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.���� �` =L. � ,v`�L ('`p'.`:.� __ ` .t�+�.. ' �. / � .. � ' ,. Y^ -_ <br /> .�� � 'i ..n` ..' :. � l� - . . ./� <br /> �� . Z ^�'- ♦ ^ _r r Z� `'. 1 � -YF r! � . �5 — _ - <br /> �. . <br /> � -...... - '��'._ __K�..V .F':C. _ _ ' �� _ '_ .. . J -- - _ _-_ <br /> �,. . i _ ' . _ _ ... .� _ _ _ ' __--•�- Mkl��K... � . . . _ . ._ --_ ___ <br />-�=��.£i�` '�,!��� - ` . � 1 • <br />-� ' , . \ � . � ..: ��/��� <br />�� ' �. • . .�` . °--- <br /> _ . `��,° ` . • �apylicabie taw.way.specity.for reinstatement)bafoie saIe of the Prope:ty puesuant tQ aztyt•�wer ef sat��t►tai�ted in tMa _ <br /> ' _ ti <br /> ' ._ Sec�mty tasuuiaenr.or(b)entry of a jud enfo�ag Wa Secudty Ins�tument 'ttto��candidona aie th�l:8t►nmcver: (A) <br /> �-- _"�--�ti- , • -�says-�et�s�s wtda'�-ih�-��-dua-ua�t i��!y-tss�t!sask=�fle-F�at��-I€nQ�!t�tsn!!�_ - ------ <br /> - - --- <br /> f?�:�°�':.. --- - <br /> '�;;�rY�:-„;,,r: occumed:N3 aues any defaWtof any ather cov�aats or ag�eeanent�(c).pays all expens�U�ume�l'trr�fescit�g t1f9s S�+curity �_ <br /> � a {� <br />-_ 4..,.: . tas�umsa� includiag.but aot limited to.reasona�Ia sucmeys'feES;and(d)mlces s�ic�T acti�nr a�Freades�may it�sonaDly <br /> stcu <br /> ' .��}::�.�`-;` . require w essa�that the lien of this Security tnsauaien�Lender9 rlgt�ts in the I'toperryTryt��and�Bnaower�obiigadan to pay tse <br /> -: �` �'` ' �`'' sams seaued this Sowri instrument shalt continue uacdan ed. U reiatstdt�manc A Botmwa�r..thi,s Securltl► <br /> .s�_�';:�.::;=:,:- . hY tY 8 P� � <br /> - �YN ; . r�v�,,,n ^t aad the obl+gauons senued heceby shall temaia tiilty effective as if no .ga�;rdtiim�ilad acc�ure�: Hu�veve�.this �=—. - <br /> - ��, 1,-�..._�•.:::� dg�t w rdnstate shaU not aQpty in the case of acoeleration�tader parag�aph I7. ;. -- <br /> -��"``''µ�= h` 14.Sate d N��o!Laan SPSVIoer: 'llze Note or a pamai inreresr ib,di�Nat+�fmb'���+ritb.this Seauiry — _ - - <br />; — T-. --- <br /> �.������- ` ' InSUt_++��*�)may be sold oae or mote dmes without prtor aodce to Botrower. A�dls 11�A�tiESUIt i!t 8 cd811$a iII thB�Atity �:;,;�. <br /> .a� �._ - s� - <br /> Sr. r - (�IORtR 8S 1liC„j..QBII SCiV10Ct){�t COIICC[S Ul0IIthly pSyI��13 dtl2 ilfld2r i�t��EC-&!H�':t1}i���U{!lY�UIDL11L �B�.SQ - - <br /> IC <br /> ..�% .��•,•.. :.,:::._, may be�une or more c�ang�s of�he Loare Senricer uncetated tQ a saIe of @ce Nat� i�sita+s�a chaage of the Loan Service,r, �_ --- <br /> ,�,'�:�:. . -> , G��` 8onower wi11 be givea written no�oe of the change in aaaordance with paragrapA t4�aQutire aztd appllcahle la�v. '[ite aotice =-_ <br /> -� will state the name a�td address of the new Loan Servioer aad the address to whlch ptiiy�nents sltoultl 6e made. 11Ea notioe wlll _ <br /> � � ,�: � � : . ----- <br /> atso comaia any ather informa�oa cecN�ed bY aPPliraD2e law. <br /> :r:.;";;;;��'i:�s:.�.`T ?A H�rdoos S�oes. Borrower sLali not�or t the resence.use.di y - <br /> - - ` f-„=:¢- P� P sposai•swra8e,or release of an <br /> �,;r.-;,-.0`�"����� �+�,a, Hazazdous Substances on oi in tlte Pmperty. Bo�row�shall aot do,nor atlow anyone eise w do.anythiong aftecting the <br /> .;- ; _ �: ;, prope�ty that is d�vio2ation ef any Envirumaantal Iaw. '�e preceding t�vo sentences shatl_uat apply to the p�ce.use,or <br /> �. , ` ��� storage on the�ry of small quantities of Hamrdaus Subsrances that are genetaity recagni�dm He appm�iate to aormal — <br /> ` r '�'.,�,,;,�;.� m�dentia)uses to roaiateaaace of the Ftoperty. <br />�:�'';:�:r=4:�-�.:-:�?:.. Bmmwcr sLall m y give Ixmi�written aotice of an urvesd Y�Y <br />=�3 ;:�Y;���;�y�:�.� Pm t� Y ��++��h dstttaad;[awsuit ar ottier action b <br /> �..:�>c• _..�v���:a,� govemmenral or ieS�lY��Y�P�P�S+invofving the Propeny�nd auy�I�ar.andouaSubstaace ar Fnvitanm�ml <br /> 3�;:_:-�;� ,��`• Law of whir� 8omower has actual kno�vledge. If Bormwer learns.or is natifi�'by�any gavemm�sal or tiegWatosy <br />_:.- :�'� b'�`:;"`�� . authanity,that a�y removal or other ieme�tiauon of any Hazazdous Substance�ran�the Pt�ogerry is neoessary.Bo�rower <br /> .a� _f-• _ <br />-�:, ;,.�:�;:'�.";^ °. ;;: shall pmmptly tatce a12 neoessary remedial actions in arco�ance with Favimnqiuntal Law. - <br />�;��:�,,;•"....�_�•.�3.;:-< As used in this parag�apb Z0,"Hazardous Substauces"aze those substauceadefined as�mxic or 6a�andous substaaoes by - -- - --- <br />� •" ����' =':•�` :` Euvironmental Law aad the foltowing substanoes: gasolme.Bemsene,ut6er 8ammable er toxic p�troteum:pmd�uu,toxic <br /> ��:- ,t�,,.�, <br /> _c-� �' ';,' "_'�-�,-" gesticides and hetbicides,volaWe soIveat�.mazeciaLs co�r�ining asbesta's:a�r fmmaldehyde.and iadioacSve•materials. As <br />_ - ..�....:. : ., a c <br /> �.:.��•r.�.;� :? �.-,:. u�ed in this�azagraph 20."Envimnmeatal Law"means faderal laws andatttwaef the jutisdic�ion whese tRe Prupetty is tot�ted — <br />�;.�:. ,;:��r'�.: "-�- :_;;� thatt+elateus�eald�,safetyoreavironwentai�rntection <br /> ' ` NON-�71�TFORM COVENANTS. Baamvei and Lender fu:thercov+enantand ag�ec as foUows: <br /> � �„`;�.�:'.�°::.�._;`.;' 21.Aooeierat�on;Remedies. Leud�r shall give aotiae to Borrower.prIor to acceterat�ou following Borrowei's <br /> �r.;.. - <br /> ; ,��F��:'� - '` . 6seac6 of any c�venaat or agreement in Wis Secudty Instrument,(hut:aot.prlor to acec[erat�on uader para�rap617 <br /> ag eem <br /> .�. �`t� ` � �,t:: �k� amtess applieabie taw proccdrs otherwise). The notice shaU specit�r(a)`ttte Qet�Wt;_(b)the actioa reqWned to cnre the - <br /> _ i.:..,.� ��,.< ;_.. rw - <br /> i ;�� � ;�� � default;(c)a�abt tess.�an 30 d�aRS€mm the date the notice�f�.gWen;to Burrower,bg whEclr the detautt must 6e <br /> �°._,��".°' �� '•�•�;�;`;_��: cared;and f��cffiat failurc to cure t��ult oa or 6efore the data•spe�lffed'tn We aattce maq result in sooeieratMn of <br /> � the somg secuved by tdLg 3ecnritq Ia4a�ent and sate of the Prapm�t� Ttte notfce sd�ll t�6�inform Borrower of <br />- ':,�.:.:.� , —:_ <br /> ;. , �..�;�-��..:�:` the stgt�t to rPinstate atter acceleratto�aa�the rigdt to 6ring a•a�ert the aou-�aisieace ad a defaWt or �-_ <br /> °:..��.>,=�;;�•l ��� - ��other defense of Borrower to acceteratton amd� If We dethult,is�aot cured on or b�are the date�ecified in �_- <br /> �..�:'.';�,•`;.; :��° � ¢i�¢IIoCIc�Lender at its option may requfre imme�iate payment in�fliQ�af all suma secured by t6is Security tastrument ";,��-�--- <br /> t � " wIthout tba�tiier demand and may invat�t6e power of sale aud+any�uthen remedIeg per�ntted by applicabie faw. �:, r� <br /> � ,�"•. Lender sI�be enliued to coftect all aa�enses iacurred in pursu[ng•the oemedtes pmvider�in tdis paragraph 21. ' � ,:: <br />_ `.` .• ;=, indadiag,bg¢Qot limited to,reasona6le attorneys'fees aad cost�aRtttl�avldence. .. -.".'.`_=--= <br /> . -: '�-�,,�,�v�� <br /> � If the powee of sale Ls invoked,'I�astee s6a1!reoord a aottoa ot`d�ultin eacb cuunt�m which aay part of t6e ��,�;_�:=-��;=r: . � <br /> - � ��,� - • Property Ls lacated and sdaq mail wpies af such nottce in the mannan prnscri6ed by appltcable law to Bomomer aad to ,y,�, . .��3:���- <br /> ' � the oiher persons prescriDed by applicable Iaw Aiter the time r+�e�uired by appltcable law,'Iirustee shall give public `„^t;;�°_". �`�`."-: <br /> ;•`,.:.;,. .. <br /> ;::�' + ��,r�<. � <br /> , . • r �>':'.� , �-- <br /> t ., nottce of sate to the pessons and in tDe a�anner prescrlbed by apptioabteittw. 7Yustee,�vitdeon!demand on Borrmver, .:�, , . •,°-a <br /> ° • •• shall sell the Property at pa6ltc aactiaen c�a the dighest bidder at ths titne and ptace and un¢c�the terias deslgaated in _ •:_ .�t <br /> ` �`;' ttee notice of sale in one or mor+e parcets aatd in any order'Irustee determines. 1lrustee mpy�stpone sale of all or any �� .� <br /> . .� . . . ;c: � ��' ;:.:; <br /> • � �• � parcel o!t�re Properly by puDUc an�ounceanent at tde time and pluae of any�prevtuusly scheduted sal� Leader or Its ; ; <br /> i._-.,�a;'�`',«_:: `��.::� �SStgnee ax,�y purchase the Property at any sa�e. ;;, <br /> :�. a:. :. � <br /> ; ..:;�`;���:,}i��';'.�;��•";{. U�aeceipt ot payment of We prtce bid4�'uu�s¢ee shall defivor to•th�purchaser'I1rustee's deed can��ing We • .. �� <br /> . �� �.�°y`.w;,:�• ;�• '�;,�,_. �roperts: 11�e recitals in the 7lrustee's deed sha7l tre prima facte evldence of'the truth af the s4atemenu�t$creim. <br /> :� s•., , , : , ,�,�;�. 7Yustee s�Ct apply the proceeds of the saPe in the faUowtng order: (u)�ta all casts a�td expens¢s of exercicing the pm� ti . , �.��.ts <br /> - •,a , ,, <br />_ ��:.�F.i�;;\:`� �� • � , �,: <br /> :.�.,,4Q'.a +.a �';. p-: � . <br /> i j c3``���'Y �.� wZe'�k':�h'. . ',... <br /> � .•- �`1:���:.. �I��:,�`�; <br /> +:��-.�(t� ' . . },: 4r�.� . _� 5:;. <br /> , ;t,sihY+� •,yy1tl k? . 'xY <br /> 1r;1.1�•.�t:. . •��`5. � l� a' l�e.r . <br /> '� :?,��,.: `r` ti. �_: _ <br /> k�r:� .. t �+`y��l.�,. <br /> � �1 F�i+: .: � °�i�- .. �, .. . _ <br /> n�• <br /> ��',;��i1, ,.i�.. _. .�� (�.: . . • . <br /> '��� �t.�`,•.,. � Form3028 9l90 I aeso b R�s� �. <br /> •a.' . 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