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ti00404851 <br />passed, otherwise than by the terms of this provision in such a <br />manner that the same do not qualify for the marital deduction. <br />In funding said trust the Trustee may use cash or other assets. <br />Said Trust shall be held, managed and distributed as follows: <br />1. The Trustee may pay as much of the net income from this <br />Trust to Trustor's husband during his lifetime as the <br />Trustee, in its sole discretion, deems necessary to <br />provide for his health, education, support and <br />maintenance. The Trustee may also pay to Trustor's <br />husband, or expend in his behalf, as much of the <br />principal of this Trust in such installments as the <br />Trustee, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary <br />to provide for his health, education, support and <br />maintenance. Any income or principal not paid or <br />distributed to Trustor's husband may be distributed by <br />the Trustee, in its sole discretion, to Trustor's <br />children and their issue as the Trustee deems necessary <br />to provide for their health, education, support and <br />maintenance. <br />2. Upon the death of the survivor of the Trustor and her <br />husband, the assets of this trust shall be divided into <br />as many equal shares as there are children of Trustor <br />then living and children of Trustor then deceased <br />leaving issue then living. The Trustee shall allocate <br />one such equal share to each child of Trustor then <br />living and one equal share to each group composed of <br />4 <br />