ri�"`' .n �. ,�,,.:t.` �,�' .:.�� .i._ r }� c _ °, �S�'i�•`3P���� � � . _ � �'��Y _
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<br /> ..' .: . ;,tLr �'�'.v�' Ff `S. � � - �- u' w�-li,—�ia..^n �es-.cti-." .- ' u'.r.,,. -_
<br /> .._.._ ,..._,��_ '---�
<br /> . . ___I _ .._ _ ' __ . ; _
<br />- _ .Qc�q. �..-1-=Sc -:�:�:f,�"�; . . - . . -- __
<br />_ :F>",t:'��"y�..:�.dr ' __ --.__
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<br /> - t:. : . . 9$.� ----- ----
<br />-�.. .,��,���_,; . , . . a���� � �d---
<br />_ _ _� , . .. - - -
<br /> ;�* � �� � TQf��:��i ail the improvem�ts now or Q�reufter ecact�an the PropertY•and all easemeNs.aPPuctenances, 4 ?��� _
<br /> — ' �� - atu��-�Y��� �ter e part of the,PmPeny. All c�gIacements end additions shat!alsa ba asvered 4y.ii��eui�!. -- - ����,,,,� _— -
<br /> `�:.�• �, ,�: Iaspvmet�.AH����om8oiag is cefemed w tn tNs Sec�uity Inswment as the"Prope�ty." - r� .- t-���.. �
<br /> � ` ` HQAA6�R�AA�;$�VENANTS thst Bomower is lawfally se#sed of th�estate heneby rnnveyed end has the right m�ant ��" r-�
<br /> 'v; a --
<br /> � ' � aud conve}�c3u�aad that the Property is unencwnbemd.eacept for enambrauces of recoM. Bomnwer watraats aad . � ' ''�''
<br />- �� wiU Qefct�Jl���ti�e atie m ti�e Property a$ainst all claims and demands.subjert to any encumbrances ot record. , . �
<br /> . �:� ��_ -. �°��_
<br /> ;,�;�,°::.:\; `;: 1'4If�SEC'ti�iNSt'RUMEI�f oombines unifonn covenants for aarional use and non-uniform cavenants with Y
<br /> > ; �• ` � • �' ; limit�d vatis�ti:�s��i��risdicdon to cansdtute a uniform securiry insuumeat coveaing real prope�ty. -�-z - -
<br /> . - ' �Z:, _ F -
<br /> �� - � a UNiE�FIf�•�QV�BNElN7'S. Boirower and Lender coveaant aad agce as follows: °
<br /> � z `"r - t:. P�Sm►�`;��aRat aad Interesl►Feep�ay�tenE asd Late C[ta�es. Basmwer shall prompdY PaY-whea dae ttce - - -
<br /> :•, -.` � , �f. prinsipal oiend i�tst on the debt evidencxd by the Note aud any prepayment ared latc charges due under the Note. :
<br /> :> :, L Fitnd�:Fii(n�aes end Iasur&tic� Subjest to applicable law or to a written waiver by I.ender.Boimwer sQall pay W .
<br /> `'� ' �: Lendsr oa d�da�,s month3y payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum f"�ds°)for.(a)yearly : `
<br /> �:�� � � -� _�� taxes.ar.dl ass�s wtuch ma attain priority over this Security InsWment as a lien oa the PropertY:(b)Year�y teasehold t , :-�--
<br /> =�° �._;�;,::; .: y t... <.,_. , .�< ;,...,
<br /> ,�` � '<' PaY���'8�'�rents on the Property. if any: (c) Year1Y fiazard or property insutartce premiums: (d�Yeariy flood : .l- .,�-
<br />-:` �."_- .:`;' insurais�prsmi,r�'ms,if anY;(e)Yearly mortgage insutance pnemiums,if aay:and (�anX sums payable by Borrower to -� , ' -.
<br /> f ` t Lend�r�m a�c�z�uace widr the provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of ttie payment of mortgage insurance premiums. These : - 2 tit'`�,�4
<br /> << 3 .: > ``. i�ems are.cal.t:d"B3srow Items." Lender may.at any tim2.collect and hold Funds in an amount not ta exoeed the maximuia '` . ._G .:a�;���i;�
<br /> j - � 3 ` 3R1011YiZ'8�IE134�GI:CRra fedeiaUy neiated mortgage toan may require for Borrower's escrow account urtdet the federa!Reai - > � -. s�tg�k�-;:_
<br /> - > � Fstate Set�e�ser,�iR�cedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to tune,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless anothet t ���,5��
<br /> `• � taw t�t a�]'r:s t(tthe Funds sets a lesser amount If so.I.cnder may.at any time,rnllect and hold Funds ia an araount not to �"��� '� ���=4 �
<br /> exceed tt�le���mount. Lender neay es6mate the amount of F�ds due on the basis of c�ent dat�and reasonable �"���' ��=�'''-��-����-�`
<br /> �r R �`� ��� estimates o�eapr�itt�nes of Poture Fscrow Items or othetwise in accocdance with applicable law. _____Q��
<br /> , . ._
<br /> 1` ' 'ih�.�,.ro�s�strall be hetd in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency.instrumentaliry,or entity � r. --
<br /> �'-'=-,-.:_`::_:�.;�_` t+���1-etv+l:s:if Lender is such aa institurion)or in any Federat Home Loan Bank. Lectder shaU apply the Funds to pay . .. ��- * : �,_.'�.--
<br /> t�.• g aPP l+�g Y J+� � �. .` �..
<br /> "_ �,;: " -•,` d��Esccavr.Ite I.ender may not charge Borrower for holdiu and. I " the FLads,annuall anal n ttte esetow.. ; _ -T=��-T.
<br /> � � : � ^ acc�our,�;.o��veti�nng the Fscrow Items, untess Lender pays Borrower inteiest on the l�nds and applica6le law pemrits� , =��
<br /> �r �; Lercde[•ta m�tn�sttch a charge. However,Lender may requue Holrower to pay a one-Gme chacge for an independent reai ` � `�
<br /> �;,` : . .,'�.�:�`���, estate tax�iepaating service used 6y Lender in connection with this toan.untess applicabte la�ar provides athenvise. Untess a� '� � ' -
<br /> � ' . ageemeNt is m�or applicable law requims interest to 6e paid.Lender shall not be required ta pay Bomower any interest or �. � ' �`
<br /> ;,.�. '� � earni�s4 om c L;i�a d s. B osower a n d L en der may agree in writing,however,t h a t inte t e st sQal!he paid an the�nds. Lender '� ' ��'�—
<br /> • � �;�� �' shall giti�ta Bi�a[awer.without charge,an atu►ual accountiag of the Funds.showing credits and debits ro the Funds and the ��• ` � � .:�,:�t°_
<br /> $�, � ;� � purp�sa far air�ch each debit to the F�nds was made. The Funds are pledged as uddirional securiry for alt sums secuied by � :.. �`
<br /> this Sec�riiy itisaumen� ``�
<br /> �=`� , . ''`� !d b Lender exoeec�.the amounts mritted ta be held b lica6te law.I.ender shall account to .f'=. �.;� .�--
<br /> .:�. , t. .; if t�Pr�ds he y Pe Y aPP ---
<br /> : �� . Hcutowr.r fc�tto.excess FS�nds in axc�e with the requirements of applicabTe taw. If the amount of the Funds held 6y �:. , . € -�_-
<br /> � � ' �� � Lender•aE�amk�is not suf�cient ro�y the Escrow Items when dne,Lender may so notifj!B�rrower in writing,and,in . • • ��� " '�
<br /> -``' ' such Cas�Barnavrer shall a to Lender:tDe amount rtecessary to make u the defecien Bo�rower shall matce u the .,, . ; . �-:_
<br /> � �Y P �S'• p �.'•
<br /> ',; ` . j : defi c i e�u y�iti cva more than tweIve monthI p pa y ments.az Lender'�sote discretIon. ��:_
<br /> ; �t;. . . :;; � iJpQSa payzne�in full of all awns sec�red by this Security�s�ument,Lender shall.pmmpdy refund on Boirawer any ` ��.
<br /> _ '' "�� �a t�etd by��LeAder. If.under paragcap�2I.Lender shal[acqtame ar se11 thc Pmperty.Lendec prior to the�quisidon or ..��. -r . .• ;-�
<br /> _ti:.•" .. �;^.a:,.�; ,,:�'t,,s�,-�
<br /> �� . sate o€�th��P�erty.shall apply any Funds held by Lcnder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums +: ,S
<br /> `'�. , .i �� ;� secw�dF�ydds Security Insaumen� 1 <-
<br /> :; �. ! . � � 3: App�at�on of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,alt pay�ttenta received by Lender under 1 . ,'`,. , �`
<br /> i . i: _.... para�a�ls.�.t er.d 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due urtder the Note:second.to amounts payabla under � �`•�.•,.�;,�:�=
<br /> - .j, . .., .,..,.�; .�;.,s,.,. . _
<br /> . �t n x;�z d,t o i n t e r e s t d u e;f o u r t h,t o p ri n c i p a l d u e:an d l a s t,m a n y l az e c h a r g e s d u a u n d e t t h e N o t e. �. j���.,�
<br /> � -� .,� �:�:;. ' ` t �'�� :
<br /> _�'�, �. Ctl�.�;Ltens. Bomower shall pay all taxes.assessctterss,charges.fines and impasirions attributuble to the , -.�.;��.
<br /> �� ,.�, �:��,,::;:
<br /> ,. P�+n�erty wtt�'.ch may attain priority over sDvs Securiry Ins p vment,az t d l e a s e h o l d p ay m e n t s o r gro u n d re n t s,i f a ny. B o r ro w e r �I �;,.}..,..�
<br /> � ; � }. , sha114ray.t�+o6ligations ia c�e manner pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mcutrter.Botrower shall.pay them on �; � .:�;4'<- '
<br /> ; •;:'�'•. .ti�;... ;::
<br /> - ;> tttae.di�pxl�•ro the person oaed paymeat. Borro�ver shall pmmptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �� �:�;� •
<br /> �:.:+ s,. -� • ;' Uus pasa�t�lr. If Borrowet makes these payments directiy.Borrower shall promptly fumish ro Lender receipts evidenciag ; ' �';'�''.�'��1.;
<br /> :�1�«,..:_ �
<br /> � � tY:�pay�rstitg. , ,��;�;:�;.,� ..
<br /> ' � �� '. # Honmr�-ea shall promptly discharge assy Iien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower:(a)agrees ;: :Y',���x :
<br />- • '. {' irr�,ri to the a ent of the obli tioa secured b the{ien in a manner acce tabla to Lender,lb)contests in oad faith the '�''�" ' �
<br /> ° � P 3'm 8a Y P g . ;�i:��`.
<br /> � �� li�by.a*delends against enforcement of the lien irr.tegal proteedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to pievent the �� ;'�'t�•"'� �
<br />��;, � �,'�.` '� ent'o:�oemr.�of We lien;or(c1 secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender su6ordinating the lien ;, ?�y�•�� ,
<br /> ;:;,� �I' '�;,,�, j` �. a`�'•;�.'. ' .
<br /> • to th%�Securiry Instrumenc. ff l.ender de�rmines that a�y part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain paority =�� •
<br /> .�; . .: ��•e•.<:
<br />_�•',� t::. �.. °. f� �. : over ticfs�Seauity Insuvmen�Lendcr may give Borrower a notice iderttifying the lien. Bomower shall satisfy the lien or take ��_ . -:z�c��sc�. :z
<br /> �� � •��: : • ' .. �•��"'' one oT m�1�of the actioas set fozte�above within 10 da s of the vu� af notice. ' �?4�c=°:�.";' � �
<br /> -. .. Y & usU i: �,�,; ;. .
<br /> Y4'ti.. �. .'.
<br /> ;t•. ��;::•� � • x`�� ��'��i 5.�. He�rd or Pro�ty imsuraace. Borrowe�shall keep the impmvementa now existing or hereafter erected on the ���;: : � �`�
<br /> '• Pltipert��insur.°d against toss by fire,hazards included Rie.hin the tem�"eatended caverage"and any other harards.including � ".;�� ' -
<br /> '��'; ,'y., :. . I' �, �� . .�Y;
<br /> , ,: .. �, tl�ads•o��Ra�oding.for wiscch Lender requires insuraace_ This insurance sha11 be mutntained in the amounts and for the. ,: ':�,st`•
<br />_11;� `fE;' _ � �,;
<br />=:;; � " ; ' , 90 Ipa8e2aj6PTSrs� � I t"'!'�� , ''v�'�'..
<br /> .��.� i }` ` Form3�8 9! r .�;�;; '�` ,,
<br /> :; .,i,., .�
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