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<br /> . . .0 . . . ..... . , -�.;,-. . ;<:_
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<br /> — iu wiGi�iZ".:�',t�7 C�:'�r..�T��tt�:!�Y G�C1!�e.•.�lTR!.W._+�!1!�8�!�!f�!!4#�!� . .'.� . _ -
<br /> 1.'Ar1�AT 01''I�I�AL AI�M�I�T..twnler�M�II M�M Wf�whM�dw qr prYiolOY W irid MNMNI on IM Ind�bl�dirw rMOM�eMh�
<br /> IFr N1M.�nd 1il OMMr aAMpM�1d NM�s p►avld�d N IMlMn.�nd th prk�o�l 01 Mid NMMMt on N�y f�A�w AdrMM►K MourM b�r MiM Trw10�M. •
<br /> !.wA1rMMTY OP TITL�R.Trwlor w Mw1uNy M1�d�nd pon�d M poo0�nd NidNwN�M MW�nd�Mab to Ih�Pra�putY�Y��� "
<br /> 1�IM�faM b pti+t�nd oa�y thi�ro�lpc p»�h�N/n��nd olw fM aM N�and�narNOr���ro�!INtN iqw W r�oor4�nd TtrMlr�m•
<br /> IYM�MIt MIO A/IMM MI�NIM b(IM rfO�NAY M���N OIN01�alld dMMfld�.
<br /> �.YAIi1ft11ANC�AIQ OOAMLIAIICt wlTl1lAwd.Tru�lor NNM kNP��'aV�Y�4�lprr�nd odMllYon M1d�M not qOmmit w�M�o►PMrtM1�I
<br /> Mnp�irn»M a d�laWOn ol tlw Prop�ry�nd�hW oa�Phi+��P���of�ny IMM M tMs Tru�t M�d N oe a MaNiold.No kryxovwnent ndw•
<br /> or h�rwflr►�r�cNd uDon tM Prop�rb Mwll b�Mt��d�nnw�wd a d�moN�h�d wtthout tM P�►wrlM�n oonant ot B�clwY.Tn�lo�NMN oo��r,rNth
<br /> all hwR ordk�r�oM,mpui�Mon��o0wnMlb.oqKMMp1��nd t�atetiot�NNcMn01tM Prop�rb Md not oomnNt.wM�r o►pMmll�ny�Ct b b�dwN M1 Gr
<br /> upon 1!M P1rapKty N►vioi�Yon of any I�w.ordln�na,rpulMbn.oov�nlw�t�oaidltbe a nqrktbr►.Tnntor ahW cornpwi�or ntton P►�p�Y��^9�
<br /> wWk�w�Mk�m�rM�er anY k�prowrMM on tlN Ptop�rtY vMtkh mtY b�d�rn�pW a daaroy�d�nd WY�wMn dw.dl ti�kn�la I�bor p�tlornMd and nwl�tl�ls
<br /> ttMS�f�IMd th�nlor and 1or�ny dl�r�tlon�MM�of..
<br /> 4.INiIlRANCE.Tn�OOr.M it��rp�nM�wi11 mNntah wUh insuron�PP��d bY��Y�Intw�na wRh n�Cf w 1tN improvMnuNo and�►�I,
<br /> p,r,p„ty,oo,,,IMu�Rq u,.Ropeny.�aa by fke.YpINnMg,taiwao�ana cMh�a�•�,a►Mr.ra oo+hr.a br alarKWd.xnnd.e oovKap.wiaon�+rnot,�
<br /> in an�mount�qwl to al I�t ans hundnd p�rant(100M)of thr fuM r�piacems�t vMue thereof and inwrux�ap�WMt wch oth�t hax�rds md in suolr
<br /> wnounto ar is cu�tomarily carrl�d Dy owr»►s�nd opsraton of sNnNar propertke or�a�ttd�ry m�Y nQuk�for ib probction.Trwtor wiU oom�ly wNh
<br /> p/th otM►nquk�nts a 8�nslid�ry m�y hom tlm�b dm�nqu�at tor ths prateatlon by inwr�nct W th�intKNU of tho rMp�CGw p�rtlM.AN InwtanCa
<br /> poNcNs m�inulnW purwant a thlt Truk QMd�1MIt narn�T�ta�nd AenafioiNry�s Inwrsd,ss tMk rap�c.�tiw MtKMts m�y appar.�nd Provicfe thN:
<br /> Mwt�bs no eanali�qon a modificatlon��t Mast 15 d�ya priot wrlttan notitleatlon to TruqM�nd 9�rnficiary nwy proax�wch Maur�na In ooeonlMO�
<br /> with tM ptoviNons ol p�Ayraph 6 hereof.7►uqa�h�ll MAvr to 8enaflciery tho aiqinal polfcles d(nauanca�nd ranawak thanof or rt�mo c�plts eM
<br /> wch polcNS�nd ronwwls tMrpot.FaAur�10 iwnlsh wch inwru�ce b�r Trusta,a nn�w�ts ss aqulnd MrwndK slnu,at ttr optbn of Ben�lki�ry.
<br /> cf�Gtut�a dNault.
<br /> ------ 5.TAXE3,ASSE88YElITl1 AND CHAAGE3.TruWx�iwtl pay�11 iaxes.aszesuneats and othor dwrgos�Indudlnp.wlthout Nmlution�Firws��d Nr�po�itlons
<br /> aUribulabN to th�Prop�rty and I�ssehotd payrn�nts or qround nnte,it any.b�for�ttN aartN t�coma deUnqwnt.Truscor�hall prampfht hrrnbh W ben�fk'.Jary
<br /> a1I natkss of smounta dw under ihls parapnph,and In th�event TrNStar�hali make paymsnt dlroctly,Trusta shall promptly furnlsh to Benelidiry r�cs�pcs
<br /> �vid�nclnp such paymsnts.Trustor ahall pay�II taxsa and acws�mentc whtch may ba Nvled upon B�nsfblary'a intxest huNn or upon thk Truk D�W
<br /> wiUaut rpatd to any kw tlwt may b��nact�d impodnp paym�nt of tht whols or any part th�r�of upon ths Blnsf�lary.
<br /> 8.ADDITIONAL LIEN8 AND PROTECTION OF BENEfICIARY'S SECURITY.Trusta shall maks all payrtwnte of interaat and prk�olppl�nd paymenta
<br /> pt pny oth�r chargee,t�t and expent�t contractsd to bs pald to�ny exlstlnp a 8ubtpusnt Iknholder or b�rnliclaty,undK any oxtstiny or wbs�qwnt
<br /> � mortp�p�or trust dNd b�forv the dats th�y aro dellnquent or i�defautt,end promptly pay and dlacha►q�any and all othar Ibm,clalms a chvpes whiCh
<br /> _ , may�wpardlza ths a�curity grented h�ran.If Trustor hlls to maks any such paymant a falls to p�r1o►m any of th�coYenant�and liprasm�nto oontainW
<br />-- - - �r►ihii Trust Ocs3.o:i~a Ttato ratcxrcd w hersln.a:ta aay prlor nr euhsequent trae�c�!.a tt Any action or proceeding ia comm�ncW whkh m�qriaMy ,
<br /> aft�c4 B�nsfklary's Interest fn the PraQerty,tncludfnQ,but not Ilmited to,eminant domaln proceedlnps.ao�.aa��as m�awn�.ae�.d«+�,nWIC�of sak
<br /> - by Trustea,notks ot delauft by Trustee,mortgaye forecbsure acNon,a fP Trustor falls to pay Trustor's debta g�neraUy ps tAey bacom�du�,thsn Bene�iclary.
<br /> -- — at BsrwNclary's aptlon end wfthout notlCe to or tlemand upon Trustor and without releasing Tructor Irom any oblly9lion h6r6undet.rtwy make suCh appearano�t.
<br /> `4 dlaburee sueh eums and uka cuch actbn as is nececaery to protect Benelkiary's��torect,inGudinp,but not Ilmtted to,dnburaem�nt 4f reaea��b4�ttarnay's
<br />- fNS,payment,purahace,contost a compromlcs of any encumbrance,charge or Iten,entry upon the Proparty to meke repaln,Or<WC�Ma1bn of dsfaufl
<br /> �, und�r thls Trust Oeed.In the event that Truclw shall feU to prxure insurance or to pay tax��,arsessmente,or any other ch8rgas a to makt any payrtwrts
<br /> ' to eny exletlnp a aubsequent tlenholders or exlating or aubsoquent beneficlaries,Benetklary may procure auch insuranc�and maks such pzym�nt,bul
<br /> thall not W obllgatad to do w.Any amounts di�bunad by Haneficiary pursuant to thls Parayraph 6 sha�t become additlonal Indebtedness of Trustw a�Cwed
<br />, by this Trust Deed.Such amounts shall pe payable upoa notice Irom Beneficlaty to Trustor requesting payment thtreot,end shall bsar Inte►aK trom the
<br /> dat�of disburcement at the rate payabla fram time to bme on outstanding principal under the Note unlecs payment of Interest pt wch rpte wou�d be conhary
<br /> " xr+: ' to appllcable taw.in whlch ovent such amountc shall bear�nterest at the highest rate permisslbta under app��cable law.Nothlnp contWn�d In thq PBrapriph
<br /> �''"�� "'"� 8 shall requlre BenetKiary to incur a�y expens�a take any action hereunder.
<br /> � :�i�n!-. .
<br /> ��.;«•-,-�,��.
<br /> •�� l;13r; "•4.µt�!'; 7.A8310NIAENT OF REHTS.Benef�aary ahAtl have the nght,power and aulhorily during the Continuance ot this Trust Daed to CoIIYCt the rints.IssueE
<br /> ' •-���`���«"' �; and protite of the Property and of any persona�propurty Iceated thereon with or withaut taking possesafon ot the property afbcl�d hersby.�nd Truator
<br /> �`���12� �'�'• � hereby absolutely and uncondltlonelly assigns al1 such rents,�ssues Antl protits to 8aneficfery.Beneficlary.however,hereby co�sents ro the Trusta'e
<br /> !t`-?:'��;�",` � .<< collecllan and retentton of such rents.�asues and profits as they acccuo and become payable so long as Trustor is not,at such tirrw in defauk with�aspsct
<br /> ��F':', �r`•., to payment of any Indebtedness secured hereby.or m tho pertormance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such default.Benelkiary mAy pt ar.y time,
<br /> ,,;,, either In person,by agent,a by a receiver to be appolnted by a court,wlthout notice and without regard to the adequacy of any security lor the fndebHdnesa
<br /> - hereby secured,(a)enter upon and take possesslon of the Property or any part theroot,and in its own�ame sue for or otherwise collect auch rents,issues
<br /> -• � and profits,inctuding those past due and u�paid,and apply the same.less cosfs and expenses of operation and collectlon,includiny rgasonabk attaney'ts _
<br /> , ,.�.��_ fees,upon any mdebtetlness secured hereby,and tn such order as Benef�c�ary may determine:(b)perform such acts of repalr or prot�edon AS may bo _
<br /> i•�:,:_;.,' ' '�; necessary or proper to Conserve the value of the Proptsrty:(c)tease the seme or any part the�eof(or such rental,term,and upon suCh COnditiOns AS its —
<br /> �- �. �,,. .
<br /> #3?' � Judgment may d�ctate,or tfrrrxnate or adJust Ihe terms end conddans of existing leases.Unless Trustor end Benehciary thereof agr8e othlrwiS9 in Writing, —
<br />,��• `'�� any applfcauon ot rents,issues or profds to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of the installm�nt payments as
<br /> .�,..
<br />,. � �..;'. t����;
<br /> ti�., ,• prOVided in sald promissory note or Change the amount of such msla�lments.The entenng upon and taking pOSSession of Ihe Property.tM cdleCtwn
<br /> �=J•'�,'•,'`" _ • i`'�'" ot auch rents.iasues and prohts,and tha appl�cation thereof as a�oresa�d,shall not warve or cure any dafault a nodce of default hereun0ar m InvaUdate _-
<br /> � . .' any act done pwsuent t0 suth notice.Trustor also a5s�gns to Benolltiary,a5 lurther secunty for Ihe pEHOrma�ce ol the obligatWns secured hereby.AII _
<br /> prepaid rents and aIl momes which mey have been or may heroaltFlr bc�deposded wdh said Trusta�by any Iessee ol Ihe Property,to secure the paymMt __
<br /> of any rent or damages,or upon default in Ihe pertormanCe of any of the prov�sions hereof,TrustOr agrees to delrver such rent3 end depOSitS to Bene6Ciary.
<br /> De�lvery o1 wrltten not�ce of 8enehc�ary's exerc�se of the nghts gra�ted herein,to any tenant occupying eaid premisea ehall be suHKlont to requve sald
<br /> : ,�t tsnaM to pay renl[o th0 BHneflc�ary until further ndice
<br /> j: 8.CONDEhINAT10N.II tdle to any part o�the Proptrty Shnll b��taken in condomn8l�on proceedmgs,by ngFit Of emment domam o�simJar aC��on,or
<br /> ,; shall htr sold under threat of tondemnat�on,dll awerds.damages nnd proce�de:arv hereby ass�gnpU end shnU be paid to BenehCtary wh0 Ehdll apply _
<br /> suCh awerds,damages and proceeds to the sum securod by th�s Trust�eed.with the excess.�t c�ny.pn�d to lrustor If Trusto�rece�vos any not�Ce or �
<br /> � # other�ntamation�egard�rg such act,0�s or proceedmgs.Trustw shall g�ve prompt wntten notice thereof ro Bonehcidry Benehtiary sh011 be enbUed.it f�;
<br /> �Y �ts oplwn.to commente,appear m and prosecute�n�ts own name any such action Or praceedmg5 antl shau be enutled t0 make any compromise or SettGt+nMt —
<br /> - �n tOnnBCtron wrth eny such ecLOn or proCEM��gS -
<br /> � 9 FUTURE AOVANCES.Upon request of Trusta.Baneht�ary at Benoht�ary's opUon,pnor to reconveyance ot the Property to Trusta,may make �.
<br /> �: t�_. ,,, : :.� _ future edvances to T�ustor Such future advanCes,w�lh mterest thereon.shan be secured by tMS Trust Oeed when ewdenced by prom�ssory noees staUng �'
<br /> — _ ..-`- -. _.._��......
<br /> ......,..r.w.., ..���
<br />. .� ... ln2t SBitl n0(!5 e�!SBCUrlO pereDy-prOr�cied tnat ai no iimr. �i�aii li�r ar�airu{niiii,�yd�anu�uiuPv ''..--�-' ..v...w.vv...°�•.""' _
<br /> 1, .... awmwao.' y w..-.«.............,.�....._�. [J V
<br /> } the Secunty,excued two hundred percent(200�b)of the ong�nal pnnC�pai amou�ts saCUred hereby -=
<br /> 1 �-
<br /> 10 REYEDIES NOt EXCLUSIVE.T�ustce and Benef�c�ary.and eacl�o�them.sh,�ll he ent�tled to enforce paymznt and pe��amante ot any indebtedness
<br /> �+ or obl�gations seCUred horeby end to axerc�se ali nghts and powers under th�s irust Oeed or under any other�gr�tm�nt executed m connection herewith
<br /> - � - ' or any laws now a hereafter�n face.notwdhstandmg some or,��I o1 Ihe such�ndebtedness and obhgadons secured hereby may now a hereaKM be i
<br /> i�•� otherw�se secured,wh�ther by mortgane.trus�deetf.piedge.l:en.atis�ynm��nt or otherw�se Ne�ther the accNpt:�nce 0�this irust Deed npr dS Bntptemint �
<br /> - .+. whelher by court actinn a pursuanl to the power ol sale or othar powerti hwrem conta�ned.shail pre�udice or�n any manner attect Trustre s o�Bene��Ciary s i�
<br /> nyht to reahze upon or enforce any other Setunty now or herealter held by Trustee a Benef�cia�y.it being agrped that Trustee and BeM��¢�ory.a�+d each �,
<br /> � i
<br /> , [
<br /> �y :
<br /> ..r �.. ?. �.
<br /> �..
<br /> fi .... . ,. .. .. _. _ . .. . ._. .
<br /> �
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<br /> �, _.. .. .. � -- - --
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