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<br /> , 4@- ' � :`.-, � , WITH.all the' vements now or hemaRer er+eoo�d un thc _
<br /> a �. 7�17fF� �a�pro e �ropeity.and all easement�.aPPurtene�res.
<br /> — ' ._ �y���g�p��� ��{��>��Far�-ry�pzopeny. i#1t zepta�ments�d�mis sI�ais�bc a�vece�bYdus 3+�m�':tyr---— �
<br /> � �•. � a �•i':. . ��'�MKMl�1N�W�'I���F��iW\Fl �l YlG -_ �
<br /> = � F` s`. `� :� InsnumenG At1 qf�h�fitregoing Is refeaed tv in tids Se�vrity insuume�t aa the"Ptoperty." � _ -
<br />- ;;.,� y. . �
<br /> '<•`' '��': :.: � ' '" SORROWFR t70V6NANi'S th3t Borrower is tawti�li seised of the estatc heteby conve aud tu�s the ri t to t - --
<br /> _. � ..� ::� .:':.' . ;� Y Y� 8h �
<br /> _- and conveK the Fcope�rf�aud�tt►at the Prope�sy is unencumDeced.except for ecicumbrances of reQard. Horrower warrants and =
<br />�,�;,� -_. . �. � arilI defend genemlly��titia to the Pmperty against all claims snd demands.subject to any enaimbtauces o€+� . -
<br /> --;�,. . . :L �_ � TfIIS SECURlTY�1NSTRUMHNT combines uuifotm rnvenaata for national.use aad non-unifom�oovenants wFth --
<br /> -- �-- ---_ '� limite�l.vateations bk jurisdicdon to constitute a unifom�seauity insenuneot eoveriug real pmgeny. _.. _. _ --
<br />- - z�a-�.
<br /> .;..r - . _.-`:�.' ',.. �:;� UNI�ORM 001�ENAN'f5. Bonower and LRnder covenaat and agree as foltows: =— -
<br /> - --r-- �°*�° L ��eaEog�adpataat#laterest;�repa�a�dLateGtsarg� Boimwers6alt wh��she- --- -
<br /> ` � `�>. .; .".. �Y i�Y = -
<br /> - . _� principt�ll of and intcn�t ou the deM evideaiced by the.Noie.and any prepayment and Eate cbarges due under the Note. �
<br /> ..•.� . -°� �' Z. Fandsfor Taitez�tnd Insaraac� Sabject to appticable!aw or to a written aaiver by I.ender.Bmmwer shtill paKta•
<br /> ::... �..._.� �n ---
<br /> �;`,s _ .,: _ Lender oa the daK m4nthi��paymeots are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in flil1.a sum("Pi�nds")�'or:(a)Y�S'�
<br /> ,�-. .• �_ taxes aad as�s,unem&wA(ch_may attain priority over this Securiry Instcumeat as e lien on the Pmpeitq;(b)Yearly tease�oSrl
<br /> '";; . ';�,. � payments m gmund rents on ttie No�erty..if any. (cl Y�Y�T�m F�P�Y �P��ums: (� Y�Y��.
<br /> J� .
<br />�;`,�- •- insurance ptemiums.if�ny:(e)Yeffiiy mongage insuranoe p�emiUms.if any;aud(�any sums payable by Hmrnwer iu•
<br />--- ' txnder.in ecco�dance With�c�e provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the pay�of mortgage insuraace premiums. �ema� ..
<br /> � - • items ate catled"Esccv�v Items.° I.ender may.at any time.oollect and hold�nds i�an amount not to exoeed the maaimum•
<br /> `'��_ =�`-;.`.. .��.`.`� ama�t a tender•facsi te�aitg ietated mortgage toan may reqaiie for Earmwer�esciaw��t onder thr f��a1�Rd: . ._.. _ .,;.
<br /> r•_�_-'-•�_-_-:•-�,-�: Estate�iR+iscedm�s Ast of 19�i 4 as ameaded fmm time to time.i2 U.S.0§2601 et seq("RFSPA").unlecs aaptllb�: ..
<br />_;.�� '�:�' . .:.�:. ;r`� � -- law.tbat applfes.tu the Rmds sets a tess�r amouat If so.L.ender may.aiany time.collect and hoid E�nds in an amnur�i:aut:tp�����.=`.
<br /> �: exceed tfie��a�nmmt. Ixader mag estimane ths amount af Fumis due on the basis of cunent dala en�i�sonab�_; �.: .
<br /> '''' " :��3.;,•. estimates of expeddidues o�fatna�Fs��ow items or oti�vise in a�ca�dance with a�plicabte law. � � .
<br /> 3�T ,.��°"'.� F . � 1ha Funds.sball he h�id�an�*�n whn�se its a►��sumd a federal ins or `
<br />_�• .,.:�y`s�`�,, '. al �OS bY agencY. fiime�Iity. emily.:::._ . .
<br /> `,;:,. . - - - • ___ _
<br />_- �;:.�.;;``_,� (irtcluding Lendea if l�ee is sudi au�astitutioa)or ut any Federat Honte I,oau Baak. Lender s�alt apply the Ainds to gay .. �
<br />_���.;. ` . . `..°- -- � the Rscmw It�nts. Lender may aat c�.Boarower for holdiag aud applytng the I�nds,annualiy analyaIag the esau�-�;:• . .
<br />�'; . , . " � aocount, or vedfying the Escrow Item�,a�niess I.eader pays Bono�+er intemst oa the Riads aad�pplicable�aw pemii�: •
<br />=. I.ender to make such a charge. Nowever,Lend�may require Boirower to pay a one-time chatge for aa inde�endent real� �
<br /> , es�a tax[cPortinB service used by Le�cder ia conaection wiW dris taan.unless agplFSabte law provides otRetwiss. Uatess an ,
<br /> ` a ent is.made on c�able!aw uues interest to be Lender shall not be to Bonvwer ea intenest or
<br /> } „ ..�• � &�� ePP� �1 � P�• �N� P�Y Y .
<br /> � • . .. ,. .. . eamiags on t&e Wnds. Bomuwer and Leader may ag�ee in writing,however.t6at iuterest shall be paid oa the�nds. Le�der .
<br /> shAll give ta�Boirower,without charge.an annual accouatiag of the Funds.showing c�edim and debits w the P+tads and dte
<br /> � ; , pwpose fan whIch each debit ro the Fhnds was made. The I�utds ac�pledged as addidonal security for all sums secuted by
<br /> , . . � tbis Securit�Inswmen�
<br /> � . .,• If the Funds held by�der exceed the amouuts permitted to 6e held by applicable law.Lender s&aQ a000imt to
<br /> �; �';R- gomo�ver for the excess t'�.in accordaace witA tHe
<br /> 'i � °;.�,:;; . . req�iremeats of applicable law. If dce amount of the�Inds held by
<br /> . ... Lender ac any time is Qat s�ffccIent to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Leacder may so notify Boaower in writing,�d,in
<br /> i�,:. . ,_ suci�case Borcower.shall pay to I.ender the amoun[necessary ta make up the deficieney. Hoa+ower shaU make up the
<br /> �"^ .� F � de�ciency in no raoze than twelve ma�[y paymenta.at L.enderls sole disc�etioa.
<br />=;+`�. ; ;. � :, 4;y; - -
<br /> • ' � `-`.•`:;;.;c�; °,F.�Y,� UP�P�ent in fiilt of all snms secuned by thls Security Instrument,Lender s6aU pmmptiy tefund to Botrower any
<br /> ;,.:`:;:,_:.: .,.: _ �unds hetd by Leader. If,ander paragraph 21.Lender shall aajuire or seU We Pra�rty,Lendet.prior to thc acquisiaon or
<br /> � sale af the Pro shal� I an Funds held b Lender at the time of a is�an or sale as a c�edii a the sums
<br /> •`�''.```� PeRY• �P Y Y Y aN � 8ains�
<br /> - � ',,�� secuzed by this Security InsaumenL
<br /> � . 3 A�sT.dtation of Peytrtents. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments teceived by l.ender under �-
<br /> ? ' pffiagiaphs 1�rd 2 shall 6e applied:fust,ta any prepayment charges due under the Note;secoad,ro amounts payable uuder .t=
<br /> • : ' , � paragraph Z;tisir3,to interest due:fourth.to prirtcipal due:and las�to any tate ch�ges due under the Note. ,.�'�"a-.'�.'-.�`���
<br /> • ,, � 4. Cdarges; I.Eeas. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges, fines and impositions attriButab2e to the ;•.': -��^'-
<br /> �-�� • P�operty which may attain priority over this 5ecuriry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if aay�. 8omower : « `':�'�...._
<br /> . • ��s'���. shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thaz manrter.Bomawer shai!�ray them on � ' -' ---
<br /> ; • , time direcdy to thc person owed paymen� Botrower shali prompdy fumish to Lender aU'notices af amounts to be�aid under , �.:';�;�-�_
<br /> � � i ,; � this paragraph. If Bomower makes these payments dii+ectly.Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Yxnder receiprs eviden�ing ;' ¢ ,�k����� _
<br /> ; � � thepayments. � ti:;@,� ., --
<br /> ' '�`��,: Bosower shall pnnmptiy discharge any Ilen�vhich has priority over this Security Insaument unless Boirower:(a)agcr,es ,,,��,.'; ` `� •
<br /> ,:„��..,,i3.�i. , . . �,.
<br /> ;�;,��;;.;,:; in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b)contesu in good faith the • • , '•:�''�-
<br /> • -���,'`�=: lien by.or defends against enforcement of Ne tien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ,�,, ',•:,.,r. . . _ .�� �. •�
<br /> - :;.�� enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien . ,
<br /> �•�-�, ' � to this Security InstnunenG If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority ' • ' ; `
<br /> �R:.-�. .'.l'l '�' . 's� ' . ..
<br /> :;,::ay'�s�;';'"� over this Secnrity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bomower shall saUsfy the lien or take ,:��;: �;��;•:
<br /> �.:f ,,,�rt3.�e�?;�: ' .
<br /> �ti,�?F��+.:, :.. one or more of the acaons set forth above witfdn 10 da ys of the givi n g of notice. ,
<br /> - - 9 sY�.'.: -., . - S• Hazard or Property Iosuranee. Borrower shall keep the impravements now existing or heceafter erected on the �•� °
<br /> � �` ` Ptoperty insw,ed against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazardg.including r�:
<br /> 1���,�,�.
<br /> � _ ' . �`� ' �. tluads or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance. 11iis insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the • �, '
<br /> ' , ��,' , • �,���.,1`;::'. .
<br /> .. � .�.. • ,,��iri3c�t . •r�:��a�?'..
<br /> i '��� .. . • .�.�.. �ti
<br /> ;�� . ; ,..' •� �,, -
<br /> ;�':�; �;,..
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<br /> . „t r!' '
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