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<br /> 4 ,� `�; t ti� ASSIAHMk�T�R AL�S R{O�R S�� .�O���O ° ..:�-- ��
<br /> �. ° �� � THtBASStGt�MENTOFRENTSRtBERlamadeandescflcutedthta 3nTM dayof flCT08ER �g 93��ndte ;�� _
<br /> - �"" ° �. �� `" tnc8rporated into and ehail�a deeme�to amertd end�npplement the Mortgage or Oaed o!Truat,heretnatter refene0 to ae tAe ^ '�'r"�`' �;�
<br /> � ti�;;,. °3eCUdty Inetrument",a!tAa 8ame date given by tAe underetgned�heretn8ttet referted to ae the"gorroweP',to secure �-�' '�; °�2`�� �-
<br /> ` ' y� BQSrok�3lstd��,�staf4&�se'ti�etiibB�Me-"i�iOt6'�30Hi3ifiiE�tDERdESAVii�iQ9liNi}I:OAfitAS$6f'ilAS�f��� -- - wr•-
<br /> �ja�..
<br /> ' ` ; a ` ,�,!: GRANQ ISLAND.heretnatter refeRed to aStfee"LendeP',of the same date and covering the properry described In the Secudry ,� a ?,�.'��
<br /> --.�,�.. ,� F, Instcument and tacated ax ,,,_��,�,t,�_.:
<br />-_ . � ; ,; k�:' ,> ��.:� :
<br /> � >': �:�`c.`:``': `" 1019 W.. CHARIESs GRAND ISLAND„ NEBltASKA 68801 '"'S"
<br /> - . n . 'o":.°�{,`.� sr5:
<br /> �r. .
<br /> �e, �P ;n� � ::c,V� (�' u tPrOp@►ty Addtess) G - ,o `
<br />__ S,(1' y • ��2: ri\� �I,{Y��17. �yF,;'..aVi.
<br /> 'C S
<br /> .R` _ y • t 4.i.c�� y:`�\ .`.
<br /> . .
<br /> ' - u!!H�$orro�ater end leader.hav8 agread tdat ang[et�ts and prof[ts atttfbutabis W ths D�oA�Y sliould aonst[tuls -
<br /> : � j 8ddi4iar�af security to the Lertder f9r tt�payment of Me Note; � � Y�� .
<br />� �. ; � ` �'� r��� � NOW,THER�ORIE,[t is agr�edtAatthe Securiry Inatrument shall be amended Aerebyand deemed to tnclude t�te following . . �,
<br /> �i +2'�3'
<br /> F ,: ���
<br /> �-. ���+���- ? provtstona . � r �-----� :
<br /> t c i - '�l-�``�1�- i . . . . - ' �f, <
<br /> �� C\•k �°`t �: 1. Asstanmant o!Rents aad Le�tdor ental Cottection Eti At .8orro►ver hereb abso[utet and unCOndittOnalt Sssi gi1 ` �°�''t'���'`:
<br /> ; e �,� .�� '- R 9� Y Y Y 8� .,t: x
<br />_.} s.�:�' ��.;,,�t;�-'•!- renta, Issues and profits of t�sproQerty to Beneftctary. Lender shall have the dght, pcwet and authottty duNng the �,�-:::5^.-_rt'������
<br /> _ ?�='' �:�:"_ .- .::_� continuance of ths 8ecuriry Instrument tv aollect Me rents,lssaes and profits of Me property and of any persanal property _ -
<br />- -=ti-����:;•;:Y�:- - -: ,:<:_y..�.��
<br /> `�- ,,�`: .�• ,� a�!-;_� tocated tl�ereon with or w(thout taking possesston of Me praperty affected hereby. lender,however.heresy conser+ts to -�� ���;�-i�---
<br /> �==�`�=�`�-;�•: `•-�:=`� Bor��er's coilectton and retentton of such r�ents,issues and profits as they accrue and become payabte.so long asi Bvrrower `r::`:�"`'�'=A��=` -
<br />- f",rt '� .': ,. _ : �,:. ti„:�s=�""�'■•�•
<br />- ��:=.�°� �-�•.:•� `' ts a�t�p!such time,tn defautt with respect to payment of any indebtednesa secured t+ereby,or in the periarmance of 8ny • ,:�;s;t��__
<br /> '�. � =z~ agnse�r$n!hereunder. � �" £.-
<br /> ` �at��
<br /> �- - 2.•�`�aointment of Recetver.it any eve�c�'.detault tn reapect to tAe Security tn�itumant sha�l have occuRe�and� _ , �%�;�`�' =-
<br />�� `' � coniinuJrtg,tert��r,.es_a matter of rfght an�.�.tAout notice to Bortoisrer or anyone c+aiming�nd�r Borrower,s�d witha�� : �� �`�` � " = -
<br /> -i�'.. _ e. � `' . ' t(5}#�i.�`s,��ir�-.
<br /> �;� .�� �, � t;� regardtothava�a��BtoWStestateorths.�[erestoftheBoROwerther�in,shalihav�tttgrig�ttcaapptytoaray�eyitltar.'�� ... �'�t�.�mF
<br /> �j � �s�.,�, �c ;�• JuNsdicEion ta�aScif.a seeQiti�p e�the propeRy. � . , . .:;� � `s j'`"s�t P
<br /> l�,,', ,z��`���+N<`��;;�.': , 3. . Q3x�ht tgl�ssQSSrcR.tra�of detault in the paymer+t of the safd princtpat Rote ar interast,or any part eC:areot,.as it - �,�`�� y
<br /> ,' c�F,lt����rt j�s,; Sh81t matqr�;�r 6�s trs�Fase�S tasiu+a to keep or perform any af the cavenants or agre2�tents contained in the SeGar(ty tns2na• � 1�� �._ F�
<br /> f < �t<��.• . � , ,-
<br /> ��_ rf. � ment,.then 6ho���f.i4s s�;ccessors or assigns.shaU be and is here0y authCrizad and empowe�ed to tafcs 1mr�n�ate . ��,{a; i ;
<br /> r 1� �5 , '�� , ppSSSSStart of the sa€d pz�s;is�s iherein descr(bed and to c�ttect ttte ren4s therefrar�r and to appiy theyrocee+�s Sih�ieof t0 the � ���sry��s ti'�;�
<br /> :� `���},` t'��n F�b'rtc�t ot tfre�'1ltote �. �• . � � :� ., -}�'�T.�'�` ��,�_-.
<br />"-�` _ _ '���ri $ �``� 4. A}Ltiaatfon of ii�zc�ts,l���sanct Profits.Alt re�ts cotleoted bp Lenderor•the�eceiver shatt be applted first to payment ` r:' ,z�_
<br /> �''�. � _ o!Me coste ot manag�rhent of t.t;e proy�esry asu!colleation of rente,ineiuding,hut not lim(ted to.receiver's teea.premluma on ... v.,
<br /> r, recetvePS bonds and reasonaDte atter�ey s fees,and then to the sums secured by the Security Inetrumen�Lender and the ..����,,.,���
<br /> � . ' receiver shalt be liable to accouc�t ors4y for tAase rents actuaUy reCetved. - `
<br /> . ' �_ ., . `
<br /> . • , ' � ,, 5. Construotion ot Provtstons.Each ot the provisions contafned in this Assignment ot Rents Ride►and the Secudty Instru- � ".�+�,.�
<br /> .� �: • �� ment shatl,untesa ot�erwise specfficalty required.be conatrued In accordance witA Nebraska law.and in the event any • - ' }"-
<br /> - ' • � ptovlsion herein or therel�containgd shall be determined by a court ot competent Jurlsdtction t0 be unenforceabte.the same ,: y'.�.���� .''
<br /> `'` '�' .�. ehalt be constn�ed es thougb such unentorceable provislon were not a pa�t hereof or thereof. ��' � �'
<br /> .-. • . ' ,,'
<br /> � ' � � • � 8. Etfect of Rider.Except as spc3ciftcatty modifled by or inconststent with this Asstgnment of Rents Rider or by any other . -`;�;�.r:n.,;_s. Y.-
<br /> • epptlo8bte�tder,all of the te�ms and provisions contained In the Security Instrument shall continue In full forcA and eftect. � ' �,�,
<br /> � � ' ;t� .;��:
<br /> `�y � � � IN WRNESS WHEREOF.BoROV�er has executed th(s Assignment of Rents Rider on the date firat noted above. • ���. :�`
<br /> F • ' Q�..V��$�' . , �
<br /> . ' Borrower •. °�.. �,
<br /> j : ' AL U. H�FF� ;. � . ;,k`�'.
<br /> • � ;.,i:i�!?^'�:,`�y;�:i,:,.'j��?:,�
<br /> � • • 80lfOW8f 1
<br /> �� � ' � � LINDA J HOFFER �i� �� Y:�
<br /> �� i 5 �. .:i }�
<br /> ' _ • ,�'�a�:` .t•.s,�l*, �.
<br /> � �): '% -t ..`�� .c
<br /> i: � .i ' � STA1E OF NEBRASKA) � t4}� r �'
<br /> r�:� .. (SS:
<br /> ` ` . � COUNTY OF HALL ) ..F . . -
<br /> � .,�
<br /> :.T. ::• , , :.'`;.�,'�;:,:.-: .
<br /> �' 't�"!._~,` On thle 30� daY oi OCTOBER t9 93 b�a(QrQ[�e.tpe und re n�.a Ns� [v uh! duI�cmt ss1 .� �'` °..'=. .
<br /> � �4 ALLEiG�' HOFFE-R AND LI�O�J. NOFF�RPMU��BAlut7��lu[T�WI��eaend � .: . �. .,....r`4..._
<br /> ',� �• "�. • quaUfied for aeid county,persartaity came .
<br /> i3� .
<br /> 'r• ��,_;:..:.'..' �. .to be the Identical person(s)wnose name(s)lalare suhscrihed '`�'':�.` ' . .
<br /> °� ;;�•.>��:IYY`�,�` . �'� to ihe foregoing Instrument;sr.�Aelshe/they ackrtowledge the executton thereot ta be hislhedtheir voluntary aat end deed. ��;�;;��•t.
<br />-:� i'� y�r� i Witnesa my harsdand Notariat Seal at GRaNO ISLANO, NEBRASKA �'
<br /> z� �
<br /> ` i� . in sa caunty.th d e af a • �
<br />-��� , .
<br /> �'• , ; .
<br /> �': _; " •� :_ ; �l14t IcDeTnAAYS�yhnI,t,0.1./��I�R�tq �ot Pubttc ,, , , ,. . ..
<br /> + �2�� •'4•�, �WI��V M4MYtiM . .
<br />� st�r��: My Commisaton expl � �
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