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<br /> N11RR)1NT'Y DBED
<br /> TRUDY J1�C088, also knoWn as TRUDY A. J11C088, a sinql� �
<br /> �rsan, h�rain aallsd tha Grantor, for and in consid�re►tion of ��
<br /> ' th� swn o� EIGHT �AOUSAND FIYB HUNORBD ]1ND NO/100 OOL7�1R8 �
<br /> (;6�500.00) rac�iv�d fscoa� Granee�, 4o�s qrant, barqain, s�il,
<br /> aonwy aaA aontirm untc EUGL�� N. JEI�lRLB, har�in c�il�d th�
<br /> Grsat.�e, �h� lollowinq-d�sarib�d r�al •stat� in �ali Couaty,
<br /> 11sbr�►rka e
<br /> All a�cantor'• inr�r�st in tha Scuth Flalf of the Sou�heast -
<br /> Qudrt�r (8;8��1 a! Saation Tnirty-Five (35) , ToMmship
<br /> Nine (9) North, Rainge Twelve (12) Weat of the 6th P.M..
<br /> Hall Countiy, Nabraska, exaepting therefrom a traat o�
<br /> land aommencing at a point on the ea►it boundary line of
<br /> s�id Seotion 35 One Thouaand Three Hundred Twenty
<br /> (1,320) feat North of �he Southeast oorner of aaid
<br /> Seat�on 35s thenae runninq Westerly alonq the Northerly
<br /> � boundary line of the 3outheast Quarter of trie southeaet
<br /> Quarter (SE�SE}) of said Section 35 a distanae of Five
<br /> Hundred Seventy-Four (574) feet= thenae running Southerly
<br /> parallel tio the East boundary line of said Seation 35 a
<br /> -�__.= distance of Three Hundred Eiqhty-Six and Nine-Tenths
<br /> ---- (386.9) feetf thence runninq Easterly parallel ta the
<br /> ~_���,;;� Northern boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> -r-�;;��,� Southeast Quarter (SE�SE�) of said Section 35 a distance
<br /> .-�,-,_,�,�_,� of Five Hundred Seventy-Four t574) feetf thenae running
<br />_ ° - Northerly along the East boundary line of said Section
<br />� �_'�"'�"- 35 a distAnae of Three Hundred Eight-Six and Nine-Tenths
<br /> :x.;;_;�;:-.
<br />- _--�,:., (386.9) fee� to the point of beginning and consisting
<br />=�1��'g� of five t5) acree more or less. _
<br /> =�,,*��,
<br /> �.�•�����','•�:= TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above describQd, together -_
<br /> -=�^�-1+?�%�-. with all the �enements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto -_
<br /> �:;.,-�.. ..
<br /> ., belonging, unto the said Grantee and to Grantee' s heirs and
<br /> � � � assigns f�rever. And Grantor hereby covenants with the said
<br />�'"`�."":_;' Gxantee and with Grantee's heirs and assiqns, that Grantor is
<br />- lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from
<br /> r�. encumbrance and that Grantor has good right and lawful authority
<br /> :..��i; � to sell the samei and rrantor hereby covenants to w�trrant and
<br /> �' . defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of -
<br /> _,�.,,,:�:,_:._ all persons whomsoever. And the said Gxantor hereby relinquishes '
<br /> ��• • all xight, title, claim and interest in and to the above-described �
<br /> premfses. -
<br /> ,,��.:,.,. • � /1 / .-�
<br /> Signed this o�� day of G"L�7��2 • 1993. y�
<br /> �, , �, _ / _� _ .
<br /> �., .,r. :. �
<br /> �, � �,o
<br /> _...,-�-.,j:. Tru y Ja s, a so nown as �
<br />�-�=��.-� Trudy A. acoba
<br /> -t-:-�.�-�;� =
<br /> -::�--- .
<br /> .a.�
<br /> :<•��iF. F.
<br />_. . . ,
<br />"�'�� '��"��r STATE OF CALZFORNIA ) '
<br /> �. -..,. .
<br />����::€�-t p �p ) sss
<br /> :�,A�,;��,,,.. COUNTY OF � �
<br />. ;��,, ;,�, F
<br />��:''�'�r'�' Before me, a Notary Publi.c for said County, personally came
<br />-.:�,:�Y� Trudy Jacobs, also known ae Truiiy A. Jacobs, a single person .
<br /> ����I, -1-
<br /> :�e-�:��»ti
<br />