, .:;. _ ______ __ _
<br /> � ,w,
<br /> . ... . ,. :je..�. .�,�
<br /> � -�� ` ; '
<br /> ; , � .
<br /> g�- �0�4�
<br /> -- — -',-.pa.«�o �akie3as. *_n�x!Y!Mrenti ���h ne�iicy or gclioi� s�ta3�x na1a� �#iai�ry
<br /> s�d trustor� a� in�urrdt u th�ir int�r�at• aax app�ar, .,+a s.�rsai.r�r .fi.�� 1a�
<br /> • Lo ib�in ful��for aitaind�ili�tnat a�ll tisM��urinq �t�rw o! ttti��n�o! .
<br /> � 'ttu�t. '
<br /> 4. l��pl1� 11l�RI�_�tq��Tl►�,. Tru�tor� �hall in and aont�st
<br /> �uty action or proc�iny purpo ng o a �at th� s�cttrity �r�o! or th� ri.qht�
<br /> or po�nrs of e�n�fiai�ry �r Trurt��, anc] sha].1 pay all coct� and expertiaas,
<br /> 3n�sluclirq co�t o! wid�na� oi titl� and attorn�y's l��. in any rach aation or
<br /> procNdinq in whici� Bo.�liaiazy or TrustN may app�ar. Should Trustor� fail to
<br /> �►pdc� anx psynwnt or to do any act as and in th� senn�r provid�cY in anY c! th�
<br /> Laa�n Instrum�nts, H4n�P iciary and/ar Truste�, �aah in its o�discr�tion, without
<br /> obld�stion, may mvc� or do th� aam* in 4uah msnn�r and to �uah sxt�nt as �ith�r
<br /> �►p,�.d�ws n�a�saary to protect ths saaurity h�raof. Trustcra ahatl, innMdiat�ly
<br /> upcan, dwand tharefor by Son��iciarx, pny all coatg and axp�ne�s ieaurrod by
<br /> ganapiciary in conn�atioa w��h tha axorais� by Honaficiary of the lor�goirtq
<br /> righx�, including, M�Ulqtlt LSRI�.tdt�OA• co�ts of ovid�na� of titl�, court co�ts
<br /> • eppraiwals, surveys and attorn�y'a feas. Any 4uah costs and �xpens�s not pai�d
<br /> rithin t�n (10) days of wrixtea domand shall drar int�r�st at th� d�fault rat�
<br /> provid�d in th� Note.
<br /> • S. EtdINSHT DO!lAIN. 3hauld the Trast Lstato, or any part thsraof or
<br /> -------- interest t �rs n, n or dam+�qed by reaeon of any public improv�nt or
<br /> aondemnation roaeedi.nq, or in any other manner inaluding deed in li�u of
<br /> Cond«nnation ("Condemnatioa"), or shauld Truators raceive any notic� or othar
<br /> infonantion reqarding euch prxeadinq, Trustoro ehall give pr�xopt written notice
<br />° thereof to Bonsffciary. Beneficiary ehall be entiitled i:o all canpensation and —
<br /> condemnation awards ana other paymanta or relief therQfor, an8 shall be antitlad
<br />� to make any caapromise or settlemont in conneation with suah taking or demage.
<br /> All such camp�nsation and condemnation, awards, damaqas, rights of action and
<br />= proceeds awardod to Trustors (the "Pror.oede") are hereby assiqned to Bene�iciary;
<br /> and Trustora aqrees to exacute auah further aosignmenta of th� Proceeds as
<br /> Mnaficiary or Truat�o m.ay require.
<br />-_= 6. APPOINTMGN�_OF SUCC�380R TRU3TEE. Beneficitsry taay, fran time to time,
<br />-- bv a writ�Qn ns r�uaen execu�e3 an ac owledqed by Beneficiary, mailed to
<br /> �" Trustors aad recorded in the County in which the Trust �etate is loc�t�d a��3 bY
<br />,:.: _ _�
<br /> ; otherwise complyinq with the pzovisions of the applicable law of the State of
<br /> � . Nebraska subatitute a succesaor or successors to the Tsvstao named herein or
<br /> � aatinq hereunder.
<br /> r.
<br /> r � �,;?,:'':', 7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Deed Of Truet 8ppliee to, inures t0 the
<br /> benefit o an n s a par es hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees,
<br /> , , y'r personal representatives, successors and assiqns. The term "Beneficiary" shall =
<br /> .::. : mean the owner and holder of the Note, whether or not named as Beneficiary
<br />� ''"` herein.
<br /> ;
<br /> ;", n.."'� 8. INBPECTIONS. Benefi.ciary, or its agents, representatives or wor1aaen,
<br /> `{ � '"� �` are author ze to enter at any reaeonable time upon or in any part of the Trust
<br /> ''Y. -.
<br /> ,,;t� 'ao t,,�'+^�,� '" � Eetate for the puzpose of inspecting the seme and for the purpose of performinq
<br /> `..�,�„�`._,;,:�.:.� , any of the acts it is authorized to perform under the terms of any of the Loan
<br /> .,�.^.; �,-
<br /> Instrumants.
<br /> -' '� '` �"';��`'`�..: 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Any of the followinq events shall be deemed an -
<br /> ,'��,,,,_,;y�;, event of de au ereun er:
<br /> . �.•.
<br /> '�'�""'•�sy, - -
<br /> (a) Txuators shall have failed to make payment of any installment o _
<br /> �., ''" intereat, principal, or principal and interest or any other eum securdd hereby -_
<br /> .7 w- .:a. when due; or,
<br /> �•. .
<br /> � s i, (b) There hae occurred a breach or default under any term, covenant,
<br /> • .�,,i, agreement, condition, provieion, representation, oz warranty contained in any of --
<br />_ .�� . Y,P. , thb Loen Instruments.
<br /> �,.:•: : -
<br /> '��� � default occur, ene cisry may ec are a n e e ness secured hereby to be duo
<br /> � and payeble, and the same ahall thereupon become due and payable without any �
<br /> presentmcent, demand, pxotest, or notice of any kind. Thereafter the Beaeficiary �
<br /> . may: �
<br /> �
<br /> (a) Either in person or by agent, with or without bringing arzy action or �
<br /> proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a Court and without regard to the �
<br /> adeq��.acy of its security, enter upon and take possession of the Trust Estate, or ;
<br /> ."� �- �� any part thereof, in ita own name or in the name of Trustee, and do an�► acts �
<br /> -;:•_ ,I:
<br />-; #� ., ,�5,.3,; which it deems neceasary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or
<br /> ' 4�'-.-:�t =� rentability of the Trust Estate, or part thereof or int�rest therein, increase �
<br /> �:.. . _
<br /> the income therefrom or protect the security hereof,_and with or witho+it taking �
<br /> „__,. `�� ..,...�� :Qa�_va _
<br /> y j �•�� ;• �r+ possession oi Lne iruai cm�ai.es, Bub ia�ri vi: v�ttotw.ioo VVilO�r�. . .• -
<br /> and pz^ofits thereof, includinq those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, �
<br /> � "'��� less coeta and expenses of operation and collection, including attorney's fees,
<br /> ` �,��• upon any indebtedness secured hereby, all in such order as Beneficiary may �
<br /> "�`' "•`'' determine. The entering upon and takinq po ssession of the Trust Estate, the •
<br /> ��:`"'�'"`'��` collection of such rents, issues and profits and the application thereaf ae
<br /> �� - � � '� �� aforesaid, shall not aure or waive any de.fault or notice of default hereunder or
<br /> �b���' invalidato any act done in response to such defaul.t or pursuant to such notice �
<br /> -�a�;.� �•. ��: •. .
<br /> ��sac�;`�_� of default and, notwithstandinq the continuance in possession of the Trust Eetate
<br /> c
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