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<br /> '_ '•- --
<br /> _ -� �.'*' ' -_-- � _.
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<br /> � :=�::Q.t,� y z�� .
<br /> 1�.�..�.�.•w fV�.vt.iw�. � -
<br /> W MR��w�r IMt 11��.Ext�n�ion�f tM 1Mn�lot pNHm�nt a Modifiatbn of tM�wn�wa+t�d�y M pMd ol Tn�t MM►t�l
<br /> by t+w►dK to�►y woo�o�In int�rwt of Borraww d+aY not op�tN�to rMw��.h�ny nunnM�thr WbYity of th�aloY+d�nw�t
<br /> �nd sonawM'r woo�oa in fntKiwt.I.w+d�r�h�M not b�rpuk�/to o�nwn�na ProoNdMW��O+�+N�uo��+o�a a nfuw to
<br /> �xtM►d ti�for prym�nt or olbwwM�nwdMY rnatftNion of th�wiM�u�►y�hM O��f Tewt MI���rN►�M
<br /> -�— - ___�-� m�d�by th�aioin�l�r�owar anQ Bauowu'��uec�nor�in tntMNt. �N}����t of ar►y obllWfion h�tMn�n�ntbn�d. --
<br /> �� - !b)L�"�l4w�n.11{lithout�tf�atinY th�WbYi�Y ot any oth�t iw�at .
<br /> �nd wUhout allwtlnp tF►�Wn ot ah�0�of thia DNd of Tn+�t upan�ny portia�of th�PrapKty nat th�n a tMntot�n nl�«I M
<br /> - s�writy fa th�tuN�mc+unt ot �II unp�id obliQUion�.l.M+dK m�y.t�om tim�to Nm�r+d wkhwt notlo�!i)r��any P�na►w
<br /> N�W�.!w acund th�m�twilY or altw�e►y o1 th�t�of any wd►o►YOMMm,(iil.q«nt othw indu�Y�no+�.IiN{r�Mw or noonvW.
<br /> or ow..co b.r.�....a w r.oa,vw.a.�.ny��.a t.«+d.�'�option arW��ai� or�M o(tM hop�rY.(v)tMa or r�{w��ny
<br /> oth�t �dditknal wourity fw �ny ob4p�tian h�r�in m�ntion�d. or lvil mMc� �.j��Pjl��9[:��'���ts wNh d�bton b
<br /> _ --_�- - - ��,-�- r�ticoth�nto. +...� ,,........ ..-... .,
<br />�.. � l01 FMbw��y L�wl�r Not�Wdwr.My tonbwir�no�bY I.�nd�►h�xwd�+p�nY iioht a r«nMiy M►w+ndw.or olh�ewlN
<br /> �fford�l by applieabM I�w. �hdl not b��waFr�r ot or pnclud�Ih�ac�raiN of�r►y wd► rlpht a��dM•Th�P�oa+rwn�nt of
<br /> inw►�no�or th�p�ymM+t of t�xM a otha U�n�or ahWpw by l.M►d�r �har noe b��waFrw of Landw'�rioht to�mdrat�tlN
<br /> mNurlty ol th�ind�ht�dn�s�wnd by thM Owd of Tnut.
<br /> (d►iwao�sMn�1 Awqn�Ra�nd:JoMt and Y�vwal LMb�tyt GPt�n�.Th�oov�n�nt��nd prwm�nb hw�fn oont�(r►�d�haM
<br /> bind, and th� ripl►t�h�w�d�t�h�ll iwn to, th� nsp�atN�wac�sw���nd wlpm of L�ndW �nd Trwtor. A4 oov�ants and
<br /> prwn�nt�ot Trustor �hdl 1»joint �r►d �rwd. Th� wPtions and hNdinp�of th�pu�puphs ot th� Owd oi Trust aa fot
<br /> oonv�nbnw o�iy�nd�r�not to b�uwd to int�rpnt or d�fin�th�provMlom h�rwf.
<br /> � (r)RpuNt la No11oN�Th�partiM h�nby rpuMt Ut�t�coPy of any noUc�of d�fwtt h�rwnd�r�nd�copy o(any ootioa at
<br /> - aM hwwnd�r I»m+ihd to Nd►P+►ly to thk DNd of Trust at th��ddnw wt forth abov�h th�mrruur p►�ib�d by�ppNc�bb
<br />- I�w.Exo�pt tor�r►y oth�r notic�rpuk�d undw�ppliabi�taw to M pi�r�n 1n anoth�r m�nn�r.+ny�otfw provld�d tor h thb OMd of
<br /> Tast �h�ll b�pN«►by m�ilinp woh notic�by cwtifi�d mail sddrMMd to th�othw puti�o,at th�addr�u ut tortfi�bov�.My --
<br /> - notiu prov{d�d tor in this DMd ot Tnut shdl I»�thntiv�upon m�Yinp h th�mru��r dwipn�t�d hw�Y+.lf Ttwta it mor�than om
<br /> p�rsoo,notiu Nnt to th�ddrrs wt tath�bov��hdl b�notic�ta dl wah p�rw��•
<br /> �•? (fl In�pwtMn.L.�nd�r mM/mak�°r°'uw to b�m�d�nasan�blw�ntriw upon�nd h�p�ations of th�Prop�rty.Provld�d that
<br /> L�nda�h�ll piv�Truuor notlu prbr to any woh imp�otlon�p�eityhp r�wonabM oauw th�utw r�t�d t�L�n�'s intM�st in th�
<br /> ,�� PtuP�rtY•
<br /> (QI q�p��• Upon p�ym�nt of �M �n�s�a+t�d by thb Dwd of Trust. L�ndw �Fttll rpu�st Ttust»to noonv�y th�
<br />-' Prop�rty�nd�hdl wa�nd�r thi� Uwd of Trust�nd�II notN wid�nohp fnd�bt�dnw s�ound by this ONd ot Trwt to T�u�tw.
<br /> Trwtw�h�ll noot►v�yl th�Prop�tty wNhout warnnty and without cfiap�to th�p�r�a►ot pw�a+�Moa1111�ntkMd tlwnto.Tn�stot
<br /> ;=� �hdl pW�11 ooat�of naord�tion.if r►y.
<br /> a;1 , (h)►w�d Pro�wtyi�uY AW��t•��ditionai s�curiiy tor iha psyrscni o!!ha!lata,Tsustza he:e!Y;a+�r+le�!ndw w+dw
<br /> ��,.,
<br /> �1'. •"r.� ' ;�-��`�"°"' th�N�br�sk�tJniform Canmwied Cod�a s�writy inta�st h aIl tlxtuns.�qulpmw►t.and oth�r p�rsond propMty uNd in aon��atbn
<br /> M��y ���.�.:,:� with th�r�al Nt�t�a improv�rnw►t�beat�d th�non,and�ot oth�rwk�d�ctand or dNnn�d to b��pa�t of th�nal Nt�t�s�wr�d
<br /> �, hr�6y.Thi�Inat�umrnt�hall b�ootatru�d w�S�atrity AprMtn�nt undw wid Cod�,�nd th�L�nd�r�h�N hw��11 tM�rlphtt�nd
<br /> � '.�''';a.���.��r,..�.� `}r
<br /> •?r �.��� , t«n�d'wa of a s�eund p+uty u�d�r said Cod�h�dditbn to th�ripht�snd tMn�d(�s cr�t�d u�dw�r►d aacotd�d th�I.�ndw puuu�nt
<br /> ; ;;r'q'�b'�t.�K,�JI K.SI ti��.y.�:k, to thb OMd of Ttutt: ptovid�d thd l�nd�r's ripht��nd r�mdi�s und�r thlr parapaph �hd)b�cumulstiv� wlth,�nd h no way a
<br /> 'c�1+:;,;-.,�;{• _ ��•,ti limft�tion on.L�nd�r'��iphb�nd rWn�dks und�r�ny othu Mcurily sptwt��nt sipn�d by 8otrow�r or Ttu�ta. ' _
<br /> ;�,,.:,�, '�,,�', ,,,��;;��;,, „� (p LMm �nd Lrwwmb�no��. Trustor ha�by warr�nu and r�pr�nt� th�t than i� no d�fwlt undw th� provl�lon� ot �nY
<br />��` •�u'�,'',.j,�,��,;.,.� :,�;..`: ��=. mortpap�,dNd of trust,{��t�or pureh�t� aontaot d�sctibhp aQ or any pWt of th� Propaty, or oth�r oontnot, in�trum�nt ar _
<br /> ��;��,:t�• .�`.,:,.-± �prwrn�nt oonstitutinp�li�n or�ncumbrw+e��p�inst aIl or any p�rt o(th�P�op�rty toolMctiv�.'Li«+s'1, �xistinp��of th�d�t�ot
<br /> -. •a+���...ri��•ti., ,�1.,1 thi� Qnd ot Tru�t. and th�t �ny and dl �xbtinp li�n� r«n�in unmodifi�d �xwpt n discbwd to L�ndu In Tru�tor'� wdit�n
<br /> = ��r. �tif:' •,:.�si �r(orm �II ot Trustor'� oblip�tions, cov�n�nt�,
<br /> F.�j�/��fir�i;�?�;r+�., disalowr� of Il�ns �nd �neumbr�nc�� p�ovld�d tor h�r�In. Tru�tor d+�tl tim�iy p
<br /> ,;�(� .� . .:"•"•
<br /> �#. :,;•?�•, .- � .,,:f nptp�r►tatlon��nd warwntf�s und�r any�nd aN�xisUnp Md tutun Uan�,�hdl promptty forw�rd to Und�r aopiw ot dl notic�s of
<br /> ' ��'•� �• ' ' d�(auk s�nt in aonn�ation with �ny�nd all �xistinp or tutun Li�ns,�nd�h�Il not without L�nd�r's prbr wtitten oons�nt in �ny
<br /> „ .QA4:k1¢1yc�.�cte•-,,::
<br /> m�nnK modity th�provi�fons of or allow any tutun adv�ncN und�t any�xistinp or tutur�Li�ns.
<br /> _ .�.>.:�.• . •. llf Mp�o. =
<br /> .:=;�a.�.
<br /> tbn of P�ym�nt�. Unbs� oth�rwis� nquind by taw, wm� p�W to L�nd�t h�rwnd�r, inatudinp without limlt�t on
<br /> �• •.�� . `.� p�ymmto of principd�nd intw�st,insuunc�procNd�,condwnn�tion procNd�and nnts�nd protit�,�h�ll b�appii�d by L�nda to _
<br /> ' ",, •_ £,:: � th��mounb du�and owhp from Twotot�nd borrow�r in sueh order�s L�ndu in it�wl�df�cr�tion d��ms d�sk�bl�.
<br />,'� � ,�,k��{V, •,;, .. �K� a.vw.bW�y, If �ny provisbn of lhi� n��d of Trust confliota wlth �pp�icabl� I�w ot i� d�cl�nd hv�qd or othawlu
<br /> un�►fwcs�bt�,wch oontliat or hvdidity shdl not albct lh�oth�r provlsions of thfa DMd of 7rust or th�Not�which o�n b�piv�n
<br /> `:';`Y,� ' µ� � ' �t(�et without th�confllatinp ptovi�ion, and to thia �nd th� provl�fon�of this Q��d of Trust a►�d tM Not�W�d�als��d to b� ,_,
<br /> .�',: - uv�nbb.
<br /> . ,., .
<br /> ��t�.;;,_:� p)T�w.Th�t�rms'TastoP snd'8orrowv shdl Inetud�both sMpul�r�nd plurd,and wheo th�Yrustor�nd Borrowa u�th�
<br />- E;. , t: wrn�p�rwn(sl,thoN t�rms��uo�d in thi�O�+d ot Trust�t►�U b�int�rch�np��bl�.
<br /> '���' . (m1�iovwninp t�w.7hi�Dqd ot Trunf sh�ll b�yov�m�d by th�I�ws of lh�St�ts of N�br ka.
<br /> _• `._. .
<br /> — . +���r Tn+�tor hw�x�out�d this Md ot Tru�t aa ot th�dat�writt�n�bov�. /
<br /> ..:[.�.::K. —
<br /> L�i, .,r
<br /> �Y_ .��, •���„_��•_t.' AMES D HLINZ II Tr tor �
<br />- :. _'��`;;.:'t�:;'.,,�,.
<br /> -. . � ;�.;;�•.,;;:,.;{w;;,. CONCETTA M EINZ Tru r
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<br /> . �;,Y��\i
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<br />. .. ..__.._ . . _
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<br /> �wc swr w...Nww�.�aw�w.�o�
<br /> � ��M M.w.�r w�k N 9r�..n.n�we.M a�rq.A..«M1M�►u�..r.N.�..�k.
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