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<br /> -_ Qeriod�t►wt Lxpclet ayuirc�. The tnwrance cucier provldin�the iiuwyrux rh�ll be cbo�a�by Hami er su �Lenderti
<br /> ' Mproval whkh�h�ll not be unret�on�bty withi�ei8. ti B«towu i■iis iv uu�iid:it'��:,ver�::E�:c�lt�:.i-wc,va,i.'w',d�i way.:i
<br /> • Lenderk aption,obain coveraQe to protoct Lenderl�ri�hts in the Prc�perty in�ccotdu�ce wlth pu�nph 7.
<br /> All insunu�ce policle��nd renewdi�hall bo acceptable to L.ender u�d�hNlt include�ew�da�d nwrt�a�t clwu. l.ender
<br /> shall havc ttro rf�ht to hold ihe policka and ranewals. If l.endrr taquirc�,Bomowar ahall promptly Yivc to Lender�II roceipu
<br /> of paid prcmiuma u�d Knewal noticei. In the evmt of la�, Bamwer ih�ll�Ive promp nalce w tha lnwrance carrier a�d
<br /> _ Lender. Lenckr rtu�y m�lce proof of locs if not mada poomply by 8omnwer.
<br /> � ���� Un1esY Lender and Bomower otherwix�aroe in wdtin�.Insunuice procads shdl ba�pplird w re+�turAtiw�ar rep�ir of
<br /> tMe Property dRm�ged, if the rdtot�tion or np�ir i� economically fe�ible and Lender'a security Is not lewened. If the
<br /> restomtion or repair ie not xoiwmically feAaible or L.ender�securiry would be le�cenod. the in�urwue proceeds ahip be
<br /> applied ta the sums socwed by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due,with any exces�paid to Bamwer. If
<br /> Borcower abandons the Pcoperty, or does nat anawer within 30 dtya w notice from Lender th�t the in:ur�u�ce cartirc hu
<br /> offerod to settla x claim,then Lender may caUect the insuruice praceods. l.ender may use the procads to re�air or roston
<br /> the Property or to pay surtu:ecurod by thir Securiry Inamirtient,whether or not tha►due. The 30�day period will be�in when
<br /> the notia is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowcr otherwisc agree in w�it�ng,suty application of procads to princlpal shwll not extend or
<br /> postpone the dua date of the monthly payments refemcd to i�puagraplis t and 2 or chs�ngc the amaunt of the payments. If
<br /> under paragrnph 21 thc PropeRy is uquired by Lender,Borrowcr's right to any insunnce policies anci proaeds rcsulting
<br /> from damage to the Propecty prior to the acquisition stwU pasc to I.ender w ttK extent oP the sums securod by this Security
<br /> Insuumcnt immcdiatcly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy, Prtservatioo, Maiate�nce aod Protectba of the Property; Borrower's Lora Applktittioo;
<br /> -- Lesseholda Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the P�+oprrty�.g Aormwer�principal residence wiWn sixty daya tifter
<br />--- the execution of this Security Instrument and shatl continue to occupy the Property as Borrower§principal residence for�t
<br /> -= least one yoar after the date of accupancy, unless Lencier otherwise agrexs In writing, which conxnt sholl rwt be
<br /> - unreH�+n�bly withheld,or unless extenuating ctrcumsttu�ces exist which are beyond Bomnwer�s control. Borrower shbll not
<br />- _��"' destroy,damage or impalr thc Propetty.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> 4-d� be in defuult if any fafeiture action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun th�t in Lender�s good futh judgment
<br />-fl;;. could result in forfeiture of the Property or aherwise materially impair ihe lien ec+eated by this Security Instrument a
<br /> _ Lender�security intemst. Botrower may cuc�e such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,by causing tiv:xtion
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed witA a niling that,in Lender�good faith detetmination,precludes forfeiture of the Bamower's
<br /> -T�• interest tn tho Properry or other material impairment of the lien crented by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> .=� interest. Bo�rower shatl also be in default if Bomower, during the loan applicati�n process, gave materiaily false a
<br /> - inaccurate information or swtements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any matedal infocmation)in connection with
<br /> :'� the loan evidencrd by the Note. inctuding. but na limited to, representatians conceming Borrower's accupancy of the
<br /> -`� P[OPCf�y il�il F1NIl'IF1711 ICSt(ICIK:C. I I�II1tY.Si'.�'.I�i�II� ui�irurneni is an a fcaschald,Barrawcr sha!!compl;;wish a!3 ttse pro�lsiona
<br /> of the leasc. If Barra�ver acquircs fee tide to tha Property.t}►e le�sehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrua
<br /> �, ,�. ` to the metger in wrlting.
<br /> "`' 7, Prateetion of Lender's R(ghts in the Properly. If Borrower fails to pedorm the covenan�c and agreeme.nu
<br /> �`� contained in this Security Instrument, or ther�e is a legal proceeding that may signiticantly affect L.cnder's righis in the
<br /> - ,•::�,,,� Property(such ac a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulAtions),then
<br />� � � ; ' Lendcr may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rightc in tix Property.
<br /> �. � :�.�'a�;=
<br /> t . ;:,,:::;;..,x,�• Lender:Actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over ihis Security Instrument,appearing
<br />_ � • ' �" in murt,pnying reasonable attomeys'fecs and entering on the Propeny ro make repairs.Although Lcnder may take action
<br /> • '�'`=�'� under this parngraph 7,Lender dces not huve to du so.
<br />– ' '� "�R'� Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under thi� p:uag�aph 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br />— • Security Intitn�ment. Unlcss Bormwcr and Lendcr agree ta ather terms of puyment,thexc amounts shall bear interest from the
<br />__ x'k''� date of disbun�ement ut the Note rate and shall be payublt, with interest.upon no[ice from Lender to Borrower roquesting
<br /> .` ��'�:a:c3i*.�t��:� payment.
<br /> :,�'y„n.��.:.':.. 8. MoMgage Insurance. If Lender required mortguge insurunce as u condition of making the loan secured by this
<br />, � •�,.';.,�•„-,� Security Instrument,Barower shall pay the prcmiums required to maintain the mortgage insurunce in effect. If, for any
<br /> �� re�.scx�, the mortgage insurance cover.►ge rcquired by Lender lap�es or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pny the
<br /> ^�� . .,,_ . premium. mquimd to obhrin roverrge subuantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance pr�viously in effect, at a cost
<br /> `r?j;:�,;;;j��� substantiully equivalent to the cost to Borrower uf the mortgage inxurance pmviously in effect,from on altemate mortgage
<br /> x:':,.x�: :�- imurer approved by Lender. If substuntially equivnlent mortgage insurance coverage is not avai�able.Bonnwer shall pay to
<br /> `��^�"� Lender cach month u sum e ual to one-twetfth of the earl mort a c.inrurance rcmium bein aid b Borrower when tlx
<br /> ,.,,, .. 9 ' Y Y 6'S' P 6 P' Y
<br /> �`� �,�i insurunce coveruge lapsed or ceased to be in rffect Lender will accept,use und rctuin these payments us u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> of mortgage in,ur.uue. Lors reserve payments may no longcr be rcquircd,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> ��'' coverage(in the amouut and for thc period that Lcnder rcquires)pmvided by an insurer approvcd by Lcnder again becomes
<br /> _ _,,—,� available und is obtained.Borrower shull pay the premiums requircd to maintuin mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> __�–:x�y=c..:�r loss rcserve,until the reyuircment for mortgage insurance ends in accordanee with any written•rgrcement between B�irrower
<br /> --�—�""`�"'�""s�_.:-: . and Lendcr or applic•rblc law.
<br /> '�� ' '�a I 9. Inspectbn. Lender or its agent muy makc reasonable entrics upon s►nd in.pectiom of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> �;:���r;� give Borrower notice nt the time of or prior to an inr:pection specifying rcasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> _ -------=�-� 10. Candemnrtion. The proceeds of any award ar claim for d:unages,dimct or consequentiul,in connection with any
<br /> _t��d��C''� Sinak f'tmily-•F�wnle hTsdFt'Mdk Mac UNIPORM INSTRUMENT•-UnitixmCovenant� 9r�o r�xr.��fn�,a,��,�
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