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<br /> �c�t oESCRiPnoN
<br /> s/ond Lot 2 in Secfion 1¢, Township 10 North, Range 9 {f'est of the 6fh P.,u,
<br /> � A trvct of/and comPnsing /
<br /> Ho//Co�nty, Nebmska, said finct being ino�poiticu/o�y desc�be e,os�o�//nn 9 on on ossumed bev�ng of
<br /> ���Y'rfh r�fez�ce tv fh.e North�resf Come�of soid Secfio� o¢d t� nce of �35¢.19 feet fo the Northwesf come�
<br /> S�00:' 00' DO"£on fhe iYesf /i�e of soid Sect�o Of BEG�NN/NG,• fhence rrrnning Eoster�'y on the North %ne
<br /> of said Lot 2, soid poinf beiny fhe octuo/PDINT fhe�ce N 87' 37' 10"E
<br /> of soid Lot 2 fo�fhe next 5 courses, ti�ni�g��t N B9' .37' 17"E fo� >1�,��e E fo� 156.51 feef• fhence
<br /> fo�.3¢B.�B feef,• 1`hence N 75' SB' �7"E fo�2�1.17 feef; fhence S B4
<br /> N 79' 27' 09"£fo�214.,3.3 feef fo fhe Noitheosf Come�of'soid Lof 2,•
<br /> fhe�ce running Soufhwesfe�'y on fhe
<br /> fe side of soid Lof 2 fo�fhe nexf 6 courses, tinni�g first S 4� 51 25 K'for 2����eef�ft�372¢
<br /> So�heos �y 87 feet• thence S 20
<br /> S 52' S7'27"N'fo�2�37.12 fee�' thence S 943' ¢5' ¢2"H'fo� ¢23. .
<br /> � , g• »�,�2"f!'fo�527.02 feef,• �Ehe�ce S.3B' 38'.3B"N'fo�319.38 feef tQ�,o point£on th est
<br /> feef,• fhence S D � the�ce N 00 00 00
<br /> /l�e of said Section 1f, soid poi�f bem9 fhe Sou1�h�rest Come�of soid Lot 2,
<br /> iYest
<br /> Cne of said Lof 2 fo� 16.31.50 fesf fo fhe PO/NT OFBEG/NN�NG,• soid descnbed frvc0 fhe N ith of soid Lof �
<br /> �f;32�. ocr�s, mo� or/ess, togethe�with 2.809 oc�s, ino�s o�/ess, of occ�ot 2.�in9
<br /> ond�.5�6 ocres,_: more o�/ess, of occ�fion /1►4''�g to the Soufheosf of sa�o'
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