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<br /> �� d NINETY SIX THOUSAND AM1fO 00/100-------�_____..�._.....,-----------------���
<br /> !s vd M�.� 1�e+�R�.b�iva� aad eosw0► uats tYa Homa 1'�daeal R��Wp�R Laa A�ooiatla at Gntd I�o4
<br /> Qaod I�1+r4 N�M md!b w�oaMO�r and+�a1tn�t6e tollewNit nal Mhtt�.�lW�d iM HALL
<br /> ��� �� NEBRASKA �,���;
<br /> �� �}i i.
<br /> Toaather with all the appurtenanca thereunto be9unYln�►wd ill covenin o���o!anY�aaat or coadition herein c��
<br /> �nd �11 tbe reab.ittua usd psoSb arlata���ear ceeY pt fort �i�a
<br />.:,� Wn�d: �ad wurants tbe title theebW�ert
<br />_ Durin� th� Wne thir mo:ti�ile i�in iorce t5e moet�uton aane: �u�t a11 ta:a u�d wwm�ats lsvbd
<br /> �..�.. Flrak To I�y all ta:a and spedal �qiaianenb Lvled a�1nd sttd Vr�m�s�
<br /> �'�-_ vpon tblt morl��tle.or th� debt�ecured by thie mort�a��.�2�:b±�.�Ming�nd tOT0�d0 la iOiflQ�n1D�Yr�68�p
<br /> - �t.;"�' j ; Secoad. To t�eD �11 buila�a�i.tiner�ou iarv,�nt a�af�•• 96,000.00 , for
<br /> - ',� �: .�r�':i,•(�'S.; • - .
<br /> proved by the uid 8c+me Federal S�vinii& I.oan A+aoatatlon ot(irwd b1u►d i�►the sunt ot�
<br /> y tS -'�' � the ben�fit ot tbe�id Aseoct�tion,.na its suoro..o�or a..►aw� and to deyoQit eaid pollei�s with s�id A�oci�tlon,wd slull not
<br /> ., � ,
<br /> ���{�:;.���
<br /> ^,.�.�... �ommit or a�ifer+u�Y waste oa said pr�miia. and ahall Dut�nd YMp raid ral�tate fwildta��ad [mpeovem�ufi in sood
<br /> ��r;~'••:. �da.
<br /> _' ; � k Loaa At�ooiatloa ot Graad Island. its succawrs os
<br /> . , .
<br /> M Third. To pay or cauie to be pRid to !bo Romo F�deral Sa nW DOLi.11ka,
<br /> :� NINETY SIX THQUSAR'D AND 00 1Q0----------------------------------
<br /> ..� , ' wl�as.the wm oi
<br /> ,. . a p�yabl+��t to11oM�:
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<br />- OUE: mAY 3, 1994
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<br /> � �;,:.• � with interest thereon P�Yable,according tu Wo Mnor and effeet ot the one ceet�tn tirst iuortaa�e note of atd mortYa�or+�,
<br />,._, `� �=%+ti;.�.� _ b�arin�even date wiih thase presentn.. Anar m�turlty �aid bond drawa iaterert �t the rate of dne P�'cent Per annum.
<br /> t
<br /> .���••.: . � u�id taxes and aiswurenta u+a.uot pnld when due, or i!the bufldin�s on s�id premi�es ue not Luund a above pra
<br /> ...,}:,;.,,.: �
<br />���+;� ��•'!''���`�`:' vidcd,or i!�ay ot said tutorest ie not p�td when due,then said whote debt�hall become due immadiately,�t the option oi th�
<br /> • ':::�. . uid A�oci�tlon,�nt�sh�ll thoreafWr�w intcre�!at the rate ot nine Per cent P�'aanum.
<br /> - _ •_aa:�:;.,.:, Z'tre mortBa�or hor�by �10a-- to uid mort�ayee all senta and income arisin� at anY and all times irom said
<br /> �r"T"_;
<br /> _,�� _ -- •c��....- ' property and hereby authorito rald mocttt�4ee or ite a�Tea� at itr option, upon default, to talce eharge of aald pmpertY +md
<br /> "-�";`" �:� collect all r�nta and inoomo thoYr.from and �pply the aame to the paYment of interat, principal,inaurance premiumt�taxe�� �
<br /> c��ar.•_• -�. wewments, rep�iis or improvemenSs n e cess�rY to keep faid propertY la tenantable conditloa, or to other charYes or pay
<br /> ,'.^�� �Tfs?'�.`�;�i;'�c•�� � _ ments ptovided for hornin or in the note hereby secured.This rent assiHmnent shaU contlnue in force until the unp�id bal•
<br /> . ;��;,4,�.•;,��.., wc� of raid note is fully pdd The takin�oi poueuion hereunder�twU in no mWnaer prevent or retard s+dd mortEa�ee in
<br /> - , , - the collection o1 said �ums by foreclosure or otherwise. �
<br /> �,, �" •� Whetha aaid debt becomea duo by lapae o! time, or by reason of the failure ot the party of We first part to comply 1
<br /> ;x�;;�;��;:; with any coAditlou Lmv1A,the sdd Home Federd Savtnas 1c Lo�n Asaoclation o! Grand Itland,the suaeawn �nd as�t({w, }
<br /> � r sLr11 b�ve We ri�tht to be�in the foreclocure oi thls mortgaye at once on the whole debt hereby secured, aud to include �
<br /> tuerein�ll tues, a�amamenti, insuran��P�°��+ �ad cost�,p�id by it or thom; or wid Auociatiun, its succeuon or
<br /> -�-� �si�s,au�' to:oclae on�Y at to the ium past due, witLouL 1n3urY to thla mostaWte, or the dLplacement or imPdrm�M
<br /> _ ot the llen the:eoi. �
<br /> And!La sald fir�t putY �nd tLu makan of�atd aott, e��ecidlY aitree and declare th�t the�eparate e�tate ot uch aad
<br /> --- e�ery one ot tbem. includU� Uoth that noa owaed and !!ut bereaiter acctuired, b pledQed and bo�nd for the P+�Ymdat of �
<br /> �a.� Js� h.who..m.wt _�,_.__�W�......r
<br /> - _ �... ...... �.��� __.._..�
<br /> _ wr� �,e con����i�os�i�u�sn�%r.tno�c�i�c�.n��th�m�Y be the homestead oi tbe oc�p:nc:na
<br /> wid prani� d the �ppoin
<br /> notMnit�dandinit th�pu'tia liable imr the deb! m�Y be �n�d, +nd We first �rty henby cons�nts to the appoiutmenL oi a
<br /> g�iWr vpon tbe production ot thit indentan,witi►out otber evidence.
<br /> T6� tor�dn� condition�wd +�re�mwte. all wd tin4ular�bein�in1LY D�orm�i.tLis eonvymnce�11 be void. aRher-
<br /> - wfw t�A�aad r�aain 1n tull!o� �ad rfl�ci.
<br /> ���� 3RD ,,.��, ►WUEI'�IBER D.. 1�3
<br /> ,/�' �
<br /> W�ptw�o�ee o1 .
<br /> U CKI I�IDDL N
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