;ti�. Y. *- ; .� - -c...>�.�-xc M�!E'r
<br /> _ , . . �¢'A," c.� .�-.' -_ - s .. � ._ r � � '�. . � ����`1 n h.. . �_, � • ,' c° - � � t-x � �._-
<br /> _�•'•i.:.� r'v. :���.. "_"" E r � ^t . S'.__ -^— �^^��---g.� . , � . o �` c _.
<br /> � . ' .,R'. �: ��y—a�—'�C- :- ,_ ��-� +-h+� r.�.,...!,.��s•�.,� - '.•�a�- -�.
<br /> ' • ._ _ '-?a , • . � ___.—._.._-- - —_.,,F::w,,,•Y". -- _ �'��'�-
<br />_' ' . + � " . , � • __—
<br /> ; �c�.`c�4�'Sr° �b<<�f: j,������
<br /> ����&�`: ���:�� . 93- � ------_ - --
<br /> �� .�� .� _ :� _--------
<br />_ : �:, �� `a��:�,:..,:.� . 'POt#SI�R WFI�I all the imgrov�taents aow or hemaRet erested oa the pro�eny,aad ell easements.appurtwaaaoes. ---=___
<br /> � � aad€{xat�zs uow or he�aR:,r a�zut�f she pmg�ly_ A7!reg��±tR and additions s�all atcn Ee coveted by this Seaaity _ __ --
<br /> � �� insteument All of the fonegoing is tefen+ed to in this Secutity Iasttumeat as the"Ptogerty." �� -
<br /> �` �� r� f BnRROWER COVENANTS t�at Bomo�ver Ls lawfiilly seised of tTie esmt�hereDy coaveyed and has t�e rigAt to grant = __—
<br /> w� :.. ,����t a n d c o n v e y t h e P r a p e rt y.a n s!t a a t t h e F t o p e c t y i s u n e n c u m b e r e d,e x o e p t f o r e n c u m D r a a ce s o f r e c o:d. B o m or�er watranm aad _.�-'._._. --
<br /> - .-;�,,. �:;: ` wiU defend generaliy the dt2e m the PtoPertY against all claims end demands.svbject m eay encumb:anaes of cecord. _ ,"� -
<br /> ` `:� „ 'PHES SECtJRTt'Y INSTRUN�NT combines unifoim wvenaats for national nse and non-unifoim covenants with ;.����---
<br /> • u _.: 'L�:�-----
<br /> _ '`��`,-`. °��``" limited vaziazions by juzisdictioa m constItuoe a unifo�m security insuument wvecing ceal praperty. =�°° °�°,_
<br /> ` `�t2�` `F UN�ORM COVE�fANTS. Homuwer aad Leuder covenant and agcee as foltows: �_ __
<br /> VE f t�-F"�
<br /> l. P�ym�!olPciadFat au�Intei+t�Pr�yt�ent and Late�ar�e.a. Aoaower shall P���Y PaY when due ti�e _ °'"'�''"-
<br /> � F t ` f�� priacipal of aad inte�est on the debt evideaced by the Note and any prepaymcnt and EaLe c6arges due under the Note. ° �: �� �-�=
<br /> - �,.�.. 2. �hn�s for 1�aeg end L�vranoe. Subject to appltrable law or to a wntoen waiver by Ixnder,Boirower sball pay to ;_ E�'`�:_=
<br /> �.� l� ��, �, ;° Leader on the day mondilY FaYments are due under the Note,natil the Note is paid in full.a sum f"�mds)for:(a)yearly ., :
<br /> �E �:,�s �._}- - ` �' mxes and ass��eMC which may attain griority over this Secwity Instrument as a lien oa the Pcoperty:(b)Year1Y teasehold �w�-� _�
<br /> -- �:�,�-`>"<.:;:-•`�`.`- �ments or uad reau on the Propecty, if anY;(�)Y�Y hazard or progerty ic�suranoe premiams; td)Y�Y 8� ��,,.��==_�--
<br /> �.'=; �*
<br /> :i i.•_.•:�'�-` �3 � inv�ran� tE�Sy BOItOW2!LO `-'-"R��_
<br /> . insurance p�emiums,if aay;(e)Yeaniy mortgage premiums.if any:and(�anY sums PaYab -
<br /> _ . `' `.. � Lender.in accordance a+ith the pmvistons of paragtapb 8.in li�u of the payment of mortgage iasuiaace preuuums. '[bese .'.�s:__-- -
<br /> item�ate called"Fscmw Items." Lender may.at ang time.collect aad IInld I�ads ia an amount not to exceed the maximum . �� -
<br /> : - -� � amnn�a leader for a fedecally�lated mortgage loan may ceq�e for Boavwer�escrow accm�nnt uader the fcdeaL R�l.. { = ---
<br /> ,:. �-:", Fstate Seulemeut Prosedures Act of 1974 as amended fivm 6me to dme.12 U.S.C.§26A1 et seq.("RESPA"�untess auat�_ �� - _-
<br /> ;� ' law that applies to the Fimds sets a Iesser aznount If so,Lender may,at any t�.rnllect and hold Funds in an amouat r�t� � t�- T
<br /> �i ���`.�-`.'r-- , , ° .; exceed the l�ser amount. Leader may estimate t h e amount o f t§�n d s d u e oa t he b a s i s o f c u m e n t d�a�a e a s o n a 6 t e . � �,_�� _
<br /> a
<br /> '' � estimates of expeQdihues of fuaue F.scroar Items or atherwise in accordaace wIth applicable law. - :. • .�'.�`,�--_
<br /> �;.,�:.�� - -. The I�nds shall be held in an iastitution wQose deposits ace insure�by a fedecal agency.instrumeata�ty.or eet�}.. . � .r;--,::�_---
<br /> - ;-_ - - - _ -- - (inctuding L�ader.if Leuder is sucb an institutioa)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the�'�nds m�g � 4 �=-
<br /> �;.\.s�`.;;:., �_ .-.,.`_� t`,� • ..��_--
<br /> '� We Fscrow Itedu.. Leuder may not c6arge Boirower for holding arid aPP�Y�S the 1�ds.a�lty�analYung the esctv� , �;� --�-_
<br /> :r j�� '�- � aocaun�or veiifying ti�Escmw Items, unless I.�der pays Bomower inte�st on the FLnd�aud appIicaIsi�e law pe�is. . �':
<br /> 4�y t .. . —
<br /> ���t` .. : I,enaer to make such a�acge. Huwever.Lendecmay reyuiie Boirower to pay a one-time charge for aa iudependent c�t Q
<br /> ..,.3� . .• ° estate tax ceporting savioe ased by Leader in conuecnon with this loan,unIess applicable law provides othe�wise. Uai�s� �, �
<br /> -,.� , '. L.; agmeme�it is made or applicable law requiaes iate�ess to 6e paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Bormwer any inte�r,r� ;� �,
<br /> _ � . -,� ,: eamings on the Fhnds. Bonower and I.ender may agcee ia wnpng.however.that interest shaI1 be pa£d on the I�nds. I.e�� _
<br /> ,�,��� ` „t � s h a l l give t o B ormwer.wi t h ou t c h a r g e.a n a a a u a l a s c o u n t i n g o f t h e F l t n d s.s h owin g cmdits and de6its to the Evnds and t�e ''"` .•_ '�:��`
<br /> �7��+ - � Putpose for which each debit to the F�nds was ma,d�. 'ihe F�nds a�pledged as add�aonal secarity for aII sr�s sectu�by ' �._
<br /> y���r,. -- ��y Instrum�t . �.. . .�-�
<br /> ~��. '��,��`.`� :, � �,��.;�: if the Ft�nds 6eM 6y Lender esceed the amauats permitted to be held by applicable tam. I.ender stra4 aoca�it.ra `^���•�:� . ;;�,�-
<br /> e��k'� �
<br /> , r�'� ;� °1�`,�.,:� Bonrow�for the eacess Fvads in accoidance with the requuemeats of appGcable law. If t6e aa�unt of the Fuads heid hg� �,f ,�,;�—�,
<br /> , � - - Lender at az�y time is aot sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items wheo due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in writiag,aad,in ,�:.
<br /> _ ,;, ` . • suc6 case Brnmwer shall pay to Leader the amount necessary to malce up the deficieacy. Bomower shall malce up the
<br /> �=.;`� ' • � , defccieaey in no mnte than twelve monthlY paycneats.at i.ender's soie discretion. �:,
<br /> 3,
<br /> ..,;� .� i .�. . lT n ment in fiill of all snms secured this Security Inshument,Lead.r shall mm ily refund to Borrower aa � a'.
<br /> - �' .' � Po PaY by P P Y „� �;
<br /> ; �; ,,.:. . : � fi�nds held 6y Lender. If,under pazagraph 21.Lender shall acquina or sell iM Avpe�ty.Lender.prior to the acquisiHon or .,
<br /> ' t;�::�•;::, ; � .. , - sale of the Pi+uperty,shall app3y any Funds held by Lende�at the time of acguisitioa or sale as a credit a,ga�t the sttms _
<br /> :� ... , . . secured by Wis Security Instrument •
<br /> � ,� �� ° 3. ApplicatFon of Wyments. Unless appl�cabie law provides othenvise.all paymenu ceceived by l.ender under ''. �•• �.�� �.� �.
<br /> �� S ;�:�" ` � � ' hs 1 aad 2 shall be a lied first,to an a ent chaz es due under the Note:second.to amounts a able under •�<� • • •
<br /> ' `.,' .' i P�&�P PP Y P�P Ym 8 p y ,:k`:_
<br /> 3`• " :! paragraph 2:third.to interest due:fourth.to principat due:and las�to any late charges dae under the Note. .;.`{
<br /> f�,ss� .;: � . ..
<br /> . , ,cr � . ••.� Q. C6arges; L ten�. Horrower s h a l! pay a�taxes, assessments.c harges.f ines an d imposi t io ns a t t r l b u ta b l e t o W e , ,
<br /> � ' ' _ Property wtuch may attain prioriry over this Security Instrumen�and leasehold payments or ground mnts.if any. Borruwer .
<br /> � � shaU pay Wese obligauons in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shal:pay them on � _ �
<br /> �• time directly to the person owed payment. Hmroaee shall prompdy fumisd to Leader all notices of amounts to be paid under ' •
<br /> � �� '' � this paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymencs�+erectly.Borrower shall prvmptly fumish to Lender mceipts ev�dencing y,,, . �'���'`. �'`�
<br /> . ;. . �
<br /> ,•. �...: the payments. ���. �. . , _ .
<br /> : -. • .�,:'^�.� •. �r3.. '.�,. .: .; "- .,
<br /> � ti �: . . , , � ,, � $oraower shall promptly discharge any lien«tu�h has priority over this Security Insmunent unless Bomower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writizr�to the payment of the obligauon secured by the lien in a manner acceprable to Lender;(b)conresu in good faith ttie . .
<br /> j: ' � I lien bp,ax defends ag�inst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prcvent th. �� �' _ ,� ,
<br /> -� � � . � �, � enfo�ent of the lien;or(c)secums fmm the holder of the lien an agreemenc satisfacrory to Lender suburdinaung the iier� � - � .
<br /> . �:i;,; • " i to this Sec�riiy Instramen� If Lender determines t.�at any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioritg ; .•:
<br /> ;�; �;,��;�e ;..=, , �:' . , over this Secunry IaStra�ent,Lender may give Bo°s�ower a notice idendfying ce Cen. BoTrawer shall satisfy the lien or e4Ece '��1: ' •
<br /> •,"'� ••, . � . .;:�`.�>�`.� . one or m�e of the aMions set forth above within]0 days of the giti-ing of notice. � • . .,,,1,��;<� : �`
<br /> • ;r�� : � : • ...,•i_'.`1 0 . . -<�•�.�u. ,
<br /> '� '�na= 5. �a�rd or Property lns�ranoe. Borruwer shaq keep c.he improvemenu now euaina nr hemafter erected on tizr. � :�,��:,��;� ,
<br /> � �'ir:_`'.. ', :C���,'}�+r' .� ' ., •. :
<br /> � P�o�tq�nsured against loss by t'ue.hazands inctuded within�he tenn"extended caverage �:�i any other haza�ds.inclad�
<br /> n
<br /> .::� • ` � � ,, , floods o:floadiag.for which Lender requims ir,srirance. 7]iis insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for ttte
<br /> �
<br /> _. }
<br /> .��•.,..� . . s . . .
<br /> 5:,, ' : " Form30S8 9!�'1 �page2of6{�erJ i,. . , •
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