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<br />-- � �f „ � I�€�N�M��OF AEHT8 RIQER �� ��,��- `
<br />�- A-x�., ' �3` o tlIISASSt6NMEHTO�REMT6 RiDEF��s made attdexsc�RQtd Ws a� d�Y ct a►�'�A�R��1��8tt�ts � . �
<br />- ��.� �` r:s:. ` trtcgrpOrafedintoa�lctsAaltpedeemadto8mendandaupptementthe�RoRgaQeoiCeedcfTnts�f►eretn&iterteterre�taastMe; .
<br /> � . - . . _ ._. �{� _,_ � ��.___.._•
<br /> .1`�� __.__.���� — _ �OCR�D ��uQ{i����18�8TT�iiQ�' : — _ __'_ �
<br /> -t�� �� 8arrawePa tndebtednes$.herelnafter�atetted to as tAa"P1ote"�to kOME�EOERAt&AViN�d3 AND LOAN A�SO�li6TitlEt�l OF� ' `
<br /> � -=�':�� '::;:s�4 pRANQISUIND�t►er�ainafierreterrecltoasthe'��,ertder;otMe��amedateandcov�rFngtneproperrydascNQeQtnth�S�surtty --
<br /> = '•�;.x�;�: z:.�� : r e l ,e
<br /> . _,, l". �� Metn�tment artd�cated ah . . . .
<br /> ;..... ti:�=-52�•�. r ;ti:. -
<br /> �� ``�1�``'�`''�`"�` � 512 EAST �3EUES, GRAND ISLAND NEBRASKR 68SD1 -=_
<br /> •- .• t.�.�7'� ' ' �i4i. .
<br /> r �1���4,}< <ft , . - .
<br /> �y��-.
<br /> ��',� s'���s f E� ' '�( M (�Aenl►nqdressj _
<br /> �,"�a v r �a�.e�QO�: � • - -
<br /> � � � Gi.<_� ` .. �
<br /> - . �. n_�—�_� �,I eu• ' .•�� . . . �t����� - • � _.
<br /> ,� �.;r� �� �. - ;YWHERREAS;8otrowet altd LenQetlfavA A�teed that any rents and pmtl4a attributab[e to th�property sh6uld con9titute �, :�,..�t �;�yF
<br /> ;.F 1� y ., �. ed6itionat secuBty to the tender tar ttte payment of the t�ote; t :;�.��3
<br /> .- • '_��t:�� .� NOVi�THEREEORE�itlsagreedtt�attheSecuritytnstramsnishaltbeamendedherehysnddeemedtotectudethetottowtrtg r•�.cr�,`'`:,�� �,�
<br /> -� .;�.. . provistcna: �����-��.
<br /> � . . :? ,� � - - :,�_,�:_
<br /> �'� _. .,�,'�. �:: 1. Aastanmeniot Rents and Lende�Rental Coltectfon Rtyhts.Borro�re�ReteDy ahsotutely and urtcar�ditian�fty assigna ell '� {' •��.,'.'
<br /> � .. ;�t_•:".`,�,�'� - rent� Issaes and rotits o! MB property ta 8enefici .�`:_:�'=�-':
<br /> p ary. lender shail ftava tAe BgAt, poWet and autAarity d�ring.tha '':�,�, i ����
<br />- --4 � � contirtuetttce�of th93eeurity lnsirument to-cottect the rents:isstees$nd prof�ts of-the propeth/�ttd�f any Peseonaf.proAe�[lF.. - '' ;�.�..i;#� � '
<br /> , _ z. � torated tnereon�tvith ar witRau!takirrQ possasston of the P�Ae�lf aHected herei�/-.tender,ftowever.h�reDy�onsents to� , x ��'�,��-
<br /> �• �.�-
<br /> � • s � Harra�ePs collection apd retentian of such rents,fssues an�profita asthey 8ccnie artd trec4me paxabt�so tvrtg as Bomawec �������� �
<br /> ,.. : ��:;_;�-��;:-
<br /> • • � �"� ` ts aot;et such time.in default with respect to payment of.any indebtedness secured R�reny�oc irt the pertotmance of any ��a�,,�:--
<br /> '� ��`��:t:. � a9reement hereuader. ��:�" '�
<br /> � ;���Y� 2 Aoaotntrnefit ot Recetver. It any event ot default in respect to tRa Security Instrument�st�atl have accurred and be �� � -- _
<br /> -=- - ,:�,�;'.;s�=-:. 'ri::::-:_;------ -
<br /> .�.,fz�,,> $ . conUnuing,Lendsr.as a matter ot right and without nottce to Bocrower or anybrte ctatmtng under Borrower,and wltAaut :,;::.�•
<br /> �,°' �' �"�`�` `'`� regar�to tjr�vatae of Me hust estate or the IMerest of the BoROwer thereln.shai[Raya the�i M to y '`��""'�'y�
<br /> ' " ' ,.,�'F��" °`f - . 8 apptytoan couRhaving � . � �� �;,��
<br /> ' �` ;,��''";h jurisQtCttort tc_ � � �--
<br /> .t�;,�ti�,e.�..,:�; appaint a recetver of the properiy. �!?�."�'-
<br /> ' k�'�, �"� �: • 3. JQ�,t ta possesston.In case oi defautt tn the payment of t�e said pNncipal Nate or tnterest,or any part thereot.as[t. �� ���=- —
<br /> �,.`.�, °.
<br /> �.:�F :~� shall mature,or tn the case ot faiture to keep or peAorm ar�t of the covenants or agreements coniaiaed in tAe Security t�str�- �. `l s.:__.
<br /> `����,��:�.����� .�� ` men� tAen tAe Lender, tts saccessors or assigna shall be and Is hereby sutharized and empowered to tatce ImmediatQ.,. �� ' •'•° --
<br /> �T�L ��
<br />_ '?'��•�. 4°` � �"� � posses8lon of the satd premises therein descrl0ed and to coltect the rents thereirom.and to apply th@ proceeds thereof tothe ,�.;i �
<br /> "' ' ` � ' �pay�rEent ot tRe Note. �'�"`k,tl
<br /> .(',` ;` t`� - , ,�, �."�:i�.�=
<br /> > . . -� �:�::' .v.�
<br /> • •-•� �.`Q�;.�.;.-..�• .�- 4. Aootication of Rents,lssues artd Profit�.All rents colteoted by Lendet or the rece[ve�ahaJ�tse applied flrst ta paymet�. . °-.�- ,> � -
<br /> '•���.��`. �.`':ai3;•�:.:�:~., of thecosts of managefieM cf the proQerly and coltectton of rents,inaluding,but not timited to.�saa3+rePs fees,premium8,0� ��"� "��
<br /> t ������ � �� '�'�`� recetvet s�ortds and reasonabte attomey's fees�and then to the Sums secured by the Secudty Irt$trument Lender and the: . '��;�'
<br /> ,,! ;�.f1-= +
<br /> ". 3
<br /> '�- . '��.•%�°f'�'� • :`• tecetver shali t)e(tabte to account onty for those rents actualty[+eceived. � ��-�• �i�!i•�- -
<br /> ��t.�h�,-.�--_:
<br /> � -. f�' �=�`'°``�� � �••���' .5 Constructton af Provtsfona Each of the provisions contatrted in tAis Aasignmerstc�f Rents Rtder and the Security inst►u- � �; Rh��°°�'�`��`
<br /> � •.::• -;����. t;�,.;�.L�.�, ��
<br /> ,•��;_;,.::+1_>>�::,> ."'��. meqC Eshall,unless otrierwise specittcalty requtred,De-constnied tn accordance w�fti Nebraska law, and in the event a � . ��` �'-
<br /> �: ,;.�►:ir��'`
<br /> ,r;S__`= . � ' pravision haretn or theretn contafned shall be defermfned by a court ot competent jurisdiction to tteunentorceabla,the sart�_ •.:_�'
<br /> ` . , shatl be const►ued as thougA such unenforceable provlston were no!a part Aereof or thereof. . ���; �
<br /> ' � 8. Effect of Rtder.ExceDt as specificalty modified by or Mconsistent with this Asstgnment of Renfs.RidelA�bY any other �'i,�i: „ ��_.,�R
<br /> :�' ? c ;t?;,::,-. ' appltcaDte rider,sil of the terms and provisions contairted in the Security lostrument shall contirt�te in fu�Gf�2,�'�d eftecL ji"'Y�� . ;._' •'�f
<br />' - ���•�`> .• �� , . � ' .
<br /> :'y�'_y:/' .. ; "` .n��.
<br /> :}', ; �5'`.� . : ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF.Borrower has executed this�di nment f ReM Fiider date ' noted above. ��' �•� - `'":• :� ' _
<br /> `R . ' - � .. ,t` 'r�-_
<br /> • s• : ',. . . .'�,Y; RK . LUE E orro er .`-;'�. ; . �-_
<br /> ,` � t ��, � ��� ���� ;:�,�' ,\u.
<br /> � .
<br /> ' - . . :;� •\ �,�'��. � , .
<br /> � ., :. �;4.� OE80RAH S. LUEBKE Borrower , ^:i
<br /> ., �'. .
<br /> ' . . :•�;=;;
<br /> '�� ' STATE OF NEBRASKA) `' � ' �;�
<br /> ``�i,� !'` '.;, COUN?Y'OF HAI.L (ss: • ;
<br /> �yY:��.. Y�, . � . tt.`� „ _
<br /> }'i�,- ' ' ' ".i. �n,�;....
<br /> ti� � � . • On tMs 2�. d&y of OCTOBER ,1g�,beto�e me.the urtderslgned,a Notary Pubti�duly commisstoned and ' •
<br /> �::;� .... � ,
<br /> ;�•. �. . qualifled for satd county,personally came mARK �_ WEBKE ANQ ❑F_6dRAH G. LLEBKE,, IiU�BAND ANO WIFE • � �-�
<br /> `' ` ��' ���� • � ,to be the tdentical person(s)whose name(s)[slare subscribed . .'
<br /> ;'fi � . . � to the toregoing•Inatrument,and he/shelthey acknowledge tha executton thereof to tse Ms/herltReir votuntary 8ct and deed. '� "�' �• ���. �
<br /> . ,_�.. , . .
<br /> � ���� _ Witnesa my hand and Notarlal Seal at GRAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA • '
<br /> ���' '�: � In said Co ty.th9 date fore . ' `.�:
<br /> . . 4 ', .�-�� P�'��� . � .
<br /> ��� .. .
<br /> .`. ' Notary Pu611c ' '
<br />= ,4•- .��`" •;��� My Commisslms�3xpi . l� • .. �. ' '•�-�.:
<br />-���; :.,i"�''ri: MP�t/A71 .
<br /> _ `�• ,�,: . ._ .. .
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