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� -� �`t�:,��T. <br /> -,�� � w,�.j �� µ ,'_--' <br /> .i.� ' ' _ .. -—r.�,_,. � <br /> '� i'i= . '___�_..._._ .__. . <br /> •�.� <br /> .��.. �_�_.�.. ar� <br /> . <br /> �►c�ow�oor��rr o� o�ro oF rnusr t���, .t',�j. <br /> _ — , r��sa�r�.zo r.;:s.�o:,�s��: �. � � , � � <br /> - Tn,a�r w+�.ne�na�s a,.e u►.�..i+n+e a,.t rn,«..M.awe�n.i�.w.�l of rruM �N. wi.Mw�r <br /> of wN�rovbld la in th�Dwd ef Trwt MovMM wYM�ntwNy d{(I�nne d�ht�an�l eMyl�tion�t�T�wtw th�n�n�e��In 1M wrat ol <br /> •�N�ult a btwoh of obWONion und�r Ih�W�d ot Twd.inoludin0,bul n�t Nmk�d to,th�l�nd�r'�d�ht t�h�w th�*reMaty Mld�y th� <br /> Tw�t+�withwt MW 1u�kIN�►ow�dh0.Tnwtw n��nb anr w�t�nN th�t N+M�oMn�wlM��nt ww«neutwl MI'fwM�r Ml�n tlw <br /> �x�outMn N tM D �d of T�wt. � <br /> AKE D HBIN2 II TR1l4 <br /> CO CETTA M HEIHZ Tll To11 <br /> ----�" �--T��=��- DEED OF TRUST VYITH FUTURE ADVANCE8 <br /> THId DEED OF TRtJOT.M m�d�M ot tM �_ day of ��BER .1l�by�M�oe►d <br /> ih.Tn+�tw, JAMES D HEINZ II AND CONCETTA M. HEINZt HIJSBAND AND WLFE • � <br /> whoN maWno�dd+w 1� 2204 S BLAINE ST.. GRAND ISLAND� NE 68801 q��K��;�������, _ <br /> th�TnwtM, AREND BMCK+ ATTORNEY AT LAW , <br /> j��� ry��Q��� �Ok N HHEELER, GRAND IfiLAlHD. NE 68801 �w���»•�,�/ _ <br /> T <br /> t ���(�y. THE O RI.AI�ID NATIONAL na*rr no no un rut.a , <br />::.., '� <br /> ' wFww�n�inp�ddr�w i�p-O. HO]C 1689 _ dRl� ISI.i1DID. N� 68801 - pNntn'L�ndK'1. <br />::`�� ' FOR VAWABLE CON8IDERATION,inok�di�w L�ndu'��xt�mion of a�dit id�ntNi�d hK�tn to JAMES n. HEIKZ II AND <br /> ry� ' �• <br />-_ �nu�R�re M_ HRTN7.. MJSBAI�ID AND WI�E �hK�`�noww',whNh�r on�or mad and th�tw�t Mnin a�st�� <br /> ..,n�. . <br /> � no�ipt ot whioh Is h�r�by�oknowl�dp�d,T�u�tor h�r�by kavoubly pnnt�,tr�mhr�,oaw�W�nJ Ndpn�to Tru�tM,NJ TRUST.WlTH <br /> .�ri�,. - �:s��_,•�:g•y,,, FOYiiER O���.tar iha bcaalit�sd xeur(ty a!landas.ssn�es a�ss!rsbJe!+t te th�t•r�n.wnd�enditien�iw�indtK wt lorth,tlw►wi <br /> .�� `�.��, .'t��,•1�,:� <br /> •;f,�,.....:::•, prop�rty,dworib�d N tqNow�: <br /> �.i;:,i,�:..,,t;t:,°:;;:.;•.. <br /> �;�- •r• •�i,�; • LOT ONE (1), STEWART PLACE, THIRD SUBDIITISION� IN THE CITY OF GRAND I3LAND, <br /> ` ` .;`4�''-. '':'��•''�.',`�' HALL COIJNT3t, NESRASK/►. <br /> .. �,°,,��;�,,.::a:«:�.a.�. <br /> ;�i��j1: ,� -.r{i...•., , <br /> _ .;=y:`� . `.�:' ��: .c Top�thW with�M buikiinp�.improvMn�nt�,fixtun�,atn�t�,alley�.p�0�way�, ws�m�nb.tipht�. Privll�pN�nd�ppurt��no�s <br /> . � .., r ,, '. <br /> ' �• ''�"�`��„L.��Q�,���.� boat�d th�tw�or in�ywlN p�rt�hinp th�nto,�nd th�nnt�,iwu��and protit�,rw«�fon��r►d�wn�ind�r�thwwt,�nd waF►p�rwnal <br /> �'`-�`�• _ prop�rty th�t b rtt�ch�d 10 th�Mnprowm�nt�w u to comtitut��tixtun,inctudinp,but aot limit�d to,h��tinp wtd aoolinp�quipm�nt; <br /> .��••�•�- �-'� +'>--•• �nd top�thN with th�hom��t�ad or m�ritd int�r�sU,1f rny, which Int�rNt�e� h�aby r�l�awd and w�N�d;dl of whiah,hcMidhp <br /> ,�� ��,�,���;�y���• npl�cwn�nb�nd�dditioM th�nto,i�h�nby d�cl�nd to b��psrt ot!h�n�t Nt�t�uair�d by th�Ii�n ot thls ONd of Ttust�nd dl ot _ <br /> �. �, .�,,...� eh•torpoinp b.tna r.fN�.d�o hWin.s�hs'Prop�rty'. <br /> .15;'d� ' . ':;;.i•::,. _ <br /> '.,,y�,.�;�,;.4\,"�=:�!`�' Thl�DNd of Tru�t�hall�ua(�f th�p�ym�nt of th�prine�psi wm �n� int�rNt widmc�d by• promiuory not� or ontlit <br /> � OCTOBER 22. 1993 OCTOBER 22. 2000 <br /> , + `����' . <br /> �ptMrn�nt dst�d .hwinp a m�tudty dat�of_ � <br />- � in the oripinsi prineipd�mount of � 10,000.00 ,and �ny and dl modifioallom,�xt�n�ion��nd r��waw <br /> ' � ' ��(.;� th�r�of o�th�nto and�ny�nd�11 futun adv�nc���nd r��dv�nan to Borrow�r(or�ny ot th�m it mon th�n on�)h�rwnd�r purwant to <br /> , !;r;,;,;�•�: on�or mor�prani�wry not�s or ondit�pnwn�nt�Ih�nin adlad'Note•); (bl th�p�yment ot oth�r wm�adv�na�d by L�nd�r to proaat <br /> " ;, �'':�' � th�weu�ity ot th�Notr,to1 eh�p�rform�nc�ot�N cov�nants�nd aqnan�nts of Tru�tor��t forth h�nh;and(dt�II prN�nt and futun <br /> ` � ind�bt�dn���and obliqat(on�ot Bortow�r (or �ny ot ih�m it mor�th�n on�l!o l�nda wh�th�r dinot,indir�ot.ab�oiut�or aontinp�nt <br />!i.. , , _, and whNh�r�rishp by not�,puu�nty,ov�rdr�ft or otherwiu.Th�Not�,thi�D�ed of Trwt�nd�ny�nd alt oth�r docum�nts th�t ucun = <br /> ��� ' � i:� th�Not�or oth�rwi���x�out�d in oonn�atfon tha�with,includinp without Ilmit�tion qu�t�nt�a, woudty�pr�em�nt��nd�uipnm�nts • <br /> '�"' ",' of lu�and nnt�,�hall b�nt�rr�d to h�nin u th�'Losn Instam�nt�'. <br /> ��-.-.,�{;�:• '�:' ' Trustor eov�n�nt��nd apnw wilh L�nd�t��toibwr. <br /> � 1.P�ym�nt et Ind�bbdn���.All ind�bt�dnNt��cur�d h�r�by�h�ll b�pdd wfiM du�. <br /> ;'."" '"�j'"' `:" 2.TkN.Ttustor i�the own�r of th�Prop�tty,hu th�rfnht and authorily to eonvey th�Prop�rty,and wrrnnts th�t th�liut au�ted - <br /> �4 " �'':�."t,.� � � i••tk•t.nd prior G.n on th•Prop.ny,�xc�pt fo�R�ns and Mcumbr�nca set torth by Tru�tor in writinp�nd d�liv�nd to l�nd�r ' <br /> �' �����. b�ton�x�eution of thi�D��d ot Tru�t,�nd th��xwution �nd d�liv�ry of thw P��d of tru�t doN not vbwt�any eontrs�t ot oth�r : <br /> �'� "'' �" � obNpNiott to whld�Trustor is wbj�at. - <br /> " 3.T�ut��,A�wunwnt�.To p�y b�fon d�Nnqu�ncy�II t�xw,�pucid��swmnt��nd dl othsr ch�rq�s apaintt th�Ptop�tty�ow or <br />��.i", , . I,i.: - <br /> -n, � hKNit�r lwi�d. � <br /> • • ..�''�':,r;�.. 4.(nw►�o�.To kNp th�P�op�rty inwred�p�inst d�m�y�by fin, h�t�rd�, helud�d wNhin th�t�rm ••xe.nd•d aov.r•v�',�nd <br /> ':y,:�.; ';(;i�`,;S`r woh othK h�t�rd�w 4�nd�r m�y r�quln,h�mount��nd with eomp�nl�s�cc�ptabN to l�nd�r,n�rninp l�nd�r M an�dditiond nrn�d =. <br /> - �..:..•.,.; t�,:;: <br /> _ `��'�-��j���c� i�wnd,with IoM p�y�bb to th�L�nd�r.t�aaw of b��und�r wch poliel��,th�L�nda i�authoriz�d to�dju�t,eoll�ot�nd eompromiu, - <br /> `u y,��_ , �M tt4im�thwwndK�nd�hsq h�w th�optbn ot�pptyk�p�11 or pWt ot th�inwano�procNd�(i)to�ny ind�bbdn��wund hw�by <br /> _`�'l���i":'-v �nd in weh ord�r as L�nda m�y ddwmin�,lii)to th�Tru�tor to b�w�d tor ih�npair or n�tontan ot ths Prop�rty o�(iiil tor�ny othN <br /> E_� <br /> ����� {wrpow or objkt wtidaotory to L�ndu without�tf�otinp th�li�n of this Owd ot T�ust tor th�tull amount Ncund h�nby b�ton wch <br /> p�ym�nt ww took pwe�.My�pP�+��a�proaNd�to ind�bt�dn��hdl not�xt�nd or po�tpot��th�du�d�t�of any paymM+ts undw <br /> ---��- LI�NOt��W OYf��flr O�t�tllt tnwwR�Yw W awiiww'w. <br /> -- 6.E�aow.Upon writtu+damnd by 4�ndK,Tru�tor�h�ll p�y to L«�dw,in weh mru��M I.�nd�r may dNipmt�,�uttklu►t wm� <br /> — to�mbb L�nd�r to p�y N lh�y b�aaro du�on�w ma�of th� tolbwinp: GI dl t�zw, �ss�n�nt��nd oth�r ch��pN�p�in�t tn� - <br /> - �op�Y.lii)tlw prrnfutn�on th�prop�rty in�uwnw rpuind h�twndw.and(iii)th�prrnium�on rty mortp�p�inwnnc�tpuird by <br /> I.wwiM. <br /> 0.M�tMww.A�pdn�ni Co�a�wld�tMw�.Tnt�tor�h�ll kMp th�P�ropwty in pood aondltlon�nd ap�it:�h�ll promptly <br /> np�k.ot apbo��ny i++provwn�nt whbh m�y b�drnsp�d u dNtroy�d; �h�ll not oomrnit w pKmit�ny wa�b or d�briot�tion of th� <br /> Ptowrly;�h�ll not nmav�,dr+noY�h or�ub�t�ntially dt�t�ny ot ih�irnprovwn�nt�ot�lh�Ptop�Hy:�h�ll„ot oorrunit,�utf�r or pKmk <br /> �ny�ot to M daN in a upon fh�Prop�rty h vbMtto�ot�ny Mw.ordin�na,w rpuwtia►:�nd�h�ll p�y�nd promptiy di�ha►p� �t <br /> T�uMa'�oost�sxp«+N�II IiM+�,wian�banaw�nd d�ryN bv{�d.inpoMd a���d p�fn�t th�Ropwty or�ny put tha�oL <br /> ). i»�Ywnt 0��. L�nd�r b hM�b1► �iprnd �11 eomp�nwtion, �w�d�. drn�p» M+d o•.hN p�yenM+t� or r�f (hKaindtM <br /> 'heoMd�'1 h oom�ott�n with ooi+d�tien a ou+«aklnp of th�Pory+�rty o�p�rt th«w/.w tor oonv�y�nw in W�u ot aandwnnMion. <br /> Lw�iK�h�M d��ntltl�d�t it�oplion to oa+wn�rw�.M+P�in�nd orow�ut�tn N�own n��ny�otion a p►oo»dinp�,w�►d dull aMo M <br /> — �nti1M�t�n�k�rMr oanMani�w NteMma�t N aaxwotbn with�uoh t�klnp u d�rnsp�.ln th�w�nt�ryl Patbn of lt�RopKty M�o <br /> w�e�r w.�.rwwr w�w�...�wN <br /> �1�N MdrW Mi M C�wwMT�M w/�MiM ArW WM IY�Ih N�MM� <br />