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<br /> � NOR1�► J. JACOHB, a �inqle person, and NORMA J. Jl►COBS, l
<br /> Trustea, herein oalled the axantor, fox and in conaideration of \
<br /> the aum of SEVENTEEN THOU&1►ND AND NO/100 DOLLARS (�F17,000.00)
<br /> raceived frott► Grantae, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and
<br /> confizm unto EUGENE W. SEFFRE3, herein call�d the Grantee, the
<br /> � � � . . following-da�cribed real astiate in Hall Goun�ty, Nebraska: .� --�-
<br /> All ax$ntor's interest in t3se South Half of the
<br /> ��'� South�ast 4uartiex (8�5�}) of Se�c��on Thirty-F3ve (3S? •� � -
<br /> �,���n� � Townahip'Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the ._
<br /> -�-���� � 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, exaepting th�refrom a
<br /> _•°-=�--�- tract oE land oommencinq at a poi»t on tl�e eask boundory
<br /> line of said Section 35 One Thoueand Three Hundred -
<br /> Twenty (1,320) feet North of the Southeast carner of =
<br /> said Section 35= thence running Westerly along the
<br />-'° Northerly boundary line of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> -' - � southeaet Quarter fs��s��y of said Sdvc.iciii 3S a 8is�ancs
<br />�; �� of Five Hundred Seventy-Four (574) feetj thence runninq
<br /> ,I Southerly parnllel to the Ea�t boundary line of aaid
<br /> - Section 35 a distance of Threa Hundred Eiqhty-Six and
<br /> . Nine-Tenths (386.9) £eet= thence r.unning Eaeterly
<br /> parallel to �he Northern boundary line of the Southeast
<br /> � Quarter of the South�ast Quarter (SE}SE}1 of said
<br /> ��F' Seation 35 a distance of Five Hundred Seventy-Four
<br /> .s. _ ..: a. �,
<br /> (574) feet= thence running Northerly along t e as
<br /> _ ,,�;,%:,:;, � boundary line of said Section 35 a distance of Three =__
<br /> '"'"' "'''" Hundred Eight-Six and Nine-Tenths (386.9) feet to the
<br /> :-...�..:.:.. . .
<br /> ;'•*('"� ��'' point of beginning and consi�ting of five (5) acres
<br /> ,. .k.�:,...�; �
<br /> _�a.,�.,..�... ..��.,,' moxe or le8s.
<br /> ��-
<br /> .;�:..,..... .�-. .
<br /> � _ , . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together --
<br /> ,,,_,;�,_., ., with all the tonements, hereditaments and appurtenance� thereunto
<br /> ;���:�;...� belonqing, unto the said Grantee and to Grantee's heirs and
<br /> � "`���� �� � assigns forever. And Grantor hereby covenants with the said -
<br /> ..� _..
<br /> `°r�: :, , Grantee and with Gra�ntee's heirs and aesigns, that Grantor is ��,
<br /> ' ��p'��� � . lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from encum- Q:;'.•�
<br /> m.--
<br /> � �,� � � brance and that Grantor has qood right and lawful authority to ;2���
<br /> - h�,l�i . �
<br />._ -.,•.,:`�;,: � sell the samet and Grantor hereby covenants to warrant and defend �•
<br /> °�� •� the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all -
<br /> r� �
<br />= , , persons whomsoever. And the said Grantor hereby relinquishes all :
<br /> riqht, title, claim and interest in and to the above-described �.;.
<br /> _ premises.
<br /> ax:`.
<br /> �� + Siqned this �� day of �,c ��--�,u .� _� 1993. ��
<br /> r. �'.
<br /> r' '
<br /> ' � ,�i
<br /> . .. , ,Yl,r_ � �J C.`�t,�1 -� ,
<br />-,��.,►`, • ' Norma J. Jaco s �
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<br /> �1 r,,� �� .�n.t1l"C1"� �1L�.�.Q�-C�
<br /> _ ,� - , Norma J. Jaco e, Trustee
<br /> :,� S; t�;� �1
<br /> "'� v ��• ' ,'i�. .� STATE OF NEBRASIW ) '
<br /> ---:�;�.t{.;, .',;:;�� •�';;�.' � �
<br /> --;�, `;;'ji', .,,;,.`" , s s. ; .
<br /> �:�; �,: ,.;�,� ;.',: •.; i. COUNTY OF BUFFALO
<br /> . •,ti";;I't���,d�;���'.,�:'.^-'.::�.r, `
<br /> �:.JYi � ..1 1i5��•�'�I..
<br /> � ��\l�',I'.y.i...r�' {�•
<br /> - - �'. ���,;,E'. .. Before me, a Natary Public for said County, personally aame
<br /> ^' ';t�;r�+,�;�';� y�'��!t"�° ?` Norma J. Jacobs, a single person, and Norma J. Jacobs, Trustee, �.
<br />- ..,i ���oS[4►�:�3.�14��. —1— f.
<br /> , ,{;_ �.
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> ;. _ . . ._ . .. .... �....�„�. ---- . _. _ ...._.._.__...
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