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<br /> „ UN�O�OOV�N��.���A�/1[OrYM�AM�M�f N���' R�e•-
<br /> 1. t��l �1't���i W 1�M�Mi !n/q�t �i LM CWf�. �M+r�wr i�t �t�t�b►/q �s /w i�, . .;
<br /> �of md inteewt en d�t Mbt..lsw+ed bp d�s iJ�+iwA�N�n�t+Nd 1�1��r�s rw u�r i�Alw.
<br /> Z.lY��fir Tas�ar illwr�flar.iijwit M +iMio�M Isa ir 1+a wrtlra w�iwr y LwiR, Mrr�r+r�it tq» ,
<br /> t..n�r�a�w dbt�aMAI�P�t�M ar.M��ed�r tIN N�wY tY�Nw M pat�Ie Ad4+�are('Frsi")Ar.W ywb►
<br /> t�...oa.�u..�.M�whiab m.y au.is piotlt�r.wr W.s.��M�r Iaq�eMt n.�.0 e.�Y.h�ep.qrt a)r�b 1�+�+�
<br /> ��rw,a p�ani r�w on 1h� prop�eq. if ahr: (a) �r4 6��rd or prp�rq iwr�ro�pe�dunrt W) l�+r�!► �
<br /> ielMwnO�PamM�mt�if a�qr; (�)7'�7 �4+�M ilMU[InO�pe+alNlu�t.I��0�;a�d(��q► �woa P�rabM b! loe�ow�t M
<br /> lwd�r.i� aooacQaao�w1161M prorWem�f p�r��1�in IMu o[tr p�emet al mo�inirra peMaet�.7Une
<br /> W�r�e p�.d'BaKOw IMmu"L«�r�.at�rq tis�.ooMoc ao�beid Fw�lr in an aaw�bt eot a.a�d�ha ma�emm
<br /> arr�+t a�r�dr foe a fad�ca�rriwd aw�tpp 1aa raU►nquY�far pott�ow�e'i w�rar a000ant rodr tb�bd�nl ftMl
<br /> �M$�n�K pe�oo�d�ue�A�t of 19T4 a�aaMnd�d IMm tiaw to t�� 12 UJi.G SKdon Z601 �t�eq.C�PA'��niw
<br /> �nolAex t�w dut sppBr to�Fu�d��� iwr a�auot.lt w.L«d�mhr.at any dm�. aoilut d 6oW Fm�dr ia a�
<br /> amuont not w�r�a�d ttw 1M�amouru.L��d�r mqr admue d�t�ma�at ot Fnods dw at Q�b�of nrnat d�a�d
<br /> r�woo�W��1im�s of�p�odiRru af AMUn 8�aow IMmt or o�6��riM h�000td�na v�th�p�pilo�bls I�w
<br /> 'Ib Fu�ad��6e bW in an ie�ludoa wha�d�podlt act iiwr�d b�r+�lulral y�y.�u�aWlq►•oe�ed4(�b�+�i
<br /> I.�d�r.it L��d�c i�wd�w io�itulloo)ae ia any P�dual Ha�w Lwn Bauk.l.eoder�1!appir tl�e Fw�b�o pq�Uee�ow
<br /> iamr. l.�nd�e m�y not d�s Bo�t+owr for tal.��ad ap�:yio�tI� Fuad��m�y��+y th��aow aeoou�nt�or
<br /> r�rb�da F�ro�►Itam,w�.I.�naer pays a«rowrr w�n�c oa w.F�nai..na.ppii�abl.t...pr�t.[weam a m.k.
<br /> wch a rluc�a Haa�av�ee.Laida may nquire Borrox�t�W psy a oru•thae cbar�e for an independent nMt ntW t�npoNn� _ _
<br /> . wvla uwd b�I.andK ia cnnnadon wiW ddt bw�unkx apPlic+bM law ptovld�othuwl�.UdMS an ynaaMt i�ia�tie or
<br /> . � appYcabl�hw ivquite�int�[�t to b�peW.Iwt�d�r sLall aot b�requit+�l w p�y BoerowMr aaY int�rNt or onrdi�t�t on dw Ftmdt.
<br /> Barrow�r and L�odr may aQa in wrttios.how�awr�tLs�t ir►te�at�haU b�paid on t6�Fw�.Leoder�k�iw W 6onaw�e.
<br /> wubouc charsa aa annuai aorouatin�of�he Fwids.�ho�ing aydus aad d.bia w tb.Fu�adr aod d�e pur�wu fae�kh.�
<br /> d�bit to tb�Fund��madR TiN Fuads are pMd�ed as additlon�l�fa all wms�ound'bp tfii�S�auit,y inrttnmmt
<br /> . Ittlw Funda h�W by Lmder e:ad tlM aa�ounp pasnitted to b�he{d bX�ppHcabl�law.I.aid�e�h�li�ceounL to Borrowar tor
<br /> t6�aaw Fw�W�oeordaooe wiW the rp�of appSicaW�1��. IC th�amow�t of tbe Fw�ds Udd h!I.r�r at any
<br /> -- --•.-----_°.-.
<br /> tim�ia not wtlidatt W psy the Ei�aow Itmu wrh�tt dw.L�nder maY w aotily Borro�we ia�wrltitu.and.in wdt�an�arro�w�r
<br /> .-...—— �ewt WY w i.eodie the amoune neaws�ry to zn�a up th.o.Svi.�wgr. S�ir:v�»r�tl aa�.:a u�s tlt� �ssore,
<br /> -_- . t�►dv�moathlY WY�q•at l.endir's wls dL�doa.
<br />- VA�P�!'��1n t�ll of all wm��ec�ued br tt�it Securicy Inttivment�Iwnd�r�haU pranptly r�Nnd W Bon+oa�e wy Fuoda
<br /> b�tld by Laod�r.If.uader paragraph 21.Lender�hail uqulre or se�U the Prop�rty.Leader.prior w tbe scquisidon er�al�of
<br /> :- �� .t� ��"Op�Y��°PP1Y any Funds ddd by Lenda at We time of uqulWioa w saM u a asdit yio�t t�waot u�und by
<br /> � 8w Scwrity Ia�trum�nt
<br /> V,` 3./�Ip�liqttbll of paymeafa.Unku appqctble law provldes otheraise,�11 paymm4 recoived by Lxmder under puagrapiu 1
<br /> aad 2 shill be applied:Ari�to aaY P[epayment charga due undar tho Note:�aoond.to amounts psyabk ur�der pu�g�ph 2: _
<br /> y' tt�ird,w intrat due;fowth.w pcindPal due;aad Iut,W any Iau charga dw under the Note.
<br /> -,�' 4.C7q1[Qar, I3m�. 8ono�ra �ha11 pay aU t�as.u�asmentt. charga. lina and t�nposidotu atlribWablo to the Prop�rty
<br /> - ' a6ich auy awin prtorlcy ova�hii Security Intuument,+uid tea�ehold paymenu o��cound r�u.i�any.Borrowa she11 psy
<br /> - •.�iv:i:::•'
<br />, �• ;,Y ,.t,_}},....• We�e obll�atlons in We martner provldod ln puagraph 2,or if not pstd in that manner. Bcnoaer shall pay them oa Wne
<br /> .i+�`•� '�?:•�t��V,� dir«tly w the pation owed paymmt Borro�rer�hall prompdy fiuni�h w Lmder all nodca of amewau to bo paid under thts
<br /> �iNx�b..,;�,t.
<br /> �. . �.„,kii,;: paragraph. If Bonrower mafca thae payma�u dicectly. Borrower shall promptly �h w Leadar receipts avidendnf tht
<br /> �'�''''b'" .��� payman4.
<br /> `% �'•ti'�"���'��` Borrowa shall promptly d(schttge any Uen whlch hu priority over thif Securlry Initrummt unlas Borrower:(a) agcea in
<br /> � ,3i�., .:�._": �
<br /> .�.x�; • . ,1,:''�:.,• wridng w tt�e payma►t of the obllg,at�on secured by the Gea in a mannar aocxptabte to Lenda:N)oonte�ts in good faith 1he Uen i
<br /> � � ' ���'�'�`� b .or defends a t enforcement of the lfrn In,legal pr�mAinQs which in the Lmdai optnion operate to prevent the
<br /> �,�';�.,.•�� . ��� Y 8� f_
<br /> • enforcesnent of the fien;or(c):ceures from the holder of the lien an agreemrnt iaUsfactory to Lender aubordlnatlrtY the flen w
<br /> Y�i�...:. • tbL Sectuity Inftrwnena It Lenda detmnines that any part of the Property!s:ubject w a Ilen wdich may uttatn pdority ova �
<br /> ,' � this Security Iwtrwnen�Latda may give Borrower a notia idenWjrin;the Ren.Borrowae�haU asti�f'y!he liat or talce one or '
<br /> ' ��'``��``�� more of the acdons set forth abova within 10 day�of ths�iiving of notice.
<br /> _ .I�r ;'�: f
<br /> , ti:;''.,:.
<br /> `�' '<�Vid;�Y� S.HAZUd a P�'op�tY IawtTAna.Borcower�hall kap the improvrments now exiadng or henafter erected on the Prupaty _
<br /> - ;��� ' . icuurod agadrut loos by tire,hurrds included within the term'extendod coverage and any other hatards,includir�flooda or
<br /> �y'�' tloodtng,for which Lrnder requfres insurunce. This insurana shall be maintalned in We amounu and for the pe�iods that �
<br /> n��' • t
<br /> •• „ ' Lmder requtra.The insurance car�ier proviJinY the insurance bt�ull be chosm by Qocrowei subject to Lrnder"s approval _
<br />.. �•' ••5,,1,II , �f
<br /> Ai� F
<br /> i f l'ir`. ,
<br /> ��'' ,S FOItY 30Z! OM�O(Psy�2 M i PayM) �
<br /> ;�,,i�`i�! .;• iN�Fa�iq► FNIAAIFNLMC UNIPQNY IMfTQUYEMT
<br /> ! '�`' ; ��� EGMIt. Rw OV1H1 �:
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