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200404787 <br />o <br />x <br />0 <br />240.24' <br />o R <br />8Q <br />:g <br />W � W <br />0 <br />Proposed 10' Easement <br />2aZ <br />20 i0 3 .._ <br />Actual Point Of Beginnings <br />EASEMENT <br />A tract of land consisting ofa Ten (10.0) foot wide easement located in a part of Lot Two (2), Equestnan <br />Meadows Subdivision, in the City of Grand island, Nebraska, more par6culady described as follows. <br />Beginning at the southeast comer of said Lot Two (2), thence running westerly along the south line of said Lot <br />Two (2), a distance of Ten (10.0) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning- thence continuing westedy along the <br />south line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of Two Hundred Twenty One and Three Tenths (221.30) feet, to a point <br />Ten (10.0) feet east of the southwest comer of said Lot Two (2),• thence running northerly parallel with and Ten <br />(10.0) feet east ofthe west line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of Fifty Six and Two Tenths (56.20) feet, to a <br />Point thence continuing northerly parallel with and Ten (10.0) feet east of the west line of said Lot Two (2), a <br />distance of Eighty Eight and Seventy Nine Hundredths (88.79) feet, to a point on the north line of said Lot Two <br />(2), thence running easterly along the north line of sad Lot Two (2), a distance of Ten (10.0) feet, to a point <br />Twenty (20.0) feet east of the west Line of said Lot Two (2), thence running southeryparallel with and Twenty <br />(20.0) feet east of the west line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of Eighty Efghl and Eighty Two Hundredths <br />(88.82) feet, to a point, thence continuing southedy parallel with and Twenty (20.0) feet east of the west line of <br />said Lot Two (2), a distance of Forty Six and Seventeen Hundredths (46.17) feet, to a point Ten (10.0) feet north <br />of the south line of said Lot Two (2),• thence running easterlyparallel with and Ten (10.0) feet north of the south <br />line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of Two Hundred Eleven and Thirty Five Hundredths (211.35) feet, to a point <br />Ten (10.0) feet west of the east line of said Lot Two (2),• thence running southerly parallel with and Ten (10.0) <br />feet west of the east line of said Lot Two (2), a distance of Ten (10.0) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning <br />and containing 0.082 acres (3,554 square feet) more or less. <br />Date : Aril 27, 2004 Sheet No. 1 <br />R o - - \" D s o 2510 NORTH WEBS ROAD, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 88802 P.O.BOX 549 <br />�`f °° E -- . -o & S .,--- -,..,o E-MAIL s- yorommputer- po0pepts- PHONE(308)382 -1472 FAX(308)382 -1423 <br />