---•-•- � �P.= ::-:.,�.,.Pi r � .. , . •_ ' '�• :,:.*�..<...,�.r;�syy,...
<br /> .— - .. . "� ' . .'.l1!�
<br /> �� � � i . . .
<br /> �_ - pRiod.:�.i t�.aa.r�v� �:iiwi�:iw�:�.:.:�,.--�l�'.lu;i�#a.-t���t!=R'!r!!�+!y r
<br /> �p�ro�rai��IWI aa be wwwMarol+fY wW�6e1d. U Baruwrer faiM a n+�iaWn e�dhaib.d�bow. �d�r�qr�M .
<br /> L�ti optio�.obtain ooven�a praMCC t.endert ri�W in IM V�r��ordr��io�wkh p��ph 7.
<br /> - AU i�uuw�oe policba md�r+bw�ts�Adl be a���nd�i!incNide a�tMxlMd aMw�. I�tl�
<br /> fi�11 h�ve the dEht to hoid the poliaie�and re++aw�l�Iwode�iaquinn;H�va�h+�li ptamptly�iv�oo d!nodpn
<br /> O[�p(pt1�Yi1{�t71�I�C[ICW�IWl�t�f. G1(h0 OvOM�qf��AM��11IT4M�0i friNf��j{VO A1�D111Q1 bOf�CO iOI�M�Il�IIfwK�O CYf�Md
<br /> L.aidK. I�eaBer nuy n►dc�e proaf ot lan if aa m�da p�qenpllg by BotrnwMtr,
<br /> UnIeN l.ender uxi Sarowa dhe�wiie agneo in wHtinB,intutru�e"p�q�ieeds�ll bc�pplkd to rauonlbn or ncp�ir d
<br /> the d��ed.K tbe �+e�wr+wlcm Rx.rop�ir u eootKimia�llp�.faa+�ihM�d l.endec��ecurity b not le�rened. �'d�e
<br /> neet on or ropair i:na ecaianic�lly fwaibla aK l.enderh�ecurity vNnuld be le�e+►ed.tbe iruursnce p�ooeerl�dpill be
<br /> �pplled w the wms:ecut+ed by thts Secudty In�tcumen�wMtthe�r�or.nat,th�due.vv�th my exce�paid to Bon�owa�. It
<br /> Barower ab�ndo�a the Prope�ty.or doa na aniwer wid►in 30 d�y�a,nlKiao fium l,ader tiyt thee in�urance c�nia ha
<br /> offe�ed w Kttb�claim.tha�l.endcr m*y rnlixt tha in�ur�awe��.. Lender may uo�1ie pcocads[o a nswae
<br /> the Pt�opeAy or to pay wms rec�ued by this Security Inqntmant�.w atha�'annM�than due. Tfie 30day petiod ba�in w1�en
<br /> the notice iR�ivpi.
<br /> Unlas Lender ud Bamwer otbar�vire�roa iit wrtting,�nr�. ia�tian�of p�oceods to principrl:h�ll rwt ezteM ar
<br /> - postpane the duc date of the monthly p�yrrantA rcfcm�d ta in p�agr�I_�nd:2 ar.cfun�e the nnount of the p�ymet►ta. Ii
<br /> under pr�agraph 21 the Pcvperty is acquirai by l,endar. Bon4werlrr�g6t tq,wnyc•tnsurmce policies ud proceab Kaulcu�g
<br /> fran dam�ge w the Propcny prior to tho aoqui�ition�11 pw�w l+vucler ui tha exteot of the wms iecwod by t6�ia Security
<br /> Ia�trument immediately prioc to the�cyuicitlon.
<br /> �. Ooa�prc�t Pr+e9ervation� Matntea�nce and PratRCtlan �of tLe Propert7i Horrowery Lwr Applk�tio�:
<br /> Lq�e6�. Iiocmwer:h�ll occupy.ectablich,And uco tha P�opercy�s Barrowerk principal residence witUin siaty day��tier
<br /> the exeeutia-►of this Saeurity Incuumont and ctiall coatinua ta occup�r ttse Ptaperty ac Barmwerk p�aeipat mider►�s far at
<br /> Icast ane yeu after the date of oocupwtay. unlais Lendar,otfinnvise agrees ln writL�a, w6ich conscnt atutll not be
<br /> unrcasonably wlthheld,or unlcss cxtcnuating circum�tanaes exlst which are beyond Horrowenc�ontrol. Barower shall not
<br /> datroy,dun�e or imppir the Prope�ty.nUow tha Property ta datci�xate,or commit w�ste an the Raperty. Borrower shatl
<br /> be fn dcfault if any fo�feiture sictian or pmoacding,whathar civiJi nr c�iminal,is begun that jrr I.eaderh gaod faith judgmmu
<br /> could result in forfeituro of the Pcapetty ot�othenviAe mataciall;► ienpair the lien c�rated by this Security In�dument cr
<br /> l.ender�security interect. Borrower mAy cure such a dafault and t�eimtntc,as provided in paragraph 18,by causin�the action
<br /> or procading to be dismissed with a ruling thAt,in Lcnder�good faith detertninaaon.precludes fafeiture of the BarowerS�
<br /> i�terest ia the Property or other mAtorial impwinnant of tha lion created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> inteKSG Bwrowcr shall also be in def�ult if Bomowar. during the low� applic�tion process. gave muterially false or
<br /> ln�ccurate infam�tian or statementa to I.ender(or failnd to prt�vide Lrnder with any maurial infamat�on}in connection with
<br /> the loan evldenced by the Nota, ineluding, but nat limitad w, rcprcsentatians conceming Barrower'� occuponcy of the
<br /> -� F'coperty as a prirkipaFresidence. If this Secudry Instrument is an a kasefiold,Borrower shall comply with sill the provisions
<br /> - -- ot ihe tease. It i3omnwer acquires feo titia ta tho i�roperty��he lcasehoi6 pad the fce dcie si�eii na merge unkas I.endar a�Res
<br /> _'� to the merger in wriHng. _
<br /> 7. Protection ot Lendcr's Ri�bte in tlle Property. (f tionpwer fails to perform th� wvenants and agrcements
<br /> � contained in this Socuritv Insnumont, a•thera is a logal proceeding that may significantly affect Lendeck righta in tho
<br />.--_ Pruperty(such as a procecding in banlcfvptcy,probwa,fnr condemnatio�+or forfeiturc or to enface Iaws or regulutions),then
<br /> `� Lcnder mwy da and pay fo�whatover i�necessary ta protect the vatue of the Property and L.endert righta in ttw P�vperty.
<br /> ' l.ender's actions may includo pwying eny sums secun:d by u lien which bns priority over thi�Security InFhument,appeuing
<br /> = in coun,paying reasonablc uuurnays'fees and entoring on the Propeny to muke mpairs.Although l.ecuier muy take action
<br /> under thfs parugraph 7,Lcnder dces nat have to do so.
<br />�- Any umonnt�disbu�ed by Lender under this par�graph 7 sha11 become adJitional debt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> — Security In.t�ument. Unlc�s Bumoa�er and Lender agrce to ottx:r terms of payment,these umountc:shul!M:ar i�tenest from the
<br />-- datc of disbursement at the Nato ruto s�nd shall be payable,with intercst,upon notice from L.ender to Borrower rcquesting
<br />� ` �.�,.: pxyment.
<br /> �+->s�
<br /> `'� �,.< <��.Mr:.� 8. Mortgnge Insurance. If i.ender requimd monguge insurunce uc u condition of making tha loun securcd by this
<br /> � ,cpv:�•:'� -< �' �• Security lnurument. Bonx�wer xhwtl pay the premiums mquired w maintuin tlt.�munguge insurance in cffect. lf,foc any
<br />• '�. �' rr�son, thc mu�tg�ge in�un�nce caveruge rcquired by Lender lupxes ar ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shull pay tha —
<br /> •� ,�., , premiums rWuired tu ubtuin covernge subtituntiully equivalent to the mortga�c intiurance previously in effect, ut a cost
<br /> :}•-�� substantially cyuivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongugc in,urance previously in effect,from an altemnte mortguge
<br /> '"'� �" insumr appro��ed by I.ender. If substantial�y cyuivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvuilrble.Bumower shall pay to
<br /> Lender cach montl�u�um eyual to one-twelfth uf thr yearly mortgagc insur:+ncc premium bcing puid by Bo�rower when the
<br /> ,� insurunce ca��eruge lapsed or ceu�ed to be in eftcct. Lender will accept,utie:md retain thesc puyments•r.a lox�reserve in lieu
<br /> �'•;;�� �f mortgage insurunc�. Lox.rexerve puyments muy no I�mger be «quimd,at the o�tion of Lender,if mortsuge insurance
<br /> covcrnge(in thc amnunt and for the period thut Lendcr rcyuin,)provided by un insun:r approved by Lcndcr again becomes
<br /> ---- y��; . . uvailnblc and i.abta+nad. Hurmwer shall pay the premium+n:yuiRd to muintuin nwngu�r insur,►nce in efFect,or to provide u
<br /> • • loss re:�erve,until the n:quiRment for mortguge inwruncc endr in uccordunce with uny written ugcrement betwcen Borrower
<br /> I'.. • ,y�;:;•.::���, .; und Lender or upplirxble law. _.
<br /> r,..r,.,. - .
<br /> •,i,��; 9, I��Fpectiom Lender or its ugrnt mny nwke Ru�onuble entri�ti upun und in��xctiom of the Pruperty. Lender shull
<br /> sive Borm�ver noticc at Ihe time of or prior a�an ins}xrti�m.�xrifying renx�n�ihl�cau.c ti�r the ins�x:ctinn.
<br /> :';�,.:,: • : :. 10. Cond�mnutiun. Thc pnxecdti of any aw•rrd or clitint Fix J:ima�e,,dircrt ur con.eyuenti•rt.in rnnnection with any —
<br /> ,, 1r;_
<br /> y��:�`:.�., . Sin�elc F:unily•-tunnk•�t�tlFrcddle 11uc l'i�IFUR111KtiTRC11lihT--[Mitlxm C'mennnt. 9lYp qr,�.�r?,�jn�K�s� _
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