_::� : "-�:�; ���....: �.`_`.�`�' :��. .: ��i � - -`=� �` .- . ; . � __
<br /> i 4, �=- .-A �' � _ . lu� �n �• .:�....�.�� -–_=�_=-.
<br />–�'c _ ' . "' �. ��L � - r��_ ' =, _ ' .�R4�F�'� . - . � ti-...+. - _...
<br /> . .. • ` , ��� " " '�� '_ "y_– '_– '� ��� .' "_ . . ."_ _.�"_ — � _--
<br /> _ � .._ _ �.l`'"..:. � , . . . _ . . ._ __'
<br />__= i;�`:i; _� _ :.: : �9 �� �.��:�s . =- -
<br /> , � .
<br /> :. ._ . .,:. . - --
<br /> �a�qaeut�wtucb a�e tefeaed to itt Pategrapb_��change the amount of sucD payments,..Ang exce���over ea -
<br /> `�_. a.nta�un!�iniecTt6.FaY a➢outs�ani�ig�iideb :uttder me Nate and ihis Szcw�y!tb'dumlent s�a1,f fie xat the eatity --��__, e�z�.�. _ --
<br /> � leg�lty eat►tte�tLeiet� . -� �-°
<br /> � � ' 8. Fses. Lender m�Y oollect fee.a snd ctiatges suthorized Dy[he Seccetary. . .; ��;� -
<br /> =� . . 9. Gsoundsfes Aooelcaattoa otDebt. � � ��,�C„ _
<br /> •' .. (a)Ik�W� Leatder may.except as timited by regutatioas issued by.the Secretax}�in the casa af�ent defaults. . • �:�,��, ,�,
<br /> :. _ �eguit+es immediate payme,nt m full of all sums secured by this Se�urity Instivauat�f - � 4�:�' ,�
<br /> defautts b failin to in fiill an m a eat b this.Se�ai �nswmeat dor ��f" ';;�' `..�` �
<br /> ti)��* Y S FeY Y fl�S'F Y� �4� Y �. P
<br /> �,� � �`
<br /> - �r"T; . .-�'�'w�r'en
<br /> -.�` - — to or on the d�date of tit�next monthIY FaYment+or `' � ��.
<br /> - ('ii)Bormwer�faWts by failing,for a period of thuty days,to gerfoim any othEr oDiio,�'o�€canmined in this , �,l •
<br /> = - -- .
<br /> .' _- -- Secutity Ins�tt: . _ �: � .� s r�.�.
<br /> .,. _ ._
<br /> @)Sate 1Mtltout Ci+cdit Approvab Lender s�all.if permitted by applirable law.aa,d witb t6e�uia��PFruval of the r„. �s ,,�,>`
<br /> � +• " , Secc�etary.reiluire imm�iats payment in full of all the sums seau+ad by tLis Soc,vtitg IttstrttnteAt{'�.•: � ,M �����{'' �
<br /> �
<br /> . ; (i)All ur pats of tbe Property'or a beneficial interest in a nust owni�g all or.part_of.thz.Pkap�rty.is soid or ; _ �,,:�,`'',��-;
<br /> � �,. .:� othernrise traasferred(other- tbaa by devise or descent)by the Bomnwer,and '% �� �, °
<br /> .:•,� t.,: . •� ` (ii)'ihe PtopertyR is not accu�ied by the purchasec or grantee as 6is or her principal.cesid�azc�,o?P tQe puc+�aser {,.�,�,'�.���,.4�,.. �.i::• ``
<br /> •. , or g�antee does so oa�py the Ptvperty b�.1�is or her credii 6as'noi been appmv� in aocordance i���,t`,�c �,,t;
<br /> :� _ w�ih th�requirements of the Seccetaiy . � `` .�`�`�? _
<br /> bul Lender ;"i`� �
<br /> ;;• (e)1�Tq 1N8iver. If cueumstances accur that woWd permit Lender to teqeqnir�immiediats pay�un full, �#t':�:,-:�_.._ :
<br /> - - - daes aot nequite suchpayments,I.ender daes not vvaive its righss�th respect to su6sequeat�v�. ' ,_ Y '
<br /> ' (d)RegulaHo�a4 of HIJD Seeretary. In many cucumstances re�v3�cons issued by shaSeccet�y wil!limit I.ender�s `` ` _
<br /> . , ?��: .;.. . ...,-- F�- _�
<br /> rights,in the case of paymeat defaWts,to�uiie�•n,++��ah•payment ia,fiill aad�fateFta3e�€ttot paid. This �.;,., ;
<br /> � � Sec�uity tnsauraent does aot autaorize acceIeiatcon or foreclosu�e if not pemritted by.���s of the Secs+etary. .:`,;-;i;; . ._`�i'�1�.�,;��.
<br /> S � (e)Mortgage Noi Insvred. Botrower agrees that shoutd this Securiry Instrument and�ui��ued thereby not ' rN: =
<br /> �. be eligible for insurance under the Nationai Housing Act wittun � '� � �m� �;` v '`�'`�` _
<br /> ,4 °` date hereof,Lender may.at its option and uotwithstanding anything in Paragraph 9,teqt�anmediare en .'r.�,":� " 'r��_ '
<br /> gaym t in �,,� �3,�ik �xs�
<br /> full of alt sums seciu�ed b tiils Securi Instrucne�u. A written stalement a€ autlto�i�ed aSent of tIt�Sacre , ,=s���f -
<br /> . s • ; qty � f;����x�,�.
<br /> ��, t'; ' � } �`.,. dated subsequent to y � fmm.the dale�deqtinattq to insure tLis.Security ;,��u��t�''°' `_ _-
<br /> � �, � S ° . � Inshtiment and the aote secured thereby,shall 6e deeffied o�acI�si�e piou€af such icieGgibdlttY. Notarithstanding .��r<`.^{ ,S `�,��m�
<br /> :t � �` the fotegoing,ttis option may not be exercised by I.eu�er R�ti�e�2b�ityR of ir�utance is solely due to -'• � ,;_�",�_
<br /> T •.� .�} ` "(f,. . . . ,) 9.�• .'.e`4i__ .
<br /> , , .:� l.ender�failure to remit a moctgage insurance premiur�to dte 58c�retary. r�
<br /> . F;t c�. :.:y. 10. Reiflstatemenb Bonower has a right to 6e reinstated if I.ender has reqaaed immtdiat�p�yment in full berause "; e �� �::;
<br /> � ° . of Bnrrower�failure to pay an amount due under the•Na�or this Security Insmiment. 'li�is�tight applies even after �� -, .. �'Y�,�-
<br /> � t ``� �. ..ci.:s�� . �. forectosure eedings are �nsptuted. 1b reinstate the Securi Instnunent,Boimwec shall�d�r in a lnm sum atl �i',.i�;;,;,:�•�; ,
<br /> Pmc tY P _ _ . �; ���
<br /> ..; � : �•: �• . amounts requized to:briag Borrower�s account cutrent including,to t�e extent they a�oblig,atip�.s.o�.8orrower under dus •=i: �. ,;;;�:`�::.�;�--
<br /> a � Security inswment,foreclosure costs and reasoaable and customary attameys'fees aad expensss pm�e[iy associated with i `` �
<br /> ,, , ., ,. _ .,
<br /> .' �n� ��� - dte foreclos�ue'proceeding. Upon�einstatement by Bnrrower,this Security Insdument pnd.th.•obx�tions thaz it secures E ,;.: , `• ' .�;
<br /> ' EIr�!1 remain in effect as if Ixnder had not rec�uired imtttadi2te payment in full. Hnwever.Lend�s is,na�requ�red to pemut �� • t
<br /> adi t
<br /> �' ,..",�.' .L.? - �statement if: (i)Lend�Er�accepted remstatemeat a8er the commencement af.fareclasu��pmc�din&g•wishin two '� ., �{ ' �
<br /> , � � ��ts immediately praceding the commencement of a c�ent foreclosu�e pmc�ir,a.(iiT�las�meni wiu Freclude f,_��t„�,.�,_ �r_- �,,:
<br /> fo�c3osure oa different grounds in the future,or(iii)remscatement w�71 advezset�affer.rtl�e priatity of th�lien created by �>�.�?�E�;:,,..;,�-...,- ��
<br /> {' ; ' � ffiis Seauity!Insuumenl. ' ` , :
<br /> �, � . �- � . 1l. tdonreawer Not Reteased; Forbearance b�r Lender Not a Waiver. �xteusiat��pf the 6me of payment or ' ,
<br /> uivdification of amortizatian of the sums secured by th�s Security Insuument grant�i by Lend�es to any successor in intetest ��•-�� ,,•�,; �;_
<br /> �• of Bomower shaii not operate to release the liability of the osiginal Bormwer or Bams xer's successor in interest. Lender ' ::"�.. . -
<br /> � . • shall not be requind to commence proceedings against any successor i�interest or refuse ta.extend time for payment or `:�,;��t.�. _ � •,:�__
<br /> _ '� • othenvise madify amonizadon of the sums secured by this Security Instcument by reason a�•any demand made by the � =,:� � '.;.
<br /> = ; '. original�oirower or Borrower's successors in intemst. Any forbearance by Lender in eseecisi�,Q any rigAt or remedy shall ,• � �'•��:
<br /> ' '` ! not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or mmedy. , -� �:'�:
<br /> �j, � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;JoiM and Se�•eral Lia6Ility:CaSigaera The cov�nanu and ag�+eemenu of , • •
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall bind a�d benefit the successors and assigns of Lender And Buirowec.subject to the provisions '� I j'��
<br /> ' of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower:s covenant,and agreements shall be joint and sevecaL Arry.,Borrower who cas�gns this :.'•'�,.� � .,_� " . :•'�
<br />_ = � .� •� • Securiry Instrument but dces not execute the Nate: (a)is casigning this Security Insuumeral:anly to mortgage.grant and • . -
<br /> convey thai�arrower's interest in the Propeny under the temis of this Security instrumeoi:�Ehl ic not personalty obligated to y `�°� .�;. „
<br /> • i�� � pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender:u�d an��ath:r Ho�wer may agree to extend • ' .
<br /> i ' modify.forbear or make any accommodatiom with regard ro the terms of this Securit}+Incmtment or the Alote without that �' �' �
<br /> ' '�'�'' � Bomower:s consent. I ?�'• •
<br />_;,f� :, �`:;�;"' � .
<br /> � � ' � 13. Nottces. Any notice to Borrower prov;ded for in this Security tnstrum.ne�fiall�be given by delivering it or�y � " �t;:��+ �
<br /> ` ?� ���'' , mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law rec}uimc u�e of anothe:methcxi. The..notice shall be directed to the ;;•`�,•: .
<br /> ', � �� ..� Pto rt Address or an other address Bnrrower desi ates b notire to Lender. An•.nMiee to ixnder shall be iven b � .-�",.,'. .
<br /> . Pe g Y S� Y ) S Y :ti.... ...
<br /> • ' i= -°1 � first dass mail to Lender's address statod txtein or an�� addm,s Lcnder detiignates b�•�no�icc to Barrower. Any notice -
<br /> �;: ... . Q r oyided fnr in this Securiry Instrument�h�Il be dermed to have been gi�•eo ta 6ors�«�ar.ar Lender when given as provided �� � . ` .
<br /> _ � t�_ m tb�s paraBraPh•
<br /> t"� . I4. Governtng Law;Severabi111y. 'Chis Security� rnstrum:nt shall be go�•ecned by Federal law and the law of the ' ' ` . �
<br /> ,°��� juribdiction in which the Propeny is locztal. tn the e��cnt that uny prc�visivn ar�laura of this Securiry lnswment or the -
<br /> ?!'•" Note conflicts uiih applieable law,sach cr_r.tlict sh,�l no�affixt oth,r pcm•isio:��+of'this Security Instrumen!or the Note '
<br /> 7:: which can be gi��en effec�without the confiicting pm�•ision. Tc�this end th:pra�•isions nf this 5ecuary[nsuument und the
<br />- �:i� ''' Noia ara deCl�1 to be severablc.
<br /> `�'` ?�` �' � I5. Borrower's Copy. 8orrower shaU t�e giveo enr confqmw.a c�pp�af this Securiry fnstrument. .
<br /> • }±�;-,':>•.��;;,.;. .. 16. Assignment af Rentts. Borrowrr urtconditianally assigtt�and tmnsfers to Lrnder all the renLS and re�'enues af the � .,�„��
<br /> -� �> �'F'•�'.'';<,-;,�• Pcaperty. Borrower suthorizes Lender or Lender's agcnts to cultewK the reRts and rcvenuc�and hereby directs each tenam of Z ���•'•
<br /> `�' ' �� . i the�Praperty tv pay ttte rcnts to Lender nr I.ettdcrs agent�, Hwruveq prinr to Lerscter's notice to Borrower of Botrower's F �`'�' � �•
<br /> l`'�_ •'•: -.� • A� breaeh of any cavenant or a�reement in the Securiry In`trurr,�nt�Bam�aer shall collect nnd recei�•e all rents and mvenues of ' �'
<br />-:; ` : �7�. the Property as trustee for the benefit of Lertder and Borm�ti�er. ThEs nssignmem of rcnts constitutes an ubsolute assignment € _
<br /> r.`�• . �,
<br /> � ;�;, • ' . '.�• and not an assignment for additional securiry only. � :. •
<br /> fi If Leitder gwes notice of breach to Borrower. (a)al!rentc received by Borrower shalt be held by Borro�ver av wstee . .
<br /> _��+ � � - far benefit of Lender only.to be applied to the sums secured b}•the Security Instrument: (b)Lender shall be entitled to � . ,, ' �
<br /> , •� ' collect and t�eceive all of the mnts of the Property;and(r)each tenant of the Property shaU pay a]!rentc due and unpaid to �
<br /> :,.�_ : � , . •,��; Leader or Lender's agent on Lender y written demand to the tenant �
<br /> - Borcower has not executed any prior assignmem af the mnts and h�s not artd�vi11 not perform any uct that would � '
<br /> �,�`��` prevent Lender from exereising iu rights under tfiis Pamgraph 16. � , �
<br /> - ',� �°'• • Lender shall not be reqmred to enter upon.take control of or maintain the Property before or after giving notice of •
<br /> �. bieash w Bmrower. However.Lender or a judiciallysppointed receiver may do so nt uny time there is a 6rea�h. My �' '
<br /> • �� � .� '''` applicatton of�ents shall not cure or waive any defautt or invalidate sny other ri�ht or remady of Lender. This assignment �
<br />_-•� =;�:.- • ; �� of rents of the Ptopetry st�all tertninate when the debt secured by thr Security Inswment is paid in fu1L •
<br />- ��~��`��i .
<br /> - ��:�,����,;:��:� fprrge3�Opq8rsl �.--
<br />