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<br /> - condemnaian ur uti�r W�i�y��f�:�y�-i af�t Pro�ttr.or fof tt�nv�y,urce in lieu af u�ndemnatlon,rre hercby�iQited and --
<br /> �hull be pwid tu Letder.
<br /> In the event of a tutal ccikfng uf tha Pro{xrty,the ceds xha11 be ppplied to thc xuma necurcd by this Socucity
<br /> InstNment, whether ur twt then dur,with�u►y exccx�pai tu Bomiwcr. In the event of u paAiwl tukin�of'tho Propeny in
<br /> � which thc fxir innrkct vdue of�hc Pm►xrtY immedluttly beforr tbe�uking iti eyu�l ta ar�rcutcr thun ihc amaunt of the sums
<br /> �ecured by thfx Secu�ity lmtrumcnt immedint�ly bcfore thc tuking,untexti Barower and l.endcr otherwixc A$rcc in wrlting,
<br /> �--- ---.�-� the sum�ucurcci hy thi+ Serurity (nr:trument rhxll b� reduced by the umuunt uf che pr�xceds muitipliad by thc following `_
<br /> � frnctlon: (�)the tntat amauat of the sumr xecured immeciiuoty befan:the tuking,divided by(b)�he fair maricet vs�luc of the _
<br /> - Pro�xcty immediately Fxfote tha tuking. Any balumr shaU be paid to BoROwer. In the event of a pacrtial tAking of thc
<br /> — PropcRy in which the tsir markat value of thc Pro{xRy immediately before the taking is Ic�r than ihe umount of thc xums
<br /> kcurcd immediately befaro the tuking,unless Barrowcr and Lender aherwi.+c agrcc in writing or unless applicablc law
<br /> otherwisse provides,the p�ucoeds shall be upplied to the sum.ti uecured by this Securiry Instrument whether or not tha sums are
<br /> — thtn due.
<br /> _--------------.-�v If the Property is abandcmed by E3orcower,or if,ufter notice by Lender m Borcower thut the condemnor offers to make _
<br /> on award or settle a claim for damages.Bnrrower fnils to rccpand to Lender within 30 duys after the dute the notice ic given,
<br /> — Lcnder ie autharized to collect und upply thc proceeds,at itz opt�on,either to restoration or rcpair of tha P�+c��erty or to the
<br /> auma secured by this Security[nstrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lenda and Bomnwer otherwisc agrce in writing,Any applic+�tion of pmcecds to principal shall nut cxtend or
<br /> W __ ______ _— _ poctpone tho dua dato af tha manthly payments�efernd ta in parugn►phx l and 2 or change the umount of such payments.
<br /> I1. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lendec Not s� W�+ivcr. Extension of the timc for payment or
<br />_r';� modification of amortizntton af the sums secured by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> � of Borrower shall not operatc tu releuse the tiobility of thc original Boaower or Borrowers�ucce��n m interest.Lender ___,.
<br /> shall not be cequired to cammence proceedings agamst ony succesxor in interest or rcfuse ro extend time for payment or
<br /> ' othenvise modify amoni7.otinn of tBe sums,ecured bp this Security Inxtniment by reason of uny demand mudc by the original
<br /> �� Borcower or Horrowe�'s sucres.un in interest. Any fortxarnnce by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy shall nat be a
<br /> � waiver of or preclude tha exerci,e of any right or remcdy. —
<br /> 12. Successors and AssiRns Bound;Joint and SeverA!Liability;Casigners. The covenants and agreemcnts of this
<br />- Secur�ty lnsttument shall bind i+nd benefit the successar.and assigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of --
<br /> �' parugrnph 17. Borrower'.s covenants and agceements shnll be joint and severul. Any BoROwer who co-signs this Security
<br /> ' `�" � Instmment but das not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge,grant mnd convey that
<br /> ,.,�,±:_.�`
<br /> Borrower's intarest in the Praperty under the terms of this Security Instcument; (b)is not persunally obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrumenk and(c)agrces thut Lender and aay other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br />-- or make any accommodations with regurd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> ��'* ' 13. l.oan ChAeges. If the loan secured by thi. Security Instrumcnl i� +ubjcci [�a iaw wh+ch ut�maximam loati
<br /> r ;.c:,,,,,.; �yx . charges,and that law!s finaliy interpreted so that the intercst or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> ����";',.��` :
<br />. '. i ,...�,°:�t,:,�- with the loan exceed the p entiitted limit�,then: (a)any such lo:►n churge�hap lx reduced by the amount necessary•to reduce
<br /> y.� :';;i�;�;t''=,;r• � the charge to the pertnitted limit;and(b)any sumti alrcady collected from Burrower which exceeded permitted limits will bc
<br /> � '�;;��-t���''+•� refunded to Borrower. Lender may cha�.e to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u
<br /> , °•��4��,;�'r�.,':..,. .;:
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. ff u rcfund reduces prinripal,the reductian will he treated ux u punial prepuyment without any
<br /> �;.'���r� � ° - •'� . prepayment charge under the No[e.
<br />'� � ;�•;y�"��' �-.k;..� •s 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower proviikd for in this Srcurity Instrument tihuU be given by deiivering it or by
<br /> ::1�� �'.:'t t .
<br /> �.,ti..:�. �•...��., mailing it by first class muil unlets npplicuble law r�•quim�u�e of another methal.The notice.hall be directed ro the operty
<br /> �, e�n`:�:y:�;�•..::q;�,�..._ Addrcss or any other uddmss Borrower dexignates by notir�to Lender. Any notice to Lrnder shall he given by first class
<br />--• .'.�;�''-;.:rt'�i:.
<br /> muil to Lender:address stated herein or uny other adJns,Lrnder de�ignateti by noticc to Bortower. Any noticr provided for
<br />'-^t,�:' ,,,�, ;, �.,. in this Securiry Instrument shatl hr deemcd to huvr Ixen givcn to Bottower or Lender when given u.� provided in this
<br /> "'"" paregruph.
<br /> _ ':�� w.,.�:.:'�.,.
<br /> '�►y��'ta�i •�� I5. GoverninR Law: Severability. Thi+Securiry In.trument shaU tx govcrnrd by fcder�l law und the law of the
<br />�= '��;`""''s""'"' "' '' jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is Icxaurd. lu thr cvrnt that uny provi�ian or cl•rwc uf thiti Scruriq•Inxtrument or thc Note
<br />'�;� � ""'••`��• conflicts with a licable luw,such mnflirt�hull not at'fcrt��ther provisionti ot'this Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br />- u��� cr � be given effectpwithout the conflicting provisiun. Ti�thiz end the provisions of thi. Srru�ity hntrument und the Note um _
<br /> ;��� ''�`''"�`�'' � declared to be severable.
<br /> iv "o:a`a�lo� •. .��, .
<br /> �� � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borcuwrr shall hc givcn anc ronfi�micd copy��f thc Notr and of thi.Scrurity Inxtrumcnt.
<br /> ,�'���°�-•.�� 17. 1lransfer of the Prupertv or a Reneticial lnterest in�urrower. If aU or any part uf the Propcny or any intere�t in
<br />- '''`�= ' it is sold or tr.insfcrred(or if u bcnefici•rl intcrest in Burroa•cr i+�old ur tr;m+fcrnd und B�nmwcr iti not a naturnl person)
<br />.,'U,
<br /> -.� - -� without Lender's prior writtrn conu:nt,Lender may.:it it.uptiun.�tiyuim iminrdiate paymrnt in full of uU sum�secured by
<br />- o �;,., ,, this Security lnswment. However,thix option�hull not be exerciud by Lender iC excrcise is pruhibited by federol law�s af
<br />__ _- � e�.,.�;�,. the date of this Securiry In,trument.
<br /> ----��:: If Lender excn:iscs this option,Lcndcr�hall givc Borrowcr noticr of arrcleration. Th�noticc,hall provide a period of _
<br /> —��'�.��',���:�_ na less than 30 days from the date the notice iti dcliven:d or mailcd within�•hich B��nwvrr mu.t pay•rll tium�,ccured by thi,
<br /> `�. r'�'•� '� � ' Security Instrument. If Bortower failx to puy thc�e sums prior tu the expirution of'thiti {xriod,l.ender may invoke uny
<br /> '�..x�:�.....•.�r... • -_
<br />° -° Y ��; : remedics pemtitted by thi�Security Imtrument withnut furthcr notirc or demand on Borruwrr.
<br /> � 18. liorrower's Rigbt to Reinstate. If Bom�wer meetx certuin conditions, Bomoarr xhall have the riFht to have
<br />-��•.��',' �r. � .
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinucd at uny timr priar w thr earli�r of: (a►S d:�yc 1or such other period as
<br /> `- � �, SingkF�mity..FrnqkDtae/fYaddicMaeUNIFOR�ft1tiTRC1tF.M1T-•UniformCovenann 9190 fp�+X�'4nj6�wgesi
<br /> ��� � .
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