� � . �.
<br /> _ � ' +�,.�.,� .',.�.. �' ..r_—�� ---
<br /> ���.:
<br /> ��s==--�----� �3-'i09'",�Qi
<br /> . t. Tbe Be�ici�rY. or ib��enu.ane�whorized to ente,c st aay rr�on�bk tlmo upon or in any put of tha pmperty for tba
<br /> pvNore af iwpoctic�tbe wae snd for tta puryo�e of pafdrmin��uY of 1Le�t6ay'are sWlacixad to partarm under tl�o t�emr of
<br /> --
<br /> anp�io�s inptun�nu exxWod by'Truftor�.
<br /> s. It W or aay p�rt a iLo E«�.y ar;cr�i�'.,�ot'tYu�as ia sc1Q, lraa�red ct!4ssslKS encsns�r_rr1�f@!ost t!!s . -
<br /> aon.eat at We Beneticisuy,Wo H�*tr�Y docl�re�u ams�roe by thts rrua Deed a be i�ua�edWeiy due wd payabte�od
<br /> pf0000d IO UIE I�t110dICi AViIIBYIC l0�l qfldCf lI1C dCE�UII j1(OM1�It�Wii ODIt1AIQOd I10[CIG.
<br /> ��. �Or1�IQ fOu0LYj0�CVCl11f f��tfC�OCfl10d�A CVEO[Of�Il�t fIC[CUIIdCi:OT�Of il�OfbO[W111f/Op11COd�ICi�O�W�CR
<br /> •. 7'iUllOfi fhf�l�VC��W AVkC Q�yllllAt O�Y1y iO�qlllifEOt Of�IiI1C�Q8� _
<br /> _ � -� �� �.
<br /> - �. 7'here 1u� oaarrrod a breach nt a default wider any term, oovoeant, agreement, ooudiUuu. pro�vi�ion• repraenl�tbu°r --
<br /> wsrraaty oontained in Uds Deed of Tniat,the note or any dt.cr loan instnuaeat securod herdry:
<br /> �. There tus bop�a default by tha TnWas ia tha paym�nt d'aaY Prior or wbioquent iieu or encumbranca in respoct to W or any
<br /> --- put of the ptnperiy;
<br /> d. Tnuton stwll fdo a voluntuY pctiaon in baniwptry or shall bc adjudicatod bRnlcmpt or inwivcnt, or sl�ll mokc an
<br /> —.�---.- - •-•_- g or an action to enforce an lien or encumbranoe or"
<br /> acei�ment for tLo benefit of crediton ia respoct to the property: Y � ---
<br /> again�c thc propeKy is oommc�x�od.
<br /> 11. Ia the event of any debult.the Beneficiary may declue all indebtednas sxured hereby to be due and payablc u�d the same
<br /> tLaU Wcmupat b000me due aad p�yAblo witi�attt any praenhnent,demand.Protect or notioc of wny kind. Thenafur.We Aeneficiuy
<br /> i ._�.� �:
<br /> '_+,. a, eitLar in perwn ot by agent, with or wlttwut bringing any action or procecding.or by raxivu appoinud by a oourt anci _._.
<br /> witLout tegacd to tt6o adeqw�c7'of any soa�rin�,enter upon aad Wce possession of the property,or any patt thereot:in its own
<br /> 0
<br />- aa�ao or in the name of the Tructee, uui do any �cts �vhich it docros noocscary a��d desir�ble to presccvc thc value. --
<br />_= marlcetability or reatabUity of t}�c p�ropecty.or put theroof,or iatetes/therein.incrqse the incoc►�a thcrcfrom or protoct the
<br /> � . r�ecurity hereof a�nd,without taking poc�rscion of the property, sue for or otherwise colloct tho rcnta,iswes and profits thereof. W-
<br /> �1���C past due and unp�id, and apply iho same, less costs and expenses of oper+uon and cailoction, iuciuding
<br /> �: a��y,�� �pon any;ndebtednecs scxwod heroby,all in such order as the Beneficiary may determino. 'l1�c entering upon
<br /> r rt ' and talcing pocsescion of We trust eswce.the oollectlon of such rents.issues and profits and application tlrsroof'as aforaaid
<br /> � sha11 not cure or waive any default or not�ce of default hereunder or invalidate any act and in recpoase to such default or
<br /> `^• :�� p�usuant to such notice of default and notwithstandjng the condnuancx in possession of the property or the ooUection,rooeipt
<br /> ?� M F '� .� and applir,atioa of rents,issues or profits,Tcustcc or tha Beneficiary may bc entiUcd to excrcise cvery right p[avided for in any
<br /> � '��' of the loan inuruments or by taw upon oocurrcncx of any cvent of default,incloding the right to exercise tha powcr of sale;
<br /> . ��,,,,
<br /> - . ""''��� p, oomp�eaoe an xtioq w foreclose tlus lkod of Tcust as a mortgage,appoint a raxiver, or spocificelly enfora any of the
<br /> �a't`r:`:�c`�:� ' oovenantrt►eteof;
<br /> "' ...�':.:..�. ..
<br /> �m...�.;�1�. ��.. �.< ,e: c. dotiver to Tnutee a wri�ten dec�aradon of defaWt and demand for sale,and wrinen notice of default and clection to quse
<br /> ;�;��:; ' . •. Tnutors'iatoresc in the prapert�•to be wld,wWch notice Tn�siec sha11 raus�e ro bo dnly filod for rxord in thc oft'ici�l rocords
<br />:r.� : •;.:,;__: ' � of the oounty in which the ptaperty is located.
<br /> ' 12. ShoWd the Heneficiary eloct to foroclose by exercise of the pow�er of sale herein contaiiwd,the Beneficiary shall notity Trustac
<br /> '' � ; '� " at�d shall deposit wilh Ttnstce this peed of Trust and the note and such receipts and evidence of erpenJitures mado and scxured
<br /> �'•'~�� • heceby as Trustec may rcquire,and upon roqucst of the Bencficiary, the Tntstcc shall causc to bc rccordod,publishod und delivcrod
<br /> � to Trnstor such Notice of Default end Notice of Sate as then rcquired by taw and by this Deod of Tcust.Tn►sta shall without demand �..F
<br /> �,�.::. F
<br /> -�,,,y '�"�,�:.,.,,,�,:�„ on Trastor,after such time as may thcn be rcquired by law and afler rcoord�tion of such Notice of Default and after Notix of Sale �
<br /> F�_ � t�ving boen given as required b}�lat��, sell the property at the timc and place of sale fixed by it in such Notia of Sale, either as a __
<br /> • whole,or in separato lots or parcels ar items as Ttustec shall deem e�cpodient. and in such order as it may determine,at public �,
<br /> auctfon to tho highat bidder for cu�h and shall dcli��cr ro such purchascr or purclu�scrs thcrcof a docd to thc property wld,oonsistcnt �"4
<br /> �• with the law then in ei�'oct. Recitals in thc Trustce's docd shall bc prima facie c��idence of ihe truth of the statemenu made therein. ��
<br /> r ' ' Tructoe shall apply�the prooeeds of the sale in tho follow�ing order.(a)to all irasonable costs and expenses of the sale,including but ��
<br /> ' ` not limitod to T�vslee's foes of not more than 2%of the gross sale pricc.reasormble attorne}•fecs and casls of tiUe cvidetux;(b)ro all ��:.
<br /> ' �,<•. . sums sccurcd by lhis Dood of Tnist: and (c)thc cxccss. if any. to thc person or persons Icgally cntitlal thcrcto. Any person,
<br /> _ " °��S including thc Bcncficiary.may purchasc said property at said salc. Trustcc may in thc manncr providcd by law, postpone salc of all =
<br /> . �;:� ' • • or any portion oC thc property.
<br /> � �_.• - 13. Tnutoc and the Beneficiary,and cach ot them,shall be entiticd to cnforce payment and pedom�ancc of any indcbtedness or
<br /> ��'
<br /> �,., �•�-��: obligation securod hercby and to exercisc ull rights and pow�ers undcr this Deed of Tn�st or under any toan insinuncnt or othcr .
<br /> y" ,¢;;''�:�- agree�aeat ot any laws nor or t�ercaftcr cnforccd nohvithstanding somc or aU o}'thc indcbtedncss and obligations secntcd hcrcby ��
<br />:� o. which may now an c�rcaftcr bc otherwisc sccurod. �r•hcthcr b�� mortgagc, dood of trust, plcdgc. licn, assignmcnt or othcnvisc. �!`��
<br />;-. Neither the aceeptance of this Dxd of 1'rust nor its enforcement.�a•hether b}•court ac�ion or pursuant to the power of salc or other !•.
<br /> ��, •` powcrs lx:rcin contained,shail prcjudice or in an�•manncr ait'a:t Trustcc's or the Bcncficlan•'s right to rcalizc upon or cnforcc any�
<br /> � ' � , othcr socuriry now ur herc.atier held by Tcustce or lhc Bencficiary, it be�ng agrccd that Tn►stec and the Beneficiary•, and each ot
<br /> - them,shall be cntitled to cnforcc this Dccd of Trust and am•othcr sccunn�nou•or hercailcn c�ld by ihc Bencficiary or Trustce�n
<br /> :�; �
<br /> � • � , such order and manner as the}•ma�•in their absolute discretion detemm�e N�re�ned} herein conferred upon or resen•ed to Trusiee
<br /> = i or Benefician�is intendod to be exclosi�•e of an�•other remed► hercin or b��la«�pro�•ided or permiu�•d.but cach shall be cumtilative
<br /> and shall bc in addition to c�•cry other remcdy givcn hcrcundcr or uo�c on c�reaftcr e��sting:�t la��•ar equity or by�statutc. Every
<br /> �. � po��•er or remedy gn•en b�•an�•of the lo�n instrumcnts to Trustcc or tlic Bencfic�an•or to afiich cither of them may be othcnvise
<br /> enuUed may be exercised,concurcenily or independently.Cwm time to ti�ne and as oflen as mny�be doemed expodient b��Trustoc ot
<br /> � , Bendciasy,and either of them m�}pursue inoonsistent remedicx. Nothing herein shall be constcuod as prohibiting tha Benefieiar}•
<br />- � � from sedcing a de6cien�}�judgment against Trustors to the extent uuh action�s permitted b�•la�v.
<br /> — 14. Tnutors hercb}�ro4� A�P5' o[any notice of default and ttmt any notice of sale hereunder be mailod to Trustors at the
<br /> �� , ' address sct fonh in thc first paragraph oT this Uccd of Trust.
<br /> __ '` IS. 'I'1►e Beneticiary may,by a written instrument executod�nd ackno�t•icdged by Beneficiary�,m.7ilod to Trustors and reoordal in
<br /> the Counry in which thc ptopert�' is locatod and by othcn�•�sc compl}ing�►ith thc pror�sions of tl�c applir►blc IeW of thc Statc of
<br />�_�' Nebrask�,substitute a suocessor ro the Trustoc n:u�xd hercin or acting lureunder.
<br /> 16. This Docd of Truu applics to and inurcs to tLc bcnctii oCand bmds all partics hcrcto. thcin c�us.personal represcnt:ni�•cs.
<br /> , �a�y�g�. T}����"gc�kli¢t��•"sl�all mean thc o��mcr and holdcr of dx notc.��•hothcr or not namad as Hencfician�
<br /> ;,:�
<br /> herein.
<br /> r.
<br /> �
<br /> F tt„ . .
<br /> �V, JS:� •`ti�Y�.�•
<br /> . �
<br /> �� �
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