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<br /> ���! --
<br /> `. � .
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<br /> p�Ypw�ts qyy nn Iw�er be nqulrod,�t the op�ian af Lender. if mort�e inwru�oe c+ov�ngo(1�1���1e�peti+�d
<br /> — -- -- — sls�!� �,in�.)tx�v{dtl by aa inwror�oproved bY l�ndw+�in beou�ua w�il�ble and is obtdnid.�an�wet�II pay
<br /> the pretnium�required w m�itwln natt�y�in�unnoe in elkct,or w ptovlde�{or�werve.wKii dss rrqui�wnwR ior mwii�
<br /> i�r�r�ce a�ds in�000rd�nce with�ny wdnat�ro�ma�t betweer:&xrower wd I.erdo�or�pplk�ble law.
<br /> !. I�pedloe. L�ender ar iu yan may m�ke reuoru�le entrfa upon and in�pectlonr nf the Pruperty. L.�ndor��II�iw
<br /> gorrowor notioo it the Qnx oP w prior t,o�n inpoction�peciyini nenon�ble cause for the Inrpection.
<br /> � __�.�.--------_.,.�
<br /> lp.Conaeq4uu�tbp. The proceeds of any award or claim fur darnya, diroct or ao�uequentl+�1.in owubctbn with wy
<br /> cotdpnn�tion or othcr taicin�of sny p+u�t of the Property.ur Wr cunveyackc in lieu af cotdenmetion.�re he�ebp �iened
<br /> �Iull be pid ta Lender.
<br /> In the eve,nt of a tot�l talcine of tha Propeny.the pra�roai��lail be�ppliad to ihe wmt savned by this Security It�trumait�
<br /> whettter or�wt tt�en due. with any exoas p�id to Borrower• G►11�e event of a putid taicin,�of the PtapertY In which the tdr
<br /> nwrket value af the PropGrty immodi�tely beforc the tsking is equW to or grcater th�n the amount of the wtta�aurod by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument fmmodiately before tho takinQ,unlas Borrower�nd I.erder otherw�se+�groe in writin4.tho wm��ecured by
<br /> -- - this Securlty Instcument s1w�1 be reducxd by the amaunt of the proceal: multiplied by the followin� fn�ction: ian��
<br /> amount of the wms saurod immediately beforc tha taking, divided by(b) the fair market v�lue of the Pt+�x�ty Y
<br /> before the ts►Icing. Any balu�ce shail bo paid to Bormwer. In the event of a partial t3lcing of the P�upeKy in which tho fatr
<br /> m�rket value of the Propeny immodi�tcly bcfoce the teking is les4 than the amount of the gums socurod immodiately before the
<br /> taking. unlcsa Borrower and l.ender otherwise agroe In writing or unless applicable law othenviie provida.tho procaods dull
<br /> be�pplied to the sums securod by this Secu�ty Instcument whether ur not the sums ue then due.
<br /> If the Pmpaty is abandonod by Borrower,or if.after notioe by Lender to Boerower that the candemnor ot'fers to rn�ke an
<br /> :` � awa�d oc setqe a claim for dunages, Borrower fails to respond to l.ender within 30 days dter the date thC�wtia ls given.
<br /> _ Lencier i.authoriud to c�llect ynd apply the proceods,at its option,eithtr to nxtoratlon or�ir of the Property or W the uunc
<br /> - ,ROCUred by this Stcur�ry Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, any applicatiort of p��s to principal shall not cxtend ot
<br /> j ' poupone the due date of the monthly payments refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such p�yments.
<br />_:�� 11.Borrower Not Rdeaced;Farlx�rana By I.eeder Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or mndification
<br /> .�r,a
<br /> of am�rtization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grantod by Letxk�to any sucxessor jn interest of Borcower shali
<br /> �;!-,;�, Y not rper:ite to rclease the liability ot the original Borrawer or Barrower's successucs in inte�st. l.ender slwll not be roquira!to
<br /> - + _' comrnena proceedings against ar+y suocessor in intercst or refuse t�cxtend time for payment or ahcrwise modify amorti�tior�
<br />--- �:. .'�.• � of the sums secured by this Security lnst�ument by reason of any denwnd mado by the original Romower or Borrower's
<br /> ',���'�� successors in intere�t. Any forbes�rance by I.ender in exercising 3ny riBht or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prcclude the
<br /> � �,���;+. {%''j`'�.,;F CXliCISC Of illl ri ht or remed
<br /> ra��s•_•_;,,•,��.:.�eb,::• Y S y•
<br /> . � ,r, ;�,fy�,,. :.rtti,, ,,;�;� 12, Succ�ors �nd Assi�n�Bound; Joint s►nd Several LiabUity; Co-xiRneas. The covenants and agrame+us of this
<br /> ""' ',�,��'r:' �; Secutity Instrument sha11 bind and benefit the successors and ussigns of Lender and Borrower, subjoct to the provisions of
<br /> ��k,`�'�,
<br /> ' •.,,i*:�;• pazagraph 17. Borrawer's covenant� aixi agreements shall bc joint and several. Any Borrowcr who easigns this Socuriry
<br /> �u.;..-:.,•!'':. I.
<br /> � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (af is co-signinb this Security Intitrument oniy to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> •• ���; ,�1'.,,•.,.,•_: Borrower's intercct in the Property under thc terms oF this Security Instrument; (b)is not persorwlly obligatod to pay the sums
<br /> •� . •- � • secured by this Securiry lnstmment:and(c)ugrces that I.eixier und uny other Borrower may agrce to extend.modify.Sorbear or
<br /> � , make any accummadations with regard to the tenns of thiti S�*curity lnstrument or the Note without that Borrower's mnst�t.
<br /> ": " �� l3.Loon Charg�.If the loun cecured by this Security lnstrument is subJect to a Iaw which sets rnaximum loan charges.
<br /> �;L ' .� . .._ and that law is finally intcrpretcxi w that the interest or other lorn charg�w rnll��ctod ix to he collcxtod in connection with the
<br /> '. loan cxcc�:d thc perniittcd limit�, then: (a1 any�such loan char�;c yhall be reduccd by tltc amount ncccs.r•ary to reduce the charge
<br /> /;' ' ..'�,:. • to the permitted limit:und(b1:u�y sumx alreudy coUected ti•um Bnrcower which exceedeci permittod limits will bc refutrled to
<br /> ' &�rruwcr. Lender m•ry chixnr to mukc thit refund Ny rcducing Ihc principal ow��i under thc Notc or by making � direct
<br /> • , :.y ;;;�,`;�. .•�, � � paymcnt to Borrower. If u r�fund reduce, principal, tlic r��duction will bc treated us a partiul prepayment without eny
<br /> : �i� �x�'j� •:;�; rr prepayment charge uoder the Note.
<br /> ,� b,, +�:;�;%;''r���z��;'�" .f'. �• 14.Notice.c.Any noticc to Borrowcr provideci fiir in thi�Security Inarument.hall Fk Fivcn by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> ,.,.,c i.w..:,� �,;.
<br /> . � it by first cluti�mail unlesti applicuhlc law reyuire.u.rr i�f anuthcr methoci. Thc nutirc ahal!lx direrted to thc Property Address
<br /> � ''�'"''� or any othrr aJdre�x &�rrower Jetii�nateti by n�itirc t�► I.�ixlcr. Any n��ticc tu l.cndcr shall ix given by first clacs mail to
<br />_. ' ,:, .
<br /> :. � '�r,�,: Lcnder'ti addrcss�tatcd hcrcin or any ��Iher uddress I.enJcr dc�i�natc�b} noticr tu Bormwct. An�• notice provided for in this
<br />:�,�.'.�;;', •�� �,, Secwity Instrumcnt shull tk Jccm�d tu havc txcn givrn t.i B��rruwcr��r Lcndcr a�hcn gi�•cn a�prrn�idcd in lhis parugraph.
<br /> ^°� �,+,�;'." . • 15.Governin� I.aµ•; Sc�•erabilit�•. Thi, Scrurity Imtrument tihall Fx �uvcrntd by fedcral la��• und the law of the
<br /> •� . ; jurisdictiun i»whicli thc Property iti Icxatcd. In thc cvcnt that any pruvi�ion ur clausc of'thi. Sccurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' �� conflicts with applicablc law, sunc�ontlict�hall not ufl'cct otber pruvitiion+uf thi,Sc�urity Instrument ur the Note which can be
<br /> �,�`�• � 'li�?''` .;.��.���' � given effect without the canflicting pruvi,i�m. Ta this end thr provisi�m.ut'this Security Intitrunknt und the Note are declare�
<br /> , to be x�crablc.
<br /> �� • 16.Borruw•er's Copy.Borrower tihall be given oix conli�rm��l cupy uf thr Nute and of this Security]nstrument.
<br /> �'" �, r ' , " Fa�w 3028 9I�0
<br /> �: .`��. �+, Papr 6 0l B
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