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. � �. s, ', ���- , , , _ ' . _ -- } -- -_ f . !'I ->! _ - ' � <br /> s���.�� _�.9's�' _ z: _� �_. <br />- Li�'..y�_.,_. _..�......_._. ,�.......a.a.__.. "_...-... .. _2 ..r_.-_.....i..,s..>as��.'sn<3 .. 4-' � W1. ... _ <br /> , ��'q� .� �.N"_ <br /> . ' . u�";Gi<. .`—_��_ <br /> . C. .�'.a•'. �pfi.`= <br />- �°`:: • ; 8.�hit�a�pp4oe4letawpro�AdesotMtwtce.iBp�ymsntaraaetwdbyl�ndatundtttl�stdotsudPampreDM 1 end�4kaceolelullQ�e{�6�clENlander '},..;�`,?'�G�. �:��':�.° <br />- ,,,„•; : ' .',=`� ` RM tn P�V�t ot a�rtour►b paYiDt�to Lsndu Ey 8orcowa und�r paraprepA 4 Nna}.tlwa t9 int�nst payaLte an Ns No4�.de�n��S pitndGY M ' ;�}�:_`:°" ..`.�.r�'`°x.- <br /> tlfs Not�.,artd tltsn to t�n�t aid pdeotp�oe any tuNus�dKances or otMr[M�Dtednes�s�curM Reroby. . . F = <br /> _ �.. .. _ ,'.F .� ' ' •l' , . � � _ <br /> 't`��a ° <:>:4 e �n�dm�r�k1�Uts PtoDenY���ood roPdt ud al�lt wt cu�dt waate or vermit tmpetrtneat or detedaraUoa o�tM I�roperty. � _�"'_ ` <br /> ,n� . <br /> - - � e --- �i,1-.;. <br /> � � T. It tAp Bomower fdts to:e)maintdn or pay tM promiians ta ths required tnaumnae of tho P�opaty.or bi paY texa�s EOtare QaGnginn�or�Dsy a�N . c`"' :�"A" ., <br /> '`:'`` . 't ., ±°.�• anepunt dus under�pdor mortp�s or twt deed heton da�nqu�nL w d!maintai�the Pirnperty tn pood ropair.o►el pertorm u�y ot tAs cov�nm4a o� � .' ` �� <br />- ,.•. -� . " ' a�nan��ot tfd9 Tcuat Oeed.tR�n L�Mer may atlts vption psy aueh k�uranw prerNums.ta�es.mortQaps or trnst deadpayments.oe mat�np�ire �,°'L�;; ,` ,o` r,��`.` <br /> � ' � �nd t!'isbutes ouaA s�+s ar+d t�es suoA eatlon as it deenu tac�stary to prot�ot its intateat witAout watvinp or eHectinp its Npht to dadaro or deta�At ` _ : t: ` <br /> ,'` , � �•. � and ecaelerate tRs debt macursd MraUy becaus�of eny auch t�it�n of tRe Borrowar. My artwunts so d[cacrsad�v tRe L�endai s1uU con�tituu •� : .� � �`,:.,'t- <br /> . � � • l�ittonal Ind�Otedetaa ot�ortownr aecutad by Wa Ttus[Oeed ad sh�ll beat ioterett hom the date ot Qi�Lureameni st the ate paytbls under M� , -< � � <br /> � I = _. :_�� ,� � Mote. NaMtnp eont�Frr�d t�Wa puepr�h thatt taqui�e t�mter to mak�any�uoA�sEursementa o�teke any action whmoev�r. __ �•:c <br /> v � Y � �� <br /> :;'"�'. - � 8. le�dar mey mele or cause to De made reasonahle enutes upon eid inspeatIon ot Ne Ropony. � ` ` '. <br /> , j•.�� � 9. TAe proceeda of eny awettl or ota6n for damepe�,direot or conneation with any condemnetioo or oth�r 4dJ�p of the Ptoperly. � ` .'y ` `� ` _ <br /> ;�; or paR thereof,or tor eamre�lanne in Ueu of eonQemnat[on,aro hereby essiDned end ehell�o p�d ta londor to tAe extent of ths lUD aneount of Ns � • � <br /> , !�:;:;=: • remairtinp unpffid indeDtndna�secured by thio Twat Qeed. � . - ` . <br /> ::;�';. . . <br /> . �='�f, , _ � If ths Progoety te ebendoned hy Bortowsr,or if.after no8co Dy Lendar m Borrowor tl�at tha aondamnor oHers to mels an awud or aettie s ddm far � " • "� : <br /> - '?�>>��;� damaQes.Boeoeverfm7sto mapond to Len4er within SO daya aiDSr thedate such�atiee is ms7ad.Lendar is author'aed to coUact a�d a�Iy tM procaada � � � • <br /> • �Z:=�:' ' � m t[ee s�s secuced p�thia Tntst Deed. � .. <br /> �:�i: . .. , _ <br /> ��::::`��� Cocadamnation praceeds cr erracda afiall be credited to tha iest m�4udnp intte!lmeMa ot c!s irwtaDUdnssa eecured and et�D aot excerd or pos�on� . � . - <br /> . �_�>y;: 'tlid duo date of th0{teataIIs:eanVe eofsrad to tn pareprapAs t a:xt 4 heroot or eAange tRs am�eunt of saeA(noteltrnente. � <br /> . - - � � � 1Q. ff the Lcnder Issues a perttai roleaes of thla Tast Oeed,the proceede recaived tharefor ehell be oradited to the last memring ir�sm.,'�aa+ts ot tks � . _. ., <br /> • ~ "�`•;;� indaEtedness sscurod hareby. ° <br /> � '. � ��a:�� .. - <br /> . ,a._. <br /> -�;:t_. . <br /> f� �� • 11. If Lender eithet voiu�or inwtunterily becomes e perty to a�y euit or teqat procee�np relatinp to ffie Property,Note or Mi9 Trust Osed,then • ` ` <br /> . ;'�� .^=t' .. ' Bortower wll reimDu►se tha Lsnder tot all coats end,to the extent portnitted by law.mascs+able ettomey fee�ineuneQ bV me��r relerinp to suit ' � , - <br /> •x`� . o►tapel praceedinga end eaid sums eha0 eonstitute additionel indebtedness cecuro�by th:s Truat Deed and beer i�tereat ot the rete payebte under Ma � � � .�i`�� <br /> - . ' Hote,untit peid. •e.-_ <br /> .�v t . ,, ' . - /2. Aa sd�Gtiones eecvttty Borrower doea hereEy assign,tranafer and cet over to Lender,in case ot defeidt in tAe pertamence of any ot the tertna a �,;���;��. ' � <br /> � � � confiitians o�thia tnrnt Qued,the Note,or the terms ot en indabtadnasa secured heraby,atl ot the�ento,revenuea e�d eny irtcoms of any type �° ��-• � <br /> ;� '� ` . Y �.�:.1S/•:- .i�'�'. �' <br /> whetaoever to Qe darned Emm the Property,inctudinp tend contract paymanm. le�er,in person,by apent or by�ece+vmr,vrithout mpard W tM „ _ <br /> � „ sotvency or icfaoivency of t4�e 8ortowet or ths veluo of tho Pmperry,sAeA be entitted to teka poaseesion of.mpair,ront end maneQe the Raperty ena ' _ <br /> `:« i M aoUect tAe re�,rovenve�and income therefrom and it maypay out of seid i�ame ei!e�enaes o!ropeir and castaincurted in mMinp end mena�np '�' `.+�`'; <br /> . , the Propeny end co!leovnp mntde end tor poyment ot Insuranae prmrdumm v�?tt►any romai�dnp Getence m 6s apptiad to tne le�t mehmng pnyme� � . . � ::�- <br /> of the debt ee�ured hemby.Flpon presentinp a copy of tfila Truat Daed e�d�amend to eny teasee,teoent a aontraot puroheser of the Proparty,auch � � • , � s�.�_ <br /> eu <br /> � person ehetl psy a0 ren�,paymante end profite accrued or Mereetter eccndR@ to the Lende�until tunher notice irom Me Lender. E . ... �-� <br /> '. . , - .�.Y.> <br /> 't � � 18. tt dl or aay pert oYtha P7operty or eny interest therein ie deaded,aold Oy land contrase or otherwtae comeyed,etieneted or WrMer enurtr�erad . ' ' <br /> j,;;; <br /> � - � aMer votuntardy o►invoiuntari[y without LenQer'e prior written eonaent,o�tf the T�ustor is e aoryoretion end thero ie e cAenpe in ow rst�lp of 5096 � � � �i,�'•t a <br /> � ur moro ot t4�a coryoration s awek,or if ths Trustor is�para�enNp�nd then ie s char�,a in the membsrship or a dissWudon of the pe�tr�erohip. � . : :;� :i' <br /> � � eucfud'u�(ef a uanafet by oporeUan of lew upon ths deetA of e joint tan�nt o�(b�tha Qrent of any leeaehofd fntereat not conuinin@ ea optlat�to •_ �_ ��� ;. <br /> �;`., <br /> � ; ' pu[ehasa with s leses urtn ot two y�an or less,or(o)tAe eroation of the purohase money saaudty intareat in household ayptianees,thar+�mder may. ••• y��- <br /> ,�:., ;.'.� :F <br /> ' . et its oytian dodere ail suma oacurod Dy tNe Truat Deed to be immadtetety due and pnyabte. le tfie overt the Leader aan�erAs to enV ecfcfl cAartpe i `:'�.�, . ,•� <br /> irt ownersh�,conttol or diasolutton or transtat of e0 or sny pert of the Property,then Lender may at ite option edjust tAa inwast�ate tu t�a praveilinp -��7;'��:`..:• : .:r•,, <br /> . � te!e of iniereat that ta charQed on new eeauted loans of Hte typo sacu�ed by ihis Ttuat Qeed et tha tima ot the chango in ouer+ass�,convnt,disaolutlan � .�� ` -> <br /> 04 tranefor end may oAarQe e ttanafer fea. � � ' . • - t ` <br /> '• f � ��' :- <br /> 14.Upan Bortowere bteach ot any covenant or epreement ot Borrower in U:rs?ruat Oead,incfuding tha aovananta to pay when daa enys,�nasecured � <br /> + Dy thls 7rust Oaed,Lender at ite opdon may dociare ell ot the sums aerJwd�y thie Truat Qeed to be immediataly due and peyabts wix�nout further I ' . �.,Y <br /> r , , QemaM end may invoSce Mo power ot eale andlor any other remediea pem�it!ad by eppliaebta�ew inctudieg the right to torectose tNa Trust Oeed in ( �l ° <br /> ' the menner provtded hy lew for tho foracloouro ot mortgepoa on raal eatato. Landor shall ba entiUad to aolteot all reasonabJe coste end exponsea ��`�- <br /> y. . • incurred in pursuin�suoh ramodiea�ncludinp,but�ct timitod to,and to tM extent pemri�rad by lew,reasona0le attomoV feea. � ` � <br /> i � - <br /> If the power of seta ie invokeQ,T�ustce sAell racora a rtotice ot detautt in each county in whioA tAe Propony or eome part thereof ia toceted and proviQo I . <br /> notica theroo!fn the manner presariDed Dy eppticable law. Aftat tha lapso of euoh time es may De reQuirod by eppticabla law,Trustee ehai�yive public � � •• - <br /> notice ot aela to the pereone end lo the manne�presori0od by eppticebie tew. Trustee,ot the attomay tot the Uustee,without damar�on 6orrower, '`�'�� <br /> ' sha118eI1 the Property et pu6lia auotion to the higheat 6tdder at the tlma and ptece and under the terma doaignete0 in the notice of eate in ona or more � � �•�;��"+ ' , <br /> � peraeta end in sueh ordet ae Ttuatee may determine. Truatee mey postDorte eelo of all or any patcel ot tAe Proporty Ay pubiia ennouecement ot tAe ` • <br /> Ume and ptece af eny previcusty schadutod ealo. lendor or lendor's designe9 m6y purCAeae the property ai any sala. ! � <br /> i <br /> Upon receipt ot peyment of the price bid,Truotoe aheil deliver to the purchaeer e Truetoe'e Deed,without werrenty,conveyinp the Propeny sof0. TAe j ' ' .� <br /> , racitd9 in the Truatee'9 Oeed ehell bo ptima tacie oviQence of tMe ttuth of tho statemente mede therein. Trustee shail supply the proeaeda of the e�e : � � <br /> in the foUcwing order: e)to ail�easono�le coste and expenaee of the eata,inctuding,but not limited to,Trustea's teee ol oot more then Five Hundrod � <br /> , � : • and No/100(9500.00)plus 112 of 196 of the emount aecured hereby end remaining nnpeid,end costa of t�tle evidence;bf to ell suma saaured hy tNa j � <br /> Tntat Oeed;end o)the excea9,it eny,to the porson o�pereona Iepeily entitlad thereto. i ' • <br /> , � . .�. <br /> 18. Arty fore0earance by landor io exercisl�g eny rip�t or remaQy hereun0o�,or othorwse ettordad by epplicebta lew,eAe11 not be e weivet of or i ' <br /> . .,� proclude the eusrcise ot eny euob dpfit or remndy in the evont ot ConUnu�+Q ot tuture broacAes by tho 8otrower. � <br /> ` ' 18.�All�mediae provldad in Wa Ttust Dead ate dlsUnot ena eumuta8ve to eny otAer right or ramedy undor thia T�ust Oaad or aftordad Ay(aw or aqufty. 4 . <br /> ' � . erbr.isybeexercisadconcurrontty,indepandenUyoreuccvssivatY.lf6arrowerhesgivenlenderechattelmonpage,orsecurityepreementonpereonel � � ' <br /> OroDeKY 89 edditionel secttdty for the dabt secured harabt�,in tha avent of dafauit heraunder or thereunder,Lender shail lsave the rtpht end optlon to ' <br /> '� 41r9t foreClose on sald personel proporty without prejudice!o ae ripht to thereaiter aell or toreclose the Property or ta pu��e at!secudty at tho sama • � <br /> '� time ot to pursuo tha peteonet property aRer the ee�a or faraciosuro ot the Property. . • . <br /> �a. <br /> ;+, .. <br /> . ;�.'' " _ tt. tt�an�a�re:ent of ell8ume aecured Ey aNa Tntst OeeQ.lendor ehsU reGuest Truatee to reaonvey ths Rroperty and eNaA surtvrtQor tfia truet OaeO <br /> ead o7 nataa aavdoncinp indobtedness seearad by thi9 Trt�et Cead to trus�e. Truatee ehetl reeonvey thv Propoety w;thout wartartty to d►e peraon or <br /> Y,.�,,'.�.`:�.�,;"������t,;��-. p�sc:ct Oe�aiqr aMlUed ffieratn. Suofi person or peraons chei poy aU cas�u ot any. , _ <br /> i ;,�?:;;:�': _ : ::..� . . <br /> _ �•v�:�• �=•�•;.'ti.; /8. ta�sdsr,et Lendere ap@an,mey from tlme to time roraave Truatae end appoint a sucaessor ttuatee to eny Truatoe eppointad hem�cnder Dy m „ <br /> ':s ;��;,; '• •�;;,�,.. ' irts�rmneeri raeordad in the Caunry In wNob thls T►uat Oaad ia roeordad. Wlthout oonveyance of the Propeity.tha sueeassor troatae sh�l sueeee0 to <br /> ` t� j ��`' � eD titiv parra m�d dudee confortad upon the Tnistee herain end by eppllcabte few. <br /> �. > .` `y.z,'s'- <br /> �'�� '� • � � 18.6�eept4a�arrynoU�es.demende,reQuestaorothercommuNcadone�eQuicadunderappticebletewtobepivenlnenothermannw.�vAerteverteMe►. ' <br /> �' � �;�:;�� � ' Bonower o►Tneatee pfve�o�eerves eny oodcs Unctud)�,without Hmitation.noUee of defeutt and notice ot eate),demarda.reQums or otAer i � <br />- , • e�Na�tton with re�eet to this Truat Oeed.eseA su�h noUce,demand,roqueat or other eammunication shdt be In wridnp aM shdl be otteoSve <br /> '�;�°'. o�ty if tM eane is delivared by peroonal sorvice ar msilad by certiAed meU,posteae prepaid,rotum roceipt ropueated,eddressed to the eddros�as eet <br /> . :'��..� _ . toiM at tlis 6apinnin�of ths T�ust Cead. A eopy ot eny noUoe of deleutL any nodoe ot eeto,requlra0 or partnitta0 to be ptven Mreunde�.el�1 De <br /> . m�ibd to eieh penon who Is e perty herem et the edQrees set toreh at the beynNnp of thi9 T�ust Oaed. Any peny may et arry time ehenps its�ddmse <br /> • for woA ttotJoes by delivednp ot meiUnp to the other perUss hereto,aa etoresetd.��oUee ot sueh ohenpe. Any noUee herou�et slu{I be deem�d m <br />= � � Mr�to D�en piven to Borrower o�Lendar,when yiwn In the menner desipnatad heroto. <br />- # � 10?h�eovenmtsandapre�nernaMrotncor�tatnedsh�I�tnd,erMthedgfitoherou�Qer4Aa11inaretotAoretpeativehelre.representeUvea.suecesooro � <br /> !�' ,• �"•',�• • • � r ud�ai�of tl�s p�rNts. All covenants eM a�reements of the Borrower sluU be�o1nt and several. Whenever rotwoaos is mads to the ainp�dnt <br /> ' sh�p Inctude tha pturd aM tAs pfurd eAell irtchtds the�inp�dar. <br /> =--:��,�—___�-�-- . . ..-. - - - <br /> • �{ '�',. � . <br /> ...•. • • , <br /> ., . <br /> + , . .. � <br /> . ., <br /> ,� ... � _ <br />