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<br /> (y/�n.w.r MM�.d.�xMnN�n a th.wn.br a�ym�nt or moankatlon a��on a 1h�.un�«ow�a br+hl�
<br /> a�a�.oo1r+�p�w��.na�eon��•��+f�m•�a.a�•n�H-�na�.°:�,i�da�o�«�o.aroa«�w��
<br /> wa�A M�oo�or a nMw b�Mnd Wn�tor P�Ym�nl a Wh�rwlM nadlN�mo�tl=aqa+ol th�wm�Nound bY�OMd TwM
<br /> by�wan a�►d�m�nds R�ad�by th�orlytnat Bo►row�r and eonaww.woa�or�in Inw�M.
<br /> _---�e� (b)LNM�r'�rowN�.WIM�out alNallnp liw IIaWI{ty ol any oth�r P�raan Il�ble for ths p�yn►�nt M enY���M^
<br /> m�ntlawd.�nd wlNiax aM�ctl�p tM INn or oM�rp�of thl�OMd af Trwt upon�ny portlon M Ih�Prop�H not ri�a Mwnlolon
<br /> rNMwd�Nourfly lor N►�lull�mount of aii unp�ld ob�ip�Mont,L�nd�r rtMy,hom anN b tlrrw�nd wiM�out notic�pl nl��Y
<br /> p..w�so i�.u�)•,�a�a a�.m�w�iey a as.�.�y a�n.arm.a.nr,ua�,oaua.aon•.(nq�►.r��ov�.►N,du�o«.cM�•+MM
<br /> a nconwY,or c�uw b b�rN�Nd a reconwy�d at�ny tlm�N L�r��opHon�ny p�roN.Vallon or NI al th�PropNty.
<br /> (vl t�k�or rNaN any Mh�r ot�ddidort�l Nourily lor�ny oblip�don h�nln mrnti�on�d.or(vl)m�k�compo�iMo��a otl�
<br /> aR��r�t�wNh d�blors In rN�tlon 1h�rMc.
<br /> (c)porb��nw by L�nd�Not a Waiat.Any forbs�ranoa by L�rtcNr In�xecisinp�ny ripht or rem�dy h�nund�r•a
<br /> oth�rwls�wtlord�d bY�pPlloabN��of t�xK othsr I�ns or ah��y�s by Und��shall not bi w�lv�of t.en�Nr'a�Iph b
<br /> procunnMnt of inwr�nc�or th�pay
<br /> acal�rak the matu�ity ot the Ind�btedne�a tecund by this Os�d of Tru��
<br /> (d1 w��aed AMi�M�oundi Joint�nd 3w�a1 LI�bNkyt C�PNo��.Ths cov�nanu and ap���h h�rNn con-
<br /> t�in�d�hRlt btnd,�nd ths dphts ha�undsr�ha�t inura to,the�Npscdve succe�sora and�tslpn�ot L�nd�►o�T���f
<br /> �owrumq and��r�nsna of T�usbr shell b�Joint�nd�wr�l.The oaptlom and hsadinps oi 1he puW aphs
<br /> Trutt�re for convenience only and are not to be u�ed to Interpret or d�flns the provi�ion�h�reol•
<br /> ---°�—m (o)MquM!1or Noticp.The pertlae hereby requsst 11�at a copy of�ny notic�of defauit h�nund��nd a copy of any�oGc� �
<br /> ;,�..g���� of a�le herounder be mefled to eAah paAy to this Oeed ol Trust at the addnss sN torth�bov�in the m�nn�r proeoribed by
<br /> � applic�bl8 law.Faccspt ior sny other noUce�equired u�dor spplicable law to be piven in�nolh�r m�tnnsr,any noUCt provfd�d
<br /> �. .' for in this Deed ot Truit ihslt be qiven by maliing suoh notics by certiiled malt addr�essd to the other partiei,�t tb��ddrosa wt
<br />;;;,�1;` torth a4ove.Any notlae provlded to�in thls Oeed of 7ru�t shatt be eitective upon mafting io the manne�dMipr�lrrd twr�•tt
<br /> Tniuor li more th�n ane person,�otice eent to the addrea�st toAh above�hatl ba nodce to all�uch pWwns.
<br />';�t�� ' , � (q�n�p�clbn,Lender m�y maks or cause ta be made re�son�bte entrles upon and in�psatlons of the Propsrty,provid�d
<br />- thst Lende�shail pive Trustor notiae prior to any suoh tnspraUon sp�aitylnp nawnebU aut�thantor rNo1Nd to t.�nd�r's
<br /> ;__� � Mt�►s�t in the Propsrty.
<br /> (�� Ilkonvh►�ne�.Upon peyment ot all�um4 ieaured by this Oeed of Truat,Lsnder�hall requs�t Tru�tN[q ncon��y th�
<br /> . Propaityand�hNl wrnnder Mi�D�ed of Tru�t and all notss evidencinp Indabtedne�a aaur�d by thi�Ds�d a'fru�t to Tru�t�s.
<br /> _���' Tru�tM�hall reconv�y ths Property without wartinry and wlthout ah�r�.w m•p.non a vrwn.i.wny«�ua.d uNrMo.
<br /> Tru�Wr�haiU p�y all cats of wcorQatlon,If any.
<br /> — t�� ����y;�eueky Agw«n�nL M addition�l Ncurlty lor the paym�nt of th� NoN,Tru�for h�►�by�ants _ _
<br />� � Lend�r undor ths N�bmkx UnNorm Comm�rclal Cod�a paurity inbrat in�II tlxturo�,�quipm�n�,snd o'��irr�'.�'+ai prapzsty
<br /> ua�d in conn�ation wlth ths r�al��t�ts or Improvem�nts Ioc�tW thsnon,and not othsrwlN d�cl�r�d or d�emed to b�a paA of
<br /> th�rat�stat�s�aurod hsrsby.This inatrument sh�il be construed���Security Apnem�nt und�r s�ld Cod�.�nd th�L�nd�r
<br /> t �h�ll ha�v��il the ripht��nd nm�dlss of a sscured party under sald Cods In addNion to th�riphta and rsmedl�s crNtsd und�r _
<br /> � and accorded ths l�ndsr pursu�nt to this Osed of Trust;providsd thRt L�nder's riphts and nm�dl�e undsr thl�p�rapr�ph�hali
<br /> ��',��;'•;;��ti';„ be cumulRtivt wlth,and In no w+►y a Ilmitetion on,lender's riphtf+�nd nmedles under any oth�r s�aurlty apre�m�nt Npn�d by
<br /> :"J�r� '• Borrow�r a Truttor.
<br /> "'�'��,: '' ��#.. (I) LI�Md Hneumbnnaw.Trustor hereby warrant4 and represents that then Is no dsf�ult undsr the provislons ot any
<br /> . tf�ei;���.9�kw.
<br /> .,.,�,,�,,,. :. martpaye,deed of trust,tease or purchaee contract deacribfng all or any paR ot the PropeAy,or other contraet,instrumont or
<br /> �;,,t;,.�,,,,�,�, ,,;;,;�� apreement constitutlnp a Iien or encumbrance agalnat all or any part ot the Property tcotlectively."Lbrn"),exi�tlny ae of the
<br />':-Y* •'�y�;��, ,.• date ot thls Deed of Trost,and that any and all existinp Liens remaln unmodifled axcapt as ditctosed to Lendar U Trustor'a
<br /> µ - written discloeura of Ilene and encumbrences provided for hereln.Trustor ahail tlmeiy pertorm all of Truator's obliyatlons. �
<br /> ,�;: , covenents,repreaentationa and warranties under any and ali exlaiting and future Liena,ahell promptly(orward to Lender aoplss
<br /> • ot ail noticea of detauN sent fn connection with any and ali existing or tuture Lfens,and shell not without Lender's prlor wrNten
<br /> consent In any manner modify the provislons ot or aitow any future advances under any exisGng or tuture liens. _
<br /> ' � .ti;� �. Q) Appilation of Paym�nt�.Uniess otherwise requlred by Iaw,auma paid to Lender hereunder,Including without Ifmitatlon
<br /> ��a�'��:a`".:. ._,�,.,• ' payme�ts of prinolpe�and tnterest,Insurance proceeds,condemnatlon proceed�and rents and profita,aha��be appiled by
<br /> � :�w�j:��• Lender to the amounts due an d ow ing Irom Trus t or a n d B o r ro w e r i n a u c h o r d e r a s L ender In fls aole diecretlon deema desirabie. �
<br /> ` (k) S�vNabiAty.Ii any provlaion of this Deed ot Trust con111cts wlth appilcable law or ts declared Invaild or otherwlse �..
<br /> unenforceable,such contltct or Invalidity shall not aftect the othar provisons of this Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> ', `;'.� pi��en eftect without tho confllctinp provisfon,and to thia end the provlslone of this Deed of Trust e�d the IVotea�e declored to be __
<br /> -�� severable. �
<br /> - . (1) Ttrmt.Tha terme"Trustor"and"Borrower"shali include both sfngular and p�urat,and when the Trustor and Borrower
<br /> r,,,,a,�„ , are the same pereon(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust 9hall be interchangeabte.
<br />_�,�_ ' ��� (m) Gov�rninp I.�w.This Deed ot Trust shall bo governed by the Iaws ot tno Ctate of NObraska.
<br /> e��`�"' �` Truetor has exacuted this Deed ot Trust as of the date wrltten above. � /
<br /> � . �. �
<br /> � i/�, • � � '��.
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