,;• . , +�'� � . _ . -
<br /> ±� ` „�.s. ...,.f.�,.,•..,, ..�-___
<br /> �..,. � !
<br /> ��_�_�.��.��,.� . . �,��75�
<br /> . ,+0�,,NIiN �t 1M Ynpnv� �ow or N.nNMr .naMd . �nd �..enn�N.� .ppuMMnoN, �r�cl
<br /> . MirM now a Mr�Mr a prt d IM piopwty.M t�Mow�Ks�nd�a shr�bo b�eww�d iy IMIs Marb IMM�wK.
<br /> A1 d 1M le��p�N nNwd le In IhM�aNMI►YwMw�wK M 1M'Prop�1�1.'
<br /> sOMOMIEII OO�YENANI'�qMt Darow«'M I�w1��►��krd d th� wtlM h�rM�Y oaw�y�d md Iw�ths �ht b q�rMt �nd
<br /> _ —_.—_— ._-- ..;,,,:;!!�!'!�� •�w Nr_!!�!9 _l4••'••�•!: ��!:�ww1: �ru�n!Ilw �n�wrw+M d.troaii �o�rawr w�r1�M IM ww
<br /> �Illld�M�M�I►M1��b 11M l�1bpM�l..�Nt�1 dINM�Id dO�IMM.�1�1�10�111►MIOYI�7f�fbM Of Iro01d.
<br /> 1}� �O(�N I� 0011�lMIM IKIM01111 OOMQI�II� 10f 11�OfIM 11N �Ild IIOfFIM�lO�IM OOV�Ib �1 �d
<br /> Y�OIN��10 OO�IAt II INIMOfNI NO{IIM�N�1N11Mk OOMh�IQ MM pfOpM�•
<br /> 11�0�CO�'�. OOIfOYif/f Mld�MIdK 0011NIMM Mld�M tt 10�ilW�:
<br /> � 1. r�I11MIR Of'f�1101pN MId Illa(�'i '�1�MI�6�a1�1�N.QOffOW�r i1W Pro�nPMl►P�Y wM11
<br /> dw a�.�r,o�a.na r,�..�an�n.a�a�.,�d.�o.d ey e�.�a..�.n�r a.��.na�.a,.ro«au.�r�dw a,.Na..
<br /> - ._�..,_�_��-�� �. �wid�t�r Taxw �►r�d tr�su+ranca.sut�}.a to.pqeadie�w a co s wr�r�w�ar.►d�►Une.., e��...i,.�p.y _ _.
<br /> - to L�on IM d�Y monWY p�wt1�w dw undw th�Na1�,udi th�Not�N pdd in fi+1.�aum('Fu�dP?kx: W Y+rN
<br /> ` t� �nd MsMMrMnb w1� m�y rtph plalqr av�r Ws 8�aNlq► ImterrwN M a Mn on tM Rq�tY QbI ywrly►Iw�hold
<br /> • payaNn�t or pramd rw►a on dN PropMt�.M�rn+� (�l Y�Y�d or prapwty bwr�na Piwwunn;tdl YwN Ibod�munna�
<br /> p�w�».r.�r cy Y�h►M«�o.o.h.umo.p�w�wn�,k.m►:.�a m.nr«�n»wrRa.byr e«nowrr w Lwwr In.000nW�o.
<br /> v�tl+�pnwi�la�s d pwq�e� In fw a�h.p�ymwa af morep�p� inwr�+o. Pnmk�. il►.w Nrnw w aMd 'E�uaw
<br /> ItNn�.' l�nMy.�t�nY tkn�� a�1�et�nd hoid Fund�in rn �e�axK not ta �cNd tM�nr�dnwrn�rtwa�t�Mndrr tor a
<br /> /1�a 07�4 a�s�ncMd 1ro�m tYm W tlnN,12 U.6.��2901�it�iNq. ('(�SPt )A', tnMs�t �noth�r kw tlMt�pplMs to 1�F� --
<br /> s�ta�Mster anwunt N w� L�ndK maK�t�r►y tlnN� ooN�ot� hoid Funds h Mn amoaK nat to�ad th�Mssr rno�x�t
<br /> L�m�y astbrt�tM�nwunt ot Funds du�on tM bnb ot awrmt dW ind na�arhM�tu d w�ndYr�t a11uWro
<br /> � Esorow 1M�►x a othwwis�b aaordrnC�wkh�pplcabM Yw.
<br /> Th�Funds dwN b�Mid M�n batlWtbn whow d�poslls w bwnd by a Nd�rl pMwY, in�frurt�l�NlY.or�ryl M��
<br /> Undrr. M L�ndlr N such an InslkuYon)a b anY F�d�r� Flo�r�Lwn 8�nk. L�nd�r shM�ppy tM Funds to pay th�Etcrow
<br /> luna. LwdK�a!►��►9�8ortow�►ta twidhq and�PPA�O tl►�Fund��+nniwlY atilY�Mnp 1h'e aaaw a000unR a wrMY�9
<br /> - the Esaow FMms. udeet Le��et pays 9arow�► MaMt on th� Funds �nd appfaEh I�w pwmis Lr�drr to mvcr wch +� ---
<br /> etwp�. How�wt, UntNr nwy nquk� BonowK to pay a an�1Nn� cFtar�tot �n ivd�pM�dw►t nd �sfaA�tax nportlnp swvlc�
<br /> uad b5► Lw�dn c �oenkllon wUh thi� b�n. �xdas �ppfc�bM Mw Providrs oth�wfa. tA+Mss an �wnNnt is m�d� or
<br /> - �ppNc�bN Mw nqukM I�Mnst W M p�ld. Lend�r shaM not M nquM�d to p�y 8ortowu any Mrtwrst or wnNps on th!Ftinds. - -
<br /> Bortow�►and l.�n�Mr m�y aprw b w�itlnp, howav�r, th�t intKaat aI�M tk pvd on th�Fund�. l.and�r sh�plv�to Barrower,
<br />-- , wUhart ctwrQ��r►��1 �000untlnp af th�Fund�. showi�tp adts�nd d�bits W th�Fund� and 1M ptwpou 1or wl� �rch
<br /> '�, ', d�bk to tht funds w�s m�d�. Ths Funtb w pbdp�d a�ddkiontl waxlly br M wms s�aw�d by tt�S�curMy N�aunMnt
<br /> If tM Fund� h�ld by I.rnd�r woNd f!N amamt� qm�ltW 10 bt h�W by�pNo�bi�Itw. l�neNr sh�t acoatnt to Ba►ower
<br /> ' br the aass Funds h�aord�na wkh th�requk�nmts d�ppicabb Mw.H th�4t�ount d th�Funds hNd by I.�nd�at �ny
<br /> � `� tYrw is nol wAdmt to pay th�E�uow It�ms wh�n dw. Lndar m�y ao notly 8a►owu in writlnp,�nd�h suah aa� BoROw�r .
<br /> ' K *. ' shN Psy to L�ndK tht voount n�e�sury to m�k�up th�dMoNney. Bortowa shdl m�k�up ths d�cy h no mon than
<br /> - i ,yyr � twNv�monthiY P�Y���at L�ndu's soN ditcrMion.
<br /> . �WY�t M 1uN af M twn� s�currd bY this S�rity Inttewrwnt,Lendr sh�M p►ompUy nfund to Bon+ow�r�ny Fueds
<br />- n.fa bN Und.r. n�.undu P.r.Or.pN 21,�end.r anar acaufn or aM tn. P►opKty. L.ndr, wb►co tn•.cyui�klon« .a�.a th•
<br /> ,,��r�`��•�.,'.,", � propwty, stW appy any Funds Iwld by t.�nd�r�t th�tl�iM ot acqua�ton or�w as a asdi� �p�inst th•wm. a.cu�.d by t�i.
<br /> . •. '� : g�axity Instnrn.nt
<br /> ' ,; 3. ApplbsRlOn of P�yi�lprtb. Unl�as y�ltc�bl� law provWet oth�rwk�, �II WYments r�Iwd by lenci� under
<br /> � p�rapraphs t �nd 2 sh�A b��p�Wd: �rst,to any pnpayment chary�s dw urdsr the Note; seco�d,to mwunts p�yabM undw
<br /> .. ,�a,�:�+�s�•`:.::-:;� p�npraph 2; tAkd.to Int�nst dur,tourth,to p'InGpd dw; �nd I�tt. to �ny Yfe charpes du�undK the Nol�.
<br /> .,. . . 4. Char�s� L1�ns. Baroww sh�N pay aN wc�, asa+s�m«�ta. charyes, lina and knposNtons attrlbutabl� to the
<br /> �:,'; Propwty whleh rrMy atWn plaky ov�►thls 3�eurNy Ins4ummt, and Ieu�hotd�ynbnts or pramd nnta�H any. Barower ahat
<br /> � ;,.` , p�y th�s�obYp�tlons in tht menner provld�d In par�pnph 2, or H not pki In tFuit m�nn�►. BotrowK shall pay tham on tlme
<br /> _ directty to th�pKSOn owed paymsnt. Botrow�r th�N prompty lumkh to Lender aN notlas of amounte to b�pNd und�r thls _
<br /> - , P�r�yraph. If Borrow�r mak�s thsee p�yments dirwdy. BorrowK shaM P��PaY fumish to l�ndr ►ee�iPt+ �vld�ndny th�
<br /> �� - ���BoROww �heM promptly discharqe any M�n wh�h h�s priorlry over thts Security tnnWment unte�.s Barower: (a) aprees in =
<br />:,�•:' s w�Itk�9 to the p�yment of the obllywUon securod by th�Man In �m�nner accepUb�e to Lender; (b)conteats fn yood fikh the __
<br /> � Qen by, or d�fmda a�Inat e�forament of tha Yen In, M�I praeedlnps wh�h h the Lender's opktlon operate to provent the
<br /> �nfor�onnent ot the Ilen; or (c) secures 1rom the hoM�r ot the Aen u► �gnement satlst�ctory to Lendar wbordMwtinp the Wan to L"'
<br /> or
<br /> thls Secudly Inatrument.If Lender detemdnes that any part ot the Property la subjsct to�1(en whkh rtwy�tt�h prlority ova thls �'�'
<br /> ' SecurHy Instnxnent, Lendx may ylva Borrower a notke IdentNylnp th� Ysn.8orrower shal satlaly the Y�n a tak�one o1�mon of RJ°
<br /> th�a��tlons aet lohh �bove within 10 d�ya of t�m givhg of noGcs. �r;
<br /> 5. HizaM or Prop�rty►Inwra�co.8orrower shap keep the improvwnents now exlsUny or hxe�Rar aroet�d on the Y��
<br /> op _
<br /> ' Roperty Inaurod apak�at bss by Ike, h�ards incfuded wHhk► the tsmi 'extended cowra9e' and �ny other haratds, Includlnp �;_ :•
<br /> " Aaod�or 11oodlnp,for whlch lender requhes inaun.�oe, Thls inaurance ah�N be m�k�t�Ined In th�amounb and tor the petioda i...
<br /> ��;, ,,��' th�t L�ndK roqukes. The insuranee urtler provldinp Ihe Inaunnce shall be ehoaen by BorrowK subJect to Lender'a �pprovN
<br /> .,f whlcFr shaN not b� unrMaonably wRhheld. If Borrower 1aAs to maintah wvaaye descdbad abow. L�nder enay, at LendK's �--
<br /> . zt;�..;�.�, . opt(on,obtah covKaye to protect I.ender's�lyhta h ihe F�opxty h accordunce with parapnph 7.
<br /> ••�_ •.r �� ' /UI fnw►ance poMcl�s and renewals ah�A be acapwbl� to Lender and shaM InGude a at�ndard maty�ye elause. Lender i' �
<br /> �`,Y � �a�� shNl have ths��yht to Motd the potld�s and renewNs. tf Lendar rpukes,Bortower shaM prompty yivM to Lander all r�ceipts ot t•�
<br /> � I prld pnrrAums�nd renwval notkea. In the avent of loas. BorroK�r ahaN Qive prompt noGce to the Insurance c�rtiK�nd Lendar. t
<br /> • i' L�ndu trMy m�ce prooi of toas H not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />,;�. Unl�ss L�nder�►d Bortower otherwtae ayrae tn wrltlnQ, fnaurancQ proceeds shaN bo applkd to rostoratlon or repalr ot the '
<br /> propwty dwmy�d,it the restontlon or repalr Is economlcaNy f�afbk �nd 4ende►'s secu�ity Is not Iesaened. It the restonUon or `
<br /> j, �, � np�fr Is not �conomleall�r twaible or Lender's sacwity would be less�ned.the Insunnce proceado shall be appli�d to the sums
<br /> = aecurod by this Setutfry InaGUmcnt, whether or not then due,wlth any excesa patd to Borrowar. It Bortower�b�ndona the
<br />„� ' Proporty, ar doea not anawa wlthln 30 days a notfoo kom lender that the Inaurance c�rtter has oflered to setde a el�im, then
<br /> � �' L�ndar may coMct the insurance procaeds. le�der may uae the proc�fa to repair or reston the PtopeAy a to pay aums
<br />�� ; s�cuted by thlt Seattity Instrument,whrther a nat then dua The 30-d�y perbd wiM bupM�whan the noUce Is gN�n.
<br /> C „' llnless Under �nd BortowK oth�wise agree In wMIn9. any ap�atlon ot procaeds to princpet shar no` extsnd or
<br /> � postpon�1he due data of the monthly payments referted to in panprnpha 1 �nd 2 or ch�nge the amount ot th� p�ymx�ta. If
<br /> undK pvaqreph 21 the Roperty is aequked by Lender, BoROwab�tyht to any insunnce poYCies and proaads rewkiny trom
<br /> dMn�pe to the Rop�Ay p�ior to th� �equlsitton shall paas to Land� to the exta►t of the wms by thls Securily Instrumant
<br /> kinrdi�tJjr priot to the�cqulsiBa�.
<br /> -�,._ �.. i R. Ar_�unancv_ Pr�s�rvatlon. YaiM�nfne� snd Prabction of th� ProtNrt�l: Borrowor's Loan
<br />� __ __r_.._„
<br /> App11C�t10�1; L�as�hOlds. Botrower shal occupy,esf�blish, and uae the Roperty as Bortowda prindpal rK(dena withln
<br /> ' slxly d�ys �tt�r the uc�cut{on oi thts Seaxiiy tnstrument and shal eo�tinue to ocouPY th� Prop«ty �s Borrowefs ptkidpat
<br /> ntW�np for at INSt ona yev ahe► the d�te ot occupmcy. unkss Lender otherwlse �prees fn writlny, whlch consent shaM not
<br />� � � be un�sorwbly wilhheld,w unkas exhnwtiny dreumstancea erlst whtch w beyond Bortow�i s conVol. Bortowe► ahaN not
<br />- - d�atroy,d�n�p� or knql►th�Propwry,aMow the Propety to dderiorat�, ot conwnit waste o�the Propwty. Borrower ah�N be In
<br /> . dM�uk M�ny brf�ilun�ctfo�n or prow�dinp. wheth�r dvM or aimk��t. b b�qun that h LendK's yood tailh judprr►�t eould nsult
<br /> . *
<br /> In fal�ilun ot th�PtopKtY ar othwwis�materMry Ynp�Ir th�Il�n crat�d by thlt S�curiry Inshum�nt or L�nd�'s s�curky Intenst.
<br /> „ . -� �y�i. � /n�
<br /> � FU1i.LM(i(9N3) P�qs 2 ot S ,�L/i7L� �y,�
<br /> i' . -1$. �4
<br /> • �
<br /> i
<br /> .' � �
<br /> 9��.� f
<br /> �
<br /> :,
<br /> '.� 4 �aa�a�._ _. ._. . . . . ' ._.___.__'. _. _ _ _ _. . .... su'�s - ._ .. ... ..____. .. .._.
<br />