdn�p�tt ot th� prop�Ky oov�ad by tNs TnHt O��d:�r�d M!of th�
<br /> ' •• fo�+poinp tqps�iha with�aW prop�rty ar�IurNn nf�rr�d to r th�•Prop�rty."
<br /> _ ;
<br /> �
<br /> • � TO S@CIDRE to L�nd�r tM r��ym�nt ot iMebt�dn�t��vid�no�d by Borrow�r'�noh d�t�d , 19�_,topMlwr
<br /> wph any Md dl ren�wdr,maA4aNfonr,uW�runrbm th�not N�d aub�titutlon�or�xah�np��t en ot, 1 �tdn nhrrW ta M the•Not�`t in th�
<br /> principY sum oi f STnnn.nn ,topsth�r with int�rot�t th�rat�provid�d th�t�in,with�tinM m�turity,if
<br /> oot�oaner p�{d,of t 1_S– ,19�Z,�nd�s s�oudty tor�ny futurs�dv�noes tMt m�y b�mad�by l��r to Borrow�r
<br /> ' trom tlm�to tim��nd N s�curity tor tM p�ym�nt oi��y�nd�11 other ind�bt�dn�u of tM Bortow�r to tM L�nd�r wMoh may adat.�II of t�id tun'w
<br /> • ' ' �ot to�xo��d i�th��ppr�p�t��swn pu�l to thn�tlm��tM aipinel pdncipal rnou�t of tM�bov�aott�d Noq.
<br /> �..
<br /> •:Qt;. •� BORROWER oov�nant�th�t Sorrow�r it I�wfully��i:�d o}tM Propsrty Mnby conwy�d�nd has th�tipht to pnnt wd aonwy th�Prop�tty,th�t tl►�
<br /> ' ���r}'" ' Frop�rry i�un�noumba�d by eny moKp�,tru�t d��d,contraot to purchaas,or otM�wi��,�za�pt tor� na
<br />:�.'.' • �
<br /> ;;. In t�vor of na
<br /> •• # on whloh tM ut�pdd b�l�nc�on thf�dat�do��not�xo��d t nn . Borrow�r cov�nants to oomply with�Il th�t�rm•
<br /> `" � �nd provi�loet of any prior mony�p�,tru�t d�sd or oontnot to purchu�,upon ths Ptoputy and to mek��I paym�nh th�r�on b�fon thsy b�aom�
<br /> d�tinqus�t. If�o nwn�or Mnount 1�in��►t�d in thi9 p�rapnph,then 8or�ower cov�nsnt�thet thsr��re no prfor Il�ns of�ny kind upoo the Prop�rty.
<br /> ,;, � 8orrow�r turtMr oov�n�nN to warw�t�nd d�f�nd ths titls to th�Roperty�y�ln�t�II claNm��d d�mends.
<br /> � ' � 8arow�t�nd L�nd�r furth�r cov�rnnt�nd�pns es tollows:
<br /> � - S .
<br /> - � t. Qottow�►shrl prompUy pay wh��du�th�prfnolp��nd int�ntt on th�fnd�bt�dn�ss�vld�ho�d by th�Not�.
<br /> t 2. At I��st t�n d�yt b�ton th�y b�oum�dNinQu�nt,Borrow�r�hdl p�y�tl bx��md�p�ci�t�s��nrrwnts I�W�d or N�RS�W aa�lntt th�Prop�rty.
<br /> '� or�ny paR th�rwl,�n0 MI t�x��,I�vin�nd�au�Wrwnt�Iwi�d upon tNs Trwt Dwd or tM d�bt whiah It s�oun�.
<br /> •� 3. Yotrow�r shaM kNp tM Improv�rrwnts�nd buildlnpt,it�ny,upon th�Prop�ny imurd,with�company or comp�d�s�pprowd by th�I.�ndN,Io►
<br />'-_�;.�, �n nraunt eot iw�th�n tM uop�id b��no�on tM ind�bt�dn�����eund by thl�Tru�t O��d with�st�ndud mortp�p�otw��with lo��pqabl�to
<br /> "�l �'N�'� J.����J�� S_... ."�__�����_U'_��_l��J1�..�.��Il�l������.�1��J�.
<br /> -- _.� .......�...�. wn....r....�.......�..�..y.....�...p.........................
<br /> ' ` In tM�wnt of�Ios�,Yorrow�r�h�il plw prompt notia�to th�iMUanc�o�rri�rx�d ths l�nd�r�nd fil��proof of toos. If th�Botrow�r it not oth�rwi��
<br /> �; in d�fautt,tFr Borrow�r m�y N�ct to�ppty tM in�ur�na�proa��ds to np�ir or rplaa ti»d�m�p�d Prop�ny,it�aonaNcally fusibi�,�nd tM s�oudty
<br /> ot thts T�utt ONd woWd not b�Innp�ird.It th�Borrow�r i�in d�f�ult or�I�ott not to npait ot r�pi�o�th�dM+t�p�d Ptop�rty or t�pNr or r�pl�c�nt
<br /> ``T�,•� wouW not�aonallo�lly t�o�fbl�or th�t�cutity ot this Trwt D�sd wou�d b�Imp�fr�d th�n th�Inwt�nc�proo��dt thall M IippU�d to tM I��t m�tudnp
<br /> ' ,e`-� ;.,,, p�ynt�nts dw on tl►�Not�. If ths In�urano�proo��d�u�in excns ot the toW amount du�on uid Not�,th��xe�ss shali M p�ld to th�Bottow�r.
<br /> f. '' �;';.:i;�, . Irnunna�proo��d�for npNr or r�pl�c�nt shdi b�p��aed In aorow with tM L�nd�t�nd disbun�C by L�nd�r dudnp or upon aompl�tion of woh
<br /> ;:�t.•,� ;� � , r�pair or r�pl�o�»nt. If tM l�nd�r�oquins dtl�to ths Propnty by�xeroi�inp ib pow�r ot ��I�,foreolo�un or oth�rwiq, in��U�t�ction ot th�
<br /> � i���'; ,..� � {fKI�E��fJMt{NOY�b INf�I1�l,In whol�or in p�rt,th�n�II ripht,titl��tW Int�r��t of lh�Borrow�t in�nd to suoh tntutrno�pnlloy ot poUci�s�haM pns �
<br /> . ... t0 tM L�fld�t.
<br /> " ; . ;.
<br />}! 4. Fotth�putpoN of providinp s fund tar th�p�ym�nt of t�x�s,sp�cir a�s��unents�nd imuwnos premfums,Borrow�r sheit dpo�it with L�nd�r,
<br /> •��? ''• on th�d�t��th�t p�ym�nt�an du�on tM Not�,a��mount�qu�t to tM t�x��,aa�s�m�nt��nd fnsunnos pnmfum�n�xt du�(�II�t�sdm�t�d by
<br /> ' `�� ' tM l�nd�r,I��s Mnount��In�dy dpo�ind th�nfor)divid�d by th�numb�r of p�ymmts on th�Not�th�t wili b�aom�du�p�iw to th�d�te wMn wah
<br /> � ,`��, t�x�t,�sq�Kn�nt��nd fn�unno�pr�miums will b�com�du��nd p�yabl�. S�id tund� witi b�Mid by th�l�nd�r in�non•int�ntt b�srinp�fctow
<br /> �coount(or tl►�purpous s�t torth�baw. it tM�rnount�of th���d�poWts�n not�utlici�nt to p�y t�x�s,s����Wn�ntr and i�sunno�pnmium�s�
<br /> th�y bwom�du�,tM Borrowa alull upon��qu�st,p�y L�nd��th��nwunt n�c���ay to m�k�up th�d�ficf�ncy.
<br />