-��T T;� ;.� �,�: ���-�_..--
<br /> � _ --
<br /> :�.�:s _ _ - --- ---
<br /> ���� � . --.�___._ .� .
<br /> � nMe x�w�n u�ur oEVf�o�Nr n� w�.d.a��ih=�•r��� •1!�—� �
<br /> _ - �nd M InoorPonM�d YNo r�d NW b�d�n�d b anw�d and�upMM�nt Ilw Ma1�p��DNd d Tlv�t ot l�a�Ny DMtt(tA� �
<br /> '�ily Instt�a') d IM wnw d�N, 9M� d!► 1M und��lpn�d l� '��I b �aw� OortOwM'� NoM to
<br /> �•,._ • -...� �••�.••�••••� •r C{rand hland A UnR�d sfads Caooraflat
<br /> cm.•L«�a.ry a 11�.wn�a.a.ea oar.hp un P�op«1�►a..awa b�n.
<br /> B�owNy(n�Mu�N�!boY�d M:
<br /> .- ----_----_-_ zso7 Mrowh.�d ad.. c,�nnd Isiw�d.N.br.dc.�7 � p
<br /> � Th�Prop�riy NaiudM. but b not inll�d b.a p�►al d yrW Mnp►ov�d wMh a dw�Nnp.bQ�h+r wkb o1h�r woh�ro��nd
<br /> arwn ao�wran wu and iaal�tlM.u dMaiD�d h b��ricti�e Caannant■ aad Conditiaos fila� 8-27-65
<br /> � in soot 14. P�tga 39i and 1ti8L! Zo aa r t �ss� • op�r � s tion
<br /> aad �ubi�ct to aa usee�aent aa �l�o� n �inutas o a sp�c s�et s�-Na� 18, �9d8
<br /> �iled as Aocu�nt /88-102963
<br /> ___.��-�. _�---�=a �e.p�.�.TF�Prapwty is�put oi a ptuw��d unN d�rNoi�nwu lo�own w
<br /> __==-- ii.i�raida Iucse�
<br /> �.=_t...� n��ot l
<br /> � _—;� (th� 'PUD'). Th�Rop�rty alw Mdudn Bonow�t's fnt�t h tb�han�ownKS�ssocMUon or�qulvNNSt�►Wy owr�(np or
<br /> �`� m�n�pMp th�camnon wa and iRdMIMs of Ih� PUD(tha 'Own��MtocJatbn') �nd lht usM� bmdt��nd proa�ds of
<br /> �__ Bartow�s intrns�
<br /> ., PUD COYENAN7'S. In �ddMion to th� cov�nts.�rW�ptMnwnts m�d�In th�8�ourMfi Itw4anl�t�Bort�owK�nd
<br /> ' ��x •: l.snder 1w1hK oovaknt and�prM a�foNowa: -
<br /> . .,i, A. PUD OBUOAl10NS. Barow� sh�ll p�Aorm aM ot 8arowa's obWydion� �ndN tb� PW's Constiwmt
<br /> , �:!�:�•:,,-.;, ��_ Docum�►U. Th� "Conttltwnt Qocumwits' w thr. @ D�dar�Qan: (Y) ruU� of Inaotpontlon. truM inthwnent a any
<br />° � s� `::.:,'., equlv�bnt document wh�h awbs th�Own�n Assod�tioa:�nd(Yi)�ny by�wa a athar rutos ar re��Ntlon�o�th�Own�rs
<br /> `ow�°7r!�°;`r::.?. Assoddlon. BoROw�► ih�M Pr�P�h► WY� wh�n dw� aN dua and usa�mmts knpo��d p�uswrN to ih� ConsUW�nt
<br /> �� :(,"��.: Docummts.
<br />_ �. : ,: : � _ _:�. --; ' .,,.Yu
<br /> � }C,+�y���jFr�,� B. HA?Aiip INSURANCE. So Iony �s ths Ownen AswaMYoa IIM�(I�kl��YYHh A �f1.�++� pGSR(�« kiW1/11C�
<br /> �' w•: urttK, a 'tnnt�" a •W�n1aP poMay insutinp th� Pro�ty wNkh b s�tlsMotory 10 Under and whtch ptavid� inwnnc�
<br /> ti .,.:r,.��ti.
<br /> - -�¢l:?;�, tjLY,,�'�?�. cov�q� in th� atnounts. lor ths p�riods. and �p�inst th4 hurda lMed�► nquin�� inaludiny An ancl Mlwrds InaiucMd
<br /> ,,,;M,;w,»,„�u1k�d1�;�. WkhM1 11N tMm'�7dMIdM!CoYN11ps'�thM1:
<br /> 't":iu`'"•"a.4:T i::+�f*
<br /> .., t i..na.r w.w.s cn•provisan h unMam cov«+.ru 2 rar th� monthy p.ymmt to t.«ida d u��sr«�N a«nM+n+
<br /> A�: `��.� .t.: .,:tt, � InstaAnNntt for Iwwrd insu�noa on tM PropKty;�nd
<br /> . -�1�ii.:s� (i� Bortoww's obMp�tion und�►UnNorm Covawnt 5 W m�Jnteb fw,�rd insuru�w cownp�on th�Pro{►rty b dNm�d
<br />. - - ;;:�. , .• �aiiaAad io ihe.xi.ni tiwi ih•riryukwi cova-aps 3�prov{dad!ty tlsa awns�Assads!!an paYcy.
<br /> • 8ortower shaN yiv�L�nd�►prompt nodc+of any 4�pee b nqui►W h�rrd insursnas cov�aps provMW by th�rtnst�►or
<br /> bl�nket poMoy.
<br /> � in ih� �vmt ot a diaUkwdon ot h�zard inaurence proceeda in IMu ot wetoratbn or rap�k IoNawiny � bss to the
<br /> . Property, or to common uMS and 1edWWs of the PUD. �r►y prace�ds pay�bla to Barow�r an h�nby aatpn�d and sh�p
<br /> e.p.ta eo �.nd.r.L�ndsr shaN�ppy ths proc��ds to the wms s�oursd by ths 3�wdty InatruirNnt, wtth��ny.xc.sa�.�d
<br /> to eorrower.
<br /> • C. PUBUC LIABILITY INSURANCE. eorrowK ahal taks wah �ctbns as rn�y b� rMSOr+ebM to Inwn that
<br />- !h� OwnKa Assod�Uon m�k►Wns • pubWo WbMEry insuranoa poMcy�►captsW� In torm, amount,and uRent of oovrap�to
<br /> . - L�ndK.
<br /> - • O. CONDEMNATION. The proaeeds ot any award or clNm ta dam�pes, dkect or conaequanti�l, p�y�bN to
<br /> �c, : goROw�r in eonr►ecllon wilh�ny condemnation or other taWnq ol aY or�ny psR ot the Property or the canmon atw�a md
<br /> _ . , I�cWGas of th� PUD, a tor any conveymae in Ynu ot condtHtmaUon, ara hereby astlyn�d and eh�ll bn p�id to LendK.
<br /> ,,F,� . .;���,�, �� ; ;'tt� och proeseds shY bt applisd by L�ndx to the wms sacured by the S�cudty InsUument�s provki�d In Unlform Covwnt
<br />' { E. LENDBR'S PRIOR CONSENT. eonower ahaM not, except aft«notic� to L�►d�r�nd wNh Lmd�r•s pior
<br /> ` wrkun consmt,elthar puUtlo�►a subdivide the Proparly or coneent to:
<br />' - (q the�bandonment or tKmtnatlon ot the PUD, except for abandonment a temdnatbn requhed by I�w in th�cas�of
<br /> � ' � subataMfal dsstruction by 1ka or othx caswlry or In the aasa of a taking by wndemnaUon ar w+�in�nt dortw{n; -
<br /> , , . � � � � , (i� any amandmmt to any provialon ot the 'Constltumt Qocwr»nts• It ihe prov(alon Is ta the wpnst b�nNk of
<br /> Lenda;
<br /> ' (ill) tarnNapan of prol�saional rtwupement and�ssumpilon ot setf•m�na9emant of the OwnKa A�sodnlbn:or
<br /> (iv) any acUon whlch would have the Ntect at renderinq the pubMe Nab4ity insurance coveraye r�aNtaknd by th•
<br />� `� �; _ Ownera Asaod�Uon un�cceptabie to Lender.
<br /> �r� • � F. REMEDIE$. If 8orrower does not pay PUD dues and�ssessmenta when due,then l.mc�mr tn�y pay them.Any
<br /> • " ' �mounts disbursed by Lender under this pengraph F sh�M b�come �ddWonai debt ot Bortower s�eured by th�S�eudly
<br /> " � t* Instrument. Unleaa Bartower and Lendx�gree to other terms ot payment, thas��mounte ahali beer Intereat irom the d�te
<br /> 1'����^ �•�..:a'�i.u�-� of diabun�mnt at th� Note ►att and sh� b� payabk, wRh htenat, upon notie� from l�ind�r to Borrowu rpuatlnq
<br /> �;,�' ''�" � p�ymmt.
<br /> �
<br /> yf" '�' � 8Y SIONIN(i BELOW, Borrow�r accepts and aqrees to the terms and provisbns contatnad in this PUp Rld�t. Ths
<br /> �' undonipnod bwrowK(�j admowiedye(�)nceipt ot e eopy ot thls InsWment.
<br /> '�r �. � .
<br /> 1; (gEpl)
<br /> . •�. _
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<br /> '_. ,'1ti.'v.. '.14y. '• '
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<br /> ,;,, �� ` � t.E��L-y'c.J
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<br /> �e��i9�i �iioS.'�i' .��"':i�
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<br /> MULTtTATE WD I�Ofll-p�F�n�r•fNNN1FMllAC tM�FOiMA INtTRIMAGNT Fotm�160 9y0
<br /> �107�,LIAO�1�
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