� c� •�,�
<br /> .�^ .�..__..- �- y`� M✓b... � - - -- -
<br /> � • .� _ ._- .._ ._ _.
<br /> - � _ � ��� :�: � ' ..� . �! . .. � . � .. •I . .---- -- ----� --- -� - ..�.
<br /> . . — .—. . _— � � _
<br /> �� � AddRio�l ltovista�s
<br /> '1) Th�t�xC�pt for lM McuHty Int�rMt prant�d t��h'Y D�bbr Is.or to tIN+�xbnt that this p�NnNnt
<br /> st�q��M�� Nr�l Is to b�acq�+ind a(tw tM d�a h�not.witl b�.fM owrnr of tl►�Co1laMrd 1�from any adwrw Ii�n.Mcurity
<br /> imM+st w�na+mbrana:�nd M�t ONUo►wlll dN�nd tM Coll�d apalnst MI cl�inr�i dwnarxls of�11 p�yons R arh�tin»ol�iwinp.
<br /> - ths sans or sny inter�et therefn. (2►7h�t no(Irw�cinp st�oMn�nt aowrirp 1M Collat�r�l w a+y procNds thr�ot ts on ill�i��ny.pubtic
<br /> - �---- �_� otflc��rd dtlit 11t ifN��qu��t ol S�Cw�d'PartY.��b1or wNl joln wltfi S�curd Ps�ty in dx�cutinq on�or ma�fin�nciny�t�t�ntr purwr -
<br /> -,- � ont tn Ih�N�6►aMia Unifam Cawtwrci�l Cod�fn fartn s�tisi�cEorY to S�ax�d PrtY and wlll p�y tM cost ot ff iinp wch T(�w�airp stat�
<br /> m�nq this�wity apnwn�nt�nd�ny oontinuatlan w wmination stat�n�nt.in sll public attic�s whMw�r fi iinp Is dN�md by S�cuhd
<br /> - S>rty to b�n�cMS�ry or d��f►�bi�:�nd it tM Co11�t�rN ts att�cMd to r�sl�stat�prlor to th�pKfection of th�s�c�rity inarrat prant�d
<br /> hw�by or If tM Co111�t�r�l fnclud��craps or oil.p�s or min�rats to b�oxtractsd a timb�r to b�a+t.Debar will.on d«nw�d ot S�cund
<br /> pMty.ryunish S�cund PWty wNh •di�cl�im�t a disclalmKS o�wbordioation aprNrtNnt si�d b�r�11 p�rsons hevinp r►int�nst in th�
<br /> r�ei sst�t�,discisiminq or wbadinattnp any fnt�st in tlw Coll�taal wf�ich is p►ior to the int��t of S�cu�+d PxtY. l3)Not Lo s�il.
<br />__�_--� ----,.---_—�- uanstK or dispos�of th�Col l�x�l.nor Wc�tM s�or att��pt to tMcs tl�sam�from tM countY wtrrs k�t u abow ctacad.wittwut
<br /> - - 1hN ptlot writt�n cons�nt ot th�Srwnd Psrty. l�l Ta pay att ta�as end ��nts ot�vaV n�tur�which msy b�Iwri�d or asa�sWd
<br /> p�tnst tM Collateral.l5)Not w pKmit a altaw any sdvsrs�ti�n,s�curity interest a erxambr�r►w wh�tso��"K uPo^t�Colt�ural.and
<br /> not to pamit tM sams 1�bs att�cMd or��Pt�vimid.l8�Thet the CotletKSi is in yood condition. and that M wift �t his owr►�xpM+w.
<br /> kNp th�srn�in qood oondition and from ttm�w tim�.forthwith.rapl�c� and np�ir �tl wch pkts of tlw Coll�tnat as mry b�brok�n.
<br /> wom qit ot damap�d wiMaut aliowinp any Ii�n to b�creand upon th�Coll�t�ral on accant of such��plac�nt at ropairs.and th�t th�
<br /> S�cuhd Party rtwy�xamin�and in�p�ct tl►�Cotlatwsi at�ny tinw.wt�w�r lout�d. (7�Th�t hs will at hi�atin�x�w kMp tiw Cot•
<br />--��` — --- latst�l�nsured in s oa►�[►�nY,sitisf�ctory to S�ar�d Party ap�inst loati. aa apProlxiaM.bY 1Mft.co111sion,tire�nd o�cte�xMd cov�rep�. _
<br /> with(a�peyab�e to S�cured Pany as its interost msy appsar.+md wilt on dantiid d�liver sald poNcles of insui�ance oi h+mi�h{xuot ui
<br /> cuch�Inwranas to S�cw�d PartY. l81 At its aption S�cuhd PartY nN�Y p���+�Inw�M�CS.discMry�wcq.ilens or sscwity intetMts
<br /> a othar aocirnb►�ncss at eny tim�tevi�d a ptac�d on'tl+�Coitatirel and may PeY ic► 1M �epsir ot any d�msps ar inJury to a for q�
<br /> ;••.`.t; � pte�ervstion and maint�nanc�of th�Cotl�ter�i.L�btw upr�wz to retmburse Securodl'artyon dem�r�d for eny psym�nt o��xp�nw i�cuned _
<br /> � , ` • by SKUtid Parpr pursu�nt to th� tonpoin0 s4lhOriuHan.Until suct�nimtxirsem�nb ths inou^t ot any suc�psym�nt.with Iqter+ct at ttw
<br /> •Y`{� - ��'"'. nLt of ig ?i Ptr�n�um from dste of pt�yment until nimburs�m�nt,th�ll be add�d m ths irKlebt�d�ets ovwd bYO�btor�nd sh�ll
<br /> c ;
<br /> b�pcund by tht:aprMmmt.(9)Th+t f�e wili not uie th�Coliatenl in v1o��tion of any appiic�bl�itatute,r�yulatlon orordinsnc��nd if
<br /> my of tht Coilat�nl Ic motor'vehides tM s+me wilt not b�nnted,us�d in r+nal �ervia nor tn sny speed a�ndurina oontat.(f0)
<br /> O�btorvyi�i pay S�wred Party�ny�nd�It cau��d�xpen�es incurrod in r+cove►iny pou�aion of th�CollstKal�nd Inarnd fe�rrfa�dnY
<br /> , ,,-�y . this wairkY aprwment.x+d the am��twll b�Mcu►�d byth4 acurity pr�nen� .
<br /> ,� ,:,
<br />- ' •:�r•�•� �•. . • . .
<br /> �'��'•:-_�T � Untii D�twit D�b1or m�Y h+hre poswssion oi ths Coltaterai and uss it In a+y IawFui man�er not inca�siatent wNh this aprNnwnt and not
<br /> ';.� �r �^"�`��•' inconsist�nt with any potiq of 1 nsuranc�tlwr�on. and upon defauis Srcw:d �'xiy sh�!!dste!he imnx�dleM iipht to ths posWSSion of
<br /> i�.�ry.. qw Collat�rai.
<br /> �r��..�`�'`x: ,. � Oebtv fFMll!�in fl�fwlt untMr thi�aphanMnt upon the heppening ot e�y of ths totlowinp t+vents or conditio�u: (�)d�fault in tM peY•
<br /> -''+�Y%��y N+:';- :•�. m�nt or pKfombnCO of sny oblipatton.covenent or Iiabiiity ccntained or refs►red to heni�a in any note evidMiciny tht sams:12)�Y
<br />. • �`ry :" > . .
<br /> warrsnty.reprosentstion or st�tsnMnt made or fixnfshed to Sacured Party by a on behalf of Oebtor proves to havs been fa�a n any ms-
<br /> °•� �`� � tKiai res{�ct wMn made w fumi9l�ed% 131 any evert which resutta in the ecc�leration of thv maturity ot the indabtednsw ot Debtor to
<br /> ' � .; : ,. �, deatruction saie or encumbrenc�to o►ot any of the Coi-
<br /> :%,�:�,..„. N .v.. oth�rs w�d�►aoY inde^twe,aqr�en�ent or undertoki • 14) Ioss,theft,deiospe.
<br /> � laqral,or the mnking of any levy,seizure or attachment thereoi nr thereon; I6)death,dissolutfon.tem�inatfon of ucict�na, inco�vencY.
<br /> � .;:�;,;..,;.,,N,.:..�: buciMSS faUwe,appoinlment of a receiver of any pert ot the property of,assf�rment fa ttw bsnetit of cndita�bY.or the co�m�►�"
<br /> _ �-,r���.��: rtw�t of any proca�d{np urxi�eny bsnkruptcy or insotvency lewa bY c►apelnst D�btor or sny pusranwr or curoty for D�b�or.
<br /> — :'�: �' . Upon iuch DNwit+xid at s�y time tlwreatter.or ft it dewn4 itself insecwe.Seaued Party mey deciare eli Obliystionc s�cund h�rebY
<br /> +i1�^.�ahh���:. -
<br /> ..�,ta•���. •� IrtrrNdi�tNy dus end PsYable end shall have the remYdiec of a secured party under the Nebracke Uni(ortn Camnxciei Code. S�cur�d
<br /> , . ;.s�,��_� pa�ty mey rsqufre Deblor to ecsemble the Coi latera t a n d deliver or mske it avsilabi� to S�cured Party at a plec�to be docipnatvd 6y
<br />_ ; y i4.. ,ti;� Sscured Party whfch is reasonably convenient to both Partios. Uniess !ha Collateral is per{shaWe e► tMeatenc to d�ctirw speedily in
<br /> �"��' "�� �'' ' vaiue or ia of e typs custamaA�Y so�d a^a recognized market, Secured Psrty will 9ive Debtor reasonebl�notice of thQ tlme and P�ace of
<br /> ��i? eny public ea�e C�ereot or of the time efter whld�any{xivate sale or any other fntsnded disposition thsreof Is to be made• The require-
<br />�"���• r. •1` • m�nta ot ns6onebl�notice shetl be met if such�otica Is malled,posta�e pnPeld.to tha°ddr�es of Debta sAown at 1M bepinninp oi "
<br /> ',(�i��-:• �• m n
<br /> .,�,y�`;.,�n;�,.. ;i1 �is�r�«nant at Iaact fiv�d�ys O�fao tha time of the seie or dizposition.
<br /> ....... .... . . : -
<br /> :�'iM�t! "::�� ..
<br /> - � �:?%,•: No waiver by Securod Party o(�ny default shali operate as a waiver oi any other defautt a of the seme detauit on a tuture xcasion.
<br /> �'��t Mw,� m��C��o o{thic security aynamsnt chet�not walve or impeir eny other secuHty caid Secursd Party may heve or hersaftKSCqufre tor
<br />--`•1i�� .'�r!'�• . r th�peymsnt of the sbovs ir�d�btednecs.nor chati the telcinp of eny such additlonai security waive or impsir thia security apr�ernem:
<br /> �,�,''� ,�':.'.�:- ' but safd Sscur�d POrtY mey r�cort to eny fsecurity it mey heve in the ader it may dMrn Woper�e^d notwithctandirp any colleterat wcu• -
<br /> -- - =��;�.21i1d�; rity.SoCUrrd PartY ohatt ratain its Nphta of aatoH apainst Debtor.
<br /> ;Wx� ;'�•y'�'• =
<br /> �`"-'�' Atl righri ot Securod Party henunder sha�l inurs to the benetit of its successors and assignc: and atl promises and dutles of Debtor
<br /> sss��.,. ;,ia�,c =
<br />�,�`� shatt bind hla ha{rs,executon or edminicuatws a his or Its auCCescors or e9slyns. If there be more than one Debta,their Iiebitities
<br /> .�,t. .'�s;` heruw�d�r shall b�Jofnt and cev�r�t.
<br /> .•;`- "�'2':n:.;�; `�:�:•;c• TAis apreernent cheil becane effective whao it is eiynad by Debtw.
<br /> �..
<br /> —�.J.a ��, �;;n�f�;:
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