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<br /> .F� ... - �.�.'--'-�'--�-T'�_^ '�J' - �.] fi ��^"'�;^' . -- '- — _..
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<br />. _ — ;. . . `-.�. ,..----�}_ _' =�y ~tiw�'���r'S—=� _' _ -— —— _ _ - . .. ._ —_ _ .-_ _ _ . _
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<br /> �:�,}•.':�I',�`C.� :1�,.�.
<br />- -�N�'��=�;����;� • � �93- �
<br /> ..�.�.�- __ : -,: ���� _
<br /> #��;;.� �__�?:.:2`����;� , applicable law msy speclfy for reInstat�meat)before sale of the Ptopetty putsnant W eay power p1���.��1!6��n this • . -�_-
<br /> - -.`�ti_..et<,_..-:'.�; 5ecn�ity Inswmeat;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security insuumeaG 'f7iose conditions az�e tLat Somnwer: (a) - -_-
<br /> -' ' - �r Lea�t at�su�a.fiids thea�ro�he due undet this Sepuity lncin�ment aud tlte l�tote a4 if no aCCeleratioe had ===:
<br /> .�`=�'` �` " ''�"' aocu�d:(b}cures any defaWt of any other oavenants or agrexments:(c?Pays aU expenses incumed in enfon�ing tLis Security
<br /> .�4�, = "..a� . �� � �11[�----
<br /> '' t�f s t Inst�ument,includlag.but not limited to.reasonabte attomeys fers;aad(d)takes sucb action as Lender may t�oaably —__
<br /> y`' •� -.; ° ' cequire to assure that the lien of th�s Secc��eeity Inmument,Lender's aghts in the Aro and BomowePs obti on to a the
<br /> - .'�:V:_-`'���..,= ..;- P�Y 8� P Y. �-=='�—
<br /> :'.� h t�.:.h �-..�- sums sscured by this Seturity Inst�ument stiall oontinue unchanged. Upon remstaoemeat by Bomower. this Securiry = _
<br /> - �� � ;� �.��<=t. Iostzumeant and the obUgations secured heieby shalI remain fully effecdve as if ao acceleration had occused. However,this �,�� ____
<br /> •- `w��'.:,:;:,�.;'°:,`.,�',. . right to reiastat�shall not apply ia the Case of acceleration under pazagtaph 17. ___-=_
<br /> . , a �-=- -
<br /> ��-:__��T.:_t_=s°- - - 19�Saic ai Note;Change oY Loaa Ser�rtcer. 1lie Note or a pa tiai inrerest in the Note(together with this SecuritY -`R,�._�.—
<br /> .'.s •'c � '`='-.:.n ..'�f. - tastzument)may 6e soId one or mor�tiaaes without prior noflce to Botrower. A sale may cpsult in a cLange in the entity � n=,� --
<br /> _ _.- __.��'__ {lmovuu as t1�"Loan Se�viser°)tbsE callect�ffionthlY FaYments Hus under the Note and this S�urity InsuuntenL There also � '�_ _ __- .
<br /> -.... , � - —
<br /> ' ';:. ,�.°:.`�.;,` may De one or more changes o f t h e L aaz►S e i v icer ua�e I a t e d to a s a le o f t he Ho t e. I f t h e r e i s a c h a n g e o f i h e L o a a S e r v icer. r�f;=.�;7�° -
<br /> Y,.; ;.` ..
<br /> ..` .. . '-�°�,, '.. Boaower will be given writteA notice of the changc iu aecordance with paiag�aph 14 above aad applicable law. The notice 1`°<
<br /> ��.,�<s;:-':• .:; `�-�_�
<br /> ,�� :--�. .. ,..��,..- wiU state the name and address of the new I.oan Ser+icer and the add�ess to winch payments shouid be madc. The ao�ce will �r� �-: � -°•�
<br /> ='=, :x:��: ' • —t_:,;�_ ..__�--�_-
<br /> also contain any other informatiou�+ecl�bY aPPlicab2e law. -_ �:�___------
<br /> ::_ -` '•:' � ..`:� ?A Ha�srdoas Snbstances. Bomuwer shaU aot cause or pemut the pmsence,use,dis�osal,sWraSe,or release of any ----_ - --
<br /> ?_` :�:=•.:.; ..,°::-`':: Haza:dous Substances on or in the Property. Bormwer sdall not do,nor allow anyone e�'ts do,anything a�'ecting t�e �`"`�'°�"
<br /> = ' - c:,.;L;, Property N�ai is in violation of az►y Environmental I�w..The preceding cwo sentences shalI ao�apply to the presence.ase.or .: •T;��--_—.
<br /> � � stoiage on the Prupeny of small quantities of Haaardous Snbstances thai are generally ce�ogeized w Ee appropriate w noimal : ` u= --
<br /> f °� `6 �sidenrial ases�d to maintenaace of the Pinperty. � ��-ti ---
<br /> =J �- '' - Borrower shall pmmpUy give Leuder written aotice of any investigatioa.claim,�rtd,lawsuit or other action by any � � ^ __—
<br /> . - govemmcatal or tegulatory agency or phvate party involving dte Property and any�'�lous Su6stance or Environmental :��,��;_4- �
<br /> '� '� Law of which Bomnwer has acival ka<�:tedge. If Bortower leams,or is notified€ry.anX gctuemmental or tegWatory - ;},,�,_
<br />_ > K.. .:"'`�: � �� authoriry.that any removal or other�on of any Hazardous Substaace affecting the Pt±e�is netessary,Borrower- ��-'--
<br /> .1 4•
<br /> { °..�, sirall pmm�tly tnke all necessary mmed'zaf a�aons in socordance with Fnvironmental�w. . : . ;��
<br /> - - . ps used u�this garagraph 20."Haza��nns Substances"are those substanses de�e3as toxic or�azando�:s sa�stances by �'' _-
<br /> � - ,v-_ ...�{�.'� Environmental Law and the foltowing.su�staaces: gasoline,kemseae.other flamrasb:e or toxic petroteum'.��ducts.toxic , ��':ti����.
<br /> - pesticides aud herbicides.volatile solve�materials containing as6estos or formaS��yde.andi�dioas�re u�tetials. As . *'`�,�_�
<br /> -- t-� �" � nsed'm this para�aph 20"Environmentat g.aw"meams fedet3l laws and laws of the jurisdinio?i a�thePt��ty is lacated ''`�"�.:`�==-
<br /> °.`�.` t3�at relaLe to heaitl�safery or environmeatal pmtection. � . ,� ;� . _
<br /> - �� I10N-UNffORM COVENANTS. I3arrower and Lender funher covenant and agiee�s fuIIows: k�t` c
<br /> - . .. _. .,. 21. Acceteratton;Rem�..Lender shall give notice to Borrower prEor to aocet�rs�ton foIIowiag Borrower's ��'. .,��:
<br /> `; .'�.' ° `��_ ,::'. � 6rescL oi any oavenant or agreemeat in thls Secarity Iastrument Nut not pstor to acts�teratlun ander�rap617 ��;<%:=�=..i��—_
<br /> �� I ° - � miess applica6le Iaw provides otherwis�) The uotice s�all specity: (a)We defaWt,(bf aII�sction requlrt�� �cnre th¢ ' '� � , : '�'v
<br /> � � ddanl�(c)e date,aot tes4 than 30 da}s fmm the date the aotice ts given to Bornnwer,�3'af��6 the defs�l3 mus!tce ���—
<br />_�;- `� o '�.`;' �cured;and(d)that faflu�s to cure the dre�'a�.tt on or before the date specifted in the notice�sesolt in��t�� -�_-
<br /> - � ._�:,�., �... �. � . :¢6e sua4v secured by tWs Securtty Lus�aer�t su�sr�e of tite Property. The uotice shall ftut�ier h�for�iSai�a�v�� ._ �-�-;
<br /> �;�� � 4Y�e stg�t to reinsmte aRer aceeteratIou and t�e rF�r to brtng a court acHo�to assert We non-c�dstence of s defaWt er �'
<br /> -:`; i t ����r x any other ddense o�Bormwer ta acoa�eratton and sate. If the defaWt is not ansd on or befom the date spedtied iia . ~ �.'
<br /> a
<br /> . the nati I.enderat tts o tion ma e tmmedlate yment 6a�d!of eq s�ms secured by tdis Secndty lastrament ` °.��.�-< <
<br />_�.4::, , �,;;`. c� P 9�r Pa ,--- ��� .
<br /> ;•;::� ' wtffiont ft�rther demaad and mag i�s�ke the power of sale amd eay other remedies permitted by appticu6te Iaw ;::.";�'.-.:=':�. ;
<br /> _ ., i. . .'< - . '.1`:i: '.:r�...'r.. r•.':-�_.Y.,
<br /> � Icnder sl�a1!he enlitted to coUect a11 expenses incun+ed in pursWng We remedies prnvided tn W1s paragisph 21. � ..�,
<br /> � ,�`� � ° indadtng,6at not limited to.reasonabie attoraeys'fees and casts of titie evtdence. `"�'� �� .•r`: �-
<br /> ;i� � . .. •s�,.�,• `�:.'i:�': :_
<br /> • � - -.; It the pnwee of saie is tnvoked,'Itustee shall record a no@ce of defauit�n eac6 couniy in afikb any pa�t of the
<br /> � • Property is[ocated and sDall matt copies oisuch notice[n the maatter prescrt6ed 6J►aPPlIcnbie 1aw to Borrower and to �-- , �:,..��.;;�_
<br /> ;.- � .:.`��`:�'.<; . , .
<br /> � ` the other petsons prescri�ed�y appltcabie law Atter the tiine reqWnd by appucable Iaw,l�ustee sLal1 give pubtic :":t:.��;:.:-,
<br /> ..�.._r,,.
<br /> �...:.::; . .,:..
<br /> = �; �. ; ; .,� . :'~� � nottce of sale to the persoas and[a t��anner prescribed by applIcabie Iaw 7tuste�without demand on Bosrower, � �,;.. ,
<br /> , � s�a U s e l l W e P r o p e r t y a t p u b l t c a a c t�o t r t o t d e 6 i g h e s t b I d d e r a t W e W n e a i M g T a ce a n d n n d e r W e t e r m s d e s t g n a t e d i a . �'��t°';
<br /> � :�� ` We notice of sate ia one or more parcels and tn any order 71n�tee determfnes. lfustee may postpone sate of ell or any . :�.��'��
<br /> ....i.�-...:.�.. �. � . .`+'i'� ��5'.:t'.
<br /> � .•�.��'�v^ � '� • parcel of t�e ProPertY bY Pnbltc aanouacemeat at tde dme and place oi any gc�iou5ly scheduted sa[e. Lendee or Its .. ,4. .,
<br /> �:�: =�.,.:. . . • ::.. ...
<br />_ ;.:.: . .. � deslgaee maY Purchase tl�e g'r��erty at any sale. _ _ `':':..E,=... 's,:
<br /> � �� � U n reoef t of a aa:04 tt�e ce bld,7lrustee sdall de�ires to the urchaser 7tastee's deed rnnve the ��s• �
<br /> . Po P P Y¢� p�d P Y�S :`:,a,��� -: ,,
<br /> . � . ProPeKY• The mdtals ia ti�'Q'i�ee's�eed sbap�e prima facte e�fdence of tde trutb oY the statemenfs made thereta. . ... .<:a�,4�s.::
<br /> � 'itustee shaU 1 the of tIl�x.sale in the foftowL�g ordee: (a)to all costs and ases of exerdsing the powec `�`s';�;';°
<br /> . 8PP Y P� � �;;•rtiti�.,�
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