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. ��T� �';.:. "--- <br /> ,,. <br /> ♦• I ��. �M... � <br /> a '�_._ - <br /> '. ._ ._.....r. ��f/� <br /> ' • 17.TranN�o! tIM PropKty o► a �Mi1cIM Mt�rMt 1� �+dww�.M�II w.ryr o�n�a,t1� ��op.�►a <br /> rn�YN�n�t In N M soid or t�Nrt�d(or M�b�n�oitl YMrMt In aMrow�r R�old a lrrwl�n�d�nd llarow�►.M+IW� rwMur� <br /> � P�nan)wNhout Lmd�s qia wrMUn oon�MM, L�d�r�wY�t N�ooW��,h4�Y+�M�d�a PM�h IW aA sM�w�wt war�d by <br /> _- -- �,i.:,,;u,-�,�i�»:.�s. }�.��-.�� .�nae r. .�nd.w by w�ar 11.r«aw r aro+►�aN�d 4r.��ww..a a+r = <br /> tMM d 1Ms 8�o�xNy Inatn�nt. <br /> M Und�►w�rdus thk opUon� tanrMr shY qk� Bon�awr nolla d�oo�Mla+. 1M nollo� �MN piqrl�a�rbd of not� <br /> M�a th�n a0 d�ya tan tM d�t�th� �atla I� eWvand a nrMd wkhln whloh Bono�w�r mu�t pay dl wnes aanwl by ehY�` <br /> -- — B�aMily In�Oum�nL N BarrowK NN to p�y th�s��wn�P�W th� �Mo� ol UM� �rbd. L�►n�lrwolu��nY�d�M <br /> P�rmitt�d bY this�oirtty instnwnmt wNhout furthr nt�tic� ot dMw�d on Ooaow�r. <br /> - 1d. �3orro�wK's Ript�t to Rdnshtw. k earowor n�Ms cait+�h catidtUur�a. eorrower sh�f h�trQ th+t r�M to ..• <br /> .Mao�nwit ot thb Srarry wnb+r+�nt diwontl�a tl u+y 11nw�r�to th� wM.oi: W 5 dM (Qr wc� otl�v«bd <br /> ' '. .pp�o.a.�aw m.y.P.ary�or r.+n.tat�rt�nt�b.ron.saM ot tn.Ptva�lr wr+wnc a«nr vowK a..�.ca�br�.d b w. <br /> '- — fnstrunMnt; «(b) «tly a.juaprn«rt.nwrd�q t1,k S�aukyr M+atiwn�t.Thow oondluaw�dw eu+row�r. 4rJ�a�lf+�«+� <br /> --- ----- wms wtAcf�tfNn wouid b�dw und�r thFs 3�axMY Ihq�unNM and 11+�NW�as It no�ucc�MaYw+IM�d o�eeurwdG• �auns aM► <br /> —�� d�ilt ol�ny othw aov�nt or�pn�nwnts� (e) P�Y'��1 �xpmaN inaxnd h ��4���ht��k��0�but <br /> :,e..�m.�,�ae��o— not MmN�d to.nuwwbM�fEqm�yi'1�M; 1u�d(d► Wc«tuCh wif�n as IMWM m11y n�+�arAlY n�14�4rw�t Ylrt tM Mn d <br /> _��-�=�� tha s�+ty in.aun�n� l«�aer. �iphb� b eh. Pra�«ty and eonow�r. obtp.tia+ w paY a�. wms s.cuoa by thN B�axMY <br /> —�>--:.-:__.�—�= Inswmme shd oonanw unah+mp�d. W�a+ nk+sl�wn�nt by eomow.r. u+is s.ow�y rwr+ann�t��nd tM owp�uon. s.oixra <br />— b��by shM rwirin 1uNy�Mnotiv�a If tw aGe�NnYDn had oeCwr�d. HOwa�r.thk dpilt W rohMlNt�e sMrA nnt�p�ply h tM osw <br /> of�ooN�niton und�p�rryr�ph 17. <br /> �;>�`;��� 18. Sal� of NoN: Chan� d Lro�n S�rrie�r.7'h� Not� a� a psrYnt irMuwl h 1M Note RcW'►hK wkh lhis <br /> Srarity Instrumw►t)nNy bs sold atut or mane tlrt�t wphiwt pkx nWice W Batrow�r-A s�l�m�y��ult In a eh�nq�in tha�ntlty <br /> - '�; = pmo�wn a th�'Lo�n SwviceP)th�t co�Ncts ma+fhM PeYm�due wrder th�Note and tliis S�ou�ItY Instnwn�nt. ih�n aiw m�y <br /> ���-'` � b� on� a �av afwipsa of thn Lwn SwvinK uiu�Mbd ta a Wn of th� Not�. M th�n b a dwnp� d tM L.oan Srvloar, <br /> ��=, � � <br /> " �`;f�'"�:�.,,°,..`. BorrowK wiN b� yiwn wnit�n notia of the ch�n�in iaao�denr,�wGh pwprtiph/4 abow and�p1e�bM I�w. Th�nolia wir <br /> ��J�,SO. y�.y J <br /> W�: �'�,;t?r,;.,i'>�?.� � st�t�the n�nN and�ddnss d tha new Lan Setvfa�ur�nd th�addn�s to which paym�nts shat4d b�m�d�. TM notice wM�Mo � <br /> .. j~� i�;;;.,u��.,, ,� co�t�h any othK inlomwBon nqukM b5+�PP�bia ktw. <br /> f�'�;��n::":., .r�•y;7•_. <br /> 20. Hazardous Subatancaa. eomowa*ihnr not cws�or pMnrt th•prw��no�,us�, dhposr,�tor�p�, or rMMN°t <br /> ;� •. n. �ny Hazudous Substanr� on or in the PtopeR�r. pamowr sh�N not do. nar �Now anyon�alse to do��nYthrW al�tlny 1h� <br /> �''�'::```°� • • r:� " propKty that Is h vbl�Uon ot any E�nviromm�ntal l�w. Tlk pnc�dnp two s�ntmoea shN not appTy to th� p��na� us�. or <br /> ._.:`n': � � stotaq�on tht Prapeity ot sm�N qwnUGa of Fkwrs�ous Substanws th�t are p�n�Ny woopnf�d to t»appraprbA�W oarwl <br /> t. <br /> .�,.,�ti..o. .. : ,. +wW�rdW us�s and to m�Y�t�nanct of the Pro(�ty. <br /> -- 'ti'z.'��i4:+"a`,iF�:-S;�:T.'s:.,:�i <br /> Barowr shaA P►�P�N 9N� L�nd� wdtt�n noUce of arry hvsstl�Uon. c4kn, demmd. I�wwit or oth�r �cdan M� �Y <br /> .�.�.�• ' �ovw�wn�t►p�l or rpuMtory�y�ncy or prNat� p�Ay hvaNM�y th�Prop�ty�tnd any Flarudous SubsWicM or EnvironmrnW Law of <br /> `� whtch Bortow�r has�ctwl knowiKlp�. H BortowK Iwns, a Is notlAsd by�ny pov�mm�ntai or r�tory aulhOrMy� th�t�ny <br /> - - -�'�."'--�= <br /> - . — ��nwval or oth�r rMnedi�tlon of any Hwrdoun Subsfanct alf�cdny P►operty N tNCaaarY. SortowK �h� fx��+�i+ taka ait <br /> , o�aswy r«rNdW�ctio�a In�ccord�nc�w�h EnvlronmmW taw. <br /> c <br /> As uad N this par�praph 20,'Haardous Substanc�s' are ihos�wbstancsa deflned a toxta or h�rardous au6tianas by _ <br /> EnvironnwnW Law �nd th� tolowlnq subaWUe: q�soYne. kKOS�ne. oth�r 11amrtMbM w toxia p�trol�um produets, twda <br /> paddd�s�nd hubldda.vo4itlle solvents,matw(da cantatnhy asb�stos or tonrrldehYyda.�nd adloadN�matMids. As us�d in <br /> . parapraph 20, 'Envfronmrntai Uw' mMns t�de�l�aw�and Mws ot th�jurisdictbn wh�n th�Property b bated th�t nyt�to <br /> .� hMMh,�aiety or enNro�mM�t�l probctlon. —_ <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.BaROwK and L�nd�►tuAM►cove�ant and ayros as topows: — <br /> -, � 21. /1ec�i��ation; R�m�di�s. L.�ndor shall �ive aotfao to Borrowor prlor to aecoleration -- <br />•"J' iollorvin� Barrower's Ix�ach of sny cov�nant or �greemont In this S�cu�ity Indrum�nt (but not <br /> - prlor to acc�l�rstion und�r p�ngrapb 17 untoss �ppQoabl� law provid�s otFNrwis�). '1'fw eottco _ <br /> ''` � shsil sp�cHy: (a) tiw d�fauk; (b) th� �ctlon r�quind to aur� the dafauit: (c) • dat�. nd I��s than �„ <br /> 30 daya irom th� dat�th� notico ts 91v�n to Borrowor. by whlch tho d�tauR must b�curod; and �: <br /> � (d) that failun to cur� th� d�fauR on or b�foro th� dat� spocifi�d In th� no41c� m�y r�suit In ---� <br /> acc�l�rstloo of th�wms a�cur�d by this S�curity Instrumont �nd aala of tFw P�op�rty.7'1N nattc� r'- <br /> � • , shall fu�th�r iMorm Borrow�r of tha dght to r�lnstat� �it�r acad�rstion snd th� riyM to brinp a •`� <br />' court actlon to sss�rt th� non-�xisNnc� of a d�huit or any oth�r d�i��s� of Borrow�r to _ <br /> ' accot�rdlon and salo. if th� d�fiuit Ic not curod on or b�foro tho dato sp�cifi�d in th� ndic�. <br /> ' „��:�: l.�nd�r at its option mty nqutr� imnwdi�to psym�nt in fult of all aums socurod by thls S�curity �_; <br /> �'�'+ :� , Indrum�ot wkhout furttNr d�mand �nd m�yl Invoko th� pow�r of sal� snd any othar nm�di�s = <br /> � �� � p�mnitt�d by applicabl� taw. Lsnd�r shatl b� �ntitt�d to coll�ct ali �xp��sos tnourr�d In punuln� �_ <br />" � � • th� nm�dt�s prarid�d tn this parwnph 21. inciudinp� but not Ilmit�d to. r�asonabl� dtom�ya' �� <br /> t , ' �� fNS aed cosb of tkl��vid�ncQ. ��' <br /> -; ' If th� pow�r of s�t� is invok�d. Tru�t�� shstl r�cord • nottco of d+hutt tn �ach county in <br /> ' whtch any put of th� Prop�rty is locat�d �nd shsll mail copt�s of �uch �aNc� in th� mann�r - <br />� ;,. •_ <br /> !•".-• .. . proscribod by apPlicabl� Isw to Borraw�r�nd to th� oth�r p�raw�s pnscribod by applieaW� law. - <br />. '�., Aftar th� tim� roqatr�cl by applicablo law, TrustN sh�ll �iw puWic noNco of ssl� to th�p�rsons = <br /> , snd tn tt� mann��pr�scrib�d by sppiicabls law.Trustw�without d�mand on Borrowr�.shal� s��� <br /> •� • - � � th� Prop�rty at pubiic au�tian to th�hiyfwst biddor at ttw tim� snd plac� �nd u�dK tM t�rms <br /> - `�'.� �' '. � d�sl�natsd in ttw notic� d sal� in on� or mon parcds snd in any o►d�� TruatM d�brmin�s. <br /> �f ,. .,,; , <br /> '��, . : �.;,,�..�>, Tru� msy postporn s�l� M ail or a�y pucol of th� Prop�rtq b1l Pubilc announ�e�m�nt �t tM . <br /> � .. �.�`;F� �� tinN and plae� af sny prwiously seh�dul�d sal�. I.And�r or ib d�sipe� may pu�ohss� tM <br /> `'• � PropKty at any�al�. �` <br /> '� UPon nc�iPt aE pay�n�rtt of th� priw bid, TrustN shall d�liwr to th� purchsa� TrustN's � <br /> .___ _ � . '�__�� <br /> J__J �4��� L� rjr� � ��/� - <br /> —='���K� {�N{� �A11V�111� t1N PfO�RY. 1n� r�CiWS in iIN �ntiaws aa...+ ...w. ... p....» ..�...�......�..� �. <br /> --�;_--_--�-•.i�. tM truth of tlw �ht�m�nts mad� tlwhtn. TrudM shall apply tl� procNds of tlw ssl� In th� <br /> -� tolloMrinp ord�r. (a) to �11 costs and �xp�ns�s of �z�rclsltp ttM pow�r af sal�. �nd t!M �sl�. :__ <br /> _� t�cludlnp tlw psym�nt of th�Tn��'s tNS�ctually tncurr�d�nd to�xcNd thn� �: <br /> % of th� princlpal antount d tfN � <br /> nob�t tlM tlm� of tl» d�clara�Non af d�iwR, and nasonaW��ttom�y's fNS as p�rmltt�d by law: <br /> (b) to NI wms Meund by this 8�cudty Muhum� �nei (c) any�xc�ss to th� p�rson or p�nons - <br /> Mpally�MIWd to k. _ <br /> ` <br /> F» taN� aao.�a e �ll11L.Si.� _. <br /> — � - <br />