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<br /> � 3' � � 1 ^" � ���sr.�-,.
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<br /> ----- - - ---- �s.w...�..�N r �83• �
<br /> (a����*L�ctl�iw►of th�tkn�for�t a mor{fbatbn of tM win�wa+nd by thM DM/ol Tnat W�nta/
<br /> � r�d Bord oww'�iuoow�on h Mt�wt�Und�r�hNl o�b���vuM�d to�eomnM+a� •pr aMdk►o�p�d�'a+��0t a�ruM b
<br /> uctmd tim�fa p�ym�nt or olhwwiM eadifY Nnat��tlon ol th��wn��w+r�d b1l 11�OM/al Ttu�t►y aw►�f�r���
<br /> -"_=�---`=-__— � n►�I�bY ih�aripi�w!BarowW rnd Borrow�r'��ucc��wn in IntinNt. _.-
<br /> (b)4«wl����wes.Without�fbatinp th�II�bWty ot�ny othw p�rwn M�bM fa th�p+ymM►t of�ny obYpation hM�it►m�nt{on�d,
<br /> � - - and wNhaut�tf�atinp th�IiM►or ch�rQ�o(thM DNd of Tiu�t upon�ny Pation of th�Propwty not th�n a thw�tofa����d w
<br /> - s�ourilY tot��fuN amount of dl unpaid abWp�tiot��.!�nda may. ��wr11u li)r�w�ny PM�on io
<br /> -- M�bN.!W�uct�nd th�m�twity a akw�ny of th�t�m��t�ny�uah ali/rNoM*pi1rM� qM�o�.(w)tN�w�a t�oaw�y.
<br /> �Y ofi �PtoP�ry.(vl tak�ot t���ny
<br /> ��-�— ot uus�to b�r�4w�d a��oaw�ptl at my t{m�at l.�ndN'�option s�WI..�Ml1i����f�Q�nt�wkh d�bta�fn
<br /> ---- oth�r �dditiot�al Murily tor rW ob�batbn hr�in m�ntbmd, a�!�"i�+��'�!�!���..
<br /> �u— —�--- _— nlat(on thrnta —
<br /> lol h�bw�M/�M�Ir IMf�Watwr.My tonbwuanoa 6y l�nd�►b�xwcbkW�n1►�ipht a r�en�dy h�wnd�r.a oth�rwiw
<br /> sttord�d by appicabl�I�w.�h�ll no4 b�� w�iv�t of or pr�olud� th��x�rdN of �ny weh tipht or nm�dy.Th�pi'oau�+rnnt of
<br /> � inwnno�a thw p�ym�nt of tau�s or oth�r liwa or d��rpw by Lw�d�► rhdl not b��w�ivK of L�ndn'��Ipht to soodKat�th�
<br />�. m�turity of th�ind�bt�dn�w�und by Ihi�Q»d of Ttust.
<br /> (d1���As�lpn�eow�ds�nt�nd 6�vw�1 Lhblttyt r+P�.Th�cov«unt�r+d p��n�nts h�nin aont�Tr►�d�hall
<br /> bi�d, r►d th�rlpht�h�rwndK�h+N inur� to, th���sp�ctiv� wcoMwrs and�sipm ol l�nd�r�nd Trustot. All eovw+�nt� �nd
<br /> � � apr�wmnts ot Tru�tor�h�M b� Jolnt �nd �w�rat.Th�caption� and h�adk�Q� of th� p�t�pr�ph� of thi� ONd ol Tast �n for
<br /> ��''4��
<br /> -_ �,, oonv�niw+o�only�nd�r�not to h�uNd to int�rpr�t or ddin�th�provNiom h�r�ot.
<br /> ��''����,°�!`''� , b)Rpw�t tw Notla�.Th�pxtiN hK�by��quMt th�t a copy ot�ny notiu of d�f�ult hM�und�►r+d a copy oi�ny�otic�ot
<br /> " �N hawnd�r b�tnail�d ta ad� pwty to thit D«d ot Tnut at th�addt�a s�t forth abov�h th�m�nn�r prMerib�d by�ppflcabb
<br /> law.Exwpt fot�ny oth�t notiu nquk�d undw�ppHoabl�taw to b�piwn h��+othw m�nna,any notiw provW�d for in lhis OMd of
<br /> � �'°��� � " ��" Ttust�h�U b�piv�n by M�ilinp�uch not{c� by cottiNed maA �ddreu�d to th�otha p+Ktiw,�t th�addras Mt fortb abov�. MY `
<br /> ' �otica provW�d for h thw W�d of Tn+�t�hdl b��thativ�upon m�ilinp in th�mr►nK d�sipn�t�d h�nir►.It Truuw is ma�th�n on�
<br /> ,� �
<br /> ' , 's;'�'v��?�• t paaon,�otic��ant to th�addns�wt falh abow�haY b�notiu to�II wch p�rwrn.
<br /> �,���`�,�.�
<br /> '� , ,� ((1 1npMtloe. I.�ndrr m�y m�k� ot ows�to 1»m�d�nuonabb�ntrlw upon�nd inipwtion�of th�Prop�rty, provid�d that
<br /> ":, �1,. • L�ndu�lull pN�tn+stor notiw prlw to any wch insp�otion�p�oityfnp r�MOnat+b oauN th�r�fot nlabd to L.mdu'�intaMt In th�
<br />- Y,+C�I ' '. . �pP�y.
<br />- � ',ck�;' ";,, s (9) R�nv�ya�. Upon paym�nt af �11 wm�Ncur�d by thM O��d of Tn+st. L�ndK�h�Q aqu��t TnutN to noonv�y th�
<br /> . �+����,s�::
<br /> _ n,�l .. � ,� . Prop�rty �nd�h�ll wrand�r th(�D��d ot Tni�t rnd ap notw wid�nehp hd�bt�dn��aau�d by thls DNd of Tru�t to TnntM.
<br /> ��,+,`:,..• ��p>':�r�; TrustM�hall noonv�y th�Ropwrly without wur�niy�nd wNhout ohuQ�to th�p�rwn w paron�MOaliy�ntf2t�d thw�to.TruKor
<br /> _,�}���:, sF��U p�y all oost�of r�eordation. If any.
<br /> �,.",; , . -. �� i.- lh►PK�oml Propetti:�wwNy i1Y►Mn�ns.i►o�ddiianai a�a�riiy Qor ti�.��yr�r�i ai iha!lata.Tas:las karalr�IIranle lsn�M�snder , _
<br /> ' •� � • -- •T� th�N�br�da Unfform Commak�l Cod��s�cu�ity Yit«�st in�Q fixtuas,�quipm�nt,and�th�r p�rwnat prop�tty uNd 4►aonn�otbn
<br /> ,�, .�'.... . . •��k
<br /> . •;; , , , witb th�rul�st�t�o�MnprovMn�nts butad thw�on,�nd oot oth�rwis�d�olar�d or ds�m�d to 6�w put of th�nal�sht�Na+rd
<br /> � � hw�by.Thi�hstrum�nt�h�ll b� oonstru�d w�S�curity ApnMn�r►t undw s�ld Cod�,��d th�L�ndv�h�U hw��II th�ripht��nd
<br /> ?• �wn�diN a(�s�au�d p�rty und�r��id Cod�fn additiort to the rlphts and rwn�di�s cn�ted und�r�nd�ccord�d th�L�nd�r purw�nt
<br /> ' � ` i to thi�Owd ot Tw�t;provld�d th�t 4«id��'�tiphta�nd rwn�dNs undK thi�patapr�ph�haY b�wmulativ�with,�nd In�o way+
<br /> , Ilmit�tbn o�,L�ndM'�tipl�t��nd rwn�dia u�d�r�ny oth�r wcurity�pn�tmnt�ipMd by 8ottow�r or Ttustor.
<br /> (f� Lbns �nd Enwrnbniw��.Truetor hrnby warrant� and r�pr�r►to th�t th�n M �o d�fwlt u�da th� provl�lom of �ny _
<br />— mortp�p�,dwd of truat, tsu� or purch�a�eontna� de�oribinp�tl or any pnt of th�Propaty, ot oth�r aontraat, irntrwrnnt or
<br /> ` aprNm�nt aonatitutinp�G�n or �nwmbnnc��pain�t�U o►�ny p�rt ot lh�Prop�tty(aoll�ct'w�, 'Li�ns'L�xi�thp��ot th�dat�of _
<br /> •�-rv..• � lhis ONd ot Ttuat, and that �ny wnd all �xi�tlnp Li�ns rem�h unmodifl�d �xa�pt n dNatowd to L�nda in Trustw'� writtrn
<br /> ��= diielowt� of Il�ns and �neumbnne��ptovid�d tor h�r�h. Trustor sh�A tim��y p�rtorm �U of Trustor'� obRp�tiom,eov�nant�,
<br /> _ •.•te`.uC�:.• .;:.. , ''
<br /> - . apn��nUtlons�nd warrMti��und��+ny�ttd�II�xiatinp aod tutun lient.�h�A promptly forw�rd to L�ndw oopM�of atl notic��of �:
<br /> =Q� . , „ d�fault�+t n ooew��ctbn with iny �nd wll existinp or tuWn Li�n�,�nd�hall�ot without LMd�r'�prior writt�n conwnt in �ny
<br /> � � � ��: m�nn�r modily th�provisiom ot or�Ilow�ny tutun advaneN undar any�xlstinp or futun U�ns.
<br /> (j) Apprwtbn of P�ym�nt�. Unt�n othawis� r�quir�d by law, wmt p�id to L�nder h�nund�t, k►ctudinp without limitation
<br /> . '- � ����� '• • p�ym�nts ot prine(psl and intenst,inwranc�procwds,aond�mn�tion ptoe��da�nd tunto and profit�,�h�ll b��pp�d by I.rnda to
<br /> ` � '•'' " � th�amow�t�dw�nd owinp from Trustor�nd borrowa in such ord�r�L�nd�r In its aol�di�cr�tion d�«ns d�sfabl�. �..
<br /> � .
<br /> ' + (K) C+wr�biYty. (f �ny provkbn of thN D��d of Trust eonfliot� with �ppGaqbb taw or is d�al�nd invdid or oth�rwis�
<br /> urnntorca�bb,wch contliat or i�validity sh�U not df�ot th�utha•provisions ot thls De�d of Tru�1 or Ih�Not�which can b�pw�n
<br /> . • �ft�at without th�aonfliatinp Ptovision, �nd to tht� �nd th�ptovisions ot thi� Da�d of Trust and th�Not� �n d�oland to b�
<br /> - � sw�ubl�.
<br /> ���_ - (q T�.Th�brm�'Trustar'�nd'Bortow�r"�h�ll includ�6oth�hpular x�d plur�l,tnd wh�n th�Ttwtot�nd Botrow�►u�th�
<br /> ' ;a;;,�;:,`.. • „ •' . t�m�p�raonls?.thos�tams u ued in thi�D��d ot Trust shrll b�inbrch�np�abl�.
<br />. . �� � lm)�iovantnp L�w.Thi�Dwd of Tru�t shdl b�yov�med by th�I�wa of th�Stat�of Nebnsk�.
<br /> �x �*• ' ��,� 7tusta hw�x�out�d thi�D��d o(T�wt �s ot tht d�t�wrllten�bov�.
<br />� �'� �_ ,:: � -
<br />-�_ -..;, . _
<br />��� � ''.` TIMOTHY C. M Z L Trustm
<br /> ,, ',,, '. ` . .
<br /> � , .. ��'.. . . . ,;!�f;
<br /> • •:�� NORMA C. MITZEL Trustor
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<br /> �%Kriri::�— �t i'
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<br /> � 1�N MMM�r iMt N Gw�w�TiYN�{wM�s A�o1Mbn,IArM►.INMwh�
<br />