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<br /> �.v ''L�t-� _ ' ���_ '_" '_ � " __ _ � �-! . .— '_
<br /> �,— � .. ` "
<br /> .z r: �. •.�:.��� -�� _ _ _' � - -�—� � -
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<br /> . �
<br /> . . � . .•
<br /> _ , .�..,}\.�. S �+.�.�._�,.�� "s.�,; �"_`y'..,"',`.-°y..�•.^E�1�r�rY`:Nw,vti:_'^+ __ y___ - --�i.- '-'�s2�,+:J r _ _
<br /> . � .t.- „ . a� .., .._t�_,.,..�---- ' �
<br /> ,� ._
<br /> .S -`�•.c •. . . . � � . . • . , - ,
<br /> _`� :'�Lf-.n� '`O"�:ca;a. . � . . _ . . , . . - .
<br />�_ ° A � � � . � � � ggs�A���� � c _
<br /> '"� L`
<br /> _ lT T`�^. . . . . ' ; _—
<br /> _ 'PQ(i$TNEit WTI��it the i�nprovsmeats now on c�reafter emcted en the Pi'oPert3►.and ala.e3sements.nppumnonces. �
<br />_ - ` �.- �- ��fixt�es no -otr ffer�$�t-afine�rOp�y:�A1it�pf�m�ts�8d�iuons sfiai�sisQ�eiovem��tt�iis�ecuncy ���=__ _
<br /> -_ - -.�:; IasWment AlI of the foregoing is refemed ta it�t�sis Securlty Instrument 8s tlte"Pbopeety." � --
<br />`.S` �f���''�'- BORROVVFdt COVBNANTS t�at Borruwer is[a�vfully seiscd of tde eatate herehy oomeyed end�the right to g�et -
<br />-�t ` ;.�'� ' and oonvey the Rapeaty and that the t�aperty is uneacmnheced.except for enaunDrnnres of�oord.Bamower wamu�3s and ' __
<br /> - �''` -wIU defend generaUy the Htte to We Progerty agaiaseall claims aad de�eeand�subject to ony encumbrances of record. _----�
<br /> - ' � . �.?°., � . -- -
<br /> "��� r�=,�`• , Tl�IS 58�URPI-Y INS'iItUN�NT wm6iaes u�niform covenants fa*nal�onal use and nnn-nniform covenanta with;� °Ay�---
<br /> R� : �`�r_'`-'":,-:"��< W�ite�variattans b nrisdiction co oonsdtute a tuFif'orm secvri instanunent coverin n�s! -�-
<br /> �; �:�`����d.��� � �^�• . Y3 =Y 8 �rt3►• _
<br /> :� UNIIaDRM OOVENANTS. Borrower aad l.ender covenaat aad agpe as foltows: �,. _ —_
<br /> � �x -=-�-- -_ `L ,P$ymentafPrhtci�aleadYnter�:�BndLateCt�8rge9. BoaawershallpmmptiY-paYwh�ndu+ethe � -
<br /> �t `� ` �,�'� '��� Fxinci al of aad inteiest oa the debt evtdenced by ttie Note snd anY pmFaYa�nt a�[ate charges due under the Note. �` :_�-�--
<br /> � Fuads for'l8xes and Insoraao� Subjact co appHcaDle law or to a wriaen�vaiver by Lendet.Bon�ower shap p�ay to �,� __-��
<br /> Y; ��';���.: , . Leader on tbe d�y moathiy pay�aenta are due under tde Note�unt�l the Note�S paid in full.a sum("l�nds")for.(a)yeady -__--
<br /> ;�z .�` , : � ` taxes aad assessmeam which way anain priority over tAis Security Insmrment as a lieo aa the Fropeity:tb)Yeariy leasehold �, �_>_-
<br /> ,��:-�-�� , � paymenis or ground rents on tae Pmpeny:if aay; (c)Yearly Aazard or Ia�oFertY insurance pmmiums: (d)Y�Y�� �
<br /> - ��:4��'::��;".`•��:�.� insurance pnemiums.if eny,ie)Y�Y martgage inswance premiums.if any: and(fl any sums payab2e hy Bormwer to
<br />- `` ���:::- :°- �•: •�.: I.ender.in�accordattse with the provisions of paragraph 8,ia lieu of the payment of mortgage inswrance pzemi�: 'Ilsese � -
<br />- �r;��u_:,, . $ra
<br />_ :��=T�r^��=�<'���:'.:.- items are calted"Escrnw Items." Lender may.at any time.rnIIect and hold Wads in an amouat not to exce�!the mauimum -
<br /> . f:'-t._'. ;r'y:>_,��
<br /> :�;��r�;_�;`��:� amount a tender fur a federaliy related mtortgage loaa may raquire for Bomuwer�s escmw axovnt uader the federal Rea} . �- —
<br />_- -' �:�:,;:�'t`.-.:•�- � Fs�ate Setttemeat Pmceduzes Act of 19?4 as ameaded fram time w time.I2 U.S.C.§?.601 et seq.("1�SPA'7,unless another -_-
<br /> ��": ..':: . ,` ,��' Iaw thaz agplies to the t�ads sets a lesser amonnt If sc�Lender may.at any tim�rnlIect and 6old fi�nds in aa amount not to =�_-.
<br />- ��::����.�� `�'��>`;� a excced the Iesser amount. Leader may estimate t(�e amount of�nds due oa the basis of cunent data aad reasoaabie �=�`-
<br /> - ` � �;<;: • ', .. °- estimates of expendit�ues of futuce Fscmw Items or othetwise in aaordauce witb applicable law. . • �.-'� -
<br /> :� ., -'�.>...,: .r,�'•, -�--
<br /> �.' . � :�-;:., 'i7ie�3mds shall 6e he1d 'm an institutioa whose deposits aze insured by a federal ageac7►.inshumentaliry,or entity �;�:=-=_
<br /> - .o
<br />_ 3 ,,&''°`�,,-:`;�4.';� CincIud'm Ixnder.if L.ender is such an institution)or in aa Federai Nome I.oaa Bank. l,ead�s6a11 I the F1mds to a . .�.,�.:_ -�-
<br /> ::�- g Y aPP Y P Y :,:����
<br /> -'' - �'• .° : -:'°:: � the Escroar Itenns. I.ender may not chatge Bomuwer for ho2d'mg aad applying the l�nds,mam�aity analyzing the escrow ':.��=—�--
<br /> `.�•:,� ",:�,, _ -
<br /> .._. .,:�`.:.:,. ..- '• acoount,ar verifying the Fscrow Items,untess Leader pays Bomower interest on the F3�nds and applicable law permiu n�.:-__
<br />_ ��•�:.:,� ��'��•�� '�e Lender to make such a charge. However.l.ender may require Bomower to pay a one-time charge for an iadependent�eal _ �"�Y.
<br /> S� � �:• estate taa�orting service used by Lender in canuectioa with dris fo�t,unle�s applica6le law provides othecwise. Unless an �'��a;."�"• --
<br /> � � 5��rysp�eat is made or licable law mterESf to be ai Lender shall not be aired to Bormwer an interest or -':-�`�"-��"
<br /> -F:1` .G ;`` ��.C�. '�tY`^_'- aPP �� P d, �I PaY Y �.. .
<br /> ' �, ' ��� eamings oa tDe FUnds. Borrower aud Lgadermay ag�ec in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the fimds. Lender •t�R.')L Z��.�a.
<br /> � ��: e. � .: shall give m Boirower.without cha�e.�n aaaual aocounting of the Fbnds,showing enedits and debits to the Funds a�td the . ..r: : : ,����
<br /> ; •.;�;.,�,��i:.. ;., pu�p(o��sem�f�ofr w*�ta..c�h��ea�ch debit to the Func�aas u�ade: 'tlte Flutds are pledged as additional seeurity for all sums secaced by '':�,�}ri-�'�-
<br /> v� 1�,���.�' . �'� '.l ��lw{Yl WJLLWUG �. ��Ye —
<br /> � 5�����F . .. � II �;':��� �_.-
<br /> �� ���r If the�nds hetd by Lender exceed the amounts permiued to be held by applicable law.Lender shaU acxount to u � �
<br /> {t. �r • � �T���y Boirower.fa�r the excess Funds in acca:�aqce wit6 the requin�nents of applicable law. If the�ount of We Fhnds held by ���� —
<br /> Y tifY��asower in writing azed,in '��"'�-��•"
<br /> ��; ,._ �,t'�,�?Z-, Lender at�3r time is not suf�icient to pa3�the Fscrow Items when due.Lender ca� so no , y.�, ��
<br />_'���� °��y,�`-.�:�'��;-��;��e� ' such case Hrnmwer shaU pay to Lendec�e amoi:at necessary to make up the defeciency. �ozower shall maloe up the �l'`�'/�r��-_.
<br /> .�4A�ls't��. ' t ,�' \'.:4`�� 'L-Rt�1. r�'.'a.
<br />_ t i;�t;�„s=._._ `, ..::•. . deficiency in no mone than twelve monthty payme�s,�Lender�s sole discretian. �. ..;.. _
<br /> ..1.5.� ' '�.�a4.�..,.��,
<br /> . ;�;.�r;�.: � <1� Upon Qayment ia full of ail sums secured by tft�s Secwity Instrument,Le�der shall pmmpUy refund to Borrower any :�;�?�`;�:".,;:,.
<br /> t
<br /> '�;�"�`, . � :� -- 1�utds held b I.�ader. If,under h 21,Lead�shall ac wre or sell the Lender,prior to the s�tion or .. {� ��
<br /> '..5};�,.;c.;;: • . -
<br /> ,. . � Y P�P 9 � �Y, � � . ;. :.;:f.:'';`�:���
<br /> ,• �'�l•._: .:;`';; sale of the Property.shalf apply any Funds held by Lender at the ame of acquisiaon or sale as a cr�dit against the sums •�
<br /> _ �.� •�,....: .,.,. -
<br /> S,;'' : • ''.:::;:;= se�vred by this Security Insuumen� ._�..:.• -c==:�. .
<br /> ' °V 3. ApptIcatlon oY Payments. Unless applicable law prnvides otherwlse,a11 payments re¢elved by l.ender under °°-•��'
<br /> :" .. . ,_ ' : 9�tkt4':i`. .;''�.�:c�•` �,
<br /> _ ` � :. _:..��,-� ., .; ;,.`: paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied fust.to any prepayment charges due under tke Note;second,to amounts payable uttder it�;,_S��•��. .`.:=.'j.;.: ��-
<br /> ; f , paragraph 2;third.to intes�st dao;fourth.to principal due:and last.to any late cAarges dae under tfle Note. ,�� �,: ,
<br /> 6 .. 4. ChargES; Lteffi. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessateats,charges.fines and impositions attributable to the .t.: �, �•°
<br /> ' which ma attain nori over t�s Secnri Inswment,aad leasehold - � �' ���?
<br /> � � �. . :. �rtS+ Y P� t3+ �Y PaYments or growtd rents.if any. Bomowex , ..� �._ ., .,�)' �.=:.r-
<br /> - :, � • • • shall pay Wese obligations in the maaner provided in patagraph Z.or�not paid in that mannet.T�orrower shall pay them v� . .,.°-• :�,;.
<br /> ; ; � time di�pctly to ttta person owed payment Borrower shall rom tt fumish to l.ender atl notices of amounts to be d und�r '•� ' "' ���
<br /> •: � '�� ..�-" P P Y pai ...� . ._��:-,�'_.°..a.,�
<br /> _ ` ` ' .' this pazagraph. ff Bomuwer m a kes t hese paymenu d i c�r dy.Botrower s h a l l promF t dy furni s h tv Lender receitscs evidencing �,::�. .��� ' �
<br /> >. .�
<br />_" ` ; � the Qaymea�. ,. . ;;�.�
<br /> ,. y .
<br /> �'�;,.• : ,, ,..
<br /> ��,,=,� �� �• � Bom�wer shaU pro�ily discharge any lien whic6 has priority over this Securiry Instrumeat unless Boriv��er:(a)agrees �;`�:•v,- . � �: �=`;�`-
<br /> t' •' � � � • ia writing to the payment of the obligatiun secured by the tien in a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contests in good faith the , 't_;.;�.��;�`.
<br /> ' `��� y gainst enforcemenf of the lien in,l al roceedin which in the Lender's �• . • -�►�•�•
<br /> -•-. .,;,,;`; .� lien b .or defends a eg p gs o�mion operate to prevent the � � .. . , �:;• ..
<br /> � '• � � �' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agceement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien '.. � _�_,,`:�.".�. `.�;:t::;`.
<br /> ����:��>>Ir� ��• ' to this Securtty Insuumen� If Lender determines that any part of the Property is sc.6;ecc to a tien which may attain priority {t,?`;
<br /> •f". �.' �:Cf . ,('�i�.:. .i . . � (
<br /> �j�;��.�,�;.';'�,,. .�, ov er this S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e n t,L e n d e r m a y g i v e B o r ro w e r a n o ti c e i den t i fying t he E iese. Bonower s h a i l sa t t s fy t he lien or t a ke �,,;��'° : .9;�;`r,.°.
<br />_ �E � one or more of the actions set forth atrave within 10 days of the giving of notice. "�� ' ''
<br /> !} � `' n��� S. Na7ard oe Property Insur�aae. Bomower shall keep the improvements now exisun;at hereafter erected on the ' ` '
<br /> �. ,:•.:,�. .
<br /> - �' Property insiae8 agaittst loss by fire.hazards Included within the tenn"eatended coverage"and any other hazardv,including `���•-'��°`
<br /> •� ' � ''�' t�oods or tloading.for which Lender requiies insurance. 7iris insurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts and for Me •°``
<br /> S� k�1:�� . „ �,:i,.°<,-' .
<br /> � ,.. �;ti�. ,
<br /> �;�.�,'s.�`,i�::.. ,:.':r;;. ,.::, Form3028 9l90 (PaSr2v160oResl `' ' _ �
<br /> �jeij,Kt: ,i�;ll\a���} � � . :
<br /> {`' �f�J�3}1t�
<br /> ' ')�''' �D�eki" . . .
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<br />_ 'iY��4� �!i • . '
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