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i 4 .�� �� . . `�+ \�^ �... . . r" 1:,�y,_���;,,,.��.._ . . ,�,' _ <br /> - �3 — � r r � �t - - -._..,y h.. •- , ri <br /> �<, <br /> � <br /> ... . <br /> ___._' <br /> ,� . . <br /> , : .. _ . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> �` � .�.,'n�� � J" ,.iG � � WiWt �kF.�l�it�-- .. R' �_c�L�Ct <br /> .. � _�` S" _ <br /> � <br /> � ' "" _' _' "_ .x ' � : <br />_ "' _ _ ' .._. <br /> '.� . �- . �: • . . �� .-. - . �. . <br /> " <br /> . . . �.:.� <br /> ..� . -. � .^n- . . �. . .. �..i � w:•� . _ . <br /> . y�,_ <br /> - . .�'.' . . " " .�' '' _ . _ <br /> � ' "' _ -- _" ' - W�-�� . ._._r.. — ' --- <br /> '_ . " _ .- ` "__.�� __" <br /> 4�_ <br /> _- :G°: ,�.� n�`,��,.Y� ` . . �lGNlAEMTOFiiENT6Rt0ER , ��e�`��� ( . -- <br /> . ,�' �'. �: . :� „ . �----- <br /> _ `��. , <,� *',,s . .THtB A331GNMENTOF RENTS FiEOER is mada end exacuted titte 2� Qay of _���.48 93 -�nd[s �^-� <br /> ```� b`� � � ,'��" • tncorpc�etctltntoartdeAsllhedfletnedMamendandsuppt�menttAeMortgaQeo�baedofl'rust.harelnaftortetenedtoastt�o ��?�°"--6 <br /> , '� � � �� ``-c.�� __�"�!LlFIlY!tlati��l�M'-•�Ot_ttia.�t�ta�tB o[4B!!Qy�-�1l�Pi,91g!!$Q�.!!°�°�lQ.°,�28t-1E�33[8t!-l489-t�_"�4R4IN8t"�tn,BSCi![9. _ _—�+a� � _ <br /> �����'��`�,I ��. �8efrtoWepa tnde�tednesa..�srel�Sfter reteRad to es the"Note",to NOME FEOEqAL SAVt�t�S AND LOAN ASSOCiATtON OF ��'`�,k��.= =- <br /> �.4� Y°`� ��;�` � • pRAND ISLi1N0�(i@181R$�RQ�r818R@d t0 88 M9"lende�',of tha sarrtedate and CovetUg ttiA proAetty descHDad tn the Secudtyt fy:. � =�___. <br /> ', ��"�Y "� `; �• '" taatrument and tacated a� , , � ���"'`'::-� - - <br /> •i t .�s. �Vc. • . . �� F ..�'�'3`�`..,.�..w.- <br /> � ' � � 432i CLAUSSBN RD.. GRANA ISLANA, NE. 68803 �� ' ` �� °_ <br /> ' ,` r� �, ��,�' (PropBrtyAQdtcsss) ��:•-' �.;� �_ <br /> _ -. _'=-�-a_�c . WRNESSETH: . --.�.--='��=7r�=== <br /> , ; i }\. . : - <br /> ?` � '� ` WHERFJiS�BOtrotNet end Lenderhave egreed tAet any rents and protlts attdbutabte to the property shontd ccr�st(tute "� ��";: i z;. <br /> _- � �-R:• - �",�;`.;`' additiortat seCUtity to the tender tor ths payment ot tha Note; .:.:: - �'' <br /> _ . i .,4,�4.:; - �.� �ti. '.�`'.-; _ � � � <br /> . - - • fs agreed that the Secu►ity Instrument shatl be amended hereby end deemed to Uclude Me tottowtng � •�- . . � �: ` <br /> �:5'.. �c°,= provtstons: . - �`_ <br />=� .: . �<: '�=>. _. '� <br /> 1 � ' • � 1. Asslpnment nf Rents and Lender_Renial Collectton Ftiohte.Borrower heriBby sbsotutely and unconditlonaily asstgn8 al1 ..,�s•z>'�°;•�:;��� .�� <br /> . Y ' ��•- � -`~'.`"': rents, tssues and profits ot the property to Beneficlary. Lender shail have the�ight. Power and avtho�ity dudng the -:`;:F'."."`��`t� `, �r:'. <br /> t,.;.._�� ==��-�"�'=:::� conUnu�ttce o�the Securiry Instrument ta co�lee�t llte rents.tssues atid pro}Its of tAe Rropedy and�of any pe►sonai'Properiy — - --- :=°.'�:-. -�-`�,: <br />- t�� • °�= �>> �'��� tocated thareon wtth or without takinp passession o!tAe property affected Aereby.Lertder,however,hereby cansents to. �,�.`_��., ��';{;�=�-:=:--- <br /> . . , �,.t� �.- , <br /> - '`-�`"�-��`�`� � ';:���� Botrower's coltectton and reten4lon of sucA rents,Issues end profits as tAey 8ccrue and beCOme p8yabl@.SO tortg as Borrowar -`_�Y�s��;`:;,'�.�,; <br /> `�- ° °"�' (s not,at such time,in detault with respect to payrtFent of any irtdeDtedness secured hereby,or in tDe pe�tormartce of aoy ` .'`` •• s-`�;�F-.�'� <br /> : . ::j>,' ' ' ' _ ,. <br /> U. ' - ' ^ ,��,C ;Vi'.. , {;. 7. <br /> i<��-: -,.�` � '���3� agreement hereunder. �... ' . ``. ��.. <br />- c..:.',: a._ j�.._..�`T..- :;.i�Y^;, t.�.. <br /> � �' � '` - ���`���'' 2 A000intrnent of Recetver.If any event of detault In�espect to the Security Ins4rument sAall have occurred and be �� <br /> . ..a,f.f. ...'.-8�c...�;`_., ._ <br /> r' � � ���``-.T'' conti�uing, a matter of�fght and witQout noUce to Bonower or anyone ctaiming under Borrower.and►vi4ROUt - � - �: F��=- <br /> - '�-��- �-- -- �=;s;��� - =��< �- <br /> � J � ' =:��3�:��• regard to tRe vatue of the trust estate or tAe interest of the Borrower thereln,shall have the rtgAt to appty to any court havtng .�:-�':�=�� <br /> � ��''� ����'����`' �unsdiction to appotnt a receiver of tAe property. �'?Y�x"�� = <br /> - �.�_...`. "-`�;���:: � �� ......�.:• <br /> �,..:z . ���t••�•:: 3. Riqpito Possesston.ln case of detauit in the Rayment of the said prirtcipal Note o�interest.or any part tAereot,as it �.:,�•.� '` r-.� ,- <br /> ��� ���� � 4. ' - `=".�'�" shail mature.or in the case of tallure to keep or pedonn any of the covenants or agreerttents contained tn the 3ecuriry Inatni- ,� -"` '.�. .,` �.- <br /> �;�,.";��:.;.: � "'�����;� ment,then the Lender,tts successors or assigna,shail tie and Is hereby authorized and empowered to take immedlate �, '�"'_�``' <br /> _ � �, _ _. posaess ton o f t he sa id premtses tnerein descrihed an d to co l tec t t he ren ts t here irom,an d to app ty t he pro c e e ds t hereo f to t h e ` ��; � :: � <br /> � `s�° payment ot Ne Note. <br /> �.v��` <br /> •.;` �'�.�;'�.c,�..._ .. . ,; <br /> :•:•;i •.;��., , . . . � ��° 4. Aouticatton of Rents,lssuea aod Prof ita.All rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied itrst to payment �� `-.°�•���•"���� <br /> � :; �;5J�.v� �_ .��. :�, , ;'�. ot tha casts ot manageihent ot the properiy and coltc�dton o!�ents.includtng,but not Iimtted to.receivee's[ees,premlums on � .�;���♦,;;�;��� <br /> � IiAA.a�i_J..:11�� :.'..�. • � L'••�,, -S'i:f.��� <br /> °= �� , .- recetver'8 Oonds ertd reasonaDle attomey s tees,an�:it�on to t ha sums secur3d Dy the Security Instru�l en der an d t he .�•��:,-:�.,,_, <br /> = t• ti� ���k c. receiver shall be Itabte to account onty fot those re��rs actualty recetved. ° ' ,���'F y <br /> # �` 5. �ons truc t iart o!P r ov is lona E a c h o t t he prov la ions con ta i n e d i n t h i s Ass tgnmen t o f RQra t s R t d e r a n d t A e S e cu r i t y I n s t n t- � � ,t�, G`� � T� <br /> . :<; •:� ,. '1t�;.;,. . . .; F._.�e:-_. ..� la�!_. •t��- <br /> �,<<�,�,. �': _ ,; ment ehalt,untesa o3tRern}lse speciftcaity construad tn accordancs with Kebrska law,and tn the event any ,.> t•,�,. :: _: :.: ,. <br />_ � '� :• � • provlsion herein or tRerotr�conta(ned shaii be detertrtined by a couR ot competent jurisdiction to be urtenforceabte.tAe same . � . '? <br /> � �'' -� � 8ba11 be coostnied as fflaJgh sucA unenforceabte provislon were not a pa�t hereof or thereof. -��:. ':� <br /> ' _ e,'.i': �. .�•. . . . y` _ °- . . <br /> .' , . '. .. 8. ENect ot Rtder.Except as specificaliy modif(ed by or Inconsistent witb thls Assignment of Rents Rtdet or by any other � � ��`"'� � ' ` �,� ° <br />-_'�„� y � : appticabte rE�ef,sU ot the terms and provisluns contalned in the Security Instrument sha continue in full force artd eHecL "�.:,, . , � �� ,,£� <br />_- , f• . � , . � ��. - <br />--� ;� .;,<<�: � � iN W17T[�SS WHEREOF.Borrower has execut:d tfiis Assig e of Rents Rider the date ftrst noted aEove. , . � •, ` . � - <br /> : `}`�,��. ' � � ��:�.� ;. .. �,: <br /> - ;;�Ek'� . ;�' • . J W. KNAPP eorrower a`` ;:5�:,;,,•: '�'�. <br /> : _::: :s.•`'' ::,����1"7�; <br /> �::�F:i ! ?` <br /> :' �c:€:�' . : • <br /> J^a,'�.. . . . N CY S APPeo �;er �� �., ... <br /> �'�� r <br /> . ,:��; • .. . . <br /> � . . STATE OF NEBRASKA) ..�;;:-. .� <br />-��'" � (ss: � <br />- `°,.;'.`:':�.:� '� � COUNTY OF HA�L ) • <br /> ''���` � On thia 2� day�t �T�B� 19 g3 betpI ,th�u�d r gn d. ��y �r�r <br /> Si��'� � .�W ICPIeA� AND N�Y � �AYI' ���BA11�f 7��d and ° � `''':�`�.�• . <br /> i;� � . qualffied for satd county,personatty came • • '. � • . <br /> �,�•., . � .. <br /> . :::' �':i�,; �,• .to be the identical persanfs�whose name(s)ts/are subscribed . . ' <br /> '�'�`� ' �"�•� to the bregoing Instrument,and he/sheFthey acknowledge the executton thereot to he hislP+erRheir votuntary act and deed. • <br /> �;F�: _, .. � <br /> . - � Witness my hand and Notariat Seat at ��� ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> '� � � In sald coun the date aMresaiQ. .. � <br /> ;� • .. <br /> ��� , � '. ��rr� � ka,,,,�r.i, _ . .. . <br /> ;� ow�« ' . <br /> .� . :�.:' . .. <br />° - '• w�E��8ta96 NotBry Pubilc . , <br /> }.- `••�•.��" _ • . • AAy Commisston expires: /7ec. Z`1 a � �G �. <br /> - �.z- , <br />��xt�. ..t����.�,'.�y�= HF�D�RAA - " . � . <br /> °'E�I� �?f ' ,�;:; :� ,. �� . <br /> _--uE�. �,�y�s F;.''•�. . ' . <br /> .y��:�._..;: <br /> �.��. -'y , . <br />__. s;'�!, . • <br />- �ii?y`°a�t.•� a . . <br /><�' ��'� <br /> .,{.i <br />�s' t -`� . <br /> i <br /> -- �` . <br /> ;: .- _ . _ �_.-_:___... <br />-'-�_� <br /> r.� . . <br />_'y-= — ` � ' . <br />