;�„..-•--�---- , .-. .,..a.-.� _,�.�
<br /> ._. -__---,,,�1-fljea. - � � �.r-,sd--e.�----
<br /> .--s§�' __ -- o n ' .. � . . .. .... �.
<br /> •
<br /> i l.Aii�MIwM��iq ril�. I�n�f�it h►1'eatlor in 1M�t d ar�w1����f tM hnw iwl a�litie�d
<br /> tl»IM�.�r�►rww�N,�IM�N��or a1��11w+Mf,�r 1M��►of vqr qlhnt Mid�bad�wa Nwrd bw'iM�r�s tM'w1«�wa
<br /> �f M�N 1M p�ItlM�ll!��w�llll�s •__�r_,_r.Y.• • i1�rl/ �i1 fl�a��
<br /> .. __ i1K�M1Yw�lww�wn.►»�rs...n....."�. .�..7s�.�..wirt�l4!!fM4M�� !Ml�� ---
<br /> �1�M�MM�b10M�r+IM MM���Nh�IMA/f�t�R'11�1111��1111*1�.PI'OIMf Of IMM�fM:���•111Myd�1�I. �IM�1�M��R�
<br /> T!1lM0�a�IfN1M1�lIQOf�MI if��IM 011d�IMOIId{�R�R'.�14�1M 1�10��101M 1111�IOM�1f'�f�Of 111��f�/plfly Clld�r111�C�lf��
<br /> �.., ►rqKty h te M�ald k�haM i�sit wiM TrustM 1hi�OMd of Trutt and tM Noh or nqt�N snd aM►oth�t roe�MS wW��q
<br /> �o�i I�Yf►.d�IqM ilir�»IrustN o wnittr��Nka of d�/auk tind*crion ro oauw MN Prap�rtp ro b.�eid.and TnKt..,in 1vn.
<br /> � pnow�a si�Nor eolio�in th�faw�ir�d br Ivw.ah�eh:hoN M duy fihd for noord AY j�•
<br /> l01 AfM�tM kMt�ot wch tinr tu t�to�r bt nqui►�d bp faw foHo+►�inD tM+ysadolian af liiiiu of Wfauh.onQ Motke ct MfauM and Netic� —
<br /> i Sab hai�p b�fiw+i cs r�uind bY law,YnntM,wi!lqut d«nond�n Tn�star,shoM wN,11»Prop�r��n an�uc�pn Parak ad e wch
<br /> • a Tnatar fnoy det�niihw an th�dot�eerld at 1M tiwM n�d ploa d�sip�ohd in said Notk�af.Sab.a pu6lie ouetian ro tlw hipl�t bidda,th�pu�.►
<br /> d�Kie�i pa�rabb in ca:h in towtul nwrMy of 1M 1 Nit«d Stdt�s ot th�tin»of saM.ThN pilrson eonducfkp th�saM maV�for p►fi eau�h�o►tM
<br /> d��na�x�di�nt.postpo�th��de fi'��i�w►to ti�uMil k sholl b�complN�d t�nd,Jn�wry wd�cw�,notia of�ottp�nMMM shoM b�piwn
<br /> b1►P�e d�dor�tion th��of b1►wd�pKSOn o11M tlw�oM ploa lost appoir►t�d far tiw�abi Oro+►id�d.M th�soN it postpMad ia'lonprr Nian
<br /> � oro li I doM b�1►ond th�dW d�sipnat�d�tM tiotk�of Sat�,notic�tl�rwf slwU b�q(w�n in th�sonw man�Mr oa tM ord�inol Notke of Soh.
<br /> — Teu�tN ihoM�x�euh and ddivK to tl�pu�dio�K itt ONd eo�whrkp tM/►apKtr fo�old�but wiM�out anr eaw�narM or w�or►oMy,�xprKS,or
<br /> tnipli�d.Ti+e neiwf�in tM OMd ef ary ewttw or faot�daN b�concludw proot of 1hN huHdubNf ti��of.M�►PKSOn.intM�dMq w�M�t
<br /> W�itation TrustM,niW pu�dq��at��ab.
<br /> (b).WiMn irustN s�ll:purwait to tM pow�rt�Mr�in.TnntN sholl appty th�aocNda of th�wb to paym�m of th�co�ts and�xp�nas of
<br /> ��ckinp tlr Oow�r of sai�and of th�wh.(n�k�diiq,without lin►itatlon.th�pa�nr�t of�ruttN's Fw�incutnd,wl�ich TnKtN's F�c sheN not
<br /> b th�aporrpot��xcMd tM foMowinp a�aunti ba�d upon th�ana�nt anir�d h��by.aid nMOM�ep wNwfd� S araMu�an th�bolone�
<br /> �T Mqnofr�d th�►to th�it�nn s�t torth in subparaprapb(c)hK�of in tiw ordK tMrNn�tot�d.
<br /> (c)AR�►po�rinp th�it�ms spuffid in subparapraph(b),(f th�soi�i:b�r Tnnt�,or thN p�opK cou�t and oth�r cost:of iorabwn ond sols
<br /> if th�sok i�purwor►t to�udiciol farcbwr�,th�pra�of sol�sholl b�appit�d in tiN ard�r stm�d bolow to tFw payn�nt of�
<br /> , (1) Cost of my�vidmc�of titM proc�xrd in conMCtion with such soN ad of any nvenu�nquind to b�pfi0s
<br /> t2) Attorrny:fMS:
<br /> - (3) All wms thm s�t�x�d h�nby:
<br /> -_ (4) Junior trost dNds,mortpop�s,or o�li�nhold�rs,and
<br /> — (5) 11r nmoi�dK,if any,to th�ptrson or p�rsoru I�po��y�ntit{�d thK�to.
<br /> .,,
<br /> ld) M 1M B�xflciory of this Oe�d of Trust is a ba�{c as defin�d byr Nebraska law,onY stot�mmt contoirnd in ony other soction of this deed
<br /> ::;:
<br />;:-:: -- �
<br /> `_ � ratwithstandinp,tM B�fitiary sholl eot be tntitkd to racaivt or take and d�btor sfwli rat in aoiipa9.�1 to poY or qtv�,asY tarrF�ss+r�s a I�D-
<br /> ���� rtwnt,pow�r of ottorn�y to confess(udprtMnt,power of attorn�y to appear for a borrowwr in a judicial praNdinp or apre�rnent to poy tM costs
<br /> of collatian of the attan�ys'fNS,unloss such octs of coll�ction wouid not otherwise be prohibit�d by Nolxoska low.Provided,however,thut
<br /> this s�ction das not apply to the Trost�fk nferr�d to in parapraph 6(b).Provided further,that this poroproph shall not appiy to this ONd of
<br /> ' Trust,jf the B�n�ficiary is not a bank.
<br />_ "` 12. Ai�tioMl S�a�r Nahru��tt.Trusta,ot its Qxpense,will tzecute and deliver to the B�neficiary,promptly upon dsmond,such s�curi-
<br />- � • 4��' ty instrurMnts os mo�be requir�d by&�wfitiary,in form and substonce satisfactory to Beneficiary,covorinp any of tht Prop�rty conveyed by
<br /> . ;�;.�. � ,..i this M�d of Trust,vrhkh security instrumonts sholl be odditionol security for Trustor's faithful performance of al{of the terms,covenants and _
<br /> conditions of this Deed of Trust,th�promiscay r►otes socured i�eby,and any other security inst�urnmts txecut�d in co�ction with this trun•
<br />'� `�i;s'°"�j:�. :�' saction.Such instrumx►ts shall bt recorded or filed ot Trustor's expensa.
<br /> � �4::�. � ,
<br /> �'.� „-;� ,_ '' ''" 18. A�t�t �f Swxa�a Truitrt. &nefitiory may, from time to time, by o written instroment execut�d and acknowledyed y —
<br /> ,;.�ty�,.v,aMr�(,:::.1,.:.�
<br /> .„,,,,3,�,�,K„�;,.;:?,:..•- Bm�ficiory,mail�d to Trustor ard recorded in ttK county or caunties in whlch the Property is locattd ond by otherwise complying with the provi-
<br /> —w••�� sions of th�flpplicable laws of the State of Ne l xaska,substitute o successor or successas to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder.
<br />� .��.�.•�� �• �. �� • 14. Mtpcti�a.B�tieficiory,or its opents,reprosentatives or workmen,ore authoriied to enter ot any reasonable time upon or in ony part
<br />. , �. . . '� of th�Proptrty for tik purpose of inspectinq tik same and for the purpose ot performing any of tlw acts it is authroind to perform under the
<br /> >>��1� � � t�rms of the Deed of Trust.
<br /> t S. O�fiM to Foncka�.Upon the acurrence of any default hereunder, Beneficiory shnll hove tlu option to foreclose this Deed of Trust in
<br /> '�"'�.r�"� ' ,. th�manner provided by Iaw for!he foreclosure of mortgages on real properf y.
<br /> t��.' 16, for�u br M�fiet�ry Mot�WQ��r.Any forebeorance by Beneficiary in Qxercisinp any r+yht or remedy hereunder,or otherwise —
<br /> � ' `•^ - offaded by applicoblQ bw,shall not brt o waiver of or preclude the exerclse of any such rght or remedy.likewise,the waiver by 8eneficiary of =
<br /> ,��__ � any default of Trustor undQr�his Dwd of Trust sholl not bQ deemed to be o woiver of any othor or similar defaults subsequently occurriny. -
<br /> � 17. Truttor Not �dt_�.+. Extension of th� time fa paynwnt or modificotion or omartization of the sums securQd by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ,' - granted by Beneficiary to any sutcessor in interest of Trustor shoU not operate to release, in any manner,the liability of thc.oripinal Trustor and '
<br /> t r Trustar's successor in interest.Benefitiary shall not be requirod to commence prxeedinps against such successor or refuse to extend time for
<br /> poyment or otherwise modify omortizotion of the sums secured by this Deed of Trest by reoson of ony demand mode by the original lrustor and
<br /> Trustor's successor in interest.
<br /> 18. MMfkMry'�Pow�n.Without offecting the{iability of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of any obligution herein
<br /> ' � mentionad,and without offectinp the lien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any partian of the Property not then or theretofore rQleased as
<br /> s�turity for tFk full amount of all unpaid obligations,&neficiury may,from time to timo and without notice,(i)release ony person so lioble,liil :
<br /> . txt�nd thr rtaturity or alter any of the terms of ony such obti9ations, tiii)yront oth�t indu�qQnces, (iv)release or reconveq,or cause to be
<br /> � ' . r�l�as�d or nconvey�d at ony fime at&neficiary's options any parcel,portion or atl af the Property,(v)taka or ralease any oth�r or odditioral �
<br /> -_ • ' s�turity for any obliqation herein mentioned,or(vi)moke compositions or other arranpaments with debtors in rQlation thereto.
<br />-- ""'"'�'��r�� 19. Fidrn Aiw�t�r.Upon request of Trustor,Trustet at Trustee's option, prior to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor, may moke
<br /> i. lI 4�: � � .. . :
<br /> - �• .•t:"` �x futur+advonc�s to Trostor.Such futur�advonces,with interest th�reon, shall be secured by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promissory
<br /> �°�'� � �2� ...:..':..,�t fufu.•nrlvnnr�c net ineludiro eums ad-
<br /> . ' ."."_ '._.��_.L_�__!J__�__ -_____"_�J L___L'" ___.:J�J�L_������:�.�.L..l��I.n�n��.�.�I �
<br /> = '��`-'T.':i+'-'- IRltf»fY1�l1y ItNI iY1V t1Vlfi WC iO4VICV tICtCVri�MVtIyCU ttN�u��N�����c ���u����w uuw���r p....w.�.�.• •-'-'---"""" . . . � .
<br /> ;,.. vanted to protect th�sacurity,exceed an ayyrepate principul omount of S___Ntu1�. ... . _ •
<br /> .�.�_;.
<br /> • •: �� 20. R�v��u i�TnutN.Upon written request of Beneficiary stotinp that utl sums secured hQreby have been paid,end upon surrender
<br /> t.��:�� ' ` - `��'; of fhis Oted of Trust ond the Note to Trustee for tancellotion and retention and upan poyment by Trustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee shall
<br /> - '•a�>�•y~ • reeonvey fo Trustor,or ttw person or persons legolly entitled thereto,without warranty,any portion of the Property then held hereunder.The ;
<br /> =�=°�"�=�� �� . recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of tha truthfulness thereof.The grontee in any reconveyance may
<br /> �v;� ;y°.L;°.` ,' , be destribed as"the person or persons leyally entitled thereto".
<br /> :z� - ...�....:;�,:�.
<br />_�„- -.�i��•�.. �r..J►�.•y�
<br />. ��'..��� .
<br /> '�' "� . ' i
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<br /> _ '� , .
<br />