�•� � � �r..� �".S, "J� ._.'= _. .... ._.
<br /> -..�� ... - - -_
<br /> . '�...__...___.-���.sy� � •
<br /> 1
<br /> �' +f10/#�„'.� --
<br /> UNIfOAwI COVENANTS,Owrow�r�nd L�rwNr cow+�ant and aprM�tatlawr,
<br /> 1.'���N aM N�MnM.Banow��hd�promPaY WY wh�n du�Ih�{xlnc�Wl of �nd 1�1are�t on th�
<br /> — — MdMM�dn �r�ytlwNoN.pr� tandl�ach�u0aua►orkMdu►1lw�Nof�.andlh�P�Inc�W�ot��dlnN�Mt«�
<br /> -- u+�l Futun AdwncM Mcurnd by th� ol Trust-
<br /> Z.Fy��T���,g�t�p�pplicabi��aw cK�IA#writlNn walxK by L�nd�K.Borrower��i p�y tp�endM
<br /> --- ona»d.ynwna�iyin.w�n�+ao�aNnciWl�ndinwMtanP�Yabl�und�rlMeNah.unGlttNNoMisM�Idl�luN+�s�•tn(h�nNn
<br /> - �•F�n�r�t.�w��o o�.-�w.nr+a t h�y�rh►taxM s r w���n t s w h l a b m�y a u a i n p►�o N b o v��m i s t�a f T r u N.u�d
<br /> �i. yroundr�rbonttwProp�rty.iisny.ptusor�a-tw�ttthofyaartypremiummetAl�m�xrMt�xhAx�Mlnaunnce.plutc�IwNhhot .,._...
<br /> .r prMtllurtt i��MilrtlMtl�10��iflsu�anCe�I I#t 1 y.�I I�s r M 1 Q n A b i y..a m.e.a+n�w u y.o d��o m e�n.a�m.a r
<br /> _--_ �on th�ba�is a as�srtwna� alis and n�anabl��stim�tN M�of.
<br /> Th�Funds�h�lll�hold In�n in�IftuMonth�d�posib a�ccountf of whfob+�n Inaur�d a pwr�nM�d.byRFedarnl ors»»te
<br /> ---v�� ap�ncY(inctudin�L�nd�r If L�nd�r Is wch�n i�WtuNpnl.L�ndnr atuNl�ppty th�tunds top�y ssid tlucm 1��n�b.
<br /> �� � Inwr��c�P►emlum��ndqroundn�+ta.Und�rm�ynolcbatl�kxwho{dlt►�andaRP�W�i1t1�Fw�d�.�ealysi�slikl�cou nt
<br /> � wwdfyinp�ndcompllin��Wau�smK►aandbl�l unta�sl.�nOnrR+lfrs8orrow�rintKatonth�Fw�ds�nd�epl _I�bNl�w
<br /> ,.,,,,,,.�,�„�,c;;c.d� p�r mib�Md�ttpmatc�such�ct�st�.8orrow�rand�K►dNrmAy�QrMinw�itinp�tthstimeohx�cutionMthllDS�ootTruN
<br /> :=-,�,. •l;n� �_::-�. th�t IntKKt on tM Funds�hall bs p�b to BorrowK,and urtla�s wah�qro�m�nt ia mad�or�ppNcalbs I�w re�qultes wch _
<br /> — r`-i;�' intKat to b�Wid,L�ndK�hall not b�nqufnd to pay 8arrower any intsnst or�amin�s on ths Funds.Le�dA�.it1a11 yiv�tp
<br /> Borrow�r,without ch� e,an�nnuu accountinp of th�FundN show)ng cnd►ta��d detifb to ths Funds�nd thppurpo�s tor
<br /> �� ;,���,�y�;;u,ti,��; whlch��chd�bittoth��undswasrt�.TheFundsar�pludQadsaadditlonalf�curftylortMwmssscuredbythitONdo1 _
<br /> !Y''w'"'•r�L�c., Truit
<br /> --,-. If the amount of th�tunds heid by Lendar,topather with the futun monthly Inatallmenes of Funds payaWe pripr tc►th�dus
<br /> _�-�� �':y.., r- .; ' .:`M�• d�te�ol taxss,�s�un»nts.inwrance premiuma eod ymund nnt�,shall excsad M+e amount rpuired ta.pi�Y e�id taxss. u_,__
<br /> • � ess�smN�ts,inwrancs pnmiums and pround rente oe they Ipli dus,suah�xcest ahall b�.at Borrower s apdvn,Nther �__
<br /> •��'��' prompNy rsp�ld to Barow�t or cr�dited to 6orrower on montttly in�tallments of Funds.If the amount of tha Funds hNd bv
<br />. . . ... Landarshallnotb�wtHcNnttopaYquces.aaa�ssmente.inaunna�promfume�nd9roundrn�tsastheylalldua.Qarrowershar� _-
<br /> pay 10 Lender anY amouRt n�cNwry to mak�uP�o dqliatoncy within 30 deya trom tha d�M noNc�is rt�ilad by l.sodsr to
<br /> �.' r Borrower requastfnp payrnent thereot. ��
<br /> . `�� `'`"•'•" ' •� UponpaymantlniullohUsumaaecurodbythieDeedofTruat,lanci�rshAil{xomptlyrelundto8orroweranyFundshsldbY T_
<br /> Lende�.ll uncNr panpaph 18 hsreof the Ptoaertv is satd arthe PropertY fa othsrwlas acquired by LenOer,lendat at►aH+sppiy
<br /> - nolaNrthanimm�dlaNlypriorbthesaleoffhepropeRyoritaaaqufailfonbyLender,andFundsheldbylenderetthstimeo� ___
<br /> � applicalion as a credit�painst tM wma secured by thia Qaad of Trust. ments received b Lender undpr the Note �
<br /> �� ` 3. AppWcWon oi PaYn�M�.Un�ess applicabie Ipw pro��des otheruviae,all pay Y ___
<br /> and pa�ayraphs 1 and 2 hKeof ehall be apptied by Lender fir�t in payment of emou�ts payabb to Lender by Qorrower under ,�,
<br /> ptrapra hp 2hsreof.thlntoinbnstpayab�sonlheNote.thentatheprinaipalofth�Nob.andthsntointereatandprinaiptlon
<br /> � any Future Advanc�s. �-.
<br /> 4, Ch��;Li�,gurcpwsrsehallpay alitaxea.eeaesamenteandothercharges,finesandimposltioneatttibulebletothe
<br /> • P�opsrty which m�y att�in a priority ov�r this Oead af T�uat,and IaasahGd peymenb or ground�snts.if eny,fn the rnanner p=�>-
<br /> �' provlded uncNr para�raph 21�ereol or,if not p�fd In auah manner,by Bonawer mskfnypaymen�whan due.direaHy to the
<br /> � ' p�ye�theraot Bonowsr shali promptiy turnfsh to lender ell notlaes of amounte due under thts paragraph,and in the event ��,_
<br /> %'�.��, Borrower shall makspt ymsnt di►�ctiy,Borrowar ahett promptly f��miah to Lender receipb evidsnaing auch puym ents.
<br /> -- - ;`,;`� Barra�as«half psompL�p olscharQe eny!ien whitth hpn gnorlty over thfa De�d of TrusC provldad,th6t 8orrawer ahall not be
<br /> ��s! �equired to diachargsany euch Ilsn ao iong as Borrower shail agree In writtng tothepeymentof tt►e obligation secured by such ;�s:«.
<br /> ' • lien In a manner accepfabie to lender,ar ahalt In goad tafth cantaet auah Ifen by,w dafend enlorcement ot such Ilen{n,�eyal '""
<br /> . proceedinpa which operate to prevent the enfomement of ihe lien w tortelture of the PropaAy or any part the�eo�. A„�,'.
<br /> ,,;, 5. Ma=ard inwnnc�.8orrower ahall keep tne fmprovoments now exiating or hareattar erected on the P�operry�nsu�ed �-_
<br /> ' aqainat loss by t1re,hazards included within the term'extended coverege",and auch other hazards as l.endor mey requlre
<br /> • and in such amounb end for such pertode as Lender may requiro:provided.that Lender shai�not requiro thst the amount of
<br /> � such cover�ge excesd that amount of covernge required to pay the aums secured by this Deed of Trust. + �
<br /> ThisinaurancecarrierprovidingthelnsuranaeshallbeChoaenby Borcowersubjecttoapprovalby Lendor:provided.thet ...
<br /> , such approval ahali not be unreaaonably withneld.All premtuma on fnaurance poilcies sha�l be paid in iha manner provfded �
<br /> �, , under parayraph 2 heteot o►,if not paid in�uch mpnnar.by Borrower maktng payment,when due,directly to tfie msurance � �
<br /> �ame�. j
<br />�; All insurance poBciea and renewals thereof shait be m torm ecceptebfe to Lender and ahall include a standard monpa�e �
<br /> ; � clauae in tavor of end in farm ecceptable to Lendar.l.ender shall have lhe nght to hold the policies snd ronawals theroot,end �.
<br /> Bo�rower shall promptIy turnish to Lender atI renewnl nqtlaesand aII receipts at peid premwms.In the event ollose.8orrower �
<br /> shall give prompt notice to the insurance cerner nnd l.ender.Lender may make proof of loas�t not made promptly by sorrower.
<br /> ' Unless Lender and Borrower othe�wlae agrse m wnting,�nau�ence proceeda shatl be app��ed to restorattan ot repeir otthe �
<br /> Property demaged,provlded such restoratian or ropau ia econom�cally teasible and the secunty of this Oeed ot Trust�s not i
<br /> � � thereby impaired.It such restoration or repau is not econom�cally feasibte or d the�ecunty ot this Deed o1 Trust would be ,
<br /> impelred,ihe insurance proceeda shall be appiied to the suma secured by th�a Deed ot Trust,w�th the exGaas,d any,pa�d to
<br /> Borrower.If the Propetty!s ebendanod by Oorrownr,or�f Borrower fa�Is ta respond to Lender wAhin 30 days from the dete i
<br /> � notice�s mailed by lender to Borrower Ihat th4�naur�nr.e carner ottors to sett�e a cla�m for msurance bc+netils.Lender�s ;
<br /> •� � authorized to col�ect and apply the�nsurance p�oceeda at Lender's vption e�ther to restorat�on or repau ot the Property or to ,
<br /> the aums secured by thfs Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> Untess Lenderand Borrower otherw�se�grae�rf wr�ting,any sucn appl�c�t�o�ot proceeds to pnnc�pal shall not extend or
<br /> • ••' _ � ostpone the due date ot the monthly msfellmentr+rele�rad ta m parngtephs 1 and 2 hereot or chanqe f1►e Amount of sucn
<br /> • �ti� Pnstat�ments.lf under pa�agraph 18 hereot the Prvperry�a acqu�red by Lender,all nght,trtle and interest Ot Qorrower m and to
<br /> � ,.�:, �
<br /> � , � anyinsurancep�liaesandmandtothoproceetlntnereolreauiUngframdemagetothePropertypnorrothe&aleoracquia�tion
<br /> ; � ahall pass to Lender to the extent ot the auma seuured by tn�s Daed at Trust�mmad�etely pnor to such sele or acqu�sftlon. ,
<br />' •� i 8. P��terratlon snd MNnt�nane�ot PropKty:����ohold�;Candominlums:Pl�nn�d U�It Dswbpm�nts.Borrower st�all
<br /> �.� keep the Property in good repa�r and shatl no1 comm�t�vnat�+nr pnrmd impvument of detenoraUon ot the Property and shall
<br /> comply with the provisions of any leaso d th�s Oeed o1 Truet�t�an a Igasehold.H th�s Deed ot Trust�s on a und m a canclommwm ,
<br /> or a planned umt development.Barrower shal►pertorm o11 at Borrower s abligations under the tleclarat�on or Covenants
<br /> creating or governing the condominwm or planned un�t dnvnlupment,the by-Iaws and regulat�ons ot thn condominium or
<br /> � ptunned unit developmen�and constduent documenta If A canAamimum or pinnned umt development nde��s exCUted by
<br /> Bortower a�d recorded togelher wrth this Deed of Trust,thn covunonte and aqreements ot Ettch nder snall be�ncorporeted
<br /> , �nto and shall Amend and supplement the covenants ancl aqraomente nl tn�s deed of Trust as d the nder wete e part hereot.
<br /> : � 7. Prohctlon of L�nd�r's S�cutity.lf Bor�ower fu�ls to pertorm the cnvenants and tfgreements conta�ned m this Deed of
<br /> Trust,ot d any ection u�proceed�ng�s comme:.ced�r�th mataunny alfncts l.ender's�nterest m tne Property.metuding but not
<br /> . � I�mded to,eminentdomain,msolvency.Code enlorc�•ment qr Arr:�ngnmants ar proceed�ngS involwng a benY.tup1 or deGedent.
<br /> i then Lender at Lender's optton,up��not�cu to Borruwe�.mny mnke sucn appe2rnnces.disburst�such suma and teka such
<br /> actlonasisneceaserytoprotectLender's�ntorest.�r,r.iudm�i,butn��tumdedto d�sbursementofreasonableatlo�neysteesand
<br /> • entry uponthePropertytomakerepausJflenderreyu�re�l i�prc►ngamsur�nceasacondd�onotmakmgt�reloansecutedby
<br /> ' the Deed Ct TrusL Borrower shall pay 2he premwms requne�t tu mmntnm sucn msuranco�n ettect unttl suah time as the
<br /> L i reQuirementtotsuchinsuranceterm�natesmaccordancew�th&ur.�wer':�.�ndLCnd�r'SwnttenAy reemeMorapphcalbetew
<br /> �' Bprrowsr shall pay the arnount of au mortgage msuranr,�f urnmw�ms m tht�manncr prowcfed under paragrepl�2 heteof.
<br /> � Any amounts dtsbursed by Lr.nder pursua�t tu tn�v �a�ngr;�ph / w�th mforeat thereon, shall become 8dditfonal
<br /> _ J indebtedneasot8orrowersecuredbytMSUeetlottrustUn�Flfi!19c�rrcweiandLi�nd�ragreetoothertermsolpayment.such
<br /> . � . . ... .. . . __... _'"_'__�_"...n.......................�............,.....rhnront anrlchalltfNAl th1Ntl1l1ItOlTIthC'
<br /> _ {� I amouncasnsn oepayao�euNvn�w���a�������R�...Q....�......,o.......�...........��,.y.........._.__..�
<br /> F ! dateotdltbursementattheratepnyablefromtimetonmPUnoutntondinq punc�p:i�und�rtheNoteunlesSUaymenlol�nterest
<br /> � � at such rate would be contrary to applicabie iaw.ui wh�cn�vant nucti emu�u�ts sh��l bear mterest tt1 tho Ingttest rnte
<br /> perm�ssible underappUcable law.Nnth�ng cont:�med m th�s uareq�un�>>snall requut!Lend�3r to�ncur�nyexpbnSeot 18keeny
<br /> acUOn hereunder.
<br /> �� !. Insp�eNon.Lender may make or cause to be m:►da re.�sonnnf�f rnt���>v upon d�td tOSpPChOnS O�!hfl���Opfitly.�)tOV�dF!d
<br /> " 1�. thetLendershallgweBorrowernohcerprwtto:�ny5u�'hmtip��cUon:pF�i:dymqi��asim.�bl�•c�.�use�tharfNOrt�rt�IH1Hd�Ol.Ondets
<br /> 1' �nterest m the Property
<br />- • :
<br /> 1
<br />