' _ __ _ _
<br /> jlf,� _��_-��� ����- _ _- -- - �i
<br /> ��i ;i�- — . =- = - _ -; _ -- - _ _
<br /> � - i
<br /> i,l� i r - - - _ - - ��I�i�'�'i�
<br /> i ,,; (,� Tr I��,III!�ii
<br /> ! �I I��II�I',i��ll ���W �ill ,'��� �p ��eJ�` �reDe�l�� That, Whereas,In an action in tlu Diatrict Couri of the "��'I'��li IIII�
<br /> �,lil I I, _„�-�-N�nth_._..._._...Judicial Disirict of fhe State of Ncbraaka,wilhin and for ihc Counly of._----Hall---------------------------------•-------•wherein III�IIII� ,I.
<br /> !,i i�l�l� ga land J. Downe and Ste hanie D. Downe Husband
<br /> � I� ..Y------------------ - ---------�'- -------- ---------�'-----------�--p�--------.........-----•ys_..__...-----------------and_Wife--- y plaintiffS.and i'��'�,ii
<br /> �i�l �������l utbe t oec sas u an nan ° i e Theasmeyer, Husband and Wife and Gar F. Voecks and I��I�i���'
<br /> �� , L
<br /> '� �
<br /> , !�illlli�iiilill! �•-a------�'--•8�---�-'--�--��---•-�-- --d•-�f___�--------•--------------------•--Rayland--J_---Downey---and Stephanie DdeDowney, �li�;ll�l,�l'I' _
<br /> I�I�I althe•----•--••Tlillla�y.--�-;,-t--------------Term,A.D: 1��___,of sazdcourt,HU.ShaIId--�nd--i�ilfe------------- 'Illill I'I,
<br /> 'I �� "' �i�eeand Ga�e�s�1�'erkan� Lo's A The sme--er-----H--s---- --d--and �,I'���
<br /> �'�
<br /> , I II ,�i'I b ----� --- -7u�i_.A'VQ���,s�--�u���n�--��ife_ I�il,��I i,,
<br /> �
<br /> ' did obtain a decree finding thal there is due from------------------------ ry--------•-•-- c-S--
<br /> I''II;,��; Ra land__J._.Downe _ and___Ste hanie .D.,_ __.__ _ _
<br /> an_ Y Y �------- DQ�ey�__�us�amd._,�zts�__W�f�-- ------------ � ------- - ------- - the sum �'�i���i'
<br /> 'illl'� ��I� �' o _____One__Thousand _Four Hundred_.Forty___Three__Dollars_ and___56/100.____(�1_,_443.56 _____ I �i„�I�� _
<br /> I,I�� i I � .f ) - - ----dolldrs, I
<br /> III to ether with interest thereon, attorne fees and court costs ��I'V��i''
<br /> �,
<br /> 'I i�� �i •-- -�-----�------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---�---------------- ----- - --- - ------- - --- I
<br /> II i. - -- - ---- - -------
<br /> I,I,: -- ---- ---- i i
<br /> !� I � ;�'!; •---•--.....-----•------------------------------------•-----------------------•------------------------- -------- - -•--------------- - - - ---------- - ---•----- - ---- - - -- I I�I', �
<br /> � � i �I�i �
<br /> �!�I� �i,'�,,II��,'� •------------------------------- --- ------------ ---�------------------- ---- - -------- --- ----.._- ----- - ----- -------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------ 'I,I;,,� �
<br /> 'il�� � � -----------•-------••---------------------------------------------------------------�--------------- • ,il��l ���
<br /> l �I j'i,'�'',I and cosGs of aucl faxed at__.__.__ _ dollars,and,v�hereas, tt was then and there ,il�,��� ii
<br /> i �I��
<br /> � I i � � �Iher ordered inY s;id acfion thal cn de ault o fhe ¢ menl ory sum so ound due L ihe sa �,�Iliiillii i�
<br /> f b f ,f � y f J y ��,be-r•�---II.---�i�as�e3���--a��- �
<br /> i �� �I II'�,'�oe ks and Jud�__�y oueCl�s, Husbax�.d---�--W�£�---------- that.Ler J_ yiatsnn--------- - - ------- - ---------------------------- � �
<br /> 'I, is A Theasme er Hus and and Wife and Ga F. ��
<br /> I!�, ry
<br /> �! Skeriff of said Counly of___�11_ .__________________ _ .______ _._. _.__________.._.,should cause tha lands and tenements hereinaffer described to be
<br /> II adverlised and sold according fo law to pay the sa.me,and,whereas,defaull h¢ving been made fherein,1he said_.. ........ . .. ..____. _____-.___ I
<br /> ..� .J� � Y� Y .f '
<br /> _.Jex:�y_..J,._F1�CSQA- --------- ---•------_--------- -----._.----- ---_--- ----_-,Sheri o satd count ander and b virtue o fhe s¢id decree and I
<br /> , ! :
<br /> i � Ihe order of sale to him duly direcled,did on the-----------4.t�1----------- - - -- ---------- _ day of---,�,�u�t-------- -------- - -.A.D.1�}�_ ��� i �
<br /> �' at lhe_IQLiQL._��1t13T--------�of lhe Counly Court Hoase in tjuGl-t�- --------- - -----°.f�r��c�---�,s��i�c��- - -----•----------- I I
<br /> �' ,
<br /> '
<br /> I � in said County of-- - ���_-------- - ---------------------------------------------------------haoing first giroen due and Zegal nolice of lhe time and place of said sale �
<br /> � ,
<br /> �II by p��blicalion once in e¢ch week,for,four successive weeks in thGrand.._Island__Zn.de�erad.ent.,a newspaper priated¢nd in gener¢l �
<br /> ', I� cuculatiorz irs said CounEy of----H311------- --------------•---•----------------------------------•--_,sell said premises al public auclion 18a3T1SIId....T_----------
<br /> I li �; i i
<br /> I
<br /> ' , Downey � Stephanie__D Downey__Husband___�_Wife_._.____for t1�e swn of___�e__Thousand__Four ..Hundr�d_____ �
<br /> )
<br /> I' ' Fort -Three Dollars and 56 100 ��1,443.56 ,' '�
<br /> � i ----------�--------------- ---- - --------------- ----�---- ------•- -------------dollars,which sale was afleru�ard at the..T1i1.�---1SX.------_Term of said cour(, ,�
<br /> ��, I � I
<br /> I I 9 fi �--- ---------- ---- --- ------- -------as such Sheri , ,, �� _
<br /> 'ii A. D., 19_._9__, examcned arzd con rmed and fhe said.____,1��__ ,��._.�]a�sc>I�----- „�' ordered i ,
<br /> to con,vey lhe said premises in fee simple to the saidB8.�i18IId__1__.IlO�WnPy___bc__�t�gtlail].e--D-.DUGii].e3r___H11S�II�--aIIIL--Wl�� ' �
<br /> � I
<br /> '� ,�oYn ��jerefore, r, ihe said--------•Terly.. ,T..---W&_��OII- --------------------- -- -------- -- ------------>Sheri,tj'of the County of ii,
<br /> , ---_-----HSl�------------- -- •---_------------as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virfue of lhe powers vested in me by law and ihe i '
<br /> decree of said coart,do hereby Give, Grant and Convey fo fhe saidBS�.l.a��d_._,I__..Dn�ney._.and__S.teghan.ie__II�_--Do�[1e�_r____.__
<br /> li
<br /> � � ' Husband__and W'lfe _.__heirs and assigns,the premises so as aforesaid so1d,to wif:
<br /> - -------------------------• -- ------•-------------------------------- - -- ----
<br /> �
<br /> ''
<br /> ,
<br /> •••------- - ------------- --------- -------------------------------------------•-------•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �' Lot Three (3), Western Hei hts Fifth Subdivision, Hall Counf Nebraska.
<br /> . -- - �'-'---
<br /> ' --�--- -------------�-------------------- ---- ---------- -- -------------- ------- - - -----------
<br /> � •--------------------- - ------------------------------ -
<br /> � � , i
<br /> � •--- ---- --- ------------------ -------- - --- --------� - ---- ----
<br /> ----- ------------------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ��
<br /> I�� ' --------------- ---------_._. _----- --------------_._- --------- ----- -- ------------------------------- - ----- ��
<br /> ,I� ----- ------- --- -- ----- -------- - ------- �
<br /> �, •-------•---- --- - ----• ---- --- ----------- --------
<br /> I ' .............. ------ --- -------- ---------- ---•------------------- -.._. .----- ------------------
<br /> - -------- ----- ----- -- ----- -------- - ------------ �
<br /> ' -----°---- -------wifh the appurtenances. �
<br /> --------•-----._...°----------°----°------------------ ----------- °--------------------•-----._..--•---•---- ---------------
<br /> ' �o �abe an� to �or� t�je �arne wato tlu said_Ra�].ans�.__,�_..._Doxma�r--azid--_St�e�hanie--D_-----------
<br /> ' Downey.,._.Husb�nd__and..�i!1�.��------------------------------------------------------------heirs and ass' ns,and to them and their use and behoo orener.
<br /> ------...- � fJ
<br /> �n �egtimnnp �fjereuf� I hane, as such Sheri,Q;he set my hand ih' -�-�--------- ----- ---- ----------------°�Y°f '
<br /> , ' AU IISt ------ ---
<br /> ..._...�-°-- ------ - ---------•--------------------------..._A. D.,i��..
<br /> �
<br /> ' --------• --��11�=•.__�_...----•---------- - -------= �- - ---.__.----------
<br /> Exuu(ed and delivered in the reaence o �
<br /> P f
<br /> Hall
<br /> _ �
<br /> Sheriff of.--------•--•-----------°---•--•---•-----------°--Cuunly,Nebraska.
<br /> ......._-------°------•---------------------•----•------°-------------------
<br /> ------•-°----•-----------°°
<br /> �I�'I��I''.i STATE OF NEBRASKA, --- ,,,,,� I,
<br /> ' � a,. �J p�
<br /> On ihia-•-•---�--l�--------.day of--�-�'�._ L.%L� ----------
<br /> Co„nt�'of--•-••-Hall--••----------.....--------------•-----------•----------•-- G - f} � '� "
<br /> ,n�
<br /> 49._9_Cjf_,before me,fhe undersig . -.�y2���.�(:�!!G:_:--�-----��'�{-�-L<-�- �� �
<br /> •----•-- i , '
<br /> � RONAlO D.OCHSNER `n and for said county,personally appeared the said.%.-----_-'-C�_-•--�1--?C----'C�2��1.,�said Cou------ I,�I
<br /> CENERAL NOTARY�Stale of Nebraska
<br /> M to me rsonall knor�n lo be the identical erson who si ned lhe ore oi $� �� �I�,, !i
<br /> Y p.feb.14,1001 � Y P 9 f 9 n9 instrument as grantor,¢nd
<br /> lu acknowledged lhe same to be his aoluntary acet and deed,as such sheri�;for the usea and purpoaes '�� � :
<br /> 88AL l�erein se!f orfh. �II I
<br /> �lti[E99 my hand und o eal the da and year �iitere: �i ii��i�il'
<br /> , ; liil�l l li��i
<br /> _ .�.. ._. _..��......_._�'�- - -- ----___-_._.._ �I'i
<br /> ,� I
<br /> ''I �', .-.--.....-- ------ II'
<br /> -�------�------. ..----------�---....-----..._.._._._....e._..__ ---- ---II Illll�li i
<br /> ��'� ��.
<br /> �� � :�
<br /> '�,II I�� I kfr,Fi-t'i FS(-nwneur�lur��i��,,. ...�-:._. � ._ .. . .
<br />