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<br /> � A O�D�D�TAiJ�T
<br /> _ _ n�on�c�nw�t�r�ot ��` ��l�.9
<br /> — T�uMOr un�MirkY�MM MM doou�N MwM TruMOr N�bout b�x�a+r w a DMr!d Trwt a��M�,nia,"�. M�t N�powrr
<br /> --- d K�M p'oMr�A bP�r In wa Owd O(Tiv�t P+'ov�dM wbMM�MWY dMNr�M rlptiM aM a4MOMia»b'fnMlo�tiNUh fi�In�wMM
<br /> - d a drMult or bnsoh of�obli�Abn urxM�1M Owd of Trw61+�aA+dUp.but rwt N+n�Mcl b,th�L�rW�r'�rl�ht b 11�0�rr M�ap�ry�oid
<br /> by 1M T�wM�will�out�nY•1ud1oW ProcNdlnp.TruMor r�es and wur�rNi1 Mwt fhN aoluwwhdqicn�liN wY MMO�Atl b�►
<br /> T�wa R+MO�����o1�MPn.af�M�d W Trwt
<br />--� .,r.�
<br /> ---- W�aRx K OMsQ Tn+pot MYSb�11d
<br />_""`=__ -= r+.itA • od.rq T�uao► rst•
<br /> � --- TNIS[�ED t)F:AU�T,fs nwd��of th�_ay�day ot Motr.r .�9_93,by a�d�ma�p
<br /> __- - the s�vebt�..__.�yt_a..�bss�--s►-�dth �_�s� � eu��...�+ �ed rit� ,
<br /> _—_�� Z61S �ottonwood Rd tirand ��l�ris;r��'*�u�r�' -�i�iir aw a mon�
<br /> who�t m�►iunp�ddr�w is -
<br /> ---��� �fY TtIli1M. �',iya Pe�intn Oank e •�+" Csfepgration �����,�.
<br /> - � who�moi!Inp addreRS ia_Es.G....BoY 1',�? �ir�nd I�lu�d. iiE n88tZ (twtNn"TrusM�'�,snd
<br /> - ' `}.; 1118 8�I�1C18I�1� Nv� Pnin.r u k .� .
<br /> �.
<br />_'c;;:; whow m�fiinp addre�s 1s_ ..... -- - ..[�uCaqd..IalauMd. yllc_ 6BRA2•i"�7 (��•��,p�pq��,
<br /> ';.�1, •s,-� FOR VAWABL�Cf1N8tDERATIUN,lnc�uding�nder'a ex.•.�n�lon o?crpdit+dwrWllod ha�in to��y K ab�r0
<br /> , �G.,
<br /> ;,`,,: • .�`:� i F�iRb � Ob�r� �(l�qrcln"Borcawc�',wh�lher one or mwvl�nd thu tru�t hsnin craR�`Nd,
<br /> '�� the�ecaipt ot whlch Is hereby acknowtatlped,Truator hdrety ir+evccably yrwxa>tranii�r�,conwys and aulpne W Truntoo,IN
<br /> _ TRUST,WITH POWER aF 3ALE,br thsbe�afit a�d ssaudy cf l.mn,,er,undor�aubJsat to the t�rms and conditions Mroltuit�t=s�t
<br />�`�_`��'� torth.th�roal p�ope�ty,de�cribed as tollarn:
<br /> - ��•:��' Additioneto th�nCi��otiGri daiilind.�Hs�1liCounty�MirOra�.�ikar■id. Acrs�. .�•
<br /> :�{^;::s�-i�'.
<br /> .A. y� � S�
<br /> f�.� �3 `� .� I�
<br /> . .�'ji�.�(j�.�:•.•'�t�•.?~•
<br />. ;�,�f.r:ar{r,::r6::.:�Y i. TOyethe►with�II buiidlrps,improwmenU,tixtures,�traets,�Iley►,passna4ways,eassm�nts,riyht�,prlviip�s and�ppurte-
<br /> ;,y�.;..%•;�'�,'•J• . � nanc�s tocat�d th�reon or In anywis�pe�ta(ninp the►eto,�nd th�rsnb,isaueo arnd protlts,rworstons and�emalnder�th�roof,�r,d
<br /> ' k� '+��=•� auah p�rao�al propsrty th�t is�ttached to tha Improv�ments w��to con�tituo�a t�xtun,Inciudinp,but not Ilmll�d to,hwdnp and
<br /> .,,ri��,•,•_:� ;;:., coolinp�qufpm�nt;end bpsthsr with fhe horrNStead or maritel tnt��eets.it any,which�nt�nsts�r�h�roiay rNsaNd�nd walwd;�II -
<br /> of which,inctudin�raplacements�nd additans the�eto,I�Rereby declared fo bQ o patt of th�real��tat�ascur�d by th�ii�n ot thi�
<br />:� ..,�^. . .. DMd ot Trust and dl of qw loropolnp bei�p rof�rr�d to haoin u th�"Ptopert�".
<br /> ::Y. n
<br />.� =� • Thia G�d of Tru�t�ii f�cure(a)tAe pnyment of the prfncipal�um and�nWr��t�vld�nc�d by a oroml�sory note nr ar�dit
<br /> N'ixx�ac:Srr. ..•�. -
<br /> apre�nsnt daqd —Re�esMr-�nd �993 ,havinfl a mawrac�r daw of r�.. ��� �Aaa ,
<br /> f. in the ori�inal princip�l amount of S i3�,A�p-� ,and any ond ali modiflcations,extsci�fons��d renawals
<br /> . th�oof or thereto �nd a�y and ell tuture advances and�eadvancea to Borrower(or any ot them it more than on�,)hereu�aer
<br /> � punwnt to one o�more promissory notes or credit aflreements�hereln calted"Note");(b)the payment of other aums edvanced by
<br /> Lendsr to protect the�ecurlty ot the Note;(c)the perlorm�nce of all covenanta and ayreements ot Truator aat forth h�►ein;�nd(d)�II
<br /> pressnt and future Indebtedness and obtiqations ot Borrower(ar a�y oi tham ii more than one)to Lender whether dlreC�fndlrecR
<br /> ..� absolute or coMinyent and whether arleln�by note,�uarenty,overdreft or othorwise.Th9 Note,this Deed of Truat and any and a11 =
<br /> :.�- othet dxuenb thatsecure the Note or otherwlse executed in connection thartnwlth.Includlnp without Iimitation yuarant�e�,a�curity
<br /> � � apreements and aasiqnments ot leases and renta,ahal�be referred to hereln ns the"Loan Instruments".
<br /> , Trustor covenants and agreea with Lencter as lollows:
<br /> t�^ I �,,,;�R'} t. PaynNnt ot(nd�bbdna�.Ail indebtedness secured hereby shali be paid when due.
<br /> ' ' " '. 2. TMI�.Trustor li the owner of the Property, has the ripht ond authority to convey ihe Property,and warranta that the Iten
<br />- � � � create,i hereby is a tirmt and prior ti�n on the Property,except lor liena and encumbrances set torth by Truator in wrltinp and
<br /> ' ,'`� delivered to Lender betore execution of this Oeed ot Truet,and the execution and deilvery o}this Ueed ot Trust doas not vloiat�any
<br />�� r � '� conUect or other oblipation to whith Trustor is subject.
<br /> 3. TaxN,MsN�m�nb.To pay before delinquency ail taxee,speclal aeeeesmants and all other charqes apalnst the Property =
<br /> '' now or hxeatter levied.
<br /> : 4. (nsYranC�.To keepihe Property fnsured against damage by fire,hntxrd�included within the term"extended coverage",and -
<br /> � suCh other haiarda et Lender may requir�,in amounts and wfth cornpanfoa accepteb�e to Lender,neminy Lender as an additlonal
<br /> , ; named Imured,with Ioss payable to the Londer.In case ot loss under such polic�es,the Lender Is authorfzed to adJust collect and
<br />- � i �, comp►oml=s,all claims thereunder and shalt have the optbn ot dppiying AII nr part of the inaurance prxeeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> , secured hereby and fn such order as Lender may determine.(ii)to the Trustor to be used tor ihe repefr or restoration ot the Property
<br /> { • , or(lii)tor any other purpose or obJeCt satfsfactory tv Lender without eNecting thQ lien ot thfs beed o}Trust tor the luli amount secur�d
<br /> Mreby betore such pkyment ever took place.Any application ol proceede to indebtedneis shalt not extend or postpone the due
<br /> dut�of any payments under tho Note,or cure any detault thereunder or horeunder.
<br /> . b. Escrow.Upon wrltten demand Dy Lander,Trustor sha�l pey to Londcer,In such manner es Lender may dealpnate,sufficlent
<br /> t1�T�If��R�N�I MIfIN IA fV V a�IILV I1Y�A/M�fI1��A/1�AI MA/A/fllFfii I/1��l1W If1fl'II�1II�AYNt OttAttTAfl}R lfl(�ff1M1Af f:F1A►(fAR AaL�fllf
<br />_._ �.�_'' �• ��"'�'��"_�'���"��' "�.�.��.�...������...��
<br /> '�— ��'' th�Property,(li)the premiums on the prnperly insurance required hereundar,And(ffi)ths premfums on any mortyape insurance
<br /> � ;;:.; rpulred by Lender.
<br /> •� . :�'r 6. Mak�t�nc�.R��ks and Complianc�wNh Laws.Truator ahgli keep the Property in poocl conditlon and repair;shall
<br /> ; ��;�,,�;�, ' ,;"'�� promptiy repalr,or repiace any Improvement which may Y�e d�mayod or destroyed; ahait not commit or permit any waste or
<br /> :: . ' �?,'� Pah� Y Y P perty:shall noi
<br /> �`, dete►ioraUon of the Pro ;ahall not remove,demotis�or subalantail alter an ot the Im rovements on the Pro
<br /> �„• ' , commit,suifer or permit any act to be done In or upon the Properry in vwlatlon ot any law,ordlnance,or regutatlon;and ahall pay and
<br /> R I,,�.'�� promptly disCharge at Trusta's co�t and expento alt Iiene.encumbrances and charyea�evted,impoaed or esa9esed ayalnst the
<br /> .' • ''``;'�� Propsrty or any part thereof.
<br /> ��'�.,:
<br />� �',t`� .` .:;,..'...,,:,�.�a', 7. EmlMnt Domain.Lender Is hereby aulpned alt compeneatton,awards,damapes end other paymenta or reiiet(herefnafter
<br /> �' i;� :?;� ': '•�ri�`i• "Proceeds'7 fn connection with condemnatlon or other tekinp ot tha Property or part thereot,or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnn-
<br /> '` ;�Y;?� �,y, �:<<4 tlon.lender ahail be entided at its option to commenco,appear In and proeecute In Its own name any a�lon or proceadin�s,and
<br /> r�� , , : .��'. shati alw bo ondN�d to maka any compromlae or settiement in connectlon wtth�uch takf�y or d�mape.in th�w�nt any pc�rtion of
<br /> � 1MC�N71MararewwrM DNA Mv tOiM
<br /> ' � O/1M MMMn�i MN d Cannw�w iruu ad Gv+rq�AMetw�on.4aoMi.lNOnNu
<br /> .
<br /> •
<br /> � �-=-- . . � .. .�..r! _ .
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