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<br /> � I�-� - :- - _ - ��_ ' ������
<br /> - _ - - _ �
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<br /> � ,, � f ',il i,ill�',
<br /> ,,� ,
<br /> irl I'' (.� �.�+ ♦ li
<br /> �I�I�II,�;�'li'��! A 1� '�I''i�� ,
<br /> ij ,�I���, ���W ��� ,�L� �p ����� �,i.eDe�L�� That, Whereas,In an aetion in t1u Diatritl Cowf of the i �I Ili
<br /> III II i -••N'lnth•-•----Judictial Diatricl of tlu Sfa.le of Nebraaka,within and for the Counly of.----------Hall----------------------------------- -wherein II�i'��'i �
<br /> i "'_"_"._ � �
<br /> �, �II,i���� 1- -•-------II�-------�---}-,----• -- -L . �p - . ,I ;I ,��'
<br /> I 'I�II' �ud�e�t Voe-k�S�ean= Stna hanie D �eansmeyerHuSHusbanddandf Wife and Gary F. �1oec�s and �;�I!�� '
<br /> I�� ----- - c s u��an� and--�ilife--'--------------- •--...---••------•---------------------•----------------------------•--..__.�_...----- ---- 'I
<br /> Y. . _ Y__ P_ �'. la�ntc and i'II
<br /> �;��lii��il,�l�l I I •------•---•---'-- - ------------'---- ---------------- ------•-----°---°•------------------•--•----•----------y-------------------------------°----------°-------------- •-- :-----defendanl_$_ 'i I I I�II�'i�,
<br /> i' ------ -��- - - - -- - - yp - ------------P------------------------- y II I
<br /> , „ i,',lilill, at the....:........January_--lst------- Term,A.D i9_99_,of said co t,_ Hus and and__Wife.--:- I I�I�!I�'i
<br /> �Ililll',,�ii . . . . W,i�eerndD T�ie sa --er�an. Do�wne aTheSsme�er1eH sbDod and I�i,.l!; i
<br /> ��i� ��i i,, did obtaan u decree finduig that there �.s due from-- ------ - X-----'--------------------------------- - ---------------------�---- --------- - - ---- 'Ili!� I
<br /> ' I,�"'I�II Ra land J. Downe and Ste hanie D. Downe � Hu�sband anduWife Voec�cs �usBan� S��ife I I14j I
<br /> I, I�I�I One Thousand Three Hundred Thirt - - --------- - - -------------------------------�- - --------- - ---. the sum ,� �
<br /> � I �0-----------y-------_--------------------- --X--------------------P-------------------------- ------Y�-- -----.
<br /> , ���I,
<br /> i„ I�,,I�,��,�, �f--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------X--�I9--AQ�).al,zs�--�az�d--.UZ/lIIQ_.__._(�1,332...IIZ�----- ------.dolld,�s, , 'I;'I��,�''I�i
<br /> � ----- - -- ------ lil, I
<br /> i � I ji I� ------together__with._intereS�---��4ex:�am.�.,----a.ttnrne ---fees_--and---cou=t---costs---------- j I�I
<br /> ����i il' ��. -----------------�- --------- ------ --- -------------------------------------------------------------�- - ------------ ---- - ---------------------- - ----�--- I
<br /> � I��'i, �I
<br /> �� jill;'� ------- ---- ----- i���'�
<br /> �'I� �,�I' �
<br /> '�'�I� ------------------- ---------- ------- ------------- -_.__ .---------------------- ----- ------------------------------- - ----------- - -- -- ------------------ - ------- ------ i�ii,�;I�
<br /> .
<br /> � I�I I •------------------------------dollars,and,whereas, il was then and there I,�li''�I,
<br /> ill I I and coals of suil taxed al-------•--•--•------------------- --- •--- -----•---- -- ------�----- -�- � �
<br /> I� �i ��I I� �i �
<br /> �'ilh��'il�'', L�di ksoandaJudieA,O�esksn�H�sb�nd��aW��feGaryu�-�Jerrd�JytWatsonelbe�z--I2----Theasmeyer__and ,,iu;i '
<br /> '�i
<br /> � �I;
<br /> i �
<br /> �i �I,ii,,�, -----------•------------------------------------------•-•----�----------------•----- --------....--------------�+�---------------X------------------ -------------- ------------
<br /> � ------ -------- ---
<br /> il ,Ili�����','�i Sheriff of said County of______.�1�:___________________________________.___._ __._._.____.______,should cause the lands and tenements hereinafler described to be ',��
<br /> ' !'
<br /> �IIII ii ,�� �jyertised and sold¢ccording to law to pay the sa.me,and,whereas,default having been made iherein, fhe said. .______________ __ _____. . _._____
<br /> I I �i�, '�
<br /> i li 'I _._._.JeTry J._ Watson:___. _.________. ._.__ __________________.___._ ______,Sheriff of said counly, under and by virtue of fhe said decree¢nd
<br /> �i�
<br /> � ��,',, fhe order of sale to hun duly dtrected,dul on the._._ 4th----- - --------- ---- -------- ---daY of----------.A.Agl1St..--------- ----....A.D.99 Q9 I � �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> � ^,I' '
<br /> i, -- ----
<br /> �i'' at the..---�0���--�0��2 --- •
<br /> - - - - � �'of the County Courl Horase in the_---Clty-------- - ------------°f---GLaIICl---I.S13na..----------- - ---
<br /> ,�� _
<br /> I ' in sald Coun o---------�11.- ------ - -__------- ------ --------------- ---havi rs! ioen due and le al notice o tke time and lace o said sale '
<br /> �Y f n9.� 9 9 f P f �i ',�
<br /> � by publication once in each week,for four successive weeks in the__,�i.XaAS�._�Sa.�t�.__IILCjEpE71(�P..II�¢newspaper printed and in,qeneral
<br /> � '
<br /> -�- - -
<br /> I iI I tirculation in said Coanty oJ-- ----Hall-------- ----------------------------------------------,sell said premises a[public auclion[o_.RS 11I1d .T.----• '�
<br /> � �I i
<br /> � � '' Downey � Stephanie D Downey Husband & Wife . __for the sum o,j.__�e__Thousand Three Hundred_Thirt�+l ,
<br /> i I�����iiii Two_Dollars---and 07/100.__ _($1.,332-_07)---------�llar3,which sale was a teru�¢rd at fhe-----Jan._.lst----Term o said courl, ' ll �
<br /> � � i '
<br /> f f II
<br /> I • � I
<br /> � I A. D., 19__4.Q_, examened and con rmed and the satd.___.___.IeL _ .I....W.atSaIl_________ _ ______._. _________¢s sach Sheri ordered i��
<br /> I'I i'�I� .f �-- .tT I
<br /> I !o convey the said premises in fee sample to the saed---.��1�?la--,�---�OT�IA,.�y--�`----�_�e�l7t�.7.�--.A--�QTell'.1Q�---�{11Sb.a.X1.C{---BAd.._Idlfe ' '�
<br /> '� ' �0� ��erefOre, I, ihe said-----------Jerry--J. _Watson--- --------- -----_----- ---- - -------->Sheri„(j'of the Counly of �� ,
<br /> ' II '
<br /> iil�'�, ' __�c1�a.___.._____________________________as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of lhe powers vested in me by law andthe
<br /> �:I
<br /> ----°------
<br /> ��, ,i, decree of said coarl,do hereby Give,Grant and Convey fo the said---1�y��IIS�---.Ta_._DQTeiII��--,axll�---St��,2�11�T1.7.�---D.---DQTeilx�y-,_----
<br /> ��i ;j, fluSbaIId SIId Wlfe _________heirs and assigns,lhe premises so as aforesaul sold,to wtt:
<br /> i ----•---------°------------------------------- ------- -- ------------------•--------- ---- ------- -
<br /> � � I
<br /> 'I,
<br /> ••------------ - - -------- ----------•-•--------------------- ---------°-------------------------------------------------�---------------•------------
<br /> -------- -- -------- -------- - ------- - ---- 'I
<br /> __ Lot Five (5), Western Heights___Fifth__Subdivision.x__Hal�.�Q�r���,___�J����S� _._._._... � '
<br /> -----
<br /> ,
<br /> --------------------------------- ---- ----- ---- -
<br /> •------- --- ----------- - -------- - ---------•--- :
<br /> -- -- ---------
<br /> �, ��I�� ,
<br /> ,,,' ------------ -- --- ---- ----- --- ---- ------
<br /> , •----------------°---. . .._ .. .--------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------- - --°--- - -------
<br /> - -- -- --------- - - ------- ---•----
<br /> ' ! ,
<br /> �
<br /> , -------------- - -------- ----- - ----- --- - --------- ------ --•-- -•--.._....- -•-- -°------------------ ---- ----- -- - ------- ------- ----------- '
<br /> ' i
<br /> ,
<br /> ' ;
<br /> �i ' .------°-- -- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------•------------------------------------------ ---- -------------••--•-•- ",
<br /> , ---•°-•---- -- -- - --- - - -- -- ---� - ----- - -•---- -- ------------- --- -- ------- ---- - -------°-----------
<br /> '
<br /> -----------• ------ -- -------
<br /> --°----°--°--°-•••----•--------
<br /> ----- - -•----- -- --------------••---••-•-•......._._...._..--------- ------ -- ---------------- - -----__with the appurfenances. '�
<br /> ' ' �0 �AbC Altb t0 �0�� t�e �d1ItC unto ihe said._.___I?ayland J. _Downey_and___Stephanie___D....____
<br /> ','' DowneY.�_._Husband and Wife--------•--------------------------------•--------•-•--heirs and assigns,and to fhem and their use and behoof foreoer.
<br /> ..._.__....--° ----•..............°
<br /> �lt �Cgtl1IY0IYp ��jereof, I hane, as such Sheri3O',here se[my hand ihis----•17th_---_-------- -- -- - _------•--.day of
<br /> ' ' Au�ust------------------------------- ------- -------A. D.,19..99 � �
<br /> ,
<br /> � ' ' -------------------
<br /> ---••------- - � - ------ •------------- ------------- --
<br /> - -- - --------
<br /> Exeeuled and delivered in(he presence of �. f ..---•---••---•------•---------•----Cuunly,Nebraska.
<br /> ' Sher� o-°---•Hall
<br /> �II, ...__._..------•------------ - ---••---.....--------••------•-------------••---------•------•---------
<br /> '� STATE OF NEBRASKA, aj. iy �Q
<br /> On ihia-•-••---�(__L��..--•----dQY�.i----•--!-�--�- --�---'�F--7---------- ,
<br /> ' Cowdy of.__......._Hall.--.._.--••--•....____.-------•---------•------•------- n .-�
<br /> � 6ENERAI NO'TARY•Sbte ol Nebrask� is.9_�_,before me,the undersig - _ ---.. �.._ . '
<br /> -----�!--•---- - ------ - ---- --------------
<br /> r�j_ RONALDO.00HSNER � c-�—� "
<br /> � My Comm.Exp.ieb.14,1001 in and for s¢id county,personaUy appeared the said .._ .._ �LG.g �'.�,�.c2.�s..!�.17--u-___ __________
<br /> l --._.
<br /> ------••••---•-_.....----•---°----•-------•----------•------------------------••--•---•---•-•-�-°°°-°-----°-.Sheri.�Qf said Cotuity,
<br /> to me personal[y known to be the identical person who aigned the foregoing insirument as grantor,and '
<br /> lu acknowledged the same to be his aolun.tary aci and deed,as such sheri,$,for the usea and pwposea
<br /> BSAL l,herein set forth. :
<br /> � �lt1YP�A my hand and o,�cial 1 the day and yeur nbooe mrillen. �i��j!� � ,
<br /> ,�-�.. .���. ..�._ ��:���.��..��._._...W__..._._ :
<br /> ��'� �
<br /> �I','���� ������ ............................................-......_..._...�.�........_.. -- ��������,����
<br /> ���� -�...�.�. a :: :.� , _ ... _ . .
<br /> -.---- - -- -��Illlli�li�l
<br />