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<br /> tlNtonmt'avenpatlSoitEeSeFurit� ut�uumEnti�emeadedtoceadesfoIIowx ' t' : ,
<br /> ,1S U�itorei�nuib t�i�s�t;�O*e�iMt Ia�*i Sare�i� � SeauifY W �Y—
<br /> .Tt�i.+foraiot ius�eamentmmDt�unitarmaara��icr�t�loa�l�� '�_�
<br /> -1 -� - - � nnd aoa�mifoim oov�wlta timited vu�tlans bY Iurisdtai4a to wmtttute a caifurm se�rlty inmiu�nt
<br /> ��,.�ww�m+•Te� •._ ._
<br />- ------- �Y Instriunmt e�11 be goveined 4y Federat�aw and tds law of tDo jurisd[dion in w@ieb Wb Prop�etp i�toc�:i1i iDe�trrat tbtt soqE ���;.
<br /> ---- ymvlstoa or da�uaoY t4is SeauIeS►tasauc�mt or ths Naae wntg¢b wEth aAPltsable.taw.sneL conilitt al�tl ant atl�ctls�Dmvi�totb of� `. .: °
<br /> 3S: Y
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<br />-- �BAdtTiGNOtCAt0�iI0dtOQOS�YQ8bIt � • . ' _ _ ,.
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<br /> "r- T=__,. - ,-�_ 'FBANSFEIt OF'[HB PB+4p�Cl7t OH A B�ItAAt.�[N BOBRQwES �� . � F
<br /> h.--, - „ -: .._. .--- __ �-�---- ---------- -� - -- --
<br /> _,; ;r, 1JniformCovmaatl7oftheSavzItYdastrumtntisemeadrdwr�adavfoilows: , .
<br /> -- F _. Rfi�� � ,
<br /> x-� I7.ils�fe oi f�e PraPe�ar��ichlIntctdt tn Bormwv Ii ell or aqy Oart of tlte ProDaq►oraa iatesesc thetein is�Id�tcatufened
<br />-�=� (or d a OeaefEdal inurest in 8orrower is sold or transfared and Boirower is aot a natural pason)without l.tader's p:[or arIttea coaseai.
<br />= Ia�er waY.at Leadds opflon.doclare all the sums se�.vred bF ttua S�uritS►Insuument.m He tmm�i�t�e dus and p�ayaitIG Ho�tvrt.lUis
<br />= cptfanshallnot beexadsedbYLeader if aerdse isnot authoriaed�Y Federal taw.Lmda maYwalvethe.cxetdsaof ti�opttani$(s�Bo�i�ra .
<br />- •:.�"'� rduces to be subimdtted to Leuder intormation��equired bY Lwde�to evaluaze tEe inteaded uaagfeee as if a aew taaa were bdn�attde m the
<br /> -_ --:<, cranvfe�ead @)Lendet reasonably determiues that t.ender'a sxarIty w3ll cot 6r imgai�by the lean a�nmption aaditt�t tbe rislt o�Ns : .
<br /> -• . -.,. _; : . .
<br />-�" :.. ': -;:.,.._ �°'�'.� breasho!`auyooveosntoragree�edtintTiisSe�vrltYtas�ument�Saooe�C86tttbLe�ttt�. . .. _ ... - -.---.--....._ .__ .. _ _ ,
<br /> _ �:?'=�-::���'.t--F . �
<br /> Totheextmt pa�itttd DYaPDlicabklaw,I.ender may chargea reasonablefeea4 a wndition wLeadc�'s oonseat m tdc Ioaaa�s�ttos�.
<br /> - E��,;.c,,,t•:, : '
<br /> _ 5�.':'''. •i`,;' , f;-
<br /> �;:�'?�;=:,:�;;�':, l�endi�ma3►alsorequiretheaa�fee�tokeepalltheprom3sesanda�eementsmadeintdeNoteaadinthisSecurttylas�ument..
<br /> 2 on
<br /> � �F` �*3. . `4 . ..�. �{
<br /> .� "' ' - U I.aidv exadses sucbogtinn w aaceier�te.l.ender Lhall mai[Borrower nottoe of aeoe2eratioa fn aooa�cdaaa wit6 puag�apII 14 haa�L;°: �
<br /> �.:���`•� ��;. S1t¢h notIce shall prcvIde a pzciiod ofuatie�thsn30days fmm the date the aoBce is maIted antnin ahfcb Bms�ver maY P�Y.tLe soms ded�d=�
<br /> :;� -.... ..F,..�.•:,�, p c
<br /> - � , _ty_.
<br /> . �_i.::-������°�`�`+�`.. ' � � dtu.If Hotrawer fa�s m pay sush swns prior to the enpiratIon of such period,Lender may,�wIthout fiuth�ziuttce os d�and oa Eonor�r::. _-------
<br /> _ _-�-;''°`,� -��4,i r �e4keat�y remaltespermitted bytius SecurIty insaument." : . ' `•� , �
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<br /> ��:=��:c, �7 =-.� >...�'
<br />_ �.,�;.•��;,,���:,�. �: ••pctwitbstaading a sale tlruansfer.8onawer will ooatiuue[o�e oLligated under tQe KaCeaad Ws 3ea�iiy tus�nu�t'mrtess t.eader�s
<br /> ,.� . .y ''"i Y �,�} ��
<br /> x(. .L`.5.,'i_ ' �� �:�BOn���W�l�r . . . . .
<br /> `a�d�t`?���:t_•!`�t\ ,j�'���}' ` . . . ' . -' - ' �
<br />- `�'n'�t..•'��`Y •'\�'�4' . , - .. \ . _ '
<br /> _ '''�t':�k:.:. : Y F LOAN CAANIGFS � ��`.��. : .
<br /> '�;. �;...,..�°`,;:,�:_ ,. .
<br /> - •�,�-:t v�,u.:` :. '� '- If the loaa secured by the Secvrity[asuument is subject to a!aw which setr maximum loaa d�arges.enQ that taw is t�ally tntupr�ted so
<br /> 4"'i.c;;�1�-. .�.:...'.; - � _
<br /> •,,_ '.y {:� that the interest or other loan�collected or to be couected im m�nection�vit$the to�a eacoeed permitted llmiu,thQa:�p)any suCh loan �:
<br /> r ` ,z<' � charge shall 6e reduced by tl}e a�o�int necessary co ratuce the charge to the p�iteed limit;�and(2)any s��Jseady colIocted from borrowv -_
<br /> � � �`•�ti wlricL eaoceded permitted lirriits wi1J be refun;ts�to Borrower.Lender may chcia.sc to make thls refund by�st�-.:,g the priacipal owed uader t�e
<br /> _ �'���'�� Note or by making a direct payment to Boapwec.�If a refnnd reduces pr�ncfp-o�:the r�tctiou wIU be treate�t asapartial prepaqmeat unda We - _ _
<br /> _ `'_�� NotC. _ _ --
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<br />-'�` :�.. .., - ` IN WiTNESS WH�RF.�1F��Borroees has execnted thi9 Ad�u9ta6te Rata�der. '
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