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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> � � � 99 110963 � <br /> West Half (Wl/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Nine (9) , <br /> Township Nine North (T9N) , Range Twelve West (R12W) , Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> EXCEPT a tract of land more particularly described as follows: <br /> � . <br /> ; Baginning at the nvrtt�rrest corner of gaid West gelF oF the Northaee� <br /> Quarter (W� HW�); theace ea�terly nlong and upon the north J.ine oE said <br /> ' i�ast HslF of the Northvest Quaxter (K} NW}), a distance of One Thoueand <br /> Thrce Hundred 'fWenty Three and Pifty Si�t flurdredths (1,323.56) fceC to <br /> � ttia nn[tlleasC corncr af snid We;st Aalf oi the Nortl�vest Quarter {W� NW�); <br /> thcnce dQ�lectinq right 89' 40� 45" and running southcrly glong end upon <br /> the east line of said Wes[ Balf of the Northwest Quatter (i1� 21W�), :t <br /> diet.lnce af Six Hundred Sixty Four and SixCy FouY gundredthe t664.64) <br /> feet; thencc deflacting righc 90' 18' 25" and running vegtetly. a <br /> diatance oE One Thousand ?hree Hundred 1Venty One and gighty Nine <br /> Ru�dredthn (1,321.89) feet to a point on the v�st lina of said �Ies� Hal£ <br /> o� the Northve8t Quarter (K} ZI�T;); thencs dcflecting zight 89' 33' b5" <br /> i nnd running northerlq aloag and upon the vest lire oP sa�d Neet Aal.f of <br /> tha Northvest Quarter (u� NW}). a distance of Si�t Iiundred Siucty Four and <br /> Pinety Pour Hundredthe (664.94) feat to the poiat of beginning and <br /> � containing 20.I86 acrea, more or 1Qes, of vhici� 1.481 acxas. more or <br /> � lesa, ie nreeently occupied by public road righC o� vay. <br /> i <br /> I <br />