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<br />-- ---' �. Yteconv�yetmca Upo�payment of u11 suma secured b��ta Securiry Inswmea�Lcnder eLall r�uast'8uatee to
<br />�;-= ---�� r�convey the Fcngeny ettd ehall�eusrenQer tD3s 5ecurIry laswmeaL�an�1 at!notes evtdencing Qe�t secureA Dy ttda Securtty
<br /> tnsbument to'Itustec. 'ilustee ah�l1 reooavey the Qtoperty wit�o�warranty aad withaut cQarge to t�a pe�soA or persons .
<br /> �:� � �tegally_eatitled ca it, 5ucL pe:soa os peesons shall pay any reoordaiiot�costs.. . -
<br /> � Z3. Sa�Le 7rusta�.i.�.at its op8oa.�naY fronn time tn;ame ce�ve'Ih�stoe and appoint a suooessar tnutee to �
<br /> : . . •ti any 73ustee apgointed hereuadec by an insavmeat recorded ia the county in ahich this Sectulty Iasbument is-�er.�rded _ �- _
<br />-- � _ -. _,� � -i�Yidtout t;omeya�of the Propertq.the suaessar Wstee s�}!�suroee�Lo sil th�title.�ower ead dut[ea co�fe�ed upon - - - -
<br /> ' � 7}nsteeherein eadbY eDPlicable 13w. . . --
<br /> ?A. Reqaest for NottcRS. Bortower requesta tLat oopies of tTne notices af default and�le be scnt w Bormwer's eddress --
<br /> which is the Pmpetty Address. ._-�
<br /> - - ?S. It(dets to t�is Sewrity InshvmeaL If one or mo�rideis ere exe�uted by Boaower aad re�rded WgeWer with
<br /> " this Secunty Im�tumont,the wvenants aad agreementa of eacfl such rider.sball Ee incorporated into sad stiall amend and =
<br /> `'-- suppiemeat the covenants and agreements of tHis Seruriry Ins�ument as if Etie rider(s)wete a part of this Secuiiry InstNrnen�
<br />- �t=:��.`: (E�eck applicable box(es)) =-_.- _
<br /> - t
<br /> -- �;�=�`'��_',`�, Adjustable Rate Rider �Condomiaium Rider �1-4 Fam�y Rlder �=�— �-
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<br />-'` ••�.����' . �. �_.
<br />-� �`� •�. .-��:•°N ��altooa Rider �Rate lmprmv�t Rider • a Seeond Home Rlder -- ��.,-
<br /> 1 'k�.;L•.; :i . � - _ . . l.� t
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<br /> 5. 'i�,Jt'"t''�t.: - � '.1�� �1
<br /> � ����,�, B�SiGNING BffiAW,Boao�er accepts and ag�s�e�e terras and covenants oom��anad.i�this Secutity Instrument •. .�a�.�„��, _
<br /> *` ,�� �'�;, =andia a�y rider(s)execated by BoAa+ser and�co:ded wiW it . •.'"
<br /> . .iFt�.G�.� ��L�' .. . . . - . . - - . • ���,`�i�
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<br /> . ' STATE OF NBBRASKA. Couaty ss: , , _
<br /> '�. . 8!!LL �.�:�'��__�.�._.:
<br /> .before me.the unde��i ed.a No Public � ��
<br /> ,,. : .. on�,is �; daY of tiovember. i993 �' t°�' � .°�� �'
<br /> - '� • •� dWy comtnissione0 and qualiRed for said counry,personally came lINO'!'BY R H�lRYtIB �iD 1Q�I8 L HlltiRlB � • `�� �
<br /> :� .'. `:.: ' :. .to me imown to be the
<br /> . SQSB�D �D NIPB �-_..�����
<br /> � ' ' idenHcal persons(s)wQose namMs)are subscribed to the foregoing insaument and acknowteQged the execudon thereof to ,_ + ,
<br /> f • . ., d' _ be voluutary act and deed ?`
<br /> �
<br /> . . Witaess��d and notarial seal at in said ooun�y.the ,,, ,_
<br /> - _ �- date aforesatd i$ � ��� ' ::«_.
<br /> • ��� � � M Commis.gi • � :`' •��:
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<br /> �' � ROBEIiTALREEO �OBSR'l'S L R88D NotaryPa�lic
<br /> .� ..�.'� . :,: ,.•'.-
<br /> �;:>1:_ ` ..�.. _ Nry Comm.�0.�1�1y 30:199a gEQUBSTFOR RECONVEYANCE . • -
<br /> , '•,r•.:' ..r
<br />�.,..;. •�•�,�_:� _� The andersigrted is tAe ho2der of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 7ivst. 5�id note or notes,together with all ' ..��;,t`��,'
<br /> ' � '`' other inekbtedness secured tiy�t�is Doed of'Itust,have been paid in Poll. You ar�e hereby directed to cancel said note or notes �:�c;.:���;t:;- ..
<br /> ��_`���.'`:;,;`�';.`: � ead this Dced of'[tust�wluctiare delivered hereby.and to reconvey.without warranty.aU the estate now held by yon under ''
<br /> _ �`"-. .�'. :� this�d of'Ih�st to the persan or persons tegaUy eatlded thereto.
<br /> ->�;� - ... �I . - . _ .
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