��_�,� __-_-- ;T ~.� .. ___ '.' __._.__ _'__ ..' '... _"_' ' _ "_�..' = _-
<br /> '- zi�._. _. _ . � . _. _� - __ ,- �.� _-_ _ . __ . . _ __` ._...-_ . -
<br /> _..-.:::- ... . .., _ .__ , _ . . .
<br /> ".... .- ._ - -�--- � � - - �--
<br /> _ ._.
<br /> -- ---
<br /> ;.J{ � . . -- . .__. _ .. ._ . - . _ , .. _
<br /> -_, t : � _
<br /> ..-----:-t i: i -_ . . . ` . . . _ . . , [
<br /> . . _- �,� . �. .
<br /> .--..Y]iti�N',`''�.��: _ . A _ . ` � ,
<br /> � �
<br /> _ . . _ 4 _ . .. . ._ . � Y �r�ents to. - ��
<br /> " -«�. 1 j
<br /> - ' unto t�e Yortsase��s;herei�.prlR►i&d. o�R�
<br /> 4 .'ib�►vs�xn TQ��q��t�
<br /> �nd covenanta rrith.t,hgi�°rt�a�ee:lhsE the�ort�a�ar•.tias 8roa1_rigl�t to selt and ounvey ssi�d i�srrant `� `
<br /> tl�t t1NeY are�tree fron��icumbrance,except as hereinqt6erwise recited:lb�tttheYortp�Or
<br /> ` and defend the same agsinst the lawful clsima oi all persons+vhomscever. 'Mortgajor Rereby nliAqaislte� .
<br /> - - - ° � sll ri�fita of hotneatead,aR maritsl righta.either iri law or in equity,su►a st1 athes coatin�ent�interesta ot , . -_
<br /> — :thg,Mortsago�F in an�to the sbovedescribed premiae�. � , __
<br /> - Ploovsaau Ar.wAYS,and these presents u+e�ecnted and delivered uP�a the foRovrIo�condition�to _�
<br /> ��_ .� -�rit- _ . . ' . _..' , i�±'�`- — -
<br /> ,_. ��_ _
<br /> , - ¢ -=--------_
<br /> � �� to � or order.the afv�d P.��P��with intereat tmm dste �--=T=_
<br /> - . Diost�a�or s�re�s to i�s►Y the biortsa8� � � =
<br /> �� ` at the r�te of 8_50 per oenhun I6.5�0 3:P�'�n}�on t�ee anpaid bal�tnce until paid.
<br /> �..
<br /> -_-- � The aai d prtnciPal a n d i n t e r e st si�a31 be p s ya6le at Lhe oS'ice of The .Fquita6le Bldg: � Loan Association �t--�..:���._--.
<br /> ��; . ia �Grend Ialsnd. Nebraska ,or aE s�ch oWer pl9ce a�ttie halder o�#he note msy desi�nate in _�����--,_
<br /> - w=itins deliverea or mailed`to the Mortgagor,in monthl3r iastaliments of.�rix�Hundred Eleven and 1T/1Qa ��--
<br /> 19¢2. auaoontutuingon � �:, ;�-�►
<br /> DolUus(�611.I7 ).�ouffiencing oa the first day of February �1 . ► u8 --.;. +�.�;':`
<br /> '�,:�`_ the firat dsy of each raonth thereafter unW said note is fi�liY P�d.except that,if not soort�es pua.th�fwttl : .�,_
<br /> .������„�;"�.,
<br /> -t payment of principal an&interest sha11 be due and paYabte on the fir�t day of Janua7�y Y,'201� :� ":�__- .•
<br /> �w_.:�.-=
<br /> . �x.: ' accordit#g,�o tTte terms of a cestain pramissory note of evea date hereweth executed by tbe�d�[ustQaY'nr , .;�_,:;��• -
<br /> � ,�., ;. . � r . ' - ; � : _:
<br /> ' f� Th�,�[9rtSaSor further agre�$;. , '` � -.__=�5�:-:_:
<br /> :r:� �s t�esvad L�prep�Y aL any _.�""�
<br />; �-'�°�� � L He%ht w11 Fasr tLe iadebi�bne�s,�be�hefoie grrndded.��� -- -
<br /> �.,-. .
<br /> � � �� t�m�writhauL premium os fee.�e entite indebtednas or any part t�en.wi not le�ffian the amount oi aae "c s:
<br /> "�f.--'. , iastaliment,or one hundred dallats(ilOO OO�wl�icheva is Ieu.Prrpa�i�aeat in furi ijali be credited m tia� '. . -
<br /> '" n�eti uut Ee ceedited anf�the ��
<br /> • :�i,";�,� date recei�red.Partial pre�sYment, other tbtn on an i�taliment dt�;t�e� _ .=�' ?__
<br /> ;�.,: ei � which�+►ec is a:ties "-.
<br /> �yr.`: r:,;. nest following ia�Wlment due datie:ar tbisty days afttr wch pnpaymeat, . . � --._
<br /> '=�.���i:r5:''; , �. ` � snd intereat 6k under .
<br /> � _ �'- '� �- . ._ _2_.�ethgs with.and in additiori to.the monthlY P�lYmeata oi�liittc�Ps1 P� , �'� �.:'�,,.+�.;_.,_�
<br /> . 1 ' .' � theterr�sotthenotesece�redhereby.Mort�r�an'llpaytoMortga�astnwtee.tunderthe.t�r.ntsoftl�ia _ •
<br /> ,�'esch month un�il sai�3'note is t�lJy paid: � '^ `.`>
<br /> '��; � tn�st s�_�ereinafter atxted) on the first d�::�, ' : -_ ' ° -.
<br /> ` �::�:.� :. ,.. ., .f . �.
<br /> .j � . ' (i��;;�sunt equa}to the ground rents,if�»Y.next dueR;�ulua the Pr���t�will aext become dtt� .: :;�,
<br /> � °:•:and payable on polictFS of fire and other ha�aafi-�nsurance covering the mortgaged propertY: `;`'V�:;,�t;r i''_
<br /> , ' �� � •'� ; �`' ptua taxes and assessments next dne on the i�ae�gaSed ps°PertY<all aa eatimsted by the Mortr �,...:.-;::,ti,•,: ..
<br /> .,� ;�#�
<br /> � �,:.._.' � . ,• 7 , `•_,�=�,=
<br /> a-..F.. .; gagee.and of«hich the Mortgagor ts noti&ed) less all.�t�s alreadY Psid therefor divided by :;�r ,., :� ,
<br /> ' ' :the nunc�F of mohths to elapse beFore one month priaz.�'t��te date'when auch�round rentar ;i.,,;:._ ,.. . ;:`_$
<br /> . .� ` ,,:r..; . remiums,taxes and assessments«ill become deling�:����.such a�uma.to be held by Yort�a�ee :•�..• � ;:; -'• .. -
<br /> �• .�
<br /> . ( �1'�.. . : ',t J� ' �
<br /> ltf ' ' " ' YE t°�Y4 t��
<br /> �,� - ,����o�'�'� . . . ..'in trast ta paY�id ground rents.Premiums.ta�and�ecisl aaa�'�. - f r,�, _�,,..
<br /> ���,,�.��_
<br /> .- - ���•`'�=- _� (b� Tiie ag�egatc af tFhe�mounts paya6le�►ursuant:to subpar.aSraPh (a) aad thaae DsY�blt OA the: - - � -7_ _
<br /> ' note secured hcreby,shail be paid�a single payment ea�F�month,to be apDlied tm Ette follow-
<br /> .��. _ . . j , ..
<br /> • _ , , ing items in the order stated: , , �'
<br /> :��'•� _ . , �-
<br /> � (1) ground rents,taxes,assessments,fir�,attd other 4�azard inaurance premiuuu; :
<br />';��' ' ���. ' � • . (11) interest on the note secured hereby;ans�. } ' '•"
<br /> i;'.;::;:,� �`,':`' , . � (lll) amo��tization of the principal of said note. .. i. �. _-_
<br /> . .:,.,�:;� 'F� • � � t;(�Cy payment shall � -
<br /> .�-:��� �.:•
<br /> �:`��• Any de�cs:iency in the amount of any such aggregate mar , � ,un1Els ma�te�nod �,, � _
<br /> ���,;•%�:';� ''�;:.;, ti; by the�;:GrtRagor prios tn the due d�te of the next such�sa;:rtent,conatitute aa evtlitof defltalt �;'� -. _
<br /> .�.s `�
<br /> �`r�.'��'�-� ���"'. "''�'� ander thi�mortgage:_,At Mortgagee's option,Diortgagar will pay a"late chsr�e"not exceed• ,
<br /> .��,,,._.;' �.:
<br /> . , �. ; �`�:�'_ . ' ing four.�r cent�ru,��''c}of any install ment�vhen paid more thar�f{�t¢en(15)d�yi�ttrar the,, � „ . ..
<br /> -�� '�i �-� due date iF�.Ereaf to?cuver the�xtra expense involved in har��dting detiraszient p�yruer.ts,buts�ch, � .�
<br /> � :�!�; �'"'��'`' • �'late c�*arge•'shall not be pa,abP�,out of the proceeds af 3,7iy sale made to aatlsfyt�rR indebted- ,.
<br /> �;.;i`; 1 ' .. nessaecurwlhereby,unlessst�cnLr;oceedsa�•esuf�icienttoi3ischargetheentiseitt�edneas�8 }. .� • . -
<br /> �; , - �. .
<br /> ' � ' all proper costs and expenses secured thereby. E. ,
<br /> � ,:,',: , k •. � ..
<br /> ���. .�.�: S, li the total of the paymenta made by the Mortgagor under �a) ot yarsgrsDh 2 Drec�dtn�_s�11 ; .:
<br /> ��' � exceed the amount of paymenta actualty made by the Mortgagee,as tru�tee,for ground senta,tsxes and
<br /> . :1� ;.
<br /> � ,:,:� � � � assessmenta or insurance premiuma,aa the case msy be,such excf:�;shall be credited by the I[ort�a�ee ;
<br /> ,.:. ..
<br /> � � .,� ��� on aubaeqnent payments to be made by the Mortgagor!or such iterr,�,�s'�at Mortgagee'a optioa,as trwtee� i�
<br /> °.�'';'��;'i;';� shaU be retunded to bfostgagor. If, however,such monthly paym�nts ahall not be sufllcient to Dsy such :
<br /> . �:;.:� �
<br /> � � ''4•' " ��";.�;,�,� items when the same shall become due and payable, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee,as .
<br /> :.,`' ' �''''" trustev,any amount nec�ssary to make up ttte deftciency within thisty(30j dsya aiter written notice trora ;
<br /> � ' ' the Mortgagre stati*,�the amount ot the def�ciency, which notice may be glven by mai1. it st any time [
<br /> f.�►e MorFgagor.hati tender. to the Mortga�e. in accordance wit,t�;�f:e proviaiona oi the.rcate aeenred • � � .
<br /> . herebY.���� Da�'�G�'^�.ot the entire indebtednesa represented,tt�,erc-�y, the Mortgagee. as tfuatee.eha11: �
<br /> � � in comput�r�g�ta2�a:rsaunt of such indebtednes�,credit Go�tBte aecn�*.o oi the Mortga�or any cr�edit balsa�ce , ,
<br /> accumulated undcr��.�e provisiona oi (a) of paeaSraDb 2 hereaf- 1!there e1►all be a defavlt u�der� :
<br /> " of the pmvisions of this mortgage reaulting ln a public sale of the yremiaea covered henby, or if th�
<br /> Mortgagee acquires the property otherwise after detault, the Mortgagee, as troatee� shap spply,at the�
<br /> � � time oi the commencement o!auch proceedings,or at the time the propesty is olherwife scquls�l. the �
<br /> � - ==� � amount then rrm�iniag.ta eredit thp_Mortgaaor under (a)of paragra�h 2�freced9n��as a credit on.the
<br /> _ . . .. _ ,. � interest accraed and unpaid and the balance to the prlacipal ttten remainir�unpa�d on s�id not!
<br /> � 4. The tien n!this instrum�nt shall remain in tull force and efiect durin�any paatponement os extea- ,
<br /> ' .. • • sioa af the time oi pasment of the iaciebtedness ar aav t�art thereaf aecured hereby. _ _
<br /> -- - --- - - �- 5. He/slte will pay all ground rento. taxes, ar�estmenb, water ratea. aad otbes �mremmental or .
<br /> � � . � mun4ciQa1 rhar,ges. �ines,or impaeitions.levie�l upon eaid pnm9ses and that hephe wUl pay aU tath Ievlal , �
<br /> ,. _ � upon this mdrtg,ag�:or th�deb�secured thereby,together rrltb ufy other tuce�as a�ent�wh9ch mQ► .
<br /> - -<.-__-- =--- ---...
<br /> ----- -- - -be levied und��t ttte taws 6f Ne6raska against the Mc,:t�gee:or the lega�hald�at�ts!gs3aclpal aok,;ea . '
<br /> � � arcauaE of this indebtedness. except.when gsyment fos all aush iteme hu theretofore ix�mde undes(o} - y -- - --- ---- ---
<br /> � �,, i at paragraph 2 hereof.and heishe wiU promptfY deliver the ofGcial receipts therafos W the Mort�ee In .
<br /> 1 . detault thereaf ttse Mortgggee maY P�Y�e same. _
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> ._.. _ . . . .. .
<br />